Maarten Bosmans 6cb104a67a Add .dll to gstreamersharpglue DllImport
Nescessary for .NET compatibility, where .dll isn't
added for libraries with a . in the filename.
2009-05-25 12:12:35 +02:00

12 lines
480 B

[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
static extern void gstsharp_gst_index_factory_set_plugin (IntPtr factory, IntPtr plugin);
public static bool Register (Gst.Plugin plugin, string name, string longdesc, GLib.GType gtype) {
Gst.IndexFactory factory = new Gst.IndexFactory (name, longdesc, gtype);
gstsharp_gst_index_factory_set_plugin (factory.Handle, (plugin != null) ? plugin.Handle : IntPtr.Zero);
Gst.Registry.Default.AddFeature (factory);
return true;