Stefan Sauer 4132d222cb audiovisualizer: sync to change in base and port
Add support for GstVideoMeta and GstVideoFrame. Remove some redundant fields
that are also in GstVideoInfo. Don't disable the shader code, it does not
look broken.
2012-08-17 22:57:10 +02:00

317 lines
9 KiB

/* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) <2011> Stefan Kost <>
* gstsynaescope.c: frequency spectrum scope
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* SECTION:element-synaescope
* @see_also: goom
* Synaescope is an audio visualisation element. It analyzes frequencies and
* out-of phase properties of audio and draws this as clouds of stars.
* <refsect2>
* <title>Example launch line</title>
* |[
* gst-launch audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! synaescope ! ximagesink
* ]|
* </refsect2>
#include "config.h"
#include "gstsynaescope.h"
static GstStaticPadTemplate gst_synae_scope_src_template =
static GstStaticPadTemplate gst_synae_scope_sink_template =
GST_STATIC_CAPS ("audio/x-raw, "
"format = (string) " GST_AUDIO_NE (S16) ", "
"layout = (string) interleaved, "
"rate = (int) [ 8000, 96000 ], "
"channels = (int) 2, " "channel-mask = (bitmask) 0x3")
GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (synae_scope_debug);
#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT synae_scope_debug
static void gst_synae_scope_finalize (GObject * object);
static gboolean gst_synae_scope_setup (GstAudioVisualizer * scope);
static gboolean gst_synae_scope_render (GstAudioVisualizer * scope,
GstBuffer * audio, GstVideoFrame * video);
G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstSynaeScope, gst_synae_scope, GST_TYPE_AUDIO_VISUALIZER);
static void
gst_synae_scope_class_init (GstSynaeScopeClass * g_class)
GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) g_class;
GstElementClass *element_class = (GstElementClass *) g_class;
GstAudioVisualizerClass *scope_class = (GstAudioVisualizerClass *) g_class;
gobject_class->finalize = gst_synae_scope_finalize;
gst_element_class_set_details_simple (element_class, "Synaescope",
"Creates video visualizations of audio input, using stereo and pitch information",
"Stefan Kost <>");
gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class,
gst_static_pad_template_get (&gst_synae_scope_src_template));
gst_element_class_add_pad_template (element_class,
gst_static_pad_template_get (&gst_synae_scope_sink_template));
scope_class->setup = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_synae_scope_setup);
scope_class->render = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_synae_scope_render);
static void
gst_synae_scope_init (GstSynaeScope * scope)
guint32 *colors = scope->colors;
guint *shade = scope->shade;
guint i, r, g, b;
#define BOUND(x) ((x) > 255 ? 255 : (x))
#define PEAKIFY(x) BOUND((x) - (x)*(255-(x))/255/2)
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
r = PEAKIFY ((i & 15 * 16));
g = PEAKIFY ((i & 15) * 16 + (i & 15 * 16) / 4);
b = PEAKIFY ((i & 15) * 16);
colors[i] = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
#undef BOUND
#undef PEAKIFY
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
shade[i] = i * 200 >> 8;
static void
gst_synae_scope_finalize (GObject * object)
GstSynaeScope *scope = GST_SYNAE_SCOPE (object);
if (scope->fft_ctx) {
gst_fft_s16_free (scope->fft_ctx);
scope->fft_ctx = NULL;
if (scope->freq_data_l) {
g_free (scope->freq_data_l);
scope->freq_data_l = NULL;
if (scope->freq_data_r) {
g_free (scope->freq_data_r);
scope->freq_data_r = NULL;
if (scope->adata_l) {
g_free (scope->adata_l);
scope->adata_l = NULL;
if (scope->adata_r) {
g_free (scope->adata_r);
scope->adata_r = NULL;
G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_synae_scope_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static gboolean
gst_synae_scope_setup (GstAudioVisualizer * bscope)
GstSynaeScope *scope = GST_SYNAE_SCOPE (bscope);
guint num_freq = GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&bscope->vinfo) + 1;
if (scope->fft_ctx)
gst_fft_s16_free (scope->fft_ctx);
g_free (scope->freq_data_l);
g_free (scope->freq_data_r);
g_free (scope->adata_l);
g_free (scope->adata_r);
/* FIXME: we could have horizontal or vertical layout */
/* we'd need this amount of samples per render() call */
bscope->req_spf = num_freq * 2 - 2;
scope->fft_ctx = gst_fft_s16_new (bscope->req_spf, FALSE);
scope->freq_data_l = g_new (GstFFTS16Complex, num_freq);
scope->freq_data_r = g_new (GstFFTS16Complex, num_freq);
scope->adata_l = g_new (gint16, bscope->req_spf);
scope->adata_r = g_new (gint16, bscope->req_spf);
return TRUE;
static inline void
add_pixel (guint32 * _p, guint32 _c)
guint8 *p = (guint8 *) _p;
guint8 *c = (guint8 *) & _c;
if (p[0] < 255 - c[0])
p[0] += c[0];
p[0] = 255;
if (p[1] < 255 - c[1])
p[1] += c[1];
p[1] = 255;
if (p[2] < 255 - c[2])
p[2] += c[2];
p[2] = 255;
if (p[3] < 255 - c[3])
p[3] += c[3];
p[3] = 255;
static gboolean
gst_synae_scope_render (GstAudioVisualizer * bscope, GstBuffer * audio,
GstVideoFrame * video)
GstSynaeScope *scope = GST_SYNAE_SCOPE (bscope);
GstMapInfo amap;
guint32 *vdata;
gint16 *adata;
gint16 *adata_l = scope->adata_l;
gint16 *adata_r = scope->adata_r;
GstFFTS16Complex *fdata_l = scope->freq_data_l;
GstFFTS16Complex *fdata_r = scope->freq_data_r;
gint x, y;
guint off;
guint w = GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&bscope->vinfo);
guint h = GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&bscope->vinfo);
guint32 *colors = scope->colors, c;
guint *shade = scope->shade;
//guint w2 = w /2;
guint ch = GST_AUDIO_INFO_CHANNELS (&bscope->ainfo);
guint num_samples;
gint i, j, b;
gint br, br1, br2;
gint clarity;
gdouble fc, r, l, rr, ll;
gdouble frl, fil, frr, fir;
const guint sl = 30;
gst_buffer_map (audio, &amap, GST_MAP_READ);
vdata = (guint32 *) GST_VIDEO_FRAME_PLANE_DATA (video, 0);
adata = (gint16 *);
num_samples = amap.size / (ch * sizeof (gint16));
/* deinterleave */
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
adata_l[i] = adata[j++];
adata_r[i] = adata[j++];
/* run fft */
/*gst_fft_s16_window (scope->fft_ctx, adata_l, GST_FFT_WINDOW_HAMMING); */
gst_fft_s16_fft (scope->fft_ctx, adata_l, fdata_l);
/*gst_fft_s16_window (scope->fft_ctx, adata_r, GST_FFT_WINDOW_HAMMING); */
gst_fft_s16_fft (scope->fft_ctx, adata_r, fdata_r);
/* draw stars */
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
b = h - y;
frl = (gdouble) fdata_l[b].r;
fil = (gdouble) fdata_l[b].i;
frr = (gdouble) fdata_r[b].r;
fir = (gdouble) fdata_r[b].i;
ll = (frl + fil) * (frl + fil) + (frr - fir) * (frr - fir);
l = sqrt (ll);
rr = (frl - fil) * (frl - fil) + (frr + fir) * (frr + fir);
r = sqrt (rr);
/* out-of-phase'ness for this frequency component */
clarity = (gint) (
((frl + fil) * (frl - fil) + (frr + fir) * (frr - fir)) /
(ll + rr) * 256);
fc = r + l;
x = (guint) (r * w / fc);
/* the brighness scaling factor was picked by experimenting */
br = b * fc * 0.01;
br1 = br * (clarity + 128) >> 8;
br2 = br * (128 - clarity) >> 8;
br1 = CLAMP (br1, 0, 255);
br2 = CLAMP (br2, 0, 255);
GST_DEBUG ("y %3d fc %10.6f clarity %d br %d br1 %d br2 %d", y, fc, clarity,
br, br1, br2);
/* draw a star */
off = (y * w) + x;
c = colors[(br1 >> 4) | (br2 & 0xf0)];
add_pixel (&vdata[off], c);
if ((x > (sl - 1)) && (x < (w - sl)) && (y > (sl - 1)) && (y < (h - sl))) {
for (i = 1; br1 || br2; i++, br1 = shade[br1], br2 = shade[br2]) {
c = colors[(br1 >> 4) + (br2 & 0xf0)];
add_pixel (&vdata[off - i], c);
add_pixel (&vdata[off + i], c);
add_pixel (&vdata[off - i * w], c);
add_pixel (&vdata[off + i * w], c);
} else {
for (i = 1; br1 || br2; i++, br1 = shade[br1], br2 = shade[br2]) {
c = colors[(br1 >> 4) | (br2 & 0xf0)];
if (x - i > 0)
add_pixel (&vdata[off - i], c);
if (x + i < (w - 1))
add_pixel (&vdata[off + i], c);
if (y - i > 0)
add_pixel (&vdata[off - i * w], c);
if (y + i < (h - 1))
add_pixel (&vdata[off + i * w], c);
gst_buffer_unmap (audio, &amap);
return TRUE;
gst_synae_scope_plugin_init (GstPlugin * plugin)
GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (synae_scope_debug, "synaescope", 0, "synaescope");
return gst_element_register (plugin, "synaescope", GST_RANK_NONE,