Tim-Philipp Müller 0aa584917a structure: add mapping for (uint) to allow deserialisation of unsigned integers
Unsigned ints are used in taglists, would be nice to be able to
deserialise them, esp. in connection with the taginject API.
2010-03-23 19:23:22 +00:00

627 lines
20 KiB

/* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) <2005> Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
* gststructure.c: Unit tests for GstStructure
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <gst/gststructure.h>
#include <gst/check/gstcheck.h>
GST_START_TEST (test_from_string_int)
const char *strings[] = {
"video/x-raw-rgb, width = (int) 123456",
"video/x-raw-rgb, stride = (int) -123456",
"video/x-raw-rgb, red_mask = (int) 0xFFFF",
"video/x-raw-rgb, red_mask = (int) 0x0000FFFF",
"video/x-raw-rgb, red_mask = (int) 0x7FFFFFFF",
"video/x-raw-rgb, red_mask = (int) 0x80000000",
"video/x-raw-rgb, red_mask = (int) 0xFF000000",
/* result from
* gst-launch ... ! "video/x-raw-rgb, red_mask=(int)0xFF000000" ! ... */
"video/x-raw-rgb,\\ red_mask=(int)0xFF000000",
gint results[] = {
(gint) 0x80000000,
(gint) 0xFF000000,
(gint) 0xFF000000,
GstStructure *structure;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (strings); ++i) {
const char *s;
const gchar *name;
gint value;
s = strings[i];
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
name = gst_structure_nth_field_name (structure, 0);
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_int (structure, name, &value));
fail_unless (value == results[i],
"Value %d is not the expected result %d for string %s",
value, results[i], s);
/* cleanup */
gst_structure_free (structure);
GST_START_TEST (test_from_string_uint)
const char *strings[] = {
"taglist, bar = (uint) 123456",
"taglist, bar = (uint) 0xFFFF",
"taglist, bar = (uint) 0x0000FFFF",
"taglist, bar = (uint) 0x7FFFFFFF",
"taglist, bar = (uint) 0x80000000",
"taglist, bar = (uint) 0xFF000000"
guint results[] = {
GstStructure *structure;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (strings); ++i) {
const char *s;
const gchar *name;
guint value;
s = strings[i];
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
name = gst_structure_nth_field_name (structure, 0);
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_uint (structure, name, &value));
fail_unless (value == results[i],
"Value %u is not the expected result %u for string %s",
value, results[i], s);
/* cleanup */
gst_structure_free (structure);
/* Test type conversions from string */
GST_START_TEST (test_from_string)
GstStructure *structure;
const gchar *s;
const GValue *val;
s = "test-string,value=1";
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
fail_unless ((val = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "value")) != NULL);
fail_unless (G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT (val));
gst_structure_free (structure);
s = "test-string,value=1.0";
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
fail_unless ((val = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "value")) != NULL);
fail_unless (G_VALUE_HOLDS_DOUBLE (val));
gst_structure_free (structure);
s = "test-string,value=1/1";
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
fail_unless ((val = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "value")) != NULL);
fail_unless (GST_VALUE_HOLDS_FRACTION (val));
gst_structure_free (structure);
s = "test-string,value=bar";
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
fail_unless ((val = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "value")) != NULL);
fail_unless (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (val));
gst_structure_free (structure);
s = "test-string,value=true";
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
fail_unless ((val = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "value")) != NULL);
fail_unless (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN (val));
fail_unless_equals_int (g_value_get_boolean (val), TRUE);
gst_structure_free (structure);
/* This should still work for now (FIXME: 0.11) */
s = "0.10:decoder-video/mpeg, abc=(boolean)false";
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
gst_structure_free (structure);
/* make sure we bail out correctly in case of an error or if parsing fails */
s = "***foo***, abc=(boolean)false";
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_unless (structure == NULL);
/* assert that we get a warning if the structure wasn't entirely consumed, but
* we didn't provide an end pointer */
s = "foo/bar; other random data";
ASSERT_WARNING (structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL));
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
gst_structure_free (structure);
GST_START_TEST (test_to_string)
GstStructure *st1;
ASSERT_CRITICAL (st1 = gst_structure_new ("Foo\nwith-newline", NULL));
fail_unless (st1 == NULL);
/* FIXME 0.11: re-enable this */
#if 0
ASSERT_CRITICAL (st1 = gst_structure_new ("Foo with whitespace", NULL));
fail_unless (st1 == NULL);
ASSERT_CRITICAL (st1 = gst_structure_new ("1st", NULL));
fail_unless (st1 == NULL);
st1 = gst_structure_new ("Foo with whitespace is still allowed", NULL);
fail_unless (st1 != NULL);
gst_structure_free (st1);
/* structure names starting with a number are also still allowed */
st1 = gst_structure_new ("1st", NULL);
fail_unless (st1 != NULL);
gst_structure_free (st1);
GST_START_TEST (test_to_from_string)
GstCaps *caps1, *caps2;
GstStructure *st1, *st2;
gchar *str, *res1, *res2;
/* test escaping/unescaping */
st1 = gst_structure_new ("FooBar-123/0_1", "num", G_TYPE_INT, 9173,
"string", G_TYPE_STRING, "Something Like Face/Off", NULL);
str = gst_structure_to_string (st1);
st2 = gst_structure_from_string (str, NULL);
g_free (str);
fail_unless (st2 != NULL);
/* need to put stuctures into caps to compare */
caps1 = gst_caps_new_empty ();
gst_caps_append_structure (caps1, st1);
caps2 = gst_caps_new_empty ();
gst_caps_append_structure (caps2, st2);
res1 = gst_caps_to_string (caps1);
res2 = gst_caps_to_string (caps2);
fail_unless (gst_caps_is_equal (caps1, caps2),
"Structures did not match:\n\tStructure 1: %s\n\tStructure 2: %s\n",
res1, res2);
gst_caps_unref (caps1);
gst_caps_unref (caps2);
g_free (res1);
g_free (res2);
GST_START_TEST (test_complete_structure)
GstStructure *structure;
const gchar *s;
s = "GstEventSeek, rate=(double)1, format=(GstFormat)GST_FORMAT_TIME, flags=(GstSeekFlags)GST_SEEK_FLAGS_NONE, cur_type=(GstSeekType)GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET, cur=(gint64)1000000000, stop_type=(GstSeekType)GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE, stop=(gint64)0";
structure = gst_structure_from_string (s, NULL);
fail_if (structure == NULL, "Could not get structure from string %s", s);
/* FIXME: TODO: add checks for correct serialization of members ? */
gst_structure_free (structure);
GST_START_TEST (test_string_properties)
GstCaps *caps1, *caps2;
GstStructure *st1, *st2;
gchar *str, *res1, *res2;
/* test escaping/unescaping */
st1 = gst_structure_new ("RandomStructure", "prop1", G_TYPE_STRING, "foo",
"prop2", G_TYPE_STRING, "", "prop3", G_TYPE_STRING, NULL,
"prop4", G_TYPE_STRING, "NULL", NULL);
str = gst_structure_to_string (st1);
st2 = gst_structure_from_string (str, NULL);
g_free (str);
fail_unless (st2 != NULL);
/* need to put stuctures into caps to compare */
caps1 = gst_caps_new_empty ();
gst_caps_append_structure (caps1, st1);
caps2 = gst_caps_new_empty ();
gst_caps_append_structure (caps2, st2);
res1 = gst_caps_to_string (caps1);
res2 = gst_caps_to_string (caps2);
fail_unless (gst_caps_is_equal (caps1, caps2),
"Structures did not match:\n\tStructure 1: %s\n\tStructure 2: %s\n",
res1, res2);
gst_caps_unref (caps1);
gst_caps_unref (caps2);
g_free (res1);
g_free (res2);
GST_START_TEST (test_structure_new)
GstStructure *s;
GError *e;
GQuark domain;
gboolean bool;
gint num, den;
GstClockTime clocktime;
guint32 fourcc;
s = gst_structure_new ("name",
"key", G_TYPE_STRING, "value",
"fraction", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 1, 5,
"fourcc", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('f', 'o', 'u', 'r'), NULL);
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_field_type (s, "unknown") == G_TYPE_INVALID);
/* test setting a different name */
gst_structure_set_name (s, "newname");
fail_unless (strcmp (gst_structure_get_string (s, "key"), "value") == 0);
fail_unless (gst_structure_has_field (s, "key"));
fail_unless_equals_int (gst_structure_n_fields (s), 5);
/* test removing a field */
gst_structure_remove_field (s, "key");
fail_if (gst_structure_get_string (s, "key"));
fail_if (gst_structure_has_field (s, "key"));
fail_unless_equals_int (gst_structure_n_fields (s), 4);
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_boolean (s, "bool", &bool));
fail_unless (bool);
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_fraction (s, "fraction", &num, &den));
fail_unless_equals_int (num, 1);
fail_unless_equals_int (den, 5);
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_clock_time (s, "clocktime", &clocktime));
fail_unless_equals_uint64 (clocktime, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_fourcc (s, "fourcc", &fourcc));
gst_structure_free (s);
domain = g_quark_from_static_string ("test");
e = g_error_new (domain, 0, "a test error");
s = gst_structure_new ("name", "key", GST_TYPE_G_ERROR, e, NULL);
g_error_free (e);
gst_structure_free (s);
/* This should still work for now (FIXME 0.11) */
gst_structure_free (gst_structure_new ("0.10:decoder-video/mpeg", NULL));
/* make sure we bail out correctly in case of an error or if parsing fails */
ASSERT_CRITICAL (s = gst_structure_new ("^joo\nba\ndoo^",
fail_unless (s == NULL);
GST_START_TEST (test_fixate)
GstStructure *s;
s = gst_structure_new ("name",
"int", G_TYPE_INT, 5,
"intrange", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 5, 10,
"intrange2", GST_TYPE_INT_RANGE, 5, 10, NULL);
fail_if (gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (s, "int", 5));
fail_unless (gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (s, "intrange", 5));
fail_if (gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (s, "intrange", 5));
fail_unless (gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (s, "intrange2", 15));
fail_if (gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (s, "intrange2", 15));
gst_structure_free (s);
GST_START_TEST (test_fixate_frac_list)
GstStructure *s, *s2;
GValue list = { 0 };
GValue frac = { 0 };
gchar *str;
gint num, denom;
g_value_init (&list, GST_TYPE_LIST);
g_value_init (&frac, GST_TYPE_FRACTION);
gst_value_set_fraction (&frac, 30, 1);
gst_value_list_append_value (&list, &frac);
gst_value_set_fraction (&frac, 15, 1);
gst_value_list_append_value (&list, &frac);
gst_value_set_fraction (&frac, 10, 1);
gst_value_list_append_value (&list, &frac);
s = gst_structure_new ("name", NULL);
gst_structure_set_value (s, "frac", &list);
g_value_unset (&frac);
g_value_unset (&list);
str = gst_structure_to_string (s);
GST_DEBUG ("list %s", str);
g_free (str);
/* take copy */
s2 = gst_structure_copy (s);
/* fixate to the nearest fraction, this should give 15/1 */
fail_unless (gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_fraction (s, "frac", 14, 1));
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_fraction (s, "frac", &num, &denom));
fail_unless (num == 15);
fail_unless (denom == 1);
gst_structure_free (s);
s = s2;
/* fixate to the nearest fraction, this should give 30/1 */
fail_unless (gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_fraction (s, "frac", G_MAXINT,
fail_unless (gst_structure_get_fraction (s, "frac", &num, &denom));
fail_unless (num == 30);
fail_unless (denom == 1);
gst_structure_free (s);
GST_START_TEST (test_structure_nested)
GstStructure *sp, *sc1, *sc2;
gchar *str;
sc1 = gst_structure_new ("Camera",
"XResolution", G_TYPE_INT, 72, "YResolution", G_TYPE_INT, 73, NULL);
fail_unless (sc1 != NULL);
sc2 = gst_structure_new ("Image-Data",
"Orientation", G_TYPE_STRING, "top-left",
"Comment", G_TYPE_STRING, "super photo", NULL);
fail_unless (sc2 != NULL);
sp = gst_structure_new ("Exif", "Camera", GST_TYPE_STRUCTURE, sc1,
"Image Data", GST_TYPE_STRUCTURE, sc2, NULL);
fail_unless (sp != NULL);
fail_unless (gst_structure_n_fields (sp) == 2);
fail_unless (gst_structure_has_field_typed (sp, "Camera",
str = gst_structure_to_string (sp);
fail_unless (str != NULL);
GST_DEBUG ("serialized to '%s'", str);
fail_unless (g_str_equal (str,
", Camera=(structure)\"Camera\\,\\ XResolution\\=\\(int\\)72\\,\\ YResolution\\=\\(int\\)73\\;\""
", Image Data=(structure)\"Image-Data\\,\\ Orientation\\=\\(string\\)top-left\\,\\ Comment\\=\\(string\\)\\\"super\\\\\\ photo\\\"\\;\";"));
g_free (str);
str = NULL;
gst_structure_free (sc1);
gst_structure_free (sc2);
gst_structure_free (sp);
GST_START_TEST (test_structure_nested_from_and_to_string)
GstStructure *s;
const gchar *str1;
gchar *str2, *end = NULL;
str1 = "main"
", main-sub1=(structure)\"type-b\\,\\ machine-type\\=\\(int\\)0\\;\""
", main-sub2=(structure)\"type-a\\,\\ plugin-filename\\=\\(string\\)\\\"/home/user/lib/lib\\\\\\ with\\\\\\ spaces.dll\\\"\\,\\ machine-type\\=\\(int\\)1\\;\""
", main-sub3=(structure)\"type-b\\,\\ plugin-filename\\=\\(string\\)/home/user/lib/\\,\\ machine-type\\=\\(int\\)1\\;\""
s = gst_structure_from_string (str1, &end);
fail_unless (s != NULL);
GST_DEBUG ("not parsed part : %s", end);
fail_unless (*end == '\0');
fail_unless (gst_structure_n_fields (s) == 3);
fail_unless (gst_structure_has_field_typed (s, "main-sub1",
str2 = gst_structure_to_string (s);
fail_unless (str2 != NULL);
fail_unless (g_str_equal (str1, str2));
g_free (str2);
gst_structure_free (s);
GST_START_TEST (test_vararg_getters)
GstStructure *s;
GstBuffer *buf, *buf2;
gboolean ret;
GstCaps *caps, *caps2;
gdouble d;
gint64 i64;
gchar *c;
gint i, num, denom;
buf = gst_buffer_new_and_alloc (3);
GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf)[0] = 0xf0;
GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf)[1] = 0x66;
GST_BUFFER_DATA (buf)[2] = 0x0d;
caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-foo", NULL);
s = gst_structure_new ("test", "int", G_TYPE_INT, 12345678, "string",
G_TYPE_STRING, "Hello World!", "buf", GST_TYPE_BUFFER, buf, "caps",
GST_TYPE_CAPS, caps, "int64", G_TYPE_INT64, G_GINT64_CONSTANT (-99),
"double", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, "frag", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 39, 14,
/* first the plain one */
ret = gst_structure_get (s, "double", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, &d, "string",
G_TYPE_STRING, &c, "caps", GST_TYPE_CAPS, &caps2, "buf",
GST_TYPE_BUFFER, &buf2, "frag", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, &num, &denom, "int",
G_TYPE_INT, &i, "int64", G_TYPE_INT64, &i64, NULL);
fail_unless (ret);
fail_unless_equals_string (c, "Hello World!");
fail_unless_equals_int (i, 12345678);
fail_unless_equals_float (d, G_MAXDOUBLE);
fail_unless_equals_int (num, 39);
fail_unless_equals_int (denom, 14);
fail_unless (i64 == -99);
fail_unless (caps == caps2);
fail_unless (buf == buf2);
/* expected failures */
ASSERT_CRITICAL (gst_structure_get (s, NULL, G_TYPE_INT, &i, NULL));
fail_if (gst_structure_get (s, "int", G_TYPE_INT, &i, "double",
fail_if (gst_structure_get (s, "int", G_TYPE_INT, &i, "dooble",
g_free (c);
c = NULL;
gst_caps_unref (caps2);
caps2 = NULL;
gst_buffer_unref (buf2);
buf2 = NULL;
/* and now the _id variant */
ret = gst_structure_id_get (s, g_quark_from_static_string ("double"),
G_TYPE_DOUBLE, &d, g_quark_from_static_string ("string"), G_TYPE_STRING,
&c, g_quark_from_static_string ("caps"), GST_TYPE_CAPS, &caps2,
g_quark_from_static_string ("buf"), GST_TYPE_BUFFER, &buf2,
g_quark_from_static_string ("int"), G_TYPE_INT, &i,
g_quark_from_static_string ("int64"), G_TYPE_INT64, &i64, NULL);
fail_unless (ret);
fail_unless_equals_string (c, "Hello World!");
fail_unless_equals_int (i, 12345678);
fail_unless_equals_float (d, G_MAXDOUBLE);
fail_unless (i64 == -99);
fail_unless (caps == caps2);
fail_unless (buf == buf2);
/* expected failures */
ASSERT_CRITICAL (gst_structure_get (s, 0, G_TYPE_INT, &i, NULL));
fail_if (gst_structure_id_get (s, g_quark_from_static_string ("int"),
G_TYPE_INT, &i, g_quark_from_static_string ("double"), G_TYPE_FLOAT,
&d, NULL));
fail_if (gst_structure_id_get (s, g_quark_from_static_string ("int"),
G_TYPE_INT, &i, g_quark_from_static_string ("dooble"), G_TYPE_DOUBLE,
&d, NULL));
g_free (c);
gst_caps_unref (caps2);
gst_buffer_unref (buf2);
/* finally make sure NULL as return location is handled gracefully */
ret = gst_structure_get (s, "double", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, NULL, "string",
NULL, NULL, "int64", G_TYPE_INT64, &i64, NULL);
ASSERT_WARNING (gst_structure_get (s, "frag", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, NULL,
&denom, NULL));
ASSERT_WARNING (gst_structure_get (s, "frag", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, &num,
/* clean up */
gst_caps_unref (caps);
gst_buffer_unref (buf);
gst_structure_free (s);
static Suite *
gst_structure_suite (void)
Suite *s = suite_create ("GstStructure");
TCase *tc_chain = tcase_create ("general");
suite_add_tcase (s, tc_chain);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_from_string_int);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_from_string_uint);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_from_string);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_to_string);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_to_from_string);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_string_properties);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_complete_structure);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_structure_new);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_fixate);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_fixate_frac_list);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_structure_nested);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_structure_nested_from_and_to_string);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_vararg_getters);
return s;
GST_CHECK_MAIN (gst_structure);