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# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python; -*-
# GStreamer Development Utilities
# Copyright (C) 2007 René Stadler <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
"""GStreamer Development Utilities Common GUI module."""
import os
import logging
import gi
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import Gdk
from gi.types import GObjectMeta
import GstDebugViewer
from GstDebugViewer.Common import utils
from generictreemodel import GenericTreeModel
def widget_add_popup_menu (widget, menu, button = 3):
def popup_callback (widget, event):
if event.button == button:
menu.popup (None, None, None, event.button, event.get_time ())
return False
widget.connect ("button-press-event", popup_callback)
class Actions (dict):
def __init__ (self):
dict.__init__ (self)
self.groups = {}
def __getattr__ (self, name):
return self[name]
except KeyError:
if "_" in name:
return self[name.replace ("_", "-")]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError ("no action with name %r" % (name,))
def add_group (self, group):
name =
if name in self.groups:
raise ValueError ("already have a group named %s", name)
self.groups[name] = group
for action in group.list_actions ():
self[] = action
class Widgets (dict):
def __init__ (self, builder):
widgets = (obj for obj in builder.get_objects ()
if isinstance(obj, Gtk.Buildable))
# Gtk.Widget.get_name() shadows out the GtkBuildable interface method
# of the same name, hence calling the unbound interface method here:
items = ((Gtk.Buildable.get_name (w), w,) for w in widgets)
dict.__init__ (self, items)
def __getattr__ (self, name):
return self[name]
except KeyError:
if "_" in name:
return self[name.replace ("_", "-")]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError ("no widget with name %r" % (name,))
class WidgetFactory (object):
def __init__ (self, directory): = directory
def get_builder (self, filename):
builder_filename = os.path.join (, filename)
builder = Gtk.Builder ()
builder.set_translation_domain (GstDebugViewer.GETTEXT_DOMAIN)
builder.add_from_file (builder_filename)
return builder
def make (self, filename, widget_name, autoconnect = None):
builder = self.get_builder (filename)
if autoconnect is not None:
builder.connect_signals (autoconnect)
return Widgets (builder)
def make_one (self, filename, widget_name):
builder = self.get_builder (filename)
return builder.get_object (widget_name)
class UIFactory (object):
def __init__ (self, ui_filename, actions = None):
self.filename = ui_filename
if actions:
self.action_groups = actions.groups
self.action_groups = ()
def make (self, extra_actions = None):
ui_manager = Gtk.UIManager ()
for action_group in self.action_groups.values ():
ui_manager.insert_action_group (action_group, 0)
if extra_actions:
for action_group in extra_actions.groups:
ui_manager.insert_action_group (action_group, 0)
ui_manager.add_ui_from_file (self.filename)
ui_manager.ensure_update ()
return ui_manager
class MetaModel (GObjectMeta):
"""Meta class for easy setup of gtk tree models.
Looks for a class attribute named `columns' which must be set to a
sequence of the form name1, type1, name2, type2, ..., where the
names are strings. This metaclass adds the following attributes
to created classes:
cls.column_types = (type1, type2, ...)
cls.column_ids = (0, 1, ...)
cls.name1 = 0
cls.name2 = 1
Example: A Gtk.ListStore derived model can use
columns = ("COL_NAME", str, "COL_VALUE", str)
and use this in __init__:
GObject.GObject.__init__ (self, *self.column_types)
Then insert data like this:
self.set (self.append (),
self.COL_NAME, "spam",
self.COL_VALUE, "ham")
def __init__ (cls, name, bases, dict):
super (MetaModel, cls).__init__ (name, bases, dict)
spec = tuple (cls.columns)
column_names = spec[::2]
column_types = spec[1::2]
column_indices = range (len (column_names))
for col_index, col_name, in zip (column_indices, column_names):
setattr (cls, col_name, col_index)
cls.column_types = column_types
cls.column_ids = tuple (column_indices)
class Manager (object):
"""GUI Manager base class."""
def iter_item_classes (cls):
msg = "%s class does not support manager item class access"
raise NotImplementedError (msg % (cls.__name__,))
def find_item_class (self, **kw):
return self.__find_by_attrs (self.iter_item_classes (), kw)
def iter_items (self):
msg = "%s object does not support manager item access"
raise NotImplementedError (msg % (type (self).__name__,))
def find_item (self, **kw):
return self.__find_by_attrs (self.iter_items (), kw)
def __find_by_attrs (i, kw):
from operator import attrgetter
if len (kw) != 1:
raise ValueError ("need exactly one keyword argument")
attr, value = kw.items ()[0]
getter = attrgetter (attr)
for item in i:
if getter (item) == value:
return item
raise KeyError ("no item such that item.%s == %r" % (attr, value,))
class StateString (object):
"""Descriptor for binding to StateSection classes."""
def __init__ (self, option, default = None):
self.option = option
self.default = default
def __get__ (self, section, section_class = None):
import ConfigParser
if section is None:
return self
return self.get (section)
except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError,
return self.get_default (section)
def __set__ (self, section, value):
import ConfigParser
self.set (section, value)
def get (self, section):
return section.get (self)
def get_default (self, section):
return self.default
def set (self, section, value):
if value is None:
value = ""
section.set (self, str (value))
class StateBool (StateString):
"""Descriptor for binding to StateSection classes."""
def get (self, section):
return section.state._parser.getboolean (section._name, self.option)
class StateInt (StateString):
"""Descriptor for binding to StateSection classes."""
def get (self, section):
return section.state._parser.getint (section._name, self.option)
class StateInt4 (StateString):
"""Descriptor for binding to StateSection classes. This implements storing
a tuple of 4 integers."""
def get (self, section):
value = StateString.get (self, section)
l = value.split (",")
if len (l) != 4:
return None
return tuple ((int (v) for v in l))
except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError,):
return None
def set (self, section, value):
if value is None:
svalue = ""
elif len (value) != 4:
raise ValueError ("value needs to be a 4-sequence, or None")
svalue = ", ".join ((str (v) for v in value))
return StateString.set (self, section, svalue)
class StateItem (StateString):
"""Descriptor for binding to StateSection classes. This implements storing
a class controlled by a Manager class."""
def __init__ (self, option, manager_class, default = None):
StateString.__init__ (self, option, default = default)
self.manager = manager_class
def get (self, section):
value = SectionString.get (self, section)
if not value:
return None
return self.parse_item (value)
def set (self, section, value):
if value is None:
svalue = ""
svalue =
StateString.set (self, section, svalue)
def parse_item (self, value):
name = value.strip ()
return self.manager.find_item_class (name = name)
except KeyError:
return None
class StateItemList (StateItem):
"""Descriptor for binding to StateSection classes. This implements storing
an ordered set of Manager items."""
def get (self, section):
value = StateString.get (self, section)
if not value:
return []
classes = []
for name in value.split (","):
item_class = self.parse_item (name)
if item_class is None:
if not item_class in classes:
classes.append (item_class)
return classes
def get_default (self, section):
default = StateItem.get_default (self, section)
if default is None:
return []
return default
def set (self, section, value):
if value is None:
svalue = ""
svalue = ", ".join (( for v in value))
StateString.set (self, section, svalue)
class StateSection (object):
_name = None
def __init__ (self, state):
self.state = state
if self._name is None:
raise NotImplementedError ("subclasses must override the _name attribute")
def get (self, state_string):
return self.state._parser.get (self._name, state_string.option)
def set (self, state_string, value):
import ConfigParser
parser = self.state._parser
parser.set (self._name, state_string.option, value)
except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
parser.add_section (self._name)
parser.set (self._name, state_string.option, value)
class State (object):
def __init__ (self, filename, old_filenames = ()):
import ConfigParser
self.sections = {}
self._filename = filename
self._parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser ()
success = ([filename])
if not success:
for old_filename in old_filenames:
success = ([old_filename])
if success:
def add_section_class (self, section_class):
self.sections[section_class._name] = section_class (self)
def save (self):
with utils.SaveWriteFile (self._filename, "wt") as fp:
self._parser.write (fp)
class WindowState (object):
def __init__ (self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger ("ui.window-state")
self.is_maximized = False
def attach (self, window, state):
self.window = window
self.state = state
self.window.connect ("window-state-event",
geometry = self.state.geometry
if geometry:
self.window.move (*geometry[:2])
self.window.set_default_size (*geometry[2:])
if self.state.maximized:
self.logger.debug ("initially maximized")
self.window.maximize ()
def detach (self):
window = self.window
self.state.maximized = self.is_maximized
if not self.is_maximized:
position = tuple (window.get_position ())
size = tuple (window.get_size ())
self.state.geometry = position + size
self.window.disconnect_by_func (self.handle_window_state_event)
self.window = None
def handle_window_state_event (self, window, event):
if not event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED:
if event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED:
self.logger.debug ("maximized")
self.is_maximized = True
self.logger.debug ("unmaximized")
self.is_maximized = False