Thibault Saunier 2414895a53 build_manifest: Add the "path" attribute to projects
When the local path and the name are different, both have to be
specified, it is now required since we add the '.git' to the name.
2018-11-21 20:37:12 -03:00

288 lines
10 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import requests
import sys
import subprocess
from typing import Dict, Tuple, List
from urllib.parse import urlparse
# from pprint import pprint
# Each item is a Tuple of (project-path, project-id)
# ex.
# has project path 'gst-build' and project-id '1342'
# TODO: Named tuples are awesome
GSTREAMER_MODULES: List[Tuple[str, int]] = [
# ('orc', 1360),
('gst-build', 1342),
('gstreamer', 1357),
('gst-plugins-base', 1352),
('gst-plugins-good', 1353),
('gst-plugins-bad', 1351),
('gst-plugins-ugly', 1354),
('gst-libav', 1349),
('gst-devtools', 1344),
('gst-docs', 1345),
('gst-editing-services', 1346),
('gst-omx', 1350),
('gst-python', 1355),
('gst-rtsp-server', 1362),
('gstreamer-vaapi', 1359),
MANIFEST_TEMPLATE: str = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote fetch="{}" name="user"/>
<remote fetch="" name="origin"/>
# Basically, pytest will happily let a test mutate a variable, and then run
# the next tests one the same environment without reset the vars.
def preserve_ci_vars(func):
"""Preserve the original CI Variable values"""
def wrapper():
url = os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"]
user = os.environ["CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE"]
except KeyError:
url = "invalid"
user = ""
private = os.getenv("READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN", default=None)
if not private:
os.environ["READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN"] = "FOO"
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = url
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE"] = user
if private:
os.environ["READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN"] = private
# if it was set after
elif os.getenv("READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN", default=None):
del os.environ["READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN"]
return wrapper
def request_raw(path: str, headers: Dict[str, str], project_url: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
# ex. base_url = ""
base_url: str = urlparse(project_url).hostname
url: str = f"https://{base_url}/api/v4/{path}"
print(f"GET {url}")
# print(f"Headers: {headers}")
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print(f"Request returned: {resp.status_code}")
if not resp.ok:
return None
return resp.json()
def request(path: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
# Check if there is a custom token set
# API calls to Group namespaces need to be authenticated
# regardless if the group/projects are public or not.
# CI_JOB_TOKEN has an actuall value only for private jobs
# and that's also an Gitlab EE feature.
# Which means no matter what we need to give the runner
# an actuall token if we want to query even the public
# gitlab.fd.o/gstreamer group
headers: Dict[str, str] = {'Private-Token': os.environ["READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN"] }
except KeyError:
# print("Custom token was not set, group api querries will fail")
# JOB_TOKEN is the default placeholder of CI_JOB_TOKEN
headers: Dict[str, str] = {'JOB_TOKEN': "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }
# mock: ""
project_url: str = os.environ['CI_PROJECT_URL']
return request_raw(path, headers, project_url)
def get_project_branch(project_id: int, name: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
print(f"Searching for {name} branch in project {project_id}")
path = f"projects/{project_id}/repository/branches?search={name}"
results = request(path)
if not results:
return None
# The api returns a list of projects that match the search
# we want the exact match, which might not be the first on the list
for project_res in results:
if project_res["name"] == name:
return project_res
return None
def test_get_project_branch():
id = 1353
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = ""
del os.environ["READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN"]
twelve = get_project_branch(id, '1.12')
assert twelve is not None
assert twelve['name'] == '1.12'
fourteen = get_project_branch(id, '1.14')
assert fourteen is not None
assert fourteen['name'] == '1.14'
failure = get_project_branch(id, 'why-would-anyone-chose-this-branch-name')
assert failure is None
failure2 = get_project_branch("invalid-id", '1.12')
assert failure2 is None
# Documentation:
def search_user_namespace(user: str, project: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
print(f"Searching for {project} project in @{user} user's namespace")
path = f"users/{user}/projects?search={project}"
results = request(path)
if not results:
return None
# The api returns a list of projects that match the search
# we want the exact match, which might not be the first on the list
for project_res in results:
if project_res["path"] == project:
return project_res
return None
def test_search_user_namespace():
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = ""
del os.environ["READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN"]
user = "alatiera"
gst = search_user_namespace("alatiera", "gstreamer")
assert gst is not None
assert gst['path'] == 'gstreamer'
gst_good = search_user_namespace("alatiera", "gst-plugins-good")
assert gst_good is not None
assert gst_good['path'] == 'gst-plugins-good'
res = search_user_namespace("alatiera", "404-project-not-found")
assert res is None
# Passing a group namespace instead of user should return None
res = search_user_namespace("gstreamer", "gst-plugins-good")
assert res is None
def find_repository_sha(module: Tuple[str, int], branchname: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
namespace: str = os.environ["CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE"]
if module[0] == os.environ['CI_PROJECT_NAME']:
return 'user', os.environ['CI_COMMIT_SHA']
if branchname != "master":
project = search_user_namespace(namespace, module[0])
# Find a fork in the User's namespace
if project:
id = project['id']
print(f"User project found, id: {id}")
# If we have a branch with same name, use it.
branch = get_project_branch(id, branchname)
if branch is not None:
path = project['namespace']['path']
print("Found matching branch in user's namespace")
return 'user', branch['commit']['id']
print(f"Did not find user branch named {branchname}")
# Check upstream project for a branch
branch = get_project_branch(module[1], branchname)
if branch is not None:
print("Found mathcing branch in upstream project")
return 'origin', branch['commit']['id']
# Fallback to using upstream master branch
branch = get_project_branch(module[1], 'master')
if branch is not None:
print("Falling back to master branch on upstream project")
return 'origin', branch['commit']['id']
# This should never occur given the upstream fallback above
print("If something reaches that point, please file a bug")
assert False
def test_find_repository_sha():
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = ""
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE"] = "alatiera"
del os.environ["READ_PROJECTS_TOKEN"]
# This should find the repository in the user namespace
remote, git_ref = find_repository_sha(("gst-plugins-good", 1353), "1.2")
assert remote == "user"
assert git_ref == "08ab260b8a39791e7e62c95f4b64fd5b69959325"
# This should fallback to upstream master branch since no matching branch was found
remote, git_ref = find_repository_sha(("gst-plugins-good", 1353), "totally-valid-branch-name")
assert remote == "origin"
# This should fallback to upstream master branch since no repository was found
remote, git_ref = find_repository_sha(("totally-valid-project-name", 42), "1.2")
assert remote == "origin"
# This is now the sha of the last commit
# assert git_ref == "master"
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_NAME"] = "the_project"
os.environ["CI_COMMIT_SHA"] = "MySha"
remote, git_ref = find_repository_sha(("the_project", 199), "whatever")
assert remote == "user"
assert git_ref == "MySha"
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--self-update", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument(dest="output", default='manifest.xml', nargs='?')
options = parser.parse_args()
current_branch: str = os.environ['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME']
user_remote_url: str = os.path.dirname(os.environ['CI_PROJECT_URL'])
if not user_remote_url.endswith('/'):
user_remote_url += '/'
if options.self_update:
remote, sha = find_repository_sha(("gst-ci", "1343"), current_branch)
if remote == 'user':
remote = user_remote_url + 'gst-ci'
remote = ""
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'fetch', remote, sha])
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '--detach', 'FETCH_HEAD'])
projects: str = ''
project_template: str = " <project path=\"%(name)s\" name=\"%(name)s.git\" remote=\"%(remote)s\" revision=\"%(revision)s\" />\n"
for module in GSTREAMER_MODULES:
print(f"Checking {module}:", end=' ')
remote, revision = find_repository_sha(module, current_branch)
projects += project_template % {'name': module[0], 'remote': remote, 'revision': revision}
with open(options.output, mode='w') as manifest:
print(MANIFEST_TEMPLATE.format(user_remote_url, projects), file=manifest)