Jordan Petridis bdbef0449c ci_template: build windows image in the ci
Build the images in the ci runners like we do,
for the linux containers.

Kudos to mesa for the powershell script that
reimplements the ci-templates behavior.

Part-of: <>
2021-02-25 04:25:25 +02:00

62 lines
2.2 KiB

# Copied from mesa, big kudos
# Implements the equivalent of ci-templates container-ifnot-exists, using
# Docker directly as we don't have buildah/podman/skopeo available under
# Windows, nor can we execute Docker-in-Docker
$registry_uri = $args[0]
$registry_username = $args[1]
$registry_password = $args[2]
$registry_user_image = $args[3]
$registry_central_image = $args[4]
$dockerfile = $args[5]
Set-Location -Path ".\docker\windows"
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" login -u "$registry_username" -p "$registry_password" "$registry_uri"
if (!$?) {
Write-Host "docker login failed to $registry_uri"
Exit 1
# if the image already exists, don't rebuild it
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" pull "$registry_user_image"
if ($?) {
Write-Host "User image $registry_user_image already exists; not rebuilding"
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" logout "$registry_uri"
Exit 0
# if the image already exists upstream, copy it
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" pull "$registry_central_image"
if ($?) {
Write-Host "Copying central image $registry_central_image to user image $registry_user_image"
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" tag "$registry_central_image" "$registry_user_image"
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" push "$registry_user_image"
$pushstatus = $?
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" logout "$registry_uri"
if (!$pushstatus) {
Write-Host "Pushing image to $registry_user_image failed"
Exit 1
Exit 0
Write-Host "No image found at $registry_user_image or $registry_central_image; rebuilding"
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" build --no-cache -t "$registry_user_image" -f "$dockerfile" .
if (!$?) {
Write-Host "Container build failed"
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" logout "$registry_uri"
Exit 1
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" push "$registry_user_image"
$pushstatus = $?
docker --config "windows-docker.conf" logout "$registry_uri"
if (!$pushstatus) {
Write-Host "Pushing image to $registry_user_image failed"
Exit 1