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synced 2025-03-02 01:41:07 +00:00
Implement a single timer queue for all timers. The goal is to always use ordered queues for storing timers. This way, extracting timers for execution becomes O(1). This also allow separating the clock wait scheduling from the timer itself and ensure that we only wake up the timer thread when strictly needed. The knew data structure is still O(n) on insertions and reschedule, but we now use proximity optimization so that normal cases should be really fast. The GList structure is also embeded intot he RtpTimer structure to reduce the number of allocations.
232 lines
8.5 KiB
232 lines
8.5 KiB
valgrind_dep = dependency('valgrind', required: false).partial_dependency(compile_args : true)
if valgrind_dep.found()
cdata.set('HAVE_VALGRIND', 1)
# internal helper lib for unit testing audio parsers
libparser = static_library('libparser', 'elements/parser.c',
c_args : gst_plugins_good_args + ['-DGST_USE_UNSTABLE_API'],
include_directories : [configinc],
dependencies : [gstcheck_dep],
install : false)
libparser_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : libparser,
dependencies : gstcheck_dep)
# name, condition when to skip the test and extra dependencies
good_tests = [
[ 'elements/audioamplify', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audiochebband', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audiocheblimit', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audiodynamic', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audioecho', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audiofirfilter', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audioiirfilter', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audioinvert', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audiopanorama', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audiowsincband', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/audiowsinclimit', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/alphacolor' ],
[ 'elements/alpha' ],
[ 'elements/avimux', false, [gstriff_dep] ],
[ 'elements/avisubtitle', false, [gstriff_dep] ],
[ 'elements/capssetter' ],
[ 'elements/aacparse', false, [libparser_dep] ],
[ 'elements/ac3parse', false, [libparser_dep] ],
[ 'elements/amrparse', false, [libparser_dep] ],
[ 'elements/flacparse', false, [libparser_dep] ],
[ 'elements/mpegaudioparse', false, [libparser_dep] ],
[ 'elements/autodetect' ],
[ 'elements/deinterlace' ],
[ 'elements/dtmf' ],
[ 'elements/flvdemux' ],
[ 'elements/flvmux' ],
[ 'elements/mulawdec' ],
[ 'elements/mulawenc' ],
[ 'elements/icydemux' ],
[ 'elements/id3demux' ],
[ 'elements/imagefreeze' ],
[ 'elements/deinterleave' ],
[ 'elements/interleave' ],
[ 'elements/level' ],
[ 'elements/matroskademux', false, [gstriff_dep] ],
[ 'elements/matroskamux', false, [gstriff_dep] ],
[ 'elements/matroskaparse', false, [gstriff_dep] ],
[ 'elements/multifile' ],
[ 'elements/splitmux', ],
[ 'elements/qtmux', false, [gstriff_dep, zlib_dep] ],
[ 'elements/qtdemux', false, [gstriff_dep, zlib_dep] ],
[ 'elements/rganalysis' ],
[ 'elements/rglimiter' ],
[ 'elements/rgvolume' ],
[ 'elements/rtph261' ],
[ 'elements/rtph263' ],
[ 'elements/rtph264' ],
[ 'elements/rtph265' ],
[ 'elements/rtpvp9' ],
[ 'elements/rtpbin' ],
[ 'elements/rtpbin_buffer_list' ],
[ 'elements/rtpcollision' ],
[ 'elements/rtpfunnel' ],
[ 'elements/rtpjitterbuffer', false, [gstrtp_dep],
[ 'elements/rtpmux' ],
[ 'elements/rtprtx' ],
[ 'elements/rtpsession' ],
[ 'elements/rtpstorage', false, [], ['../../gst/rtp/gstrtpstorage.c',
[ 'elements/rtpred' ],
[ 'elements/rtpulpfec' ],
[ 'elements/rtpssrcdemux' ],
[ 'elements/rtp-payloading' ],
[ 'elements/spectrum', false, [gstfft_dep] ],
[ 'elements/shapewipe' ],
[ 'elements/udpsink' ],
[ 'elements/udpsrc' ],
[ 'elements/videobox' ],
[ 'elements/videocrop' ],
[ 'elements/videofilter' ],
[ 'elements/videomixer' ],
[ 'elements/aspectratiocrop' ],
[ 'pipelines/wavenc' ],
[ 'elements/wavparse', false, [gstriff_dep] ],
[ 'elements/wavpackparse', ],
[ 'elements/y4menc' ],
[ 'pipelines/effectv' ],
[ 'elements/equalizer' ],
[ 'pipelines/simple-launch-lines' ],
[ 'pipelines/tagschecking' ],
[ 'generic/states' ],
# FIXME: valgrind elements/rtp-payloading - needs fixing
# elements/videocrop should be disabled since it takes way too long in valgrind
# FIXME: unistd dependency or not tested yet on windows
if host_machine.system() != 'windows'
good_tests += [
[ 'pipelines/flacdec', not flac_dep.found() ],
[ 'elements/gdkpixbufsink', not gdkpixbuf_dep.found(), [gdkpixbuf_dep] ],
[ 'elements/gdkpixbufoverlay', not gdkpixbuf_dep.found() ],
[ 'elements/jpegdec', not jpeglib.found() ],
[ 'elements/jpegenc', not jpeglib.found() ],
[ 'elements/mpg123audiodec', not mpg123_dep.found(), [gstfft_dep]],
[ 'elements/souphttpsrc', not libsoup_dep.found(), [libsoup_dep] ],
[ 'elements/id3v2mux', not taglib_dep.found() ],
[ 'elements/apev2mux', not taglib_dep.found() ],
[ 'elements/vp8enc', not vpx_dep.found() or not have_vp8_encoder ],
[ 'elements/vp8dec', not vpx_dep.found() or not have_vp8_decoder ],
[ 'elements/vp9enc', not vpx_dep.found() or not have_vp9_encoder ],
[ 'pipelines/lame', not lame_dep.found() ],
[ 'elements/wavpackdec', not wavpack_dep.found() ],
[ 'elements/wavpackenc', not wavpack_dep.found() ],
[ 'pipelines/wavpack', not wavpack_dep.found() ],
check_orc = orc/deinterlace orc/videomixer orc/videobox
check_orc =
test_defines = [
'-DGST_TEST_FILES_PATH="' + meson.current_source_dir() + '/../files"',
pluginsdirs = []
if gst_dep.type_name() == 'pkgconfig'
pbase = dependency('gstreamer-plugins-base-' + api_version, required : false)
pluginsdirs = [gst_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('pluginsdir'),
# fake device drivers: we could run hardware element tests against dummy drivers
# v4l2: vivo (part of normal kernel)
# modprobe vivo;
# gst-launch v4l2src device="/dev/video1" ! xvimagesink;
# rmmod vivo
# alsa: snd-dummy (part of normal alsa, not removable)
# modprobe snd-dummy;
# gst-launch alsasrc device="hw:2" ! fakesink
# gst-launch fakesrc ! alsasink device="hw:2"
# need a way to figure out value for the device property
state_ignore_elements = '''aasink autoaudiosrc autoaudiosink autovideosrc
autovideosink cacasink cairotextoverlay gtkglsink gtksink jackaudiosrc
jackaudiosink osssrc osssink osxaudiosink osxaudiosrc osxvideosrc osxvideosink
pulsesink pulsesrc pulsemixer v4l2src'''
# FIXME: check, also + PTHREAD_CFLAGS
test_deps = [gst_dep, gstbase_dep, gstnet_dep, gstcheck_dep, gstaudio_dep,
gstvideo_dep, gstpbutils_dep, gstrtp_dep, gstrtsp_dep, gsttag_dep,
gstapp_dep, gio_dep, valgrind_dep] + glib_deps
# FIXME: add valgrind suppression common/gst.supp gst-plugins-good.supp
foreach t : good_tests
fname = '@0@.c'.format(t.get(0))
test_name = t.get(0).underscorify()
extra_sources = t.get(3, [ ])
extra_deps = t.get(2, [ ])
skip_test = t.get(1, false)
if not skip_test
env = environment()
env.set('GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH_1_0', '')
env.set('GST_STATE_IGNORE_ELEMENTS', state_ignore_elements)
env.set('CK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT', '20')
env.set('GST_PLUGIN_LOADING_WHITELIST', 'gstreamer', 'gst-plugins-base',
'gst-plugins-good@' + meson.build_root())
env.set('GST_PLUGIN_PATH_1_0', [meson.build_root()] + pluginsdirs)
env.set('GSETTINGS_BACKEND', 'memory')
env.set('GST_REGISTRY', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), '@0@.registry'.format(test_name)))
exe = executable(test_name, fname, extra_sources,
include_directories : [configinc, libsinc],
c_args : ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1' ] + test_defines,
dependencies : [libm] + test_deps + extra_deps,
test(test_name, exe, env: env, timeout: 3 * 60)
# orc tests
orc_tests = [
['orc_deinterlace', files('../../gst/deinterlace/tvtime.orc')],
['orc_videomixer', files('../../gst/videomixer/videomixerorc.orc')],
['orc_videobox', files('../../gst/videobox/gstvideoboxorc.orc')],
orc_test_dep = dependency('', required : false)
if have_orcc
# FIXME: there should really just be a separate orc-test-0.4.pc file for this
if orc_dep.type_name() == 'pkgconfig'
orc_test_dep = cc.find_library('orc-test-0.4', required : false)
orc_test_dep = dependency('', fallback: ['orc', 'orc_test_dep'], required: false)
if have_orcc and orc_test_dep.found()
foreach t : orc_tests
tname = t[0]
torcfile = t[1]
tcfilename = '@0@.c'.format(tname)
test_c = custom_target(tcfilename,
output: tcfilename,
input: torcfile,
command: [orcc, '--include', 'stdint.h', '--test', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'])
test_exe = executable(tname, test_c, dependencies: [orc_dep, orc_test_dep])
test(tname, test_exe)