mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:12:58 +00:00
Original commit message from CVS: * docs/plugins/gst-plugins-bad-plugins-sections.txt: * examples/app/appsrc-ra.c: * examples/app/appsrc-seekable.c: * examples/app/appsrc-stream.c: * examples/app/appsrc-stream2.c: * ext/directfb/dfbvideosink.h: * ext/metadata/gstbasemetadata.c: * ext/metadata/gstbasemetadata.h: * ext/metadata/metadata.c: * ext/metadata/metadataexif.c: * ext/theora/theoradec.h: * gst/deinterlace2/gstdeinterlace2.h: * gst/deinterlace2/tvtime/speedy.c: * gst/deinterlace2/tvtime/speedy.h: * gst/deinterlace2/tvtime/vfir.c: Fix gtk-doc warnings. Also don't misuse api-doc comments for normal comments.
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71 KiB
2791 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Billy Biggs <vektor@dumbterm.net>.
* Copyright (C) 2001 Matthew J. Marjanovic <maddog@mir.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Includes 420to422, 422to444 scaling filters from the MPEG2 reference
* implementation. The v12 source code indicates that they were written
* by Cheung Auyeung <auyeung@mot.com>. The file they were in was:
* store.c, picture output routines
* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved.
* Disclaimer of Warranty
* These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
* royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
* any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
* implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
* purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
* incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
* arising from the use of these programs.
* This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
* customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
* The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
* programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
* patents.
* Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
* are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
* general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
* design.
* Code for the UYVY to YUYV routine comes from rivatv:
* rivatv-convert.c video image conversion routines
* Copyright (C) 2002 Stefan Jahn <stefan@lkcc.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
# include "config.h"
#include "gst/gst.h"
#include "gstdeinterlace2.h"
#include "speedy.h"
#include "speedtools.h"
#include "mmx.h"
#include "sse.h"
// TODO: remove includes
//#include "attributes.h"
//#include "mm_accel.h"
/* Function pointer definitions. */
void (*interpolate_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * top,
uint8_t * bot, int width);
void (*blit_colour_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
int width, int y, int cb, int cr);
void (*blit_colour_packed4444_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
int width, int alpha, int luma, int cb, int cr);
void (*blit_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * dest, const uint8_t * src,
int width);
void (*composite_packed4444_to_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, uint8_t * foreground, int width);
void (*composite_packed4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, uint8_t * foreground, int width, int alpha);
void (*composite_alphamask_to_packed4444_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, uint8_t * mask, int width, int textluma, int textcb,
int textcr);
void (*composite_alphamask_alpha_to_packed4444_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, uint8_t * mask, int width, int textluma, int textcb,
int textcr, int alpha);
void (*premultiply_packed4444_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width);
void (*blend_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * src1,
uint8_t * src2, int width, int pos);
unsigned int (*diff_factor_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * cur, uint8_t * old,
int width);
unsigned int (*comb_factor_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * top, uint8_t * mid,
uint8_t * bot, int width);
void (*kill_chroma_packed422_inplace_scanline) (uint8_t * data, int width);
void (*mirror_packed422_inplace_scanline) (uint8_t * data, int width);
void (*speedy_memcpy) (void *output, const void *input, size_t size);
void (*diff_packed422_block8x8) (pulldown_metrics_t * m, uint8_t * old,
uint8_t * new, int os, int ns);
void (*a8_subpix_blit_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int lasta, int startpos, int width);
void (*quarter_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * one, uint8_t * three, int width);
void (*subpix_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * top, uint8_t * bot, int subpixpos, int width);
void (*packed444_to_nonpremultiplied_packed4444_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, int width, int alpha);
void (*aspect_adjust_packed4444_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width, double pixel_aspect);
void (*packed444_to_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width);
void (*packed422_to_packed444_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width);
void (*packed422_to_packed444_rec601_scanline) (uint8_t * dest, uint8_t * src,
int width);
void (*packed444_to_rgb24_rec601_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width);
void (*rgb24_to_packed444_rec601_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width);
void (*rgba32_to_packed4444_rec601_scanline) (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width);
void (*invert_colour_packed422_inplace_scanline) (uint8_t * data, int width);
void (*vfilter_chroma_121_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output, int width,
uint8_t * m, uint8_t * t, uint8_t * b);
void (*vfilter_chroma_332_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output, int width,
uint8_t * m, uint8_t * t, uint8_t * b);
void (*convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline) (uint8_t * uyvy_buf, uint8_t * yuyv_buf,
int width);
void (*composite_colour4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline) (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, int af, int y, int cb, int cr, int width, int alpha);
* result = (1 - alpha)B + alpha*F
* = B - alpha*B + alpha*F
* = B + alpha*(F - B)
static inline __attribute__ ((always_inline, const))
int multiply_alpha (int a, int r)
int temp;
temp = (r * a) + 0x80;
return ((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8);
static inline __attribute__ ((always_inline, const))
uint8_t clip255 (int x)
if (x > 255) {
return 255;
} else if (x < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return x;
unsigned long CombJaggieThreshold = 73;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static unsigned int
comb_factor_packed422_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * top, uint8_t * mid,
uint8_t * bot, int width)
const mmx_t qwYMask = { 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL };
const mmx_t qwOnes = { 0x0001000100010001ULL };
mmx_t qwThreshold;
unsigned int temp1, temp2;
width /= 4;
qwThreshold.uw[0] = CombJaggieThreshold;
qwThreshold.uw[1] = CombJaggieThreshold;
qwThreshold.uw[2] = CombJaggieThreshold;
qwThreshold.uw[3] = CombJaggieThreshold;
movq_m2r (qwThreshold, mm0);
movq_m2r (qwYMask, mm1);
movq_m2r (qwOnes, mm2);
pxor_r2r (mm7, mm7); /* mm7 = 0. */
while (width--) {
/* Load and keep just the luma. */
movq_m2r (*top, mm3);
movq_m2r (*mid, mm4);
movq_m2r (*bot, mm5);
pand_r2r (mm1, mm3);
pand_r2r (mm1, mm4);
pand_r2r (mm1, mm5);
/* Work out mm6 = (top - mid) * (bot - mid) - ( (top - mid)^2 >> 7 ) */
psrlw_i2r (1, mm3);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm4);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm5);
/* mm6 = (top - mid) */
movq_r2r (mm3, mm6);
psubw_r2r (mm4, mm6);
/* mm3 = (top - bot) */
psubw_r2r (mm5, mm3);
/* mm5 = (bot - mid) */
psubw_r2r (mm4, mm5);
/* mm6 = (top - mid) * (bot - mid) */
pmullw_r2r (mm5, mm6);
/* mm3 = (top - bot)^2 >> 7 */
pmullw_r2r (mm3, mm3); /* mm3 = (top - bot)^2 */
psrlw_i2r (7, mm3); /* mm3 = ((top - bot)^2 >> 7) */
/* mm6 is what we want. */
psubw_r2r (mm3, mm6);
/* FF's if greater than qwTheshold */
pcmpgtw_r2r (mm0, mm6);
/* Add to count if we are greater than threshold */
pand_r2r (mm2, mm6);
paddw_r2r (mm6, mm7);
top += 8;
mid += 8;
bot += 8;
movd_r2m (mm7, temp1);
psrlq_i2r (32, mm7);
movd_r2m (mm7, temp2);
temp1 += temp2;
temp2 = temp1;
temp1 >>= 16;
temp1 += temp2 & 0xffff;
emms ();
return temp1;
static unsigned long BitShift = 6;
static unsigned int
diff_factor_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * cur, uint8_t * old, int width)
unsigned int ret = 0;
width /= 4;
while (width--) {
unsigned int tmp1 = (cur[0] + cur[2] + cur[4] + cur[6] + 2) >> 2;
unsigned int tmp2 = (old[0] + old[2] + old[4] + old[6] + 2) >> 2;
tmp1 = (tmp1 - tmp2);
tmp1 *= tmp1;
tmp1 >>= BitShift;
ret += tmp1;
cur += 8;
old += 8;
return ret;
static unsigned int diff_factor_packed422_scanline_test_c( uint8_t *cur, uint8_t *old, int width )
unsigned int ret = 0;
width /= 16;
while( width-- ) {
unsigned int tmp1 = (cur[ 0 ] + cur[ 2 ] + cur[ 4 ] + cur[ 6 ])>>2;
unsigned int tmp2 = (old[ 0 ] + old[ 2 ] + old[ 4 ] + old[ 6 ])>>2;
tmp1 = (tmp1 - tmp2);
tmp1 *= tmp1;
tmp1 >>= BitShift;
ret += tmp1;
cur += (8*4);
old += (8*4);
return ret;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static unsigned int
diff_factor_packed422_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * cur, uint8_t * old, int width)
const mmx_t qwYMask = { 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL };
unsigned int temp1, temp2;
width /= 4;
movq_m2r (qwYMask, mm1);
movd_m2r (BitShift, mm7);
pxor_r2r (mm0, mm0);
while (width--) {
movq_m2r (*cur, mm4);
movq_m2r (*old, mm5);
pand_r2r (mm1, mm4);
pand_r2r (mm1, mm5);
psubw_r2r (mm5, mm4); /* mm4 = Y1 - Y2 */
pmaddwd_r2r (mm4, mm4); /* mm4 = (Y1 - Y2)^2 */
psrld_r2r (mm7, mm4); /* divide mm4 by 2^BitShift */
paddd_r2r (mm4, mm0); /* keep total in mm0 */
cur += 8;
old += 8;
movd_r2m (mm0, temp1);
psrlq_i2r (32, mm0);
movd_r2m (mm0, temp2);
temp1 += temp2;
emms ();
return temp1;
// defined in glib/gmacros.h #define ABS(a) (((a) < 0)?-(a):(a))
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
diff_packed422_block8x8_mmx (pulldown_metrics_t * m, uint8_t * old,
uint8_t * new, int os, int ns)
const mmx_t ymask = { 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL };
short out[24]; /* Output buffer for the partial metrics from the mmx code. */
uint8_t *outdata = (uint8_t *) out;
uint8_t *oldp, *newp;
int i;
pxor_r2r (mm4, mm4); // 4 even difference sums.
pxor_r2r (mm5, mm5); // 4 odd difference sums.
pxor_r2r (mm7, mm7); // zeros
oldp = old;
newp = new;
for (i = 4; i; --i) {
// Even difference.
movq_m2r (oldp[0], mm0);
movq_m2r (oldp[8], mm2);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm0);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm2);
oldp += os;
movq_m2r (newp[0], mm1);
movq_m2r (newp[8], mm3);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm1);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm3);
newp += ns;
movq_r2r (mm0, mm6);
psubusb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
psubusb_r2r (mm6, mm1);
movq_r2r (mm2, mm6);
psubusb_r2r (mm3, mm2);
psubusb_r2r (mm6, mm3);
paddw_r2r (mm0, mm4);
paddw_r2r (mm1, mm4);
paddw_r2r (mm2, mm4);
paddw_r2r (mm3, mm4);
// Odd difference.
movq_m2r (oldp[0], mm0);
movq_m2r (oldp[8], mm2);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm0);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm2);
oldp += os;
movq_m2r (newp[0], mm1);
movq_m2r (newp[8], mm3);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm1);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm3);
newp += ns;
movq_r2r (mm0, mm6);
psubusb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
psubusb_r2r (mm6, mm1);
movq_r2r (mm2, mm6);
psubusb_r2r (mm3, mm2);
psubusb_r2r (mm6, mm3);
paddw_r2r (mm0, mm5);
paddw_r2r (mm1, mm5);
paddw_r2r (mm2, mm5);
paddw_r2r (mm3, mm5);
movq_r2m (mm4, outdata[0]);
movq_r2m (mm5, outdata[8]);
m->e = out[0] + out[1] + out[2] + out[3];
m->o = out[4] + out[5] + out[6] + out[7];
m->d = m->e + m->o;
pxor_r2r (mm4, mm4); // Past spacial noise.
pxor_r2r (mm5, mm5); // Temporal noise.
pxor_r2r (mm6, mm6); // Current spacial noise.
// First loop to measure first four columns
oldp = old;
newp = new;
for (i = 4; i; --i) {
movq_m2r (oldp[0], mm0);
movq_m2r (oldp[os], mm1);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm0);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm1);
oldp += (os * 2);
movq_m2r (newp[0], mm2);
movq_m2r (newp[ns], mm3);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm2);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm3);
newp += (ns * 2);
paddw_r2r (mm1, mm4);
paddw_r2r (mm1, mm5);
paddw_r2r (mm3, mm6);
psubw_r2r (mm0, mm4);
psubw_r2r (mm2, mm5);
psubw_r2r (mm2, mm6);
movq_r2m (mm4, outdata[0]);
movq_r2m (mm5, outdata[16]);
movq_r2m (mm6, outdata[32]);
pxor_r2r (mm4, mm4);
pxor_r2r (mm5, mm5);
pxor_r2r (mm6, mm6);
// Second loop for the last four columns
oldp = old;
newp = new;
for (i = 4; i; --i) {
movq_m2r (oldp[8], mm0);
movq_m2r (oldp[os + 8], mm1);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm0);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm1);
oldp += (os * 2);
movq_m2r (newp[8], mm2);
movq_m2r (newp[ns + 8], mm3);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm2);
pand_m2r (ymask, mm3);
newp += (ns * 2);
paddw_r2r (mm1, mm4);
paddw_r2r (mm1, mm5);
paddw_r2r (mm3, mm6);
psubw_r2r (mm0, mm4);
psubw_r2r (mm2, mm5);
psubw_r2r (mm2, mm6);
movq_r2m (mm4, outdata[8]);
movq_r2m (mm5, outdata[24]);
movq_r2m (mm6, outdata[40]);
m->p = m->t = m->s = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// FIXME: move abs() into the mmx code!
m->p += ABS (out[i]);
m->t += ABS (out[8 + i]);
m->s += ABS (out[16 + i]);
emms ();
static void
diff_packed422_block8x8_c (pulldown_metrics_t * m, uint8_t * old,
uint8_t * new, int os, int ns)
int x, y, e = 0, o = 0, s = 0, p = 0, t = 0;
uint8_t *oldp, *newp;
m->s = m->p = m->t = 0;
for (x = 8; x; x--) {
oldp = old;
old += 2;
newp = new;
new += 2;
s = p = t = 0;
for (y = 4; y; y--) {
e += ABS (newp[0] - oldp[0]);
o += ABS (newp[ns] - oldp[os]);
s += newp[ns] - newp[0];
p += oldp[os] - oldp[0];
t += oldp[os] - newp[0];
oldp += os << 1;
newp += ns << 1;
m->s += ABS (s);
m->p += ABS (p);
m->t += ABS (t);
m->e = e;
m->o = o;
m->d = e + o;
static void
packed444_to_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input, int width)
width /= 2;
while (width--) {
output[0] = input[0];
output[1] = input[1];
output[2] = input[3];
output[3] = input[2];
output += 4;
input += 6;
static void
packed422_to_packed444_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input, int width)
width /= 2;
while (width--) {
output[0] = input[0];
output[1] = input[1];
output[2] = input[3];
output[3] = input[2];
output[4] = input[1];
output[5] = input[3];
output += 6;
input += 4;
* For the middle pixels, the filter kernel is:
* [-1 3 -6 12 -24 80 80 -24 12 -6 3 -1]
static void
packed422_to_packed444_rec601_scanline_c (uint8_t * dest, uint8_t * src,
int width)
int i;
/* Process two input pixels at a time. Input is [Y'][Cb][Y'][Cr]. */
for (i = 0; i < width / 2; i++) {
dest[(i * 6) + 0] = src[(i * 4) + 0];
dest[(i * 6) + 1] = src[(i * 4) + 1];
dest[(i * 6) + 2] = src[(i * 4) + 3];
dest[(i * 6) + 3] = src[(i * 4) + 2];
if (i > (5 * 2) && i < ((width / 2) - (6 * 2))) {
dest[(i * 6) + 4] =
clip255 ((((80 * (src[(i * 4) + 1] + src[(i * 4) + 5]))
- (24 * (src[(i * 4) - 3] + src[(i * 4) + 9]))
+ (12 * (src[(i * 4) - 7] + src[(i * 4) + 13]))
- (6 * (src[(i * 4) - 11] + src[(i * 4) + 17]))
+ (3 * (src[(i * 4) - 15] + src[(i * 4) + 21]))
- ((src[(i * 4) - 19] + src[(i * 4) + 25]))) + 64) >> 7);
dest[(i * 6) + 5] =
clip255 ((((80 * (src[(i * 4) + 3] + src[(i * 4) + 7]))
- (24 * (src[(i * 4) - 1] + src[(i * 4) + 11]))
+ (12 * (src[(i * 4) - 5] + src[(i * 4) + 15]))
- (6 * (src[(i * 4) - 9] + src[(i * 4) + 19]))
+ (3 * (src[(i * 4) - 13] + src[(i * 4) + 23]))
- ((src[(i * 4) - 17] + src[(i * 4) + 27]))) + 64) >> 7);
} else if (i < ((width / 2) - 1)) {
dest[(i * 6) + 4] = (src[(i * 4) + 1] + src[(i * 4) + 5] + 1) >> 1;
dest[(i * 6) + 5] = (src[(i * 4) + 3] + src[(i * 4) + 7] + 1) >> 1;
} else {
dest[(i * 6) + 4] = src[(i * 4) + 1];
dest[(i * 6) + 5] = src[(i * 4) + 3];
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
vfilter_chroma_121_packed422_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * output, int width,
uint8_t * m, uint8_t * t, uint8_t * b)
int i;
const mmx_t ymask = { 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL };
const mmx_t cmask = { 0xff00ff00ff00ff00ULL };
// Get width in bytes.
width *= 2;
i = width / 8;
width -= i * 8;
movq_m2r (ymask, mm7);
movq_m2r (cmask, mm6);
while (i--) {
movq_m2r (*t, mm0);
movq_m2r (*b, mm1);
movq_m2r (*m, mm2);
movq_r2r (mm2, mm3);
pand_r2r (mm7, mm3);
pand_r2r (mm6, mm0);
pand_r2r (mm6, mm1);
pand_r2r (mm6, mm2);
psrlq_i2r (8, mm0);
psrlq_i2r (8, mm1);
psrlq_i2r (7, mm2);
paddw_r2r (mm0, mm2);
paddw_r2r (mm1, mm2);
psllw_i2r (6, mm2);
pand_r2r (mm6, mm2);
por_r2r (mm3, mm2);
movq_r2m (mm2, *output);
output += 8;
t += 8;
b += 8;
m += 8;
while (width--) {
*output = (*t + *b + (*m << 1)) >> 2;
output += 2;
t += 2;
b += 2;
m += 2;
emms ();
static void
vfilter_chroma_121_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, int width,
uint8_t * m, uint8_t * t, uint8_t * b)
while (width--) {
*output = (*t + *b + (*m << 1)) >> 2;
output += 2;
t += 2;
b += 2;
m += 2;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
vfilter_chroma_332_packed422_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * output, int width,
uint8_t * m, uint8_t * t, uint8_t * b)
int i;
const mmx_t ymask = { 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL };
const mmx_t cmask = { 0xff00ff00ff00ff00ULL };
// Get width in bytes.
width *= 2;
i = width / 8;
width -= i * 8;
movq_m2r (ymask, mm7);
movq_m2r (cmask, mm6);
while (i--) {
movq_m2r (*t, mm0);
movq_m2r (*b, mm1);
movq_m2r (*m, mm2);
movq_r2r (mm2, mm3);
pand_r2r (mm7, mm3);
pand_r2r (mm6, mm0);
pand_r2r (mm6, mm1);
pand_r2r (mm6, mm2);
psrlq_i2r (8, mm0);
psrlq_i2r (7, mm1);
psrlq_i2r (8, mm2);
movq_r2r (mm0, mm4);
psllw_i2r (1, mm4);
paddw_r2r (mm4, mm0);
movq_r2r (mm2, mm4);
psllw_i2r (1, mm4);
paddw_r2r (mm4, mm2);
paddw_r2r (mm0, mm2);
paddw_r2r (mm1, mm2);
psllw_i2r (5, mm2);
pand_r2r (mm6, mm2);
por_r2r (mm3, mm2);
movq_r2m (mm2, *output);
output += 8;
t += 8;
b += 8;
m += 8;
while (width--) {
*output = (3 * *t + 3 * *m + 2 * *b) >> 3;
output += 2;
t += 2;
b += 2;
m += 2;
emms ();
static void
vfilter_chroma_332_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, int width,
uint8_t * m, uint8_t * t, uint8_t * b)
while (width--) {
*output = (3 * *t + 3 * *m + 2 * *b) >> 3;
output += 2;
t += 2;
b += 2;
m += 2;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
kill_chroma_packed422_inplace_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * data, int width)
const mmx_t ymask = { 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL };
const mmx_t nullchroma = { 0x8000800080008000ULL };
movq_m2r (ymask, mm7);
movq_m2r (nullchroma, mm6);
for (; width > 4; width -= 4) {
movq_m2r (*data, mm0);
pand_r2r (mm7, mm0);
paddb_r2r (mm6, mm0);
movq_r2m (mm0, *data);
data += 8;
emms ();
while (width--) {
data[1] = 128;
data += 2;
static void
kill_chroma_packed422_inplace_scanline_c (uint8_t * data, int width)
while (width--) {
data[1] = 128;
data += 2;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
invert_colour_packed422_inplace_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * data, int width)
const mmx_t allones = { 0xffffffffffffffffULL };
movq_m2r (allones, mm1);
for (; width > 4; width -= 4) {
movq_r2r (mm1, mm2);
movq_m2r (*data, mm0);
psubb_r2r (mm0, mm2);
movq_r2m (mm2, *data);
data += 8;
emms ();
width *= 2;
while (width--) {
*data = 255 - *data;
static void
invert_colour_packed422_inplace_scanline_c (uint8_t * data, int width)
width *= 2;
while (width--) {
*data = 255 - *data;
static void
mirror_packed422_inplace_scanline_c (uint8_t * data, int width)
int x, tmp1, tmp2;
int width2 = width * 2;
for (x = 0; x < width; x += 2) {
tmp1 = data[x];
tmp2 = data[x + 1];
data[x] = data[width2 - x];
data[x + 1] = data[width2 - x + 1];
data[width2 - x] = tmp1;
data[width2 - x + 1] = tmp2;
static void
interpolate_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * top,
uint8_t * bot, int width)
int i;
for (i = width * 2; i; --i) {
*output++ = ((*top++) + (*bot++)) >> 1;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * uyvy_buf, uint8_t * yuyv_buf,
int width)
#if defined(HAVE_CPU_I386) && !defined(HAVE_CPU_X86_64)
__asm__ __volatile__ (" movl %0, %%esi \n"
" movl %1, %%edi \n"
" movl %2, %%edx \n" " shrl $3, %%edx \n"
/* Process 8 pixels at once */
"1: movq (%%esi), %%mm0 \n" /* mm0 = Y3V2Y2U2Y1V0Y0U0 */
" movq 8(%%esi), %%mm2 \n" /* mm2 = Y7V6Y6U6Y5V4Y4U4 */
" movq %%mm0, %%mm1 \n" /* mm1 = Y3V2Y2U2Y1V0Y0U0 */
" movq %%mm2, %%mm3 \n" /* mm3 = Y7V6Y6U6Y5V4Y4U4 */
" psllw $8, %%mm0 \n" /* mm0 = V2__U2__V0__U0__ */
" psrlw $8, %%mm1 \n" /* mm1 = __Y3__Y2__Y1__Y0 */
" psllw $8, %%mm2 \n" /* mm2 = V6__U6__V4__U4__ */
" psrlw $8, %%mm3 \n" /* mm3 = __Y7__Y6__Y5__Y4 */
" por %%mm1, %%mm0 \n" /* mm0 = V2Y3U2Y2V0Y1U0Y0 */
" por %%mm3, %%mm2 \n" /* mm2 = V6Y7U6Y6V4Y5U4Y4 */
" movq %%mm0, (%%edi) \n"
" movq %%mm2, 8(%%edi) \n"
" addl $16, %%esi \n"
" addl $16, %%edi \n"
" decl %%edx \n"
" jnz 1b \n" " emms \n"
/* output */ :
/* input */ :"g" (uyvy_buf), "g" (yuyv_buf), "g" (width)
/* clobber registers */
:"cc", "edx", "esi", "edi");
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_X86_64
__asm__ __volatile__ (" movq %0, %%rsi \n"
" movq %1, %%rdi \n"
" xorq %%rdx, %%rdx \n"
" movl %2, %%edx \n" " shrq $3, %%rdx \n"
/* Process 8 pixels at once */
"1: movq (%%rsi), %%mm0 \n" /* mm0 = Y3V2Y2U2Y1V0Y0U0 */
" movq 8(%%rsi), %%mm2 \n" /* mm2 = Y7V6Y6U6Y5V4Y4U4 */
" movq %%mm0, %%mm1 \n" /* mm1 = Y3V2Y2U2Y1V0Y0U0 */
" movq %%mm2, %%mm3 \n" /* mm3 = Y7V6Y6U6Y5V4Y4U4 */
" psllw $8, %%mm0 \n" /* mm0 = V2__U2__V0__U0__ */
" psrlw $8, %%mm1 \n" /* mm1 = __Y3__Y2__Y1__Y0 */
" psllw $8, %%mm2 \n" /* mm2 = V6__U6__V4__U4__ */
" psrlw $8, %%mm3 \n" /* mm3 = __Y7__Y6__Y5__Y4 */
" por %%mm1, %%mm0 \n" /* mm0 = V2Y3U2Y2V0Y1U0Y0 */
" por %%mm3, %%mm2 \n" /* mm2 = V6Y7U6Y6V4Y5U4Y4 */
" movq %%mm0, (%%rdi) \n"
" movq %%mm2, 8(%%rdi) \n"
" addq $16, %%rsi \n"
" addq $16, %%rdi \n"
" decq %%rdx \n"
" jnz 1b \n" " emms \n"
/* output */ :
/* input */ :"g" (uyvy_buf), "g" (yuyv_buf), "g" (width)
/* clobber registers */
:"cc", "rdx", "rsi", "rdi");
if (width & 7) {
uint32_t *uyvy = (uint32_t *) uyvy_buf;
uint32_t *yuyv = (uint32_t *) yuyv_buf;
uint32_t val;
width &= 7;
width >>= 1;
while (width--) {
val = *uyvy++;
val = ((val << 8) & ~0x00FF0000) | ((val >> 8) & ~0x0000FF00);
*yuyv++ = val;
static void
convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline_c (uint8_t * uyvy_buf, uint8_t * yuyv_buf,
int width)
uint32_t *uyvy = (uint32_t *) uyvy_buf;
uint32_t *yuyv = (uint32_t *) yuyv_buf;
uint32_t val;
width >>= 1;
while (width--) {
val = *uyvy++;
val = ((val << 8) & ~0x00FF0000) | ((val >> 8) & ~0x0000FF00);
*yuyv++ = val;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
interpolate_packed422_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * top,
uint8_t * bot, int width)
const mmx_t shiftmask = { 0xfefffefffefffeffULL }; /* To avoid shifting chroma to luma. */
int i;
for (i = width / 16; i; --i) {
movq_m2r (*bot, mm0);
movq_m2r (*top, mm1);
movq_m2r (*(bot + 8), mm2);
movq_m2r (*(top + 8), mm3);
movq_m2r (*(bot + 16), mm4);
movq_m2r (*(top + 16), mm5);
movq_m2r (*(bot + 24), mm6);
movq_m2r (*(top + 24), mm7);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm0);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm1);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm2);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm3);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm4);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm5);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm6);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm7);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm0);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm1);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm2);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm3);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm4);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm5);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm6);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm7);
paddb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
paddb_r2r (mm3, mm2);
paddb_r2r (mm5, mm4);
paddb_r2r (mm7, mm6);
movq_r2m (mm0, *output);
movq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 8));
movq_r2m (mm4, *(output + 16));
movq_r2m (mm6, *(output + 24));
output += 32;
top += 32;
bot += 32;
width = (width & 0xf);
for (i = width / 4; i; --i) {
movq_m2r (*bot, mm0);
movq_m2r (*top, mm1);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm0);
pand_m2r (shiftmask, mm1);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm0);
psrlw_i2r (1, mm1);
paddb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
movq_r2m (mm0, *output);
output += 8;
top += 8;
bot += 8;
width = width & 0x7;
/* Handle last few pixels. */
for (i = width * 2; i; --i) {
*output++ = ((*top++) + (*bot++)) >> 1;
emms ();
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
interpolate_packed422_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * top,
uint8_t * bot, int width)
int i;
for (i = width / 16; i; --i) {
movq_m2r (*bot, mm0);
movq_m2r (*top, mm1);
movq_m2r (*(bot + 8), mm2);
movq_m2r (*(top + 8), mm3);
movq_m2r (*(bot + 16), mm4);
movq_m2r (*(top + 16), mm5);
movq_m2r (*(bot + 24), mm6);
movq_m2r (*(top + 24), mm7);
pavgb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
pavgb_r2r (mm3, mm2);
pavgb_r2r (mm5, mm4);
pavgb_r2r (mm7, mm6);
movntq_r2m (mm0, *output);
movntq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 8));
movntq_r2m (mm4, *(output + 16));
movntq_r2m (mm6, *(output + 24));
output += 32;
top += 32;
bot += 32;
width = (width & 0xf);
for (i = width / 4; i; --i) {
movq_m2r (*bot, mm0);
movq_m2r (*top, mm1);
pavgb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
movntq_r2m (mm0, *output);
output += 8;
top += 8;
bot += 8;
width = width & 0x7;
/* Handle last few pixels. */
for (i = width * 2; i; --i) {
*output++ = ((*top++) + (*bot++)) >> 1;
sfence ();
emms ();
static void
blit_colour_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, int width, int y, int cb,
int cr)
uint32_t colour = cr << 24 | y << 16 | cb << 8 | y;
uint32_t *o = (uint32_t *) output;
for (width /= 2; width; --width) {
*o++ = colour;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
blit_colour_packed422_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * output, int width, int y, int cb,
int cr)
uint32_t colour = cr << 24 | y << 16 | cb << 8 | y;
int i;
movd_m2r (colour, mm1);
movd_m2r (colour, mm2);
psllq_i2r (32, mm1);
por_r2r (mm1, mm2);
for (i = width / 16; i; --i) {
movq_r2m (mm2, *output);
movq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 8));
movq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 16));
movq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 24));
output += 32;
width = (width & 0xf);
for (i = width / 4; i; --i) {
movq_r2m (mm2, *output);
output += 8;
width = (width & 0x7);
for (i = width / 2; i; --i) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = colour;
output += 4;
if (width & 1) {
*output = y;
*(output + 1) = cb;
emms ();
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
blit_colour_packed422_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output, int width, int y,
int cb, int cr)
uint32_t colour = cr << 24 | y << 16 | cb << 8 | y;
int i;
movd_m2r (colour, mm1);
movd_m2r (colour, mm2);
psllq_i2r (32, mm1);
por_r2r (mm1, mm2);
for (i = width / 16; i; --i) {
movntq_r2m (mm2, *output);
movntq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 8));
movntq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 16));
movntq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 24));
output += 32;
width = (width & 0xf);
for (i = width / 4; i; --i) {
movntq_r2m (mm2, *output);
output += 8;
width = (width & 0x7);
for (i = width / 2; i; --i) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = colour;
output += 4;
if (width & 1) {
*output = y;
*(output + 1) = cb;
sfence ();
emms ();
static void
blit_colour_packed4444_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, int width,
int alpha, int luma, int cb, int cr)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
*output++ = alpha;
*output++ = luma;
*output++ = cb;
*output++ = cr;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
blit_colour_packed4444_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * output, int width,
int alpha, int luma, int cb, int cr)
uint32_t colour = (cr << 24) | (cb << 16) | (luma << 8) | alpha;
int i;
movd_m2r (colour, mm1);
movd_m2r (colour, mm2);
psllq_i2r (32, mm1);
por_r2r (mm1, mm2);
for (i = width / 8; i; --i) {
movq_r2m (mm2, *output);
movq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 8));
movq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 16));
movq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 24));
output += 32;
width = (width & 0x7);
for (i = width / 2; i; --i) {
movq_r2m (mm2, *output);
output += 8;
width = (width & 0x1);
if (width) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = colour;
output += 4;
emms ();
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
blit_colour_packed4444_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output, int width,
int alpha, int luma, int cb, int cr)
uint32_t colour = (cr << 24) | (cb << 16) | (luma << 8) | alpha;
int i;
movd_m2r (colour, mm1);
movd_m2r (colour, mm2);
psllq_i2r (32, mm1);
por_r2r (mm1, mm2);
for (i = width / 8; i; --i) {
movntq_r2m (mm2, *output);
movntq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 8));
movntq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 16));
movntq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 24));
output += 32;
width = (width & 0x7);
for (i = width / 2; i; --i) {
movntq_r2m (mm2, *output);
output += 8;
width = (width & 0x1);
if (width) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = colour;
output += 4;
sfence ();
emms ();
* Some memcpy code inspired by the xine code which originally came
* from mplayer.
/* linux kernel __memcpy (from: /include/asm/string.h) */
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static inline __attribute__ ((always_inline, const))
void small_memcpy (void *to, const void *from, size_t n)
int d0, d1, d2;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rep ; movsl\n\t"
"testb $2,%b4\n\t"
"je 1f\n\t"
"1:\ttestb $1,%b4\n\t"
"je 2f\n\t" "movsb\n" "2:":"=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&S" (d2)
:"0" (n / 4), "q" (n), "1" ((long) to), "2" ((long) from)
static void
speedy_memcpy_c (void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)
if (dest != src) {
memcpy (dest, src, n);
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
speedy_memcpy_mmx (void *d, const void *s, size_t n)
const uint8_t *src = s;
uint8_t *dest = d;
if (dest != src) {
while (n > 64) {
movq_m2r (src[0], mm0);
movq_m2r (src[8], mm1);
movq_m2r (src[16], mm2);
movq_m2r (src[24], mm3);
movq_m2r (src[32], mm4);
movq_m2r (src[40], mm5);
movq_m2r (src[48], mm6);
movq_m2r (src[56], mm7);
movq_r2m (mm0, dest[0]);
movq_r2m (mm1, dest[8]);
movq_r2m (mm2, dest[16]);
movq_r2m (mm3, dest[24]);
movq_r2m (mm4, dest[32]);
movq_r2m (mm5, dest[40]);
movq_r2m (mm6, dest[48]);
movq_r2m (mm7, dest[56]);
dest += 64;
src += 64;
n -= 64;
while (n > 8) {
movq_m2r (src[0], mm0);
movq_r2m (mm0, dest[0]);
dest += 8;
src += 8;
n -= 8;
if (n)
small_memcpy (dest, src, n);
emms ();
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
speedy_memcpy_mmxext (void *d, const void *s, size_t n)
const uint8_t *src = s;
uint8_t *dest = d;
if (dest != src) {
while (n > 64) {
movq_m2r (src[0], mm0);
movq_m2r (src[8], mm1);
movq_m2r (src[16], mm2);
movq_m2r (src[24], mm3);
movq_m2r (src[32], mm4);
movq_m2r (src[40], mm5);
movq_m2r (src[48], mm6);
movq_m2r (src[56], mm7);
movntq_r2m (mm0, dest[0]);
movntq_r2m (mm1, dest[8]);
movntq_r2m (mm2, dest[16]);
movntq_r2m (mm3, dest[24]);
movntq_r2m (mm4, dest[32]);
movntq_r2m (mm5, dest[40]);
movntq_r2m (mm6, dest[48]);
movntq_r2m (mm7, dest[56]);
dest += 64;
src += 64;
n -= 64;
while (n > 8) {
movq_m2r (src[0], mm0);
movntq_r2m (mm0, dest[0]);
dest += 8;
src += 8;
n -= 8;
if (n)
small_memcpy (dest, src, n);
sfence ();
emms ();
static void
blit_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * dest, const uint8_t * src, int width)
speedy_memcpy_c (dest, src, width * 2);
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
blit_packed422_scanline_mmx (uint8_t * dest, const uint8_t * src, int width)
speedy_memcpy_mmx (dest, src, width * 2);
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
blit_packed422_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * dest, const uint8_t * src, int width)
speedy_memcpy_mmxext (dest, src, width * 2);
static void
composite_colour4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, int af, int y, int cb, int cr, int width, int alpha)
int a = ((af * alpha) + 0x80) >> 8;
if (a == 0xff) {
blit_colour_packed422_scanline (output, width, y, cb, cr);
} else if (a) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
* (1 - alpha)*B + alpha*F
* (1 - af*a)*B + af*a*F
* B - af*a*B + af*a*F
* B + a*(af*F - af*B)
output[0] =
input[0] + ((alpha * (y - multiply_alpha (af,
input[0])) + 0x80) >> 8);
if ((i & 1) == 0) {
* At first I thought I was doing this incorrectly, but
* the following math has convinced me otherwise.
* C_r = (1 - alpha)*B + alpha*F
* C_r = B - af*a*B + af*a*F
* C_r = 128 + ((1 - af*a)*(B - 128) + a*af*(F - 128))
* C_r = 128 + (B - af*a*B - 128 + af*a*128 + a*af*F - a*af*128)
* C_r = B - af*a*B + a*af*F
output[1] =
input[1] + ((alpha * (cb - multiply_alpha (af,
input[1])) + 0x80) >> 8);
output[3] =
input[3] + ((alpha * (cr - multiply_alpha (af,
input[3])) + 0x80) >> 8);
output += 2;
input += 2;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
composite_colour4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, int af, int y, int cb, int cr, int width, int alpha)
const mmx_t alpha2 = { 0x0000FFFF00000000ULL };
const mmx_t alpha1 = { 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFFULL };
const mmx_t round = { 0x0080008000800080ULL };
mmx_t foreground;
int i;
if (!alpha) {
blit_packed422_scanline (output, input, width);
foreground.ub[0] = foreground.ub[4] = af;
foreground.ub[1] = foreground.ub[5] = y;
foreground.ub[2] = foreground.ub[6] = cb;
foreground.ub[3] = foreground.ub[7] = cr;
movq_m2r (alpha, mm2);
pshufw_r2r (mm2, mm2, 0);
pxor_r2r (mm7, mm7);
for (i = width / 2; i; i--) {
/* mm1 = [ cr ][ y ][ cb ][ y ] */
movd_m2r (*input, mm1);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm1);
movq_m2r (foreground, mm3);
movq_r2r (mm3, mm4);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm3);
punpckhbw_r2r (mm7, mm4);
/* mm3 and mm4 will be the appropriate colours, mm5 and mm6 for alpha. */
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 0 a ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ] */
pshufw_r2r (mm3, mm5, 0);
pshufw_r2r (mm4, mm6, 0);
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 3 cr ][ 0 a ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ] == 11001000 == 201 */
pshufw_r2r (mm3, mm3, 201);
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 0 a ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ] == 00010000 == 16 */
pshufw_r2r (mm4, mm4, 16);
pand_m2r (alpha1, mm3);
pand_m2r (alpha2, mm4);
pand_m2r (alpha1, mm5);
pand_m2r (alpha2, mm6);
por_r2r (mm4, mm3);
por_r2r (mm6, mm5);
/* now, mm5 is af and mm1 is B. Need to multiply them. */
pmullw_r2r (mm1, mm5);
/* Multiply by appalpha. */
pmullw_r2r (mm2, mm3);
paddw_m2r (round, mm3);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm3);
/* Result is now B + F. */
paddw_r2r (mm3, mm1);
/* Round up appropriately. */
paddw_m2r (round, mm5);
/* mm6 contains our i>>8; */
movq_r2r (mm5, mm6);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm6);
/* Add mm6 back into mm5. Now our result is in the high bytes. */
paddw_r2r (mm6, mm5);
/* Shift down. */
psrlw_i2r (8, mm5);
/* Multiply by appalpha. */
pmullw_r2r (mm2, mm5);
paddw_m2r (round, mm5);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm5);
psubusw_r2r (mm5, mm1);
/* mm1 = [ B + F - af*B ] */
packuswb_r2r (mm1, mm1);
movd_r2m (mm1, *output);
output += 4;
input += 4;
sfence ();
emms ();
static void
composite_packed4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, uint8_t * foreground, int width, int alpha)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int af = foreground[0];
if (af) {
int a = ((af * alpha) + 0x80) >> 8;
if (a == 0xff) {
output[0] = foreground[1];
if ((i & 1) == 0) {
output[1] = foreground[2];
output[3] = foreground[3];
} else if (a) {
* (1 - alpha)*B + alpha*F
* (1 - af*a)*B + af*a*F
* B - af*a*B + af*a*F
* B + a*(af*F - af*B)
output[0] = input[0]
+ ((alpha * (foreground[1]
- multiply_alpha (foreground[0], input[0])) + 0x80) >> 8);
if ((i & 1) == 0) {
* At first I thought I was doing this incorrectly, but
* the following math has convinced me otherwise.
* C_r = (1 - alpha)*B + alpha*F
* C_r = B - af*a*B + af*a*F
* C_r = 128 + ((1 - af*a)*(B - 128) + a*af*(F - 128))
* C_r = 128 + (B - af*a*B - 128 + af*a*128 + a*af*F - a*af*128)
* C_r = B - af*a*B + a*af*F
output[1] = input[1] + ((alpha * (foreground[2]
- multiply_alpha (foreground[0], input[1])) + 0x80) >> 8);
output[3] = input[3] + ((alpha * (foreground[3]
- multiply_alpha (foreground[0], input[3])) + 0x80) >> 8);
foreground += 4;
output += 2;
input += 2;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
composite_packed4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, uint8_t * foreground, int width, int alpha)
const mmx_t alpha2 = { 0x0000FFFF00000000ULL };
const mmx_t alpha1 = { 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFFULL };
const mmx_t round = { 0x0080008000800080ULL };
int i;
if (!alpha) {
blit_packed422_scanline (output, input, width);
if (alpha == 256) {
composite_packed4444_to_packed422_scanline (output, input, foreground,
READ_PREFETCH_2048 (input);
READ_PREFETCH_2048 (foreground);
movq_m2r (alpha, mm2);
pshufw_r2r (mm2, mm2, 0);
pxor_r2r (mm7, mm7);
for (i = width / 2; i; i--) {
int fg1 = *((uint32_t *) foreground);
int fg2 = *(((uint32_t *) foreground) + 1);
if (fg1 || fg2) {
/* mm1 = [ cr ][ y ][ cb ][ y ] */
movd_m2r (*input, mm1);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm1);
movq_m2r (*foreground, mm3);
movq_r2r (mm3, mm4);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm3);
punpckhbw_r2r (mm7, mm4);
/* mm3 and mm4 will be the appropriate colours, mm5 and mm6 for alpha. */
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 0 a ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ] */
pshufw_r2r (mm3, mm5, 0);
pshufw_r2r (mm4, mm6, 0);
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 3 cr ][ 0 a ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ] == 11001000 == 201 */
pshufw_r2r (mm3, mm3, 201);
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 0 a ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ] == 00010000 == 16 */
pshufw_r2r (mm4, mm4, 16);
pand_m2r (alpha1, mm3);
pand_m2r (alpha2, mm4);
pand_m2r (alpha1, mm5);
pand_m2r (alpha2, mm6);
por_r2r (mm4, mm3);
por_r2r (mm6, mm5);
/* now, mm5 is af and mm1 is B. Need to multiply them. */
pmullw_r2r (mm1, mm5);
/* Multiply by appalpha. */
pmullw_r2r (mm2, mm3);
paddw_m2r (round, mm3);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm3);
/* Result is now B + F. */
paddw_r2r (mm3, mm1);
/* Round up appropriately. */
paddw_m2r (round, mm5);
/* mm6 contains our i>>8; */
movq_r2r (mm5, mm6);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm6);
/* Add mm6 back into mm5. Now our result is in the high bytes. */
paddw_r2r (mm6, mm5);
/* Shift down. */
psrlw_i2r (8, mm5);
/* Multiply by appalpha. */
pmullw_r2r (mm2, mm5);
paddw_m2r (round, mm5);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm5);
psubusw_r2r (mm5, mm1);
/* mm1 = [ B + F - af*B ] */
packuswb_r2r (mm1, mm1);
movd_r2m (mm1, *output);
foreground += 8;
output += 4;
input += 4;
sfence ();
emms ();
static void
composite_packed4444_to_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
uint8_t * foreground, int width)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int a = foreground[0];
if (a == 0xff) {
output[0] = foreground[1];
if ((i & 1) == 0) {
output[1] = foreground[2];
output[3] = foreground[3];
} else if (a) {
* (1 - alpha)*B + alpha*F
* B + af*F - af*B
output[0] =
input[0] + foreground[1] - multiply_alpha (foreground[0], input[0]);
if ((i & 1) == 0) {
* C_r = (1 - af)*B + af*F
* C_r = B - af*B + af*F
output[1] =
input[1] + foreground[2] - multiply_alpha (foreground[0], input[1]);
output[3] =
input[3] + foreground[3] - multiply_alpha (foreground[0], input[3]);
foreground += 4;
output += 2;
input += 2;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
composite_packed4444_to_packed422_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, uint8_t * foreground, int width)
const mmx_t alpha2 = { 0x0000FFFF00000000ULL };
const mmx_t alpha1 = { 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFFULL };
const mmx_t round = { 0x0080008000800080ULL };
int i;
READ_PREFETCH_2048 (input);
READ_PREFETCH_2048 (foreground);
pxor_r2r (mm7, mm7);
for (i = width / 2; i; i--) {
int fg1 = *((uint32_t *) foreground);
int fg2 = *(((uint32_t *) foreground) + 1);
if ((fg1 & 0xff) == 0xff && (fg2 & 0xff) == 0xff) {
movq_m2r (*foreground, mm3);
movq_r2r (mm3, mm4);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm3);
punpckhbw_r2r (mm7, mm4);
/* mm3 and mm4 will be the appropriate colours, mm5 and mm6 for alpha. */
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 3 cr ][ 0 a ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ] == 11001000 == 201 */
pshufw_r2r (mm3, mm3, 201);
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 0 a ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ] == 00010000 == 16 */
pshufw_r2r (mm4, mm4, 16);
pand_m2r (alpha1, mm3);
pand_m2r (alpha2, mm4);
por_r2r (mm4, mm3);
/* mm1 = [ B + F - af*B ] */
packuswb_r2r (mm3, mm3);
movd_r2m (mm3, *output);
} else if (fg1 || fg2) {
/* mm1 = [ cr ][ y ][ cb ][ y ] */
movd_m2r (*input, mm1);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm1);
movq_m2r (*foreground, mm3);
movq_r2r (mm3, mm4);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm3);
punpckhbw_r2r (mm7, mm4);
/* mm3 and mm4 will be the appropriate colours, mm5 and mm6 for alpha. */
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 0 a ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ] */
pshufw_r2r (mm3, mm5, 0);
pshufw_r2r (mm4, mm6, 0);
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 3 cr ][ 0 a ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ] == 11001000 == 201 */
pshufw_r2r (mm3, mm3, 201);
/* [ 3 cr ][ 2 cb ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ] -> [ 0 a ][ 1 y ][ 0 a ][ 0 a ] == 00010000 == 16 */
pshufw_r2r (mm4, mm4, 16);
pand_m2r (alpha1, mm3);
pand_m2r (alpha2, mm4);
pand_m2r (alpha1, mm5);
pand_m2r (alpha2, mm6);
por_r2r (mm4, mm3);
por_r2r (mm6, mm5);
/* now, mm5 is af and mm1 is B. Need to multiply them. */
pmullw_r2r (mm1, mm5);
/* Result is now B + F. */
paddw_r2r (mm3, mm1);
/* Round up appropriately. */
paddw_m2r (round, mm5);
/* mm6 contains our i>>8; */
movq_r2r (mm5, mm6);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm6);
/* Add mm6 back into mm5. Now our result is in the high bytes. */
paddw_r2r (mm6, mm5);
/* Shift down. */
psrlw_i2r (8, mm5);
psubusw_r2r (mm5, mm1);
/* mm1 = [ B + F - af*B ] */
packuswb_r2r (mm1, mm1);
movd_r2m (mm1, *output);
foreground += 8;
output += 4;
input += 4;
sfence ();
emms ();
* um... just need some scrap paper...
* D = (1 - alpha)*B + alpha*F
* D = (1 - a)*B + a*textluma
* = B - a*B + a*textluma
* = B + a*(textluma - B)
* Da = (1 - a)*b + a
static void
composite_alphamask_to_packed4444_scanline_c (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input,
uint8_t * mask, int width, int textluma, int textcb, int textcr)
uint32_t opaque = (textcr << 24) | (textcb << 16) | (textluma << 8) | 0xff;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int a = *mask;
if (a == 0xff) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = opaque;
} else if ((input[0] == 0x00)) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = (multiply_alpha (a, textcr) << 24)
| (multiply_alpha (a, textcb) << 16)
| (multiply_alpha (a, textluma) << 8) | a;
} else if (a) {
*((uint32_t *) output) =
((input[3] + multiply_alpha (a, textcr - input[3])) << 24)
| ((input[2] + multiply_alpha (a, textcb - input[2])) << 16)
| ((input[1] + multiply_alpha (a, textluma - input[1])) << 8)
| (input[0] + multiply_alpha (a, 0xff - input[0]));
output += 4;
input += 4;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
composite_alphamask_to_packed4444_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input,
uint8_t * mask, int width, int textluma, int textcb, int textcr)
uint32_t opaque = (textcr << 24) | (textcb << 16) | (textluma << 8) | 0xff;
const mmx_t round = { 0x0080008000800080ULL };
const mmx_t fullalpha = { 0x00000000000000ffULL };
mmx_t colour;
colour.w[0] = 0x00;
colour.w[1] = textluma;
colour.w[2] = textcb;
colour.w[3] = textcr;
movq_m2r (colour, mm1);
movq_r2r (mm1, mm0);
/* mm0 = [ cr ][ cb ][ y ][ 0xff ] */
paddw_m2r (fullalpha, mm0);
/* mm7 = 0 */
pxor_r2r (mm7, mm7);
/* mm6 = round */
movq_m2r (round, mm6);
while (width--) {
int a = *mask;
if (a == 0xff) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = opaque;
} else if ((input[0] == 0x00)) {
/* We just need to multiply our colour by the alpha value. */
/* mm2 = [ a ][ a ][ a ][ a ] */
movd_m2r (a, mm2);
movq_r2r (mm2, mm3);
pshufw_r2r (mm2, mm2, 0);
/* mm5 = [ cr ][ cb ][ y ][ 0 ] */
movq_r2r (mm1, mm5);
/* Multiply by alpha. */
pmullw_r2r (mm2, mm5);
paddw_m2r (round, mm5);
movq_r2r (mm5, mm6);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm6);
paddw_r2r (mm6, mm5);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm5);
/* Set alpha to a. */
por_r2r (mm3, mm5);
/* Pack and write our result. */
packuswb_r2r (mm5, mm5);
movd_r2m (mm5, *output);
} else if (a) {
/* mm2 = [ a ][ a ][ a ][ a ] */
movd_m2r (a, mm2);
pshufw_r2r (mm2, mm2, 0);
/* mm3 = [ cr ][ cb ][ y ][ 0xff ] */
movq_r2r (mm0, mm3);
/* mm4 = [ i_cr ][ i_cb ][ i_y ][ i_a ] */
movd_m2r (*input, mm4);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm4);
/* Subtract input and colour. */
psubw_r2r (mm4, mm3); /* mm3 = mm3 - mm4 */
/* Multiply alpha. */
pmullw_r2r (mm2, mm3);
paddw_r2r (mm6, mm3);
movq_r2r (mm3, mm2);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm3);
paddw_r2r (mm2, mm3);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm3);
/* Add back in the input. */
paddb_r2r (mm3, mm4);
/* Write result. */
packuswb_r2r (mm4, mm4);
movd_r2m (mm4, *output);
output += 4;
input += 4;
sfence ();
emms ();
static void
composite_alphamask_alpha_to_packed4444_scanline_c (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input,
uint8_t * mask, int width, int textluma, int textcb, int textcr, int alpha)
uint32_t opaque = (textcr << 24) | (textcb << 16) | (textluma << 8) | 0xff;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
int af = *mask;
if (af) {
int a = ((af * alpha) + 0x80) >> 8;
if (a == 0xff) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = opaque;
} else if (input[0] == 0x00) {
*((uint32_t *) output) = (multiply_alpha (a, textcr) << 24)
| (multiply_alpha (a, textcb) << 16)
| (multiply_alpha (a, textluma) << 8) | a;
} else if (a) {
*((uint32_t *) output) =
((input[3] + multiply_alpha (a, textcr - input[3])) << 24)
| ((input[2] + multiply_alpha (a, textcb - input[2])) << 16)
| ((input[1] + multiply_alpha (a, textluma - input[1])) << 8)
| (a + multiply_alpha (0xff - a, input[0]));
output += 4;
input += 4;
static void
premultiply_packed4444_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input, int width)
while (width--) {
unsigned int cur_a = input[0];
*((uint32_t *) output) = (multiply_alpha (cur_a, input[3]) << 24)
| (multiply_alpha (cur_a, input[2]) << 16)
| (multiply_alpha (cur_a, input[1]) << 8)
| cur_a;
output += 4;
input += 4;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
premultiply_packed4444_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width)
const mmx_t round = { 0x0080008000800080ULL };
const mmx_t alpha = { 0x00000000000000ffULL };
const mmx_t noalp = { 0xffffffffffff0000ULL };
pxor_r2r (mm7, mm7);
while (width--) {
movd_m2r (*input, mm0);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm0);
movq_r2r (mm0, mm2);
pshufw_r2r (mm2, mm2, 0);
movq_r2r (mm2, mm4);
pand_m2r (alpha, mm4);
pmullw_r2r (mm2, mm0);
paddw_m2r (round, mm0);
movq_r2r (mm0, mm3);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm3);
paddw_r2r (mm3, mm0);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm0);
pand_m2r (noalp, mm0);
paddw_r2r (mm4, mm0);
packuswb_r2r (mm0, mm0);
movd_r2m (mm0, *output);
output += 4;
input += 4;
sfence ();
emms ();
static void
blend_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * src1,
uint8_t * src2, int width, int pos)
if (pos == 0) {
blit_packed422_scanline (output, src1, width);
} else if (pos == 256) {
blit_packed422_scanline (output, src2, width);
} else if (pos == 128) {
interpolate_packed422_scanline (output, src1, src2, width);
} else {
width *= 2;
while (width--) {
*output++ = ((*src1++ * (256 - pos)) + (*src2++ * pos) + 0x80) >> 8;
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
blend_packed422_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * src1,
uint8_t * src2, int width, int pos)
if (pos <= 0) {
blit_packed422_scanline (output, src1, width);
} else if (pos >= 256) {
blit_packed422_scanline (output, src2, width);
} else if (pos == 128) {
interpolate_packed422_scanline (output, src1, src2, width);
} else {
const mmx_t all256 = { 0x0100010001000100ULL };
const mmx_t round = { 0x0080008000800080ULL };
movd_m2r (pos, mm0);
pshufw_r2r (mm0, mm0, 0);
movq_m2r (all256, mm1);
psubw_r2r (mm0, mm1);
pxor_r2r (mm7, mm7);
for (width /= 2; width; width--) {
movd_m2r (*src1, mm3);
movd_m2r (*src2, mm4);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm3);
punpcklbw_r2r (mm7, mm4);
pmullw_r2r (mm1, mm3);
pmullw_r2r (mm0, mm4);
paddw_r2r (mm4, mm3);
paddw_m2r (round, mm3);
psrlw_i2r (8, mm3);
packuswb_r2r (mm3, mm3);
movd_r2m (mm3, *output);
output += 4;
src1 += 4;
src2 += 4;
sfence ();
emms ();
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
static void
quarter_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline_mmxext (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * one, uint8_t * three, int width)
int i;
for (i = width / 16; i; --i) {
movq_m2r (*one, mm0);
movq_m2r (*three, mm1);
movq_m2r (*(one + 8), mm2);
movq_m2r (*(three + 8), mm3);
movq_m2r (*(one + 16), mm4);
movq_m2r (*(three + 16), mm5);
movq_m2r (*(one + 24), mm6);
movq_m2r (*(three + 24), mm7);
pavgb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
pavgb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
pavgb_r2r (mm3, mm2);
pavgb_r2r (mm3, mm2);
pavgb_r2r (mm5, mm4);
pavgb_r2r (mm5, mm4);
pavgb_r2r (mm7, mm6);
pavgb_r2r (mm7, mm6);
movntq_r2m (mm0, *output);
movntq_r2m (mm2, *(output + 8));
movntq_r2m (mm4, *(output + 16));
movntq_r2m (mm6, *(output + 24));
output += 32;
one += 32;
three += 32;
width = (width & 0xf);
for (i = width / 4; i; --i) {
movq_m2r (*one, mm0);
movq_m2r (*three, mm1);
pavgb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
pavgb_r2r (mm1, mm0);
movntq_r2m (mm0, *output);
output += 8;
one += 8;
three += 8;
width = width & 0x7;
/* Handle last few pixels. */
for (i = width * 2; i; --i) {
*output++ = (*one + *three + *three + *three + 2) / 4;
sfence ();
emms ();
static void
quarter_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * one,
uint8_t * three, int width)
width *= 2;
while (width--) {
*output++ = (*one + *three + *three + *three + 2) / 4;
static void
subpix_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * top,
uint8_t * bot, int subpixpos, int width)
if (subpixpos == 32768) {
interpolate_packed422_scanline (output, top, bot, width);
} else if (subpixpos == 16384) {
quarter_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline (output, top, bot, width);
} else if (subpixpos == 49152) {
quarter_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline (output, bot, top, width);
} else {
int x;
width *= 2;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
output[x] =
((top[x] * subpixpos) + (bot[x] * (0xffff - subpixpos))) >> 16;
static void
a8_subpix_blit_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int lasta, int startpos, int width)
int pos = 0xffff - (startpos & 0xffff);
int prev = lasta;
int x;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
output[x] = ((prev * pos) + (input[x] * (0xffff - pos))) >> 16;
prev = input[x];
* These are from lavtools in mjpegtools:
* colorspace.c: Routines to perform colorspace conversions.
* Copyright (C) 2001 Matthew J. Marjanovic <maddog@mir.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#define FP_BITS 18
/* precomputed tables */
static int Y_R[256];
static int Y_G[256];
static int Y_B[256];
static int Cb_R[256];
static int Cb_G[256];
static int Cb_B[256];
static int Cr_R[256];
static int Cr_G[256];
static int Cr_B[256];
static int conv_RY_inited = 0;
static int RGB_Y[256];
static int R_Cr[256];
static int G_Cb[256];
static int G_Cr[256];
static int B_Cb[256];
static int conv_YR_inited = 0;
static int
myround (double n)
if (n >= 0)
return (int) (n + 0.5);
return (int) (n - 0.5);
static void
init_RGB_to_YCbCr_tables (void)
int i;
* Q_Z[i] = (coefficient * i
* * (Q-excursion) / (Z-excursion) * fixed-point-factor)
* to one of each, add the following:
* + (fixed-point-factor / 2) --- for rounding later
* + (Q-offset * fixed-point-factor) --- to add the offset
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
Y_R[i] =
myround (0.299 * (double) i * 219.0 / 255.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS));
Y_G[i] =
myround (0.587 * (double) i * 219.0 / 255.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS));
Y_B[i] =
myround ((0.114 * (double) i * 219.0 / 255.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS))
+ (double) (1 << (FP_BITS - 1)) + (16.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS)));
Cb_R[i] =
myround (-0.168736 * (double) i * 224.0 / 255.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
Cb_G[i] =
myround (-0.331264 * (double) i * 224.0 / 255.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
Cb_B[i] =
myround ((0.500 * (double) i * 224.0 / 255.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS))
+ (double) (1 << (FP_BITS - 1)) + (128.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS)));
Cr_R[i] =
myround (0.500 * (double) i * 224.0 / 255.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS));
Cr_G[i] =
myround (-0.418688 * (double) i * 224.0 / 255.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
Cr_B[i] =
myround ((-0.081312 * (double) i * 224.0 / 255.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS))
+ (double) (1 << (FP_BITS - 1)) + (128.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS)));
conv_RY_inited = 1;
static void
init_YCbCr_to_RGB_tables (void)
int i;
* Q_Z[i] = (coefficient * i
* * (Q-excursion) / (Z-excursion) * fixed-point-factor)
* to one of each, add the following:
* + (fixed-point-factor / 2) --- for rounding later
* + (Q-offset * fixed-point-factor) --- to add the offset
/* clip Y values under 16 */
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
RGB_Y[i] =
myround ((1.0 * (double) (16) * 255.0 / 219.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS))
+ (double) (1 << (FP_BITS - 1)));
for (i = 16; i < 236; i++) {
RGB_Y[i] =
myround ((1.0 * (double) (i -
16) * 255.0 / 219.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS))
+ (double) (1 << (FP_BITS - 1)));
/* clip Y values above 235 */
for (i = 236; i < 256; i++) {
RGB_Y[i] =
myround ((1.0 * (double) (235) * 255.0 / 219.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS))
+ (double) (1 << (FP_BITS - 1)));
/* clip Cb/Cr values below 16 */
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
R_Cr[i] =
myround (1.402 * (double) (-112) * 255.0 / 224.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
G_Cr[i] =
myround (-0.714136 * (double) (-112) * 255.0 / 224.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
G_Cb[i] =
myround (-0.344136 * (double) (-112) * 255.0 / 224.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
B_Cb[i] =
myround (1.772 * (double) (-112) * 255.0 / 224.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
for (i = 16; i < 241; i++) {
R_Cr[i] =
myround (1.402 * (double) (i -
128) * 255.0 / 224.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS));
G_Cr[i] =
myround (-0.714136 * (double) (i -
128) * 255.0 / 224.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS));
G_Cb[i] =
myround (-0.344136 * (double) (i -
128) * 255.0 / 224.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS));
B_Cb[i] =
myround (1.772 * (double) (i -
128) * 255.0 / 224.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS));
/* clip Cb/Cr values above 240 */
for (i = 241; i < 256; i++) {
R_Cr[i] =
myround (1.402 * (double) (112) * 255.0 / 224.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
G_Cr[i] =
myround (-0.714136 * (double) (112) * 255.0 / 224.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
G_Cb[i] =
myround (-0.344136 * (double) (i -
128) * 255.0 / 224.0 * (double) (1 << FP_BITS));
B_Cb[i] =
myround (1.772 * (double) (112) * 255.0 / 224.0 *
(double) (1 << FP_BITS));
conv_YR_inited = 1;
static void
rgb24_to_packed444_rec601_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width)
if (!conv_RY_inited)
init_RGB_to_YCbCr_tables ();
while (width--) {
int r = input[0];
int g = input[1];
int b = input[2];
output[0] = (Y_R[r] + Y_G[g] + Y_B[b]) >> FP_BITS;
output[1] = (Cb_R[r] + Cb_G[g] + Cb_B[b]) >> FP_BITS;
output[2] = (Cr_R[r] + Cr_G[g] + Cr_B[b]) >> FP_BITS;
output += 3;
input += 3;
static void
rgba32_to_packed4444_rec601_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width)
if (!conv_RY_inited)
init_RGB_to_YCbCr_tables ();
while (width--) {
int r = input[0];
int g = input[1];
int b = input[2];
int a = input[3];
output[0] = a;
output[1] = (Y_R[r] + Y_G[g] + Y_B[b]) >> FP_BITS;
output[2] = (Cb_R[r] + Cb_G[g] + Cb_B[b]) >> FP_BITS;
output[3] = (Cr_R[r] + Cr_G[g] + Cr_B[b]) >> FP_BITS;
output += 4;
input += 4;
static void
packed444_to_rgb24_rec601_scanline_c (uint8_t * output, uint8_t * input,
int width)
if (!conv_YR_inited)
init_YCbCr_to_RGB_tables ();
while (width--) {
int luma = input[0];
int cb = input[1];
int cr = input[2];
output[0] = clip255 ((RGB_Y[luma] + R_Cr[cr]) >> FP_BITS);
output[1] = clip255 ((RGB_Y[luma] + G_Cb[cb] + G_Cr[cr]) >> FP_BITS);
output[2] = clip255 ((RGB_Y[luma] + B_Cb[cb]) >> FP_BITS);
output += 3;
input += 3;
* 601 numbers:
* Y' = 0.299*R' + 0.587*G' + 0.114*B' (in 0.0 to 1.0)
* Cb = -0.169*R' - 0.331*G' + 0.500*B' (in -0.5 to +0.5)
* Cr = 0.500*R' - 0.419*G' - 0.081*B' (in -0.5 to +0.5)
* Inverse:
* Y Cb Cr
* R 1.0000 -0.0009 1.4017
* G 1.0000 -0.3437 -0.7142
* B 1.0000 1.7722 0.0010
* S170M numbers:
* Y' = 0.299*R' + 0.587*G' + 0.114*B' (in 0.0 to 1.0)
* B-Y' = -0.299*R' - 0.587*G' + 0.886*B'
* R-Y' = 0.701*R' - 0.587*G' - 0.114*B'
static void packed444_to_rgb24_rec601_reference_scanline( uint8_t *output, uint8_t *input, int width )
while( width-- ) {
double yp = (((double) input[ 0 ]) - 16.0) / 255.0;
double cb = (((double) input[ 1 ]) - 128.0) / 255.0;
double cr = (((double) input[ 2 ]) - 128.0) / 255.0;
double r, g, b;
r = yp - (0.0009*cb) + (1.4017*cr);
g = yp - (0.3437*cb) - (0.7142*cr);
b = yp + (1.7722*cb) + (0.0010*cr);
if( r > 1.0 ) r = 1.0; else if( r < 0.0 ) r = 0.0;
if( g > 1.0 ) g = 1.0; else if( g < 0.0 ) g = 0.0;
if( b > 1.0 ) b = 1.0; else if( b < 0.0 ) b = 0.0;
output[ 0 ] = (int) ((r * 255.0) + 0.5);
output[ 1 ] = (int) ((g * 255.0) + 0.5);
output[ 2 ] = (int) ((b * 255.0) + 0.5);
output += 3;
input += 3;
static void
packed444_to_nonpremultiplied_packed4444_scanline_c (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, int width, int alpha)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
output[0] = alpha & 0xff;
output[1] = input[0] & 0xff;
output[2] = input[1] & 0xff;
output[3] = input[2] & 0xff;
output += 4;
input += 3;
static void
aspect_adjust_packed4444_scanline_c (uint8_t * output,
uint8_t * input, int width, double pixel_aspect)
double i;
int prev_i = 0;
int w = 0;
pixel_aspect = 1.0 / pixel_aspect;
for (i = 0.0; i < width; i += pixel_aspect) {
uint8_t *curin = input + ((int) i) * 4;
if (!prev_i) {
output[0] = curin[0];
output[1] = curin[1];
output[2] = curin[2];
output[3] = curin[3];
} else {
int avg_a = 0;
int avg_y = 0;
int avg_cb = 0;
int avg_cr = 0;
int pos = prev_i * 4;
int c = 0;
int j;
for (j = prev_i; j <= (int) i; j++) {
avg_a += input[pos++];
avg_y += input[pos++];
avg_cb += input[pos++];
avg_cr += input[pos++];
output[0] = avg_a / c;
output[1] = avg_y / c;
output[2] = avg_cb / c;
output[3] = avg_cr / c;
output += 4;
prev_i = (int) i;
static uint32_t speedy_accel;
setup_speedy_calls (uint32_t accel, int verbose)
speedy_accel = accel;
interpolate_packed422_scanline = interpolate_packed422_scanline_c;
blit_colour_packed422_scanline = blit_colour_packed422_scanline_c;
blit_colour_packed4444_scanline = blit_colour_packed4444_scanline_c;
blit_packed422_scanline = blit_packed422_scanline_c;
composite_packed4444_to_packed422_scanline =
composite_packed4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline =
composite_alphamask_to_packed4444_scanline =
composite_alphamask_alpha_to_packed4444_scanline =
premultiply_packed4444_scanline = premultiply_packed4444_scanline_c;
blend_packed422_scanline = blend_packed422_scanline_c;
comb_factor_packed422_scanline = 0;
diff_factor_packed422_scanline = diff_factor_packed422_scanline_c;
kill_chroma_packed422_inplace_scanline =
mirror_packed422_inplace_scanline = mirror_packed422_inplace_scanline_c;
speedy_memcpy = speedy_memcpy_c;
diff_packed422_block8x8 = diff_packed422_block8x8_c;
a8_subpix_blit_scanline = a8_subpix_blit_scanline_c;
quarter_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline =
subpix_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline =
packed444_to_nonpremultiplied_packed4444_scanline =
aspect_adjust_packed4444_scanline = aspect_adjust_packed4444_scanline_c;
packed444_to_packed422_scanline = packed444_to_packed422_scanline_c;
packed422_to_packed444_scanline = packed422_to_packed444_scanline_c;
packed422_to_packed444_rec601_scanline =
packed444_to_rgb24_rec601_scanline = packed444_to_rgb24_rec601_scanline_c;
rgb24_to_packed444_rec601_scanline = rgb24_to_packed444_rec601_scanline_c;
rgba32_to_packed4444_rec601_scanline = rgba32_to_packed4444_rec601_scanline_c;
invert_colour_packed422_inplace_scanline =
vfilter_chroma_121_packed422_scanline =
vfilter_chroma_332_packed422_scanline =
convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline = convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline_c;
composite_colour4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline =
#ifdef HAVE_CPU_I386
if (speedy_accel & OIL_IMPL_FLAG_MMXEXT) {
if (verbose) {
fprintf (stderr, "speedycode: Using MMXEXT optimized functions.\n");
interpolate_packed422_scanline = interpolate_packed422_scanline_mmxext;
blit_colour_packed422_scanline = blit_colour_packed422_scanline_mmxext;
blit_colour_packed4444_scanline = blit_colour_packed4444_scanline_mmxext;
blit_packed422_scanline = blit_packed422_scanline_mmxext;
composite_packed4444_to_packed422_scanline =
composite_packed4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline =
composite_alphamask_to_packed4444_scanline =
premultiply_packed4444_scanline = premultiply_packed4444_scanline_mmxext;
kill_chroma_packed422_inplace_scanline =
blend_packed422_scanline = blend_packed422_scanline_mmxext;
diff_factor_packed422_scanline = diff_factor_packed422_scanline_mmx;
comb_factor_packed422_scanline = comb_factor_packed422_scanline_mmx;
diff_packed422_block8x8 = diff_packed422_block8x8_mmx;
quarter_blit_vertical_packed422_scanline =
invert_colour_packed422_inplace_scanline =
vfilter_chroma_121_packed422_scanline =
vfilter_chroma_332_packed422_scanline =
convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline = convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline_mmx;
composite_colour4444_alpha_to_packed422_scanline =
speedy_memcpy = speedy_memcpy_mmxext;
} else if (speedy_accel & OIL_IMPL_FLAG_MMX) {
if (verbose) {
fprintf (stderr, "speedycode: Using MMX optimized functions.\n");
interpolate_packed422_scanline = interpolate_packed422_scanline_mmx;
blit_colour_packed422_scanline = blit_colour_packed422_scanline_mmx;
blit_colour_packed4444_scanline = blit_colour_packed4444_scanline_mmx;
blit_packed422_scanline = blit_packed422_scanline_mmx;
diff_factor_packed422_scanline = diff_factor_packed422_scanline_mmx;
comb_factor_packed422_scanline = comb_factor_packed422_scanline_mmx;
kill_chroma_packed422_inplace_scanline =
diff_packed422_block8x8 = diff_packed422_block8x8_mmx;
invert_colour_packed422_inplace_scanline =
vfilter_chroma_121_packed422_scanline =
vfilter_chroma_332_packed422_scanline =
convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline = convert_uyvy_to_yuyv_scanline_mmx;
speedy_memcpy = speedy_memcpy_mmx;
} else {
if (verbose) {
fprintf (stderr,
"speedycode: No MMX or MMXEXT support detected, using C fallbacks.\n");
speedy_get_accel (void)
return speedy_accel;