Tim-Philipp Müller 84a3b0ef87 samiparse: fix handling of self-closing tags
We would check the wrong string (rest of line rather than element)
for the / suffix of self-closing tags, which is not only wrong but
also has atrocious performance with certain strings like the garbled
nonsense clusterfuzz feeds us, which might cause discoverer to time
out when processing garbled SAMI files.


Part-of: <>
2022-07-01 17:24:52 +00:00

904 lines
23 KiB

/* GStreamer SAMI subtitle parser
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2013 Young-Ho Cha <ganadist at gmail com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "samiparse.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ITALIC_TAG 'i'
#define SPAN_TAG 's'
#define RUBY_TAG 'r'
#define RT_TAG 't'
#define CLEAR_TAG '0'
typedef struct _HtmlParser HtmlParser;
typedef struct _HtmlContext HtmlContext;
typedef struct _GstSamiContext GstSamiContext;
struct _GstSamiContext
GString *buf; /* buffer to collect content */
GString *rubybuf; /* buffer to collect ruby content */
GString *resultbuf; /* when opening the next 'sync' tag, move
* from 'buf' to avoid to append following
* content */
GString *state; /* in many sami files there are tags that
* are not closed, so for each open tag the
* parser will append a tag flag here so
* that tags can be closed properly on
* 'sync' tags. See _context_push_state()
* and _context_pop_state(). */
HtmlContext *htmlctxt; /* html parser context */
gboolean has_result; /* set when ready to push out result */
gboolean in_sync; /* flag to avoid appending anything except the
* content of the sync elements to buf */
guint64 time1; /* previous start attribute in sync tag */
guint64 time2; /* current start attribute in sync tag */
struct _HtmlParser
void (*start_element) (HtmlContext * ctx,
const gchar * name, const gchar ** attr, gpointer user_data);
void (*end_element) (HtmlContext * ctx,
const gchar * name, gpointer user_data);
void (*text) (HtmlContext * ctx,
const gchar * text, gsize text_len, gpointer user_data);
struct _HtmlContext
const HtmlParser *parser;
gpointer user_data;
GString *buf;
static HtmlContext *
html_context_new (HtmlParser * parser, gpointer user_data)
HtmlContext *ctxt = (HtmlContext *) g_new0 (HtmlContext, 1);
ctxt->parser = parser;
ctxt->user_data = user_data;
ctxt->buf = g_string_new (NULL);
return ctxt;
static void
html_context_free (HtmlContext * ctxt)
g_string_free (ctxt->buf, TRUE);
g_free (ctxt);
struct EntityMap
const gunichar unescaped;
const gchar *escaped;
struct EntityMap XmlEntities[] = {
{34, "quot;"},
{38, "amp;"},
{39, "apos;"},
{60, "lt;"},
{62, "gt;"},
{0, NULL},
struct EntityMap HtmlEntities[] = {
/* nbsp will handle manually
{ 160, "nbsp;" }, */
{161, "iexcl;"},
{162, "cent;"},
{163, "pound;"},
{164, "curren;"},
{165, "yen;"},
{166, "brvbar;"},
{167, "sect;"},
{168, "uml;"},
{169, "copy;"},
{170, "ordf;"},
{171, "laquo;"},
{172, "not;"},
{173, "shy;"},
{174, "reg;"},
{175, "macr;"},
{176, "deg;"},
{177, "plusmn;"},
{178, "sup2;"},
{179, "sup3;"},
{180, "acute;"},
{181, "micro;"},
{182, "para;"},
{183, "middot;"},
{184, "cedil;"},
{185, "sup1;"},
{186, "ordm;"},
{187, "raquo;"},
{188, "frac14;"},
{189, "frac12;"},
{190, "frac34;"},
{191, "iquest;"},
{192, "Agrave;"},
{193, "Aacute;"},
{194, "Acirc;"},
{195, "Atilde;"},
{196, "Auml;"},
{197, "Aring;"},
{198, "AElig;"},
{199, "Ccedil;"},
{200, "Egrave;"},
{201, "Eacute;"},
{202, "Ecirc;"},
{203, "Euml;"},
{204, "Igrave;"},
{205, "Iacute;"},
{206, "Icirc;"},
{207, "Iuml;"},
{208, "ETH;"},
{209, "Ntilde;"},
{210, "Ograve;"},
{211, "Oacute;"},
{212, "Ocirc;"},
{213, "Otilde;"},
{214, "Ouml;"},
{215, "times;"},
{216, "Oslash;"},
{217, "Ugrave;"},
{218, "Uacute;"},
{219, "Ucirc;"},
{220, "Uuml;"},
{221, "Yacute;"},
{222, "THORN;"},
{223, "szlig;"},
{224, "agrave;"},
{225, "aacute;"},
{226, "acirc;"},
{227, "atilde;"},
{228, "auml;"},
{229, "aring;"},
{230, "aelig;"},
{231, "ccedil;"},
{232, "egrave;"},
{233, "eacute;"},
{234, "ecirc;"},
{235, "euml;"},
{236, "igrave;"},
{237, "iacute;"},
{238, "icirc;"},
{239, "iuml;"},
{240, "eth;"},
{241, "ntilde;"},
{242, "ograve;"},
{243, "oacute;"},
{244, "ocirc;"},
{245, "otilde;"},
{246, "ouml;"},
{247, "divide;"},
{248, "oslash;"},
{249, "ugrave;"},
{250, "uacute;"},
{251, "ucirc;"},
{252, "uuml;"},
{253, "yacute;"},
{254, "thorn;"},
{255, "yuml;"},
{338, "OElig;"},
{339, "oelig;"},
{352, "Scaron;"},
{353, "scaron;"},
{376, "Yuml;"},
{402, "fnof;"},
{710, "circ;"},
{732, "tilde;"},
{913, "Alpha;"},
{914, "Beta;"},
{915, "Gamma;"},
{916, "Delta;"},
{917, "Epsilon;"},
{918, "Zeta;"},
{919, "Eta;"},
{920, "Theta;"},
{921, "Iota;"},
{922, "Kappa;"},
{923, "Lambda;"},
{924, "Mu;"},
{925, "Nu;"},
{926, "Xi;"},
{927, "Omicron;"},
{928, "Pi;"},
{929, "Rho;"},
{931, "Sigma;"},
{932, "Tau;"},
{933, "Upsilon;"},
{934, "Phi;"},
{935, "Chi;"},
{936, "Psi;"},
{937, "Omega;"},
{945, "alpha;"},
{946, "beta;"},
{947, "gamma;"},
{948, "delta;"},
{949, "epsilon;"},
{950, "zeta;"},
{951, "eta;"},
{952, "theta;"},
{953, "iota;"},
{954, "kappa;"},
{955, "lambda;"},
{956, "mu;"},
{957, "nu;"},
{958, "xi;"},
{959, "omicron;"},
{960, "pi;"},
{961, "rho;"},
{962, "sigmaf;"},
{963, "sigma;"},
{964, "tau;"},
{965, "upsilon;"},
{966, "phi;"},
{967, "chi;"},
{968, "psi;"},
{969, "omega;"},
{977, "thetasym;"},
{978, "upsih;"},
{982, "piv;"},
{8194, "ensp;"},
{8195, "emsp;"},
{8201, "thinsp;"},
{8204, "zwnj;"},
{8205, "zwj;"},
{8206, "lrm;"},
{8207, "rlm;"},
{8211, "ndash;"},
{8212, "mdash;"},
{8216, "lsquo;"},
{8217, "rsquo;"},
{8218, "sbquo;"},
{8220, "ldquo;"},
{8221, "rdquo;"},
{8222, "bdquo;"},
{8224, "dagger;"},
{8225, "Dagger;"},
{8226, "bull;"},
{8230, "hellip;"},
{8240, "permil;"},
{8242, "prime;"},
{8243, "Prime;"},
{8249, "lsaquo;"},
{8250, "rsaquo;"},
{8254, "oline;"},
{8260, "frasl;"},
{8364, "euro;"},
{8465, "image;"},
{8472, "weierp;"},
{8476, "real;"},
{8482, "trade;"},
{8501, "alefsym;"},
{8592, "larr;"},
{8593, "uarr;"},
{8594, "rarr;"},
{8595, "darr;"},
{8596, "harr;"},
{8629, "crarr;"},
{8656, "lArr;"},
{8657, "uArr;"},
{8658, "rArr;"},
{8659, "dArr;"},
{8660, "hArr;"},
{8704, "forall;"},
{8706, "part;"},
{8707, "exist;"},
{8709, "empty;"},
{8711, "nabla;"},
{8712, "isin;"},
{8713, "notin;"},
{8715, "ni;"},
{8719, "prod;"},
{8721, "sum;"},
{8722, "minus;"},
{8727, "lowast;"},
{8730, "radic;"},
{8733, "prop;"},
{8734, "infin;"},
{8736, "ang;"},
{8743, "and;"},
{8744, "or;"},
{8745, "cap;"},
{8746, "cup;"},
{8747, "int;"},
{8756, "there4;"},
{8764, "sim;"},
{8773, "cong;"},
{8776, "asymp;"},
{8800, "ne;"},
{8801, "equiv;"},
{8804, "le;"},
{8805, "ge;"},
{8834, "sub;"},
{8835, "sup;"},
{8836, "nsub;"},
{8838, "sube;"},
{8839, "supe;"},
{8853, "oplus;"},
{8855, "otimes;"},
{8869, "perp;"},
{8901, "sdot;"},
{8968, "lceil;"},
{8969, "rceil;"},
{8970, "lfloor;"},
{8971, "rfloor;"},
{9001, "lang;"},
{9002, "rang;"},
{9674, "loz;"},
{9824, "spades;"},
{9827, "clubs;"},
{9829, "hearts;"},
{9830, "diams;"},
{0, NULL},
static gchar *
unescape_string (const gchar * text)
gint i;
GString *unescaped = g_string_new (NULL);
while (*text) {
if (*text == '&') {
/* unescape &nbsp and &nbsp; */
if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (text, "nbsp", 4)) {
unescaped = g_string_append_unichar (unescaped, 160);
text += 4;
if (*text == ';') {
goto next;
/* pass xml entities. these will be processed as pango markup */
for (i = 0; XmlEntities[i].escaped; i++) {
gssize len = strlen (XmlEntities[i].escaped);
if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (text, XmlEntities[i].escaped, len)) {
unescaped = g_string_append_c (unescaped, '&');
unescaped =
g_string_append_len (unescaped, XmlEntities[i].escaped, len);
text += len;
goto next;
/* convert html entities */
for (i = 0; HtmlEntities[i].escaped; i++) {
gssize len = strlen (HtmlEntities[i].escaped);
if (!strncmp (text, HtmlEntities[i].escaped, len)) {
unescaped =
g_string_append_unichar (unescaped, HtmlEntities[i].unescaped);
text += len;
goto next;
if (*text == '#') {
gboolean is_hex = FALSE;
gunichar l;
gchar *end = NULL;
if (*text == 'x') {
is_hex = TRUE;
errno = 0;
if (is_hex) {
l = strtoul (text, &end, 16);
} else {
l = strtoul (text, &end, 10);
if (text == end || errno != 0) {
/* error occurred. pass it */
goto next;
unescaped = g_string_append_unichar (unescaped, l);
text = end;
if (*text == ';') {
goto next;
/* escape & */
unescaped = g_string_append (unescaped, "&amp;");
} else if (g_ascii_isspace (*text)) {
unescaped = g_string_append_c (unescaped, ' ');
/* strip whitespace */
do {
} while ((*text) && g_ascii_isspace (*text));
} else {
unescaped = g_string_append_c (unescaped, *text);
return g_string_free (unescaped, FALSE);
static const gchar *
string_token (const gchar * string, const gchar * delimiter, gchar ** first)
gchar *next = strstr (string, delimiter);
if (next) {
*first = g_strndup (string, next - string);
} else {
*first = g_strdup (string);
return next;
static void
html_context_handle_element (HtmlContext * ctxt,
const gchar * string, gboolean must_close)
gchar *name = NULL;
gint count = 0, i;
gchar **attrs;
const gchar *found, *next;
/* split element name and attributes */
next = string_token (string, " ", &name);
if (next) {
/* count attributes */
found = next + 1;
while (TRUE) {
found = strchr (found, '=');
if (!found)
} else {
count = 0;
attrs = g_new0 (gchar *, (count + 1) * 2);
for (i = 0; i < count && next != NULL; i += 2) {
gchar *attr_name = NULL, *attr_value = NULL;
gsize length;
next = string_token (next + 1, "=", &attr_name);
if (!next) {
g_free (attr_name);
next = string_token (next + 1, " ", &attr_value);
/* strip " or ' from attribute value */
if (attr_value[0] == '"' || attr_value[0] == '\'') {
gchar *tmp = g_strdup (attr_value + 1);
g_free (attr_value);
attr_value = tmp;
length = strlen (attr_value);
if (length > 0 && (attr_value[length - 1] == '"'
|| attr_value[length - 1] == '\'')) {
attr_value[length - 1] = '\0';
attrs[i] = attr_name;
attrs[i + 1] = attr_value;
ctxt->parser->start_element (ctxt, name,
(const gchar **) attrs, ctxt->user_data);
if (must_close) {
ctxt->parser->end_element (ctxt, name, ctxt->user_data);
g_strfreev (attrs);
g_free (name);
static void
html_context_parse (HtmlContext * ctxt, gchar * text, gsize text_len)
const gchar *next = NULL;
ctxt->buf = g_string_append_len (ctxt->buf, text, text_len);
next = ctxt->buf->str;
while (TRUE) {
if (next[0] == '<') {
gchar *element = NULL;
/* find <blahblah> */
if (!strchr (next, '>')) {
/* no tag end point. buffer will be process in next time */
next = string_token (next, ">", &element);
if (g_str_has_suffix (element, "/")) {
/* handle <blah/> */
element[strlen (element) - 1] = '\0';
html_context_handle_element (ctxt, element + 1, TRUE);
} else if (element[1] == '/') {
/* handle </blah> */
ctxt->parser->end_element (ctxt, element + 2, ctxt->user_data);
} else {
/* handle <blah> */
html_context_handle_element (ctxt, element + 1, FALSE);
g_free (element);
} else if (strchr (next, '<')) {
gchar *text = NULL;
gsize length;
next = string_token (next, "<", &text);
text = g_strstrip (text);
length = strlen (text);
ctxt->parser->text (ctxt, text, length, ctxt->user_data);
g_free (text);
} else {
gchar *text = (gchar *) next;
gsize length;
text = g_strstrip (text);
length = strlen (text);
ctxt->parser->text (ctxt, text, length, ctxt->user_data);
ctxt->buf = g_string_assign (ctxt->buf, "");
ctxt->buf = g_string_assign (ctxt->buf, next);
static gchar *
has_tag (GString * str, const gchar tag)
return strrchr (str->str, tag);
static void
sami_context_push_state (GstSamiContext * sctx, char state)
GST_LOG ("state %c", state);
g_string_append_c (sctx->state, state);
static void
sami_context_pop_state (GstSamiContext * sctx, char state)
GString *str = g_string_new ("");
GString *context_state = sctx->state;
int i;
GST_LOG ("state %c", state);
for (i = context_state->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
switch (context_state->str[i]) {
case ITALIC_TAG: /* <i> */
g_string_append (str, "</i>");
case SPAN_TAG: /* <span foreground= > */
g_string_append (str, "</span>");
case RUBY_TAG: /* <span size= > -- ruby */
case RT_TAG: /* ruby */
/* FIXME: support for furigana/ruby once implemented in pango */
g_string_append (sctx->rubybuf, "</span>");
if (has_tag (context_state, ITALIC_TAG)) {
g_string_append (sctx->rubybuf, "</i>");
if (context_state->str[i] == state) {
g_string_append (sctx->buf, str->str);
g_string_free (str, TRUE);
g_string_truncate (context_state, i);
if (state == CLEAR_TAG) {
g_string_append (sctx->buf, str->str);
g_string_truncate (context_state, 0);
g_string_free (str, TRUE);
static void
handle_start_sync (GstSamiContext * sctx, const gchar ** atts)
int i;
sami_context_pop_state (sctx, CLEAR_TAG);
if (atts != NULL) {
for (i = 0; (atts[i] != NULL); i += 2) {
const gchar *key, *value;
key = atts[i];
value = atts[i + 1];
if (!value)
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("start", key)) {
/* Only set a new start time if we don't have text pending */
if (sctx->resultbuf->len == 0)
sctx->time1 = sctx->time2;
sctx->time2 = atoi ((const char *) value) * GST_MSECOND;
sctx->time2 = MAX (sctx->time2, sctx->time1);
g_string_append (sctx->resultbuf, sctx->buf->str);
sctx->has_result = (sctx->resultbuf->len != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
g_string_truncate (sctx->buf, 0);
static void
handle_start_font (GstSamiContext * sctx, const gchar ** atts)
int i;
sami_context_pop_state (sctx, SPAN_TAG);
if (atts != NULL) {
g_string_append (sctx->buf, "<span");
for (i = 0; (atts[i] != NULL); i += 2) {
const gchar *key, *value;
key = atts[i];
value = atts[i + 1];
if (!value)
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("color", key)) {
* There are invalid color value in many
* sami files.
* It will fix hex color value that start without '#'
const gchar *sharp = "";
int len = strlen (value);
if (!(*value == '#' && len == 7)) {
gchar *r;
/* check if it looks like hex */
if (strtol ((const char *) value, &r, 16) >= 0 &&
((gchar *) r == (value + 6) && len == 6)) {
sharp = "#";
/* some colours can be found in many sami files, but X RGB database
* doesn't contain a colour by this name, so map explicitly */
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("aqua", value)) {
value = "#00ffff";
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("crimson", value)) {
value = "#dc143c";
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("fuchsia", value)) {
value = "#ff00ff";
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("indigo", value)) {
value = "#4b0082";
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("lime", value)) {
value = "#00ff00";
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("olive", value)) {
value = "#808000";
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("silver", value)) {
value = "#c0c0c0";
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("teal", value)) {
value = "#008080";
g_string_append_printf (sctx->buf, " foreground=\"%s%s\"", sharp,
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("face", key)) {
g_string_append_printf (sctx->buf, " font_family=\"%s\"", value);
g_string_append_c (sctx->buf, '>');
sami_context_push_state (sctx, SPAN_TAG);
static void
handle_start_element (HtmlContext * ctx, const gchar * name,
const char **atts, gpointer user_data)
GstSamiContext *sctx = (GstSamiContext *) user_data;
GST_LOG ("name:%s", name);
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("sync", name)) {
handle_start_sync (sctx, atts);
sctx->in_sync = TRUE;
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("font", name)) {
handle_start_font (sctx, atts);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("ruby", name)) {
sami_context_push_state (sctx, RUBY_TAG);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("br", name)) {
g_string_append_c (sctx->buf, '\n');
/* FIXME: support for furigana/ruby once implemented in pango */
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("rt", name)) {
if (has_tag (sctx->state, ITALIC_TAG)) {
g_string_append (sctx->rubybuf, "<i>");
g_string_append (sctx->rubybuf, "<span size='xx-small' rise='-100'>");
sami_context_push_state (sctx, RT_TAG);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("i", name)) {
g_string_append (sctx->buf, "<i>");
sami_context_push_state (sctx, ITALIC_TAG);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("p", name)) {
static void
handle_end_element (HtmlContext * ctx, const char *name, gpointer user_data)
GstSamiContext *sctx = (GstSamiContext *) user_data;
GST_LOG ("name:%s", name);
if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("sync", name)) {
sctx->in_sync = FALSE;
} else if ((!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("body", name)) ||
(!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("sami", name))) {
/* We will usually have one buffer left when the body is closed
* as we need the next sync to actually send it */
if (sctx->buf->len != 0) {
/* Only set a new start time if we don't have text pending */
if (sctx->resultbuf->len == 0)
sctx->time1 = sctx->time2;
sctx->time2 = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
g_string_append (sctx->resultbuf, sctx->buf->str);
sctx->has_result = (sctx->resultbuf->len != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
g_string_truncate (sctx->buf, 0);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("font", name)) {
sami_context_pop_state (sctx, SPAN_TAG);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("ruby", name)) {
sami_context_pop_state (sctx, RUBY_TAG);
} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp ("i", name)) {
sami_context_pop_state (sctx, ITALIC_TAG);
static void
handle_text (HtmlContext * ctx, const gchar * text, gsize text_len,
gpointer user_data)
GstSamiContext *sctx = (GstSamiContext *) user_data;
/* Skip everything except content of the sync elements */
if (!sctx->in_sync)
if (has_tag (sctx->state, RT_TAG)) {
g_string_append_c (sctx->rubybuf, ' ');
g_string_append (sctx->rubybuf, text);
g_string_append_c (sctx->rubybuf, ' ');
} else {
g_string_append (sctx->buf, text);
static HtmlParser samiParser = {
handle_start_element, /* start_element */
handle_end_element, /* end_element */
handle_text, /* text */
sami_context_init (ParserState * state)
GstSamiContext *context;
g_assert (state->user_data == NULL);
context = g_new0 (GstSamiContext, 1);
context->htmlctxt = html_context_new (&samiParser, context);
context->buf = g_string_new ("");
context->rubybuf = g_string_new ("");
context->resultbuf = g_string_new ("");
context->state = g_string_new ("");
state->user_data = context;
sami_context_deinit (ParserState * state)
GstSamiContext *context = (GstSamiContext *) state->user_data;
if (context) {
html_context_free (context->htmlctxt);
context->htmlctxt = NULL;
g_string_free (context->buf, TRUE);
g_string_free (context->rubybuf, TRUE);
g_string_free (context->resultbuf, TRUE);
g_string_free (context->state, TRUE);
g_free (context);
state->user_data = NULL;
sami_context_reset (ParserState * state)
GstSamiContext *context = (GstSamiContext *) state->user_data;
if (context) {
g_string_truncate (context->buf, 0);
g_string_truncate (context->rubybuf, 0);
g_string_truncate (context->resultbuf, 0);
g_string_truncate (context->state, 0);
context->has_result = FALSE;
context->in_sync = FALSE;
context->time1 = 0;
context->time2 = 0;
gchar *
parse_sami (ParserState * state, const gchar * line)
gchar *ret = NULL;
GstSamiContext *context = (GstSamiContext *) state->user_data;
gchar *unescaped = unescape_string (line);
html_context_parse (context->htmlctxt, (gchar *) unescaped,
strlen (unescaped));
g_free (unescaped);
if (context->has_result) {
if (context->rubybuf->len) {
context->rubybuf = g_string_append_c (context->rubybuf, '\n');
g_string_prepend (context->resultbuf, context->rubybuf->str);
context->rubybuf = g_string_truncate (context->rubybuf, 0);
ret = g_string_free (context->resultbuf, FALSE);
context->resultbuf = g_string_new ("");
state->start_time = context->time1;
state->duration = context->time2 - context->time1;
context->has_result = FALSE;
return ret;