mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:21:16 +00:00
The thread that calls the success/failure callback can be the
same that is adding/removing the element as the IDLE probe can
happen instantly if the pad is not 'busy'.
This required moving some checks for the callback counter around
as well as removing some pad pushes from the main test thread as
they were made useless after the IDLE pad probe was fixed in core
by commit 0324358ebc
382 lines
13 KiB
382 lines
13 KiB
/* GStreamer
* unit test for autoconvert element
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jan Schmidt <thaytan@noraisin.net>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/check/gstcheck.h>
#include <gst/insertbin/gstinsertbin.h>
GstStaticPadTemplate sinkpad_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink", /* the name of the pad */
GST_PAD_SINK, /* the direction of the pad */
GST_PAD_ALWAYS, /* when this pad will be present */
GST_STATIC_CAPS ( /* the capabilities of the padtemplate */
GstStaticPadTemplate srcpad_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("src", /* the name of the pad */
GST_PAD_SRC, /* the direction of the pad */
GST_PAD_ALWAYS, /* when this pad will be present */
GST_STATIC_CAPS ( /* the capabilities of the padtemplate */
gint cb_count = 0;
GMutex mutex;
GCond cond;
GThread *push_thread = NULL;
GThread *streaming_thread = NULL;
gulong block_probe_id = 0;
gboolean is_blocked = FALSE;
static void
success_cb (GstInsertBin * insertbin, GstElement * element, gboolean success,
gpointer user_data)
fail_unless (g_thread_self () == push_thread);
fail_unless (success == TRUE);
fail_unless (GST_IS_ELEMENT (insertbin));
fail_unless (GST_IS_ELEMENT (element));
static void
fail_cb (GstInsertBin * insertbin, GstElement * element, gboolean success,
gpointer user_data)
fail_unless (GST_IS_ELEMENT (insertbin));
fail_unless (GST_IS_ELEMENT (element));
fail_unless (success == FALSE);
* This is a macro so the line number of any error is more useful
#define push_buffer(srcpad, count) \
{ \
fail_unless (cb_count == 0); \
gst_pad_push (srcpad, gst_buffer_new ()); \
fail_unless (g_list_length (buffers) == 1); \
gst_check_drop_buffers (); \
fail_unless (cb_count == (count)); \
cb_count = 0; \
#define check_reset_cb_count(count) \
{ \
fail_unless (cb_count == (count)); \
cb_count = 0; \
static gpointer
thread_push_buffer (gpointer data)
GstPad *pad = data;
gst_pad_push (pad, gst_buffer_new ());
return NULL;
static GstPadProbeReturn
got_buffer_block (GstPad * pad, GstPadProbeInfo * info, gpointer data)
g_mutex_lock (&mutex);
is_blocked = TRUE;
g_cond_broadcast (&cond);
g_mutex_unlock (&mutex);
#define block_thread() \
{ \
fail_unless (cb_count == 0); \
fail_unless (block_probe_id == 0); \
fail_unless (is_blocked == FALSE); \
fail_unless (push_thread == NULL); \
block_probe_id = gst_pad_add_probe (sinkpad, \
got_buffer_block, NULL, NULL); \
push_thread = g_thread_new ("push block", thread_push_buffer, srcpad); \
fail_unless (push_thread != NULL); \
g_mutex_lock (&mutex); \
while (is_blocked == FALSE) \
g_cond_wait (&cond, &mutex); \
g_mutex_unlock (&mutex); \
#define unblock_thread() \
{ \
fail_unless (cb_count == 0); \
fail_unless (push_thread != NULL); \
fail_unless (is_blocked == TRUE); \
fail_unless (block_probe_id != 0); \
gst_pad_remove_probe (sinkpad, block_probe_id); \
g_thread_join (push_thread); \
fail_unless (g_list_length (buffers) == 1); \
gst_check_drop_buffers (); \
block_probe_id = 0; \
push_thread = NULL; \
is_blocked = FALSE; \
GST_START_TEST (test_insertbin_simple)
GstElement *insertbin;
GstElement *elem;
GstElement *elem2;
GstElement *elem3;
GstElement *elem4;
GstPad *srcpad;
GstPad *sinkpad;
GstCaps *caps;
g_mutex_init (&mutex);
g_cond_init (&cond);
insertbin = gst_insert_bin_new (NULL);
fail_unless (insertbin != NULL);
ASSERT_OBJECT_REFCOUNT (insertbin, insertbin, 1);
srcpad = gst_check_setup_src_pad (insertbin, &srcpad_template);
sinkpad = gst_check_setup_sink_pad (insertbin, &sinkpad_template);
g_assert (srcpad && sinkpad);
ASSERT_CRITICAL (gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), NULL,
ASSERT_CRITICAL (gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), NULL,
fail_cb, NULL));
fail_unless (cb_count == 0);
/* insertbin is stopped and pads are idle, should be called immediately
* from this same thread */
push_thread = g_thread_self ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
fail_unless (gst_pad_set_active (srcpad, TRUE));
fail_unless (gst_pad_set_active (sinkpad, TRUE));
fail_unless (gst_element_set_state (insertbin,
caps = gst_caps_new_empty_simple ("video/test");
gst_check_setup_events (srcpad, insertbin, caps, GST_FORMAT_BYTES);
gst_caps_unref (caps);
fail_unless (cb_count == 0);
fail_unless (buffers == NULL);
push_thread = g_thread_self ();
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* now the pad should be active, the change should come from the
* 'streaming thread' */
push_thread = NULL;
block_thread ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_prepend (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
/* can't add the same element twice */
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
unblock_thread ();
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* remove the element */
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* try adding multiple elements, one at a time */
block_thread ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
block_thread ();
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
block_thread ();
elem3 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
block_thread ();
elem4 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_prepend (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem4, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* remove 2 of those elements at once */
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (2);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* add another 2 elements at once */
block_thread ();
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
elem3 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_after (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, elem,
success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_before (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, elem4,
success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (2);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* remove 2 elements */
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (2);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* and add again */
block_thread ();
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
elem3 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_before (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, elem4,
success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_after (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, elem,
success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (2);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* try to add an element that has no pads */
block_thread ();
elem = gst_bin_new (NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
unblock_thread ();
/* try to add an element that has a parent */
block_thread ();
elem = gst_bin_new (NULL);
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (elem), elem2);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
unblock_thread ();
gst_object_unref (elem);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* when removing an element insertbin will look at the pending operations list
* and check if that element is pending and remove it before adding.
* So we check that the callback count hapenned before the end, and it
* also happens from this same main thread. So we need to store the
* streaming thread to restore it after the check */
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
streaming_thread = push_thread;
push_thread = g_thread_self ();
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
push_thread = streaming_thread;
check_reset_cb_count (2);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* fail when trying to add an element before another that isn't in
* insertbin */
block_thread ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_before (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, elem2,
fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
unblock_thread ();
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
gst_object_unref (elem2);
fail_unless (gst_element_set_state (insertbin,
gst_pad_set_active (srcpad, FALSE);
gst_pad_set_active (sinkpad, FALSE);
cb_count = 0;
push_thread = g_thread_self ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
gst_check_teardown_sink_pad (insertbin);
gst_check_teardown_src_pad (insertbin);
gst_check_teardown_element (insertbin);
fail_unless (cb_count == 0);
g_mutex_clear (&mutex);
g_cond_clear (&cond);
static Suite *
insert_bin_suite (void)
Suite *s = suite_create ("insertbin");
TCase *tc_basic = tcase_create ("general");
suite_add_tcase (s, tc_basic);
tcase_add_test (tc_basic, test_insertbin_simple);
return s;
GST_CHECK_MAIN (insert_bin);