
601 lines
21 KiB

/* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) 2010 Wesley Miller <>
* gst_element_print_properties(): a tool to inspect GStreamer
* element properties
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "gst_element_print_properties.h"
gst_element_print_properties (GstElement * element)
// Formatting setup
// Change the valuses of c2w, c3w and c4w to adjust the 2nd, 3rd and 4th
// column widths, respectively. The gutter width is fixed at 3 and
// alwasys prints as " | ". Column 1 has a fixed width of 3.
// The first two rows for each element's output are its element class
// name (e.g. "GstAudioResample") and its element factory name
// ("audioresample"). The long element factory name ("Audio resampler")
// is in column 4 following the element factory name.
// Most properties use this format. Multivalued items like CAPS, certain
// GST_TYPEs and enums are different.
// Column 1 contains the rwc, "readable", "writable", "controllable"
// flags of the property.
// Column 2 contains the property name
// Column 3 contains the current value
// Column 4 contains the property type, e.g. G_TYPE_INT
// Column 5 contains the range, if there is one, and the default.
// The range is encosed in parentheses. e.g. "(1-10) 5"
// CAPS, enums, flags and some undefined items have no columns 4 or 5 and
// column 3 will contain a description of the item. Additional rows may
// list specific valused (CAPS and flags).
// String values are enclosed in double quotes. A missing right quote
// inidicates the string had been truncated.
// Screen column
// ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9--->
// formatted columns with built in gutters
// --- | ---------c2---------- | ---------c3-------- | -----------c4---------- | --> unspecified
// <-->|<--- property name --->|<-- current value -->|<-------- type --------->|<----- range and default ----->
// | ELEMENT CLASS NAME | GstAudioResample | |
// | ELEMENT FACTORY NAME | audioresample | Audio resampler |
// RW- | name | "audioResampler" | G_TYPE_STRING | null
// RW- | qos | false | G_TYPE_BOOLEAN | false
// RW- | quality | 8 | G_TYPE_INT | (0 - 10) 4
const guint c2w = 21; // column 2 width
const guint c3w = 19; // column 3 width
const guint c4w = 23; // column 4 width
// end configuration variables.
GParamSpec **property_specs;
guint num_properties, i;
gboolean readable;
gboolean first_flag;
g_return_if_fail (element != NULL);
property_specs = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (element),
/*--- draw the header information ---*/
print_column_titles (c2w, c3w, c4w);
print_element_info (element, c2w, c3w, c4w);
for (i = 0; i < num_properties; i++) {
gchar flags[4];
GValue value = { 0, };
GParamSpec *param = property_specs[i];
readable = FALSE;
first_flag = TRUE;
g_value_init (&value, param->value_type);
flags[0] = '-';
flags[1] = '-';
flags[2] = '-';
flags[3] = 0x0;
if (param->flags & G_PARAM_READABLE) {
g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (element), param->name, &value);
readable = TRUE;
flags[0] = 'r';
if (param->flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE)
flags[1] = 'w';
if (param->flags & GST_PARAM_CONTROLLABLE)
flags[2] = 'c';
g_print ("%s |", flags);
g_print (" %-*s | ", c2w, g_param_spec_get_name (param));
switch (G_VALUE_TYPE (&value)) {
case G_TYPE_STRING: // String
GParamSpecString *pstring = G_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (param);
if (readable) { /* current */
const char *string_val = g_value_get_string (&value);
gchar work_string[100];
if (string_val == NULL)
sprintf (work_string, "\"%s\"", "null");
sprintf (work_string, "\"%s\"", string_val);
g_print ("%-*.*s", c3w, c3w, work_string);
} else {
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>"); /* alt current */
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_STRING"); /* type */
if (pstring->default_value == NULL)
g_print (" | %s", "null"); /* default */
g_print (" | \"%s\"", pstring->default_value); /* default */
case G_TYPE_BOOLEAN: // Boolean
GParamSpecBoolean *pboolean = G_PARAM_SPEC_BOOLEAN (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*s", c3w,
(g_value_get_boolean (&value) ? "true" : "false"));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_BOOLEAN"); /* type */
g_print (" | %s ", /* default */
(pboolean->default_value ? "true" : "false"));
case G_TYPE_ULONG: // Unsigned Long
GParamSpecULong *pulong = G_PARAM_SPEC_ULONG (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*lu", c3w, g_value_get_ulong (&value));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_ULONG"); /* type */
g_print (" | (%lu - %lu) %lu ", pulong->minimum, pulong->maximum, /* range */
pulong->default_value); /* default */
case G_TYPE_LONG: // Long
GParamSpecLong *plong = G_PARAM_SPEC_LONG (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*ld", c3w, g_value_get_long (&value));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_LONG"); /* type */
g_print (" | (%ld - %ld) %ld ", plong->minimum, plong->maximum, /* range */
plong->default_value); /* default */
case G_TYPE_UINT: // Unsigned Integer
GParamSpecUInt *puint = G_PARAM_SPEC_UINT (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*u", c3w, g_value_get_uint (&value));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_UINT"); /* type */
g_print (" | (%u - %u) %u ", puint->minimum, puint->maximum, /* range */
puint->default_value); /* default */
case G_TYPE_INT: // Integer
GParamSpecInt *pint = G_PARAM_SPEC_INT (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*d", c3w, g_value_get_int (&value));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_INT"); /* type */
g_print (" | (%d - %d) %d ", pint->minimum, pint->maximum, /* range */
pint->default_value); /* default */
case G_TYPE_UINT64: // Unsigned Integer64.
GParamSpecUInt64 *puint64 = G_PARAM_SPEC_UINT64 (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, c3w, g_value_get_uint64 (&value));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_UINT64"); /* type */
g_print (" | (%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " - %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ")" " %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " ", puint64->minimum, puint64->maximum, /* range */
puint64->default_value); /* default */
case G_TYPE_INT64: // Integer64
GParamSpecInt64 *pint64 = G_PARAM_SPEC_INT64 (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*" G_GINT64_FORMAT, c3w, g_value_get_int64 (&value));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_INT64"); /* type */
g_print (" | (%" G_GINT64_FORMAT " - %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ")" " %" G_GINT64_FORMAT " ", pint64->minimum, pint64->maximum, /* range */
pint64->default_value); /* default */
case G_TYPE_FLOAT: // Float.
GParamSpecFloat *pfloat = G_PARAM_SPEC_FLOAT (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*g", c3w, g_value_get_float (&value));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_FLOAT"); /* type */
g_print (" | (%g - %g) %g ", pfloat->minimum, pfloat->maximum, /* range */
pfloat->default_value); /* default */
case G_TYPE_DOUBLE: // Double
GParamSpecDouble *pdouble = G_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE (param);
if (readable) /* current */
g_print ("%-*g", c3w, g_value_get_double (&value));
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*s", c4w, "G_TYPE_DOUBLE"); /* type */
g_print (" | (%g - %g) %g ", pdouble->minimum, pdouble->maximum, /* range */
pdouble->default_value); /* default */
if (param->value_type == GST_TYPE_CAPS) {
const GstCaps *caps = gst_value_get_caps (&value);
if (!caps)
g_print ("%-*s | %-*.*s |", c3w, "Caps (NULL)", c4w, c4w, " ");
else {
gchar prefix_string[100];
sprintf (prefix_string, " | %-*.*s | ", c2w, c2w, " ");
print_caps (caps, prefix_string);
else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (param)) {
GParamSpecEnum *penum = G_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (param);
GEnumValue *values;
guint j = 0;
gint enum_value;
const gchar *def_val_nick = "", *cur_val_nick = "";
gchar work_string[100];
values = G_ENUM_CLASS (g_type_class_ref (param->value_type))->values;
enum_value = g_value_get_enum (&value);
while (values[j].value_name) {
if (values[j].value == enum_value)
cur_val_nick = values[j].value_nick;
if (values[j].value == penum->default_value)
def_val_nick = values[j].value_nick;
sprintf (work_string, "%d, \"%s\"", enum_value, cur_val_nick);
g_print ("%-*.*s", c3w, c3w, work_string);
g_print (" | Enum \"%s\" : %d, \"%s\"",
g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE (&value)),
penum->default_value, def_val_nick);
else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_FLAGS (param)) {
GParamSpecFlags *pflags = G_PARAM_SPEC_FLAGS (param);
GFlagsValue *vals;
gchar *cur, *def;
gchar work_string[100];
vals = pflags->flags_class->values;
cur = flags_to_string (vals, g_value_get_flags (&value)); /* current */
def = flags_to_string (vals, pflags->default_value); /* default */
/* current */
sprintf (work_string, "0x%08x, \"%s\"",
g_value_get_flags (&value), cur);
g_print ("%-*.*s", c3w, c3w, work_string);
/* type */
sprintf (work_string, "Flags \"%s\"",
g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE (&value)));
g_print ("%-*.*s", c4w, c4w, work_string);
/* default */
g_print (" | 0x%08x, \"%s\"", pflags->default_value, def);
/* values list */
while (vals[0].value_name) {
sprintf (work_string, "\n | %-*.*s | (0x%08x): %-16s - %s",
c2w, c2w, "",
vals[0].value, vals[0].value_nick, vals[0].value_name);
g_print ("%s", work_string);
g_free (cur);
g_free (def);
else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_OBJECT (param)) {
g_print ("%-*.*s | Object of type \"%s\"",
c3w, c3w,
g_type_name (param->value_type), g_type_name (param->value_type));
else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_BOXED (param)) {
g_print ("%-*.*s | Boxed pointer of type \"%s\"",
c3w, c3w,
g_type_name (param->value_type), g_type_name (param->value_type));
else if (G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_POINTER (param)) {
if (param->value_type != G_TYPE_POINTER) {
g_print ("%-*.*s | Pointer of type \"%s\"",
c3w, c3w,
g_type_name (param->value_type),
g_type_name (param->value_type));
} else {
g_print ("%-*.*s |", c3w, c3w, "Pointer.");
else if (param->value_type == G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY) {
GParamSpecValueArray *pvarray = G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_ARRAY (param);
if (pvarray->element_spec) {
g_print ("%-*.*s :Array of GValues of type \"%s\"",
c3w, c3w,
g_type_name (pvarray->element_spec->value_type),
g_type_name (pvarray->element_spec->value_type));
} else {
g_print ("%-*.*s :", c3w, c3w, "Array of GValues");
else if (GST_IS_PARAM_SPEC_FRACTION (param)) {
GstParamSpecFraction *pfraction = GST_PARAM_SPEC_FRACTION (param);
gchar work_string[100];
if (readable) { /* current */
sprintf (work_string, "%d/%d",
gst_value_get_fraction_numerator (&value),
gst_value_get_fraction_denominator (&value));
g_print ("%-*.*s", c3w, c3w, work_string);
} else
g_print ("%-*s", c3w, "<not readable>");
g_print (" | %-*.*s", /* type */
c3w, c3w, " Fraction. ");
g_print (" | (%d/%d - %d/%d)", /* range */
pfraction->min_num, pfraction->min_den,
pfraction->max_num, pfraction->max_den);
g_print (" %d/%d ", /* default */
pfraction->def_num, pfraction->def_den);
else if (GST_IS_PARAM_SPEC_MINI_OBJECT (param)) {
g_print ("%-*.*s | MiniObject of type \"%s\"",
c3w, c3w,
g_type_name (param->value_type), g_type_name (param->value_type));
else {
g_print ("Unknown type %ld \"%s\"",
(glong) param->value_type, g_type_name (param->value_type));
if (!readable)
g_print (" Write only\n");
g_print ("\n");
g_value_reset (&value);
if (0 == num_properties)
g_print (" none\n");
g_free (property_specs);
print_column_titles (guint c2w, guint c3w, guint c4w)
// Create Header for property listing
// RWF | --- element name ---- | ---------c3-------- | -----------c4---------- | --> unspecified
gchar work_string[200];
gchar dashes[] = "-----------------------------";
gint llen = 0;
gint rlen = 0;
/*--- column 1 - RWC ---*/
sprintf (work_string, "<-->|<");
/*--- column 2 - property name ---*/
llen = (c2w - 15) / 2; /* width of " property name " = 15 */
rlen = c2w - 15 - llen;
strncat (work_string, dashes, llen);
strcat (work_string, " property name ");
strncat (work_string, dashes, rlen);
strcat (work_string, ">|<");
/*--- column 3 - current value ---*/
llen = (c3w - 15) / 2; /* width of " current value " = 15 */
rlen = c3w - 15 - llen;
strncat (work_string, dashes, llen);
strcat (work_string, " current value ");
strncat (work_string, dashes, rlen);
strcat (work_string, ">|<");
/*--- column 4 - type ---*/
llen = (c4w - 6) / 2; /* width of " type " = 6 */
rlen = c4w - 6 - llen;
strncat (work_string, dashes, llen);
strcat (work_string, " type ");
strncat (work_string, dashes, rlen);
strcat (work_string, ">|<");
/*--- column 5 - range and default ---*/
strcat (work_string, "----- range and default ----->");
g_print ("\n%s\n", work_string);
print_element_info (GstElement * element, guint c2w, guint c3w, guint c4w)
// Print element factory and class information as part of each header
gchar work_string[100];
GstElementFactory *factory = gst_element_get_factory (element);
sprintf (work_string, "ELEMENT CLASS NAME");
g_print (" | %-*s", c2w, work_string);
g_print (" | %-*s", c3w, g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (element)));
g_print (" | %-*s | \n", c4w, "");
sprintf (work_string, "ELEMENT FACTORY NAME");
g_print (" | %-*s", c2w, work_string);
g_print (" | %-*s", c3w,
gst_plugin_feature_get_name (GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory)));
g_print (" | %-*s | \n", c4w, gst_element_factory_get_longname (factory));
// "Audio Resampler" g_print( " | %-*s", c3w, gst_element_factory_get_longname( gst_element_get_factory( element )) );
gchar *
flags_to_string (GFlagsValue * vals, guint flags)
// List individual flags in separate rows
GString *s = NULL;
guint flags_left, i;
/* first look for an exact match and count the number of values */
for (i = 0; vals[i].value_name != NULL; ++i) {
if (vals[i].value == flags)
return g_strdup (vals[i].value_nick);
s = g_string_new (NULL);
/* we assume the values are sorted from lowest to highest value */
flags_left = flags;
while (i > 0) {
if (0 != vals[i].value && (flags_left & vals[i].value) == vals[i].value) {
if (0 < s->len)
g_string_append (s, " | ");
g_string_append (s, vals[i].value_nick);
flags_left -= vals[i].value;
if (0 == flags_left)
if (0 == s->len)
g_string_assign (s, "(none)");
return g_string_free (s, FALSE);
print_caps (const GstCaps * caps, const gchar * pfx)
// Print each caps value on a separate line
guint i;
g_return_if_fail (caps != NULL);
if (gst_caps_is_any (caps)) {
g_print ("%s | %s", pfx, "ANY | |");
if (gst_caps_is_empty (caps)) {
g_print ("%s | %s", pfx, "EMPTY | |");
for (i = 0; i < gst_caps_get_size (caps); i++) {
GstStructure *structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, i);
g_print ("%s", gst_structure_get_name (structure));
gst_structure_foreach (structure, print_field, (gpointer) pfx);
print_field (GQuark field, const GValue * value, gpointer pfx)
// printing function for individual caps fields
gchar *str = gst_value_serialize (value);
g_print ("\n%s %-15.15s - %s",
(gchar *) pfx, g_quark_to_string (field), str);
g_free (str);
return TRUE;