Thibault Saunier a518db8224 samples: Explicitly use Gtk range
	error CS0104: `Range' is an ambiguous reference between `System.Range' and `Gtk.Range`
2020-02-17 15:46:22 -03:00

367 lines
11 KiB

// Authors
// Copyright (C) 2014 Stephan Sundermann <>
using System;
using Gst;
using Gtk;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Gst.Video;
namespace GstreamerSharp
class Playback
static Element Playbin;
static Gtk.Range Slider;
static TextView StreamsList;
static ulong silderUpdateSignalID;
static State State;
static long Duration = -1;
static int ignoreCount = 0;
static void HandleValueChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
var range = (Gtk.Range)sender;
var value = range.Value;
Playbin.SeekSimple (Format.Time, SeekFlags.Flush | SeekFlags.KeyUnit, (long)(value * Gst.Constants.SECOND));
// This method is called when the STOP button is clicked
static void HandleStop (object sender, EventArgs e)
Playbin.SetState (State.Ready);
// This method is called when the PAUSE button is clicked
static void HandlePause (object sender, EventArgs e)
Playbin.SetState (State.Paused);
// This method is called when the PLAY button is clicked
static void HandlePlay (object sender, EventArgs e)
Playbin.SetState (State.Playing);
static void HandleRealized (object sender, EventArgs e)
var widget = (Widget)sender;
var window = widget.Window;
IntPtr windowID = IntPtr.Zero;
// Retrieve window handler from GDK
switch (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform) {
case PlatformID.Unix:
windowID = gdk_x11_window_get_xid (window.Handle);
case PlatformID.Win32NT:
case PlatformID.Win32S:
case PlatformID.Win32Windows:
case PlatformID.WinCE:
windowID = gdk_win32_drawable_get_handle (window.Handle);
Element overlay = null;
if(Playbin is Gst.Bin)
overlay = ((Gst.Bin) Playbin).GetByInterface (VideoOverlayAdapter.GType);
VideoOverlayAdapter adapter = new VideoOverlayAdapter (overlay.Handle);
adapter.WindowHandle = windowID;
adapter.HandleEvents (true);
// This function is called when the main window is closed
static void HandleDelete (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
HandleStop (null, null);
Gtk.Application.Quit ();
//This function is called everytime the video window needs to be redrawn (due to damage/exposure, rescaling, etc). GStreamer takes care of this in the PAUSED and PLAYING states, otherwise, we simply draw a black rectangle to avoid garbage showing up. */
static void HandleDamage (object o, DamageEventArgs args)
var widget = (Widget)o;
if (State != State.Paused && State != State.Playing) {
var window = widget.Window;
var allocation = widget.Allocation;
var cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (window);
cr.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0);
cr.Rectangle (0, 0, allocation.Width, allocation.Height);
cr.Fill ();
cr.Dispose ();
args.RetVal = false;
static void CreateUI () {
var mainWindow = new Window (WindowType.Toplevel);
mainWindow.DeleteEvent += HandleDelete;
var videoWindow = new DrawingArea ();
videoWindow.DoubleBuffered = false;
videoWindow.Realized += HandleRealized;
videoWindow.DamageEvent += HandleDamage;
var playButton = new Button (Stock.MediaPlay);
playButton.Clicked += HandlePlay;
var pauseButton = new Button (Stock.MediaPause);
pauseButton.Clicked += HandlePause;
var stopButton = new Button (Stock.MediaStop);
stopButton.Clicked += HandleStop;
Slider = new HScale (0, 100, 1);
((Scale)Slider).DrawValue = false;
Slider.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged;
StreamsList = new TextView ();
StreamsList.Editable = false;
var controls = new HBox (false, 0);
controls.PackStart (playButton, false, false, 2);
controls.PackStart (pauseButton, false, false, 2);
controls.PackStart (stopButton, false, false, 2);
controls.PackStart (Slider, true, true, 2);
var mainHBox = new HBox (false, 0);
mainHBox.PackStart (videoWindow, true, true, 0);
mainHBox.PackStart (StreamsList, false, false, 2);
var mainBox = new VBox (false, 0);
mainBox.PackStart (mainHBox, true, true, 0);
mainBox.PackStart (controls, false, false, 0);
mainWindow.Add (mainBox);
mainWindow.SetDefaultSize (640, 480);
mainWindow.ShowAll ();
// This function is called periodically to refresh the GUI
static bool RefreshUI () {
var fmt = Format.Time;
long current = 0;
// We do not want to update anything nless we are in the PAUSED or PLAYING states
if (State != State.Playing && State != State.Paused)
return true;
// If we didn't know it yet, query the stream duration
if (Duration < 0) {
if (!Playbin.QueryDuration (fmt, out Duration))
Console.WriteLine ("Could not query the current duration.");
else {
// Set the range of the silder to the clip duration, in SECONDS
Slider.SetRange (0, Duration / (double)Gst.Constants.SECOND);
if (Playbin.QueryPosition (fmt, out current)) {
// Block the "value-changed" signal, so the HandleSlider function is not called (which would trigger a seek the user has not requested)
Slider.ValueChanged -= HandleValueChanged;
// Set the position of the slider to the current pipeline position, in SECONDS
Slider.Value = current / (double)Gst.Constants.SECOND;
Slider.ValueChanged += HandleValueChanged;
return true;
// This function is called when an error message is posted on the bus
static void HandleTags (object sender, GLib.SignalArgs args) {
// We are possibly in the Gstreamer working thread, so we notify the main thread of this event through a message in the bus
var s = new Structure ("tags-changed");
Playbin.PostMessage (Message.NewApplication (Playbin, s));
// This function is called when an error message is posted on the bus
static void HandleError (object sender, GLib.SignalArgs args) {
var msg = (Message)args.Args [0];
string debug;
GLib.GException exc;
msg.ParseError (out exc, out debug);
Console.WriteLine (string.Format ("Error received from element {0}: {1}", msg.Src.Name, exc.Message));
Console.WriteLine ("Debugging information: {0}", debug);
// Set the pipeline to READY (which stops playback)
Playbin.SetState (State.Ready);
// This function is called when an End-Of-Stream message is posted on the bus. We just set the pipelien to READY (which stops playback)
static void HandleEos (object sender, GLib.SignalArgs args) {
Console.WriteLine ("End-Of-Stream reached.");
Playbin.SetState (State.Ready);
// This function is called when the pipeline changes states. We use it to keep track of the current state.
static void HandleStateChanged (object sender, GLib.SignalArgs args) {
var msg = (Message) args.Args [0];
State oldState, newState, pendingState;
msg.ParseStateChanged (out oldState, out newState, out pendingState);
if (msg.Src == Playbin) {
State = newState;
Console.WriteLine ("State set to {0}", Element.StateGetName (newState));
if (oldState == State.Ready && newState == State.Paused) {
// For extra responsiveness, we refresh the GUI as soon as we reach the PAUSED state
RefreshUI ();
// Extract metadata from all the streams and write it to the text widget in the GUI
static void AnalyzeStreams () {
TagList tags;
String str, totalStr;
uint rate;
// Clean current contents of the widget
var text = StreamsList.Buffer;
text.Text = String.Empty;
// Read some properties
var nVideo = (int) Playbin ["n-video"];
var nAudio = (int) Playbin ["n-audio"];
var nText = (int) Playbin ["n-text"];
for (int i = 0; i < nVideo; i++) {
// Retrieve the stream's video tags
tags = (TagList)Playbin.Emit ("get-video-tags", i);
if (tags != null) {
totalStr = string.Format ("video stream {0}:\n", i);
text.InsertAtCursor (totalStr);
tags.GetString (Gst.Constants.TAG_VIDEO_CODEC, out str);
totalStr = string.Format (" codec: {0}\n", str != null ? str : "unknown");
text.InsertAtCursor (totalStr);
for (int i = 0; i < nAudio; i++) {
// Retrieve the stream's audio tags
tags = (TagList)Playbin.Emit ("get-audio-tags", i);
if (tags != null) {
totalStr = string.Format ("audio stream {0}:\n", i);
text.InsertAtCursor (totalStr);
str = String.Empty;
if (tags.GetString (Gst.Constants.TAG_AUDIO_CODEC, out str)) {
totalStr = string.Format (" codec: {0}\n", str);
text.InsertAtCursor (totalStr);
str = String.Empty;
if (tags.GetString (Gst.Constants.TAG_LANGUAGE_CODE+"dr", out str)) {
totalStr = string.Format (" language: {0}\n", str);
text.InsertAtCursor (totalStr);
str = String.Empty;
if (tags.GetUint (Gst.Constants.TAG_BITRATE, out rate)) {
totalStr = string.Format (" bitrate: {0}\n", rate);
text.InsertAtCursor (totalStr);
for (int i = 0; i < nText; i++) {
// Retrieve the stream's text tags
tags = (TagList)Playbin.Emit ("get-text-tags", i);
if (tags != null) {
totalStr = string.Format ("subtitle stream {0}:\n", i);
text.InsertAtCursor (totalStr);
if (tags.GetString (Gst.Constants.TAG_LANGUAGE_CODE, out str)) {
totalStr = string.Format (" language: {0}\n", str);
text.InsertAtCursor (totalStr);
// This function is called when an "application" message is posted on the bus. Here we retrieve the message posted by the HandleTags callback
static void HandleApplication (object sender, GLib.SignalArgs args) {
var msg = (Message)args.Args [0];
if (msg.Structure.Name.Equals ("tags-changed")) {
// If the message is the "tags-changed" (only one we are currently issuing), update the stream info GUI
AnalyzeStreams ();
public static void Main (string[] args)
// Initialize GTK
Gtk.Application.Init ();
// Initialize Gstreamer
Gst.Application.Init(ref args);
// Create the elements
Playbin = ElementFactory.Make ("playbin", "playbin");
if (Playbin == null) {
Console.WriteLine ("Not all elements could be created");
// Set the URI to play.
Playbin ["uri"] = "";
// Connect to interesting signals in playbin
Playbin.Connect ("video-tags-changed", HandleTags);
Playbin.Connect ("audio-tags-changed", HandleTags);
Playbin.Connect ("text-tags-changed", HandleTags);
// Create the GUI
CreateUI ();
// Instruct the bus to emit signals for each received message, and connect to the interesting signals
var bus = Playbin.Bus;
bus.AddSignalWatch ();
bus.Connect ("message::error", HandleError);
bus.Connect ("message::eos", HandleEos);
bus.Connect ("message::state-changed", HandleStateChanged);
bus.Connect ("message::application", HandleApplication);
// Start playing
var ret = Playbin.SetState (State.Playing);
if (ret == StateChangeReturn.Failure) {
Console.WriteLine ("Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state.");
// Register a function that GLib will call every second
GLib.Timeout.Add (1, RefreshUI);
// Start the GTK main loop- We will not regain control until gtk_main_quit is called
Gtk.Application.Run ();
// Free resources
Playbin.SetState (State.Null);
[DllImport ("") ]
static extern IntPtr gdk_x11_window_get_xid (IntPtr handle);
[DllImport ("gdk-win32-3.0-0.dll") ]
static extern IntPtr gdk_win32_drawable_get_handle (IntPtr handle);
[DllImport ("")]
static extern int XInitThreads ();