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synced 2025-03-02 18:01:31 +00:00
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247 lines
6.9 KiB
247 lines
6.9 KiB
internal bool FreeNative = true;
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern void gst_structure_free (IntPtr raw);
protected override void Free (IntPtr raw) {
if (!FreeNative)
gst_structure_free (raw);
class FinalizerInfo {
IntPtr handle;
public FinalizerInfo (IntPtr handle) {
this.handle = handle;
public bool Handler () {
gst_structure_free (handle);
return false;
~Structure () {
if (!Owned || !FreeNative)
FinalizerInfo info = new FinalizerInfo (Handle);
GLib.Timeout.Add (50, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (info.Handler));
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern IntPtr gst_structure_get_name (IntPtr raw);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern void gst_structure_set_name (IntPtr raw, IntPtr name);
public string Name {
get {
IntPtr raw_ret = gst_structure_get_name (Handle);
string ret = GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (raw_ret);
return ret;
set {
if (!IsMutable)
throw new ApplicationException ();
IntPtr native_value = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (value);
gst_structure_set_name (Handle, native_value);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_value);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern void gst_structure_set_value (IntPtr raw, IntPtr fieldname, IntPtr value);
public void SetValue (string fieldname, GLib.Value value) {
if (!IsMutable)
throw new ApplicationException ();
IntPtr native_fieldname = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (fieldname);
IntPtr native_value = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (value);
gst_structure_set_value (Handle, native_fieldname, native_value);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_fieldname);
value = (GLib.Value) Marshal.PtrToStructure (native_value, typeof (GLib.Value));
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_value);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern bool gst_structure_fixate_field_boolean (IntPtr raw, IntPtr field_name, bool target);
public bool FixateFieldBoolean (string field_name, bool target) {
if (!IsMutable)
throw new ApplicationException ();
IntPtr native_field_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (field_name);
bool raw_ret = gst_structure_fixate_field_boolean (Handle, native_field_name, target);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_field_name);
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern void gst_structure_remove_all_fields (IntPtr raw);
public void RemoveAllFields() {
if (!IsMutable)
throw new ApplicationException ();
gst_structure_remove_all_fields (Handle);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern void gst_structure_remove_field (IntPtr raw, IntPtr fieldname);
public void RemoveField (string fieldname) {
if (!IsMutable)
throw new ApplicationException ();
IntPtr native_fieldname = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (fieldname);
gst_structure_remove_field (Handle, native_fieldname);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_fieldname);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern bool gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_double (IntPtr raw, IntPtr field_name, double target);
public bool FixateFieldNearestDouble (string field_name, double target) {
if (!IsMutable)
throw new ApplicationException ();
IntPtr native_field_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (field_name);
bool raw_ret = gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_double (Handle, native_field_name, target);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_field_name);
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern bool gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (IntPtr raw, IntPtr field_name, int target);
public bool FixateFieldNearestInt (string field_name, int target) {
if (!IsMutable)
throw new ApplicationException ();
IntPtr native_field_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (field_name);
bool raw_ret = gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int (Handle, native_field_name, target);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_field_name);
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
static extern bool gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_fraction (IntPtr raw, IntPtr field_name, int target_numerator, int target_denominator);
public bool FixateFieldNearestFraction (string field_name, int target_numerator, int target_denominator) {
if (!IsMutable)
throw new ApplicationException ();
IntPtr native_field_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (field_name);
bool raw_ret = gst_structure_fixate_field_nearest_fraction (Handle, native_field_name, target_numerator, target_denominator);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_field_name);
return ret;
public Structure (string name, params object[] fields) : this (name) {
Set (fields);
public object Get (string field) {
GLib.Value v;
v = GetValue (field);
return v.Val;
public void Set (string field, object value) {
GLib.Value v = new GLib.Value (value);
SetValue (field, v);
v.Dispose ();
public void Set (params object[] fields) {
int i, length = fields.Length;
if (length % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException ();
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
if (fields[i].GetType () != typeof (string))
throw new ArgumentException ();
GLib.Value v = new GLib.Value (fields[i+1]);
SetValue (fields[i] as string, v);
v.Dispose ();
public object this [string field] {
set {
if (field == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
Set (field, value);
get {
if (field == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ();
return Get (field);
public string[] Fields {
get {
string[] fields = new string[Count];
for (uint i = 0; i < Count; i++)
fields[i] = NthFieldName (i);
return fields;
public static Structure FromString (string structure) {
IntPtr raw_string = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (structure);
IntPtr raw_ret = gst_structure_from_string (raw_string, IntPtr.Zero);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (raw_string);
Gst.Structure ret = raw_ret == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Structure) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (raw_ret, typeof (Gst.Structure), true);
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern IntPtr gst_structure_from_string (IntPtr structure, IntPtr end);
public bool FixateFieldNearestFraction (string field_name, Fraction target) {
return FixateFieldNearestFraction (field_name, target.Numerator, target.Denominator);
[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
extern static uint gstsharp_gst_structure_get_parent_refcount_offset ();
static uint parent_refcount_offset = gstsharp_gst_structure_get_parent_refcount_offset ();
public bool IsMutable {
get {
unsafe {
int **parent_refcount = (int **) ( ( (byte*) Handle) + parent_refcount_offset);
if (*parent_refcount == (int *) IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
if (**parent_refcount == 1)
return true;
return false;
internal void CreateNativeCopy () {
FreeNative = false;
Raw = gst_structure_copy (Raw);
FreeNative = true;