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382 lines
13 KiB
/* GStreamer
* unit test for autoconvert element
* Copyright (C) 2009 Jan Schmidt <thaytan@noraisin.net>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/check/gstcheck.h>
#include <gst/insertbin/gstinsertbin.h>
GstStaticPadTemplate sinkpad_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("sink", /* the name of the pad */
GST_PAD_SINK, /* the direction of the pad */
GST_PAD_ALWAYS, /* when this pad will be present */
GST_STATIC_CAPS ( /* the capabilities of the padtemplate */
GstStaticPadTemplate srcpad_template = GST_STATIC_PAD_TEMPLATE ("src", /* the name of the pad */
GST_PAD_SRC, /* the direction of the pad */
GST_PAD_ALWAYS, /* when this pad will be present */
GST_STATIC_CAPS ( /* the capabilities of the padtemplate */
gint cb_count = 0;
GMutex lock;
GCond cond;
GThread *push_thread = NULL;
GThread *streaming_thread = NULL;
gulong block_probe_id = 0;
gboolean is_blocked = FALSE;
static void
success_cb (GstInsertBin * insertbin, GstElement * element, gboolean success,
gpointer user_data)
fail_unless (g_thread_self () == push_thread);
fail_unless (success == TRUE);
fail_unless (GST_IS_ELEMENT (insertbin));
fail_unless (GST_IS_ELEMENT (element));
static void
fail_cb (GstInsertBin * insertbin, GstElement * element, gboolean success,
gpointer user_data)
fail_unless (GST_IS_ELEMENT (insertbin));
fail_unless (GST_IS_ELEMENT (element));
fail_unless (success == FALSE);
* This is a macro so the line number of any error is more useful
#define push_buffer(srcpad, count) \
{ \
fail_unless (cb_count == 0); \
gst_pad_push (srcpad, gst_buffer_new ()); \
fail_unless (g_list_length (buffers) == 1); \
gst_check_drop_buffers (); \
fail_unless (cb_count == (count)); \
cb_count = 0; \
#define check_reset_cb_count(count) \
{ \
fail_unless (cb_count == (count)); \
cb_count = 0; \
static gpointer
thread_push_buffer (gpointer data)
GstPad *pad = data;
gst_pad_push (pad, gst_buffer_new ());
return NULL;
static GstPadProbeReturn
got_buffer_block (GstPad * pad, GstPadProbeInfo * info, gpointer data)
g_mutex_lock (&lock);
is_blocked = TRUE;
g_cond_broadcast (&cond);
g_mutex_unlock (&lock);
#define block_thread() \
{ \
fail_unless (cb_count == 0); \
fail_unless (block_probe_id == 0); \
fail_unless (is_blocked == FALSE); \
fail_unless (push_thread == NULL); \
block_probe_id = gst_pad_add_probe (sinkpad, \
got_buffer_block, NULL, NULL); \
push_thread = g_thread_new ("push block", thread_push_buffer, srcpad); \
fail_unless (push_thread != NULL); \
g_mutex_lock (&lock); \
while (is_blocked == FALSE) \
g_cond_wait (&cond, &lock); \
g_mutex_unlock (&lock); \
#define unblock_thread() \
{ \
fail_unless (cb_count == 0); \
fail_unless (push_thread != NULL); \
fail_unless (is_blocked == TRUE); \
fail_unless (block_probe_id != 0); \
gst_pad_remove_probe (sinkpad, block_probe_id); \
g_thread_join (push_thread); \
fail_unless (g_list_length (buffers) == 1); \
gst_check_drop_buffers (); \
block_probe_id = 0; \
push_thread = NULL; \
is_blocked = FALSE; \
GST_START_TEST (test_insertbin_simple)
GstElement *insertbin;
GstElement *elem;
GstElement *elem2;
GstElement *elem3;
GstElement *elem4;
GstPad *srcpad;
GstPad *sinkpad;
GstCaps *caps;
g_mutex_init (&lock);
g_cond_init (&cond);
insertbin = gst_insert_bin_new (NULL);
fail_unless (insertbin != NULL);
ASSERT_OBJECT_REFCOUNT (insertbin, insertbin, 1);
srcpad = gst_check_setup_src_pad (insertbin, &srcpad_template);
sinkpad = gst_check_setup_sink_pad (insertbin, &sinkpad_template);
g_assert (srcpad && sinkpad);
ASSERT_CRITICAL (gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), NULL,
ASSERT_CRITICAL (gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), NULL,
fail_cb, NULL));
fail_unless (cb_count == 0);
/* insertbin is stopped and pads are idle, should be called immediately
* from this same thread */
push_thread = g_thread_self ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
fail_unless (gst_pad_set_active (srcpad, TRUE));
fail_unless (gst_pad_set_active (sinkpad, TRUE));
fail_unless (gst_element_set_state (insertbin,
caps = gst_caps_new_empty_simple ("video/test");
gst_check_setup_events (srcpad, insertbin, caps, GST_FORMAT_BYTES);
gst_caps_unref (caps);
fail_unless (cb_count == 0);
fail_unless (buffers == NULL);
push_thread = g_thread_self ();
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* now the pad should be active, the change should come from the
* 'streaming thread' */
push_thread = NULL;
block_thread ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_prepend (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
/* can't add the same element twice */
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
unblock_thread ();
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* remove the element */
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* try adding multiple elements, one at a time */
block_thread ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
block_thread ();
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
block_thread ();
elem3 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
block_thread ();
elem4 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_prepend (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem4, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* remove 2 of those elements at once */
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (2);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* add another 2 elements at once */
block_thread ();
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
elem3 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_after (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, elem,
success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_before (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, elem4,
success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (2);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* remove 2 elements */
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (2);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* and add again */
block_thread ();
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
elem3 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_before (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem3, elem4,
success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_after (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, elem,
success_cb, NULL);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (2);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* try to add an element that has no pads */
block_thread ();
elem = gst_bin_new (NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
unblock_thread ();
/* try to add an element that has a parent */
block_thread ();
elem = gst_bin_new (NULL);
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (elem), elem2);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
unblock_thread ();
gst_object_unref (elem);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* when removing an element insertbin will look at the pending operations list
* and check if that element is pending and remove it before adding.
* So we check that the callback count happened before the end, and it
* also happens from this same main thread. So we need to store the
* streaming thread to restore it after the check */
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
block_thread ();
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
streaming_thread = push_thread;
push_thread = g_thread_self ();
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem2, success_cb, NULL);
push_thread = streaming_thread;
check_reset_cb_count (2);
unblock_thread ();
check_reset_cb_count (1);
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
/* fail when trying to add an element before another that isn't in
* insertbin */
block_thread ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
elem2 = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_insert_before (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, elem2,
fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
unblock_thread ();
push_buffer (srcpad, 0);
gst_object_unref (elem2);
fail_unless (gst_element_set_state (insertbin,
gst_pad_set_active (srcpad, FALSE);
gst_pad_set_active (sinkpad, FALSE);
cb_count = 0;
push_thread = g_thread_self ();
elem = gst_element_factory_make ("identity", NULL);
gst_insert_bin_remove (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, fail_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
gst_insert_bin_append (GST_INSERT_BIN (insertbin), elem, success_cb, NULL);
check_reset_cb_count (1);
gst_check_teardown_sink_pad (insertbin);
gst_check_teardown_src_pad (insertbin);
gst_check_teardown_element (insertbin);
fail_unless (cb_count == 0);
g_mutex_clear (&lock);
g_cond_clear (&cond);
static Suite *
insert_bin_suite (void)
Suite *s = suite_create ("insertbin");
TCase *tc_basic = tcase_create ("general");
suite_add_tcase (s, tc_basic);
tcase_add_test (tc_basic, test_insertbin_simple);
return s;
GST_CHECK_MAIN (insert_bin);