mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 05:41:24 +00:00
Update names of various objects and method to be shorter, for instance GstD3D12CommandAllocator is changed to GstD3D12CmdAlloc. Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gstreamer/-/merge_requests/7642>
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/* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) 2023 Seungha Yang <seungha@centricular.com>
* This library is free software; you cln redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "gstd3d12.h"
#include "gstd3d12-private.h"
#include <wrl.h>
#include <queue>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <condition_variable>
GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_debug);
#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_debug
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
struct GCData
GCData (gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy_notify,
guint64 fence_value) : data (user_data),
notify(destroy_notify), fence_val (fence_value) {}
~GCData ()
if (notify)
notify (data);
gpointer data = nullptr;
GDestroyNotify notify = nullptr;
guint64 fence_val = 0;
typedef std::shared_ptr<GCData> GCDataPtr;
struct gc_cmp {
bool operator()(const GCDataPtr &a, const GCDataPtr &b)
return a->fence_val > b->fence_val;
struct _GstD3D12CmdQueuePrivate
~_GstD3D12CmdQueuePrivate ()
std::lock_guard <std::mutex> lk (lock);
shutdown = true;
cond.notify_one ();
g_clear_pointer (&gc_thread, g_thread_join);
auto completed = fence->GetCompletedValue ();
if (fence_val > completed)
fence->SetEventOnCompletion (completed, nullptr);
ComPtr<ID3D12Device> device;
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandQueue> cq;
ComPtr<ID3D12Fence> fence;
guint64 fence_val = 0;
GThread *gc_thread = nullptr;
std::priority_queue<GCDataPtr, std::vector<GCDataPtr>, gc_cmp> gc_list;
std::mutex execute_lock;
std::mutex lock;
std::condition_variable cond;
bool shutdown = false;
size_t queue_size = 0;
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static void gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_finalize (GObject * object);
#define gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_parent_class parent_class
G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstD3D12CmdQueue, gst_d3d12_cmd_queue, GST_TYPE_OBJECT);
static void
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_class_init (GstD3D12CmdQueueClass * klass)
auto object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
object_class->finalize = gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_finalize;
static void
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_init (GstD3D12CmdQueue * self)
self->priv = new GstD3D12CmdQueuePrivate ();
static void
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_finalize (GObject * object)
auto self = GST_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (object);
delete self->priv;
G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_new:
* @device: a #GstD3D12Device
* @fence_flags: a D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS
* @queue_size: command queue size, Sets zero for unlimited queue size
* Creates GstD3D12CmdQueue with given parameters.
* Returns: (transfer full): a new #GstD3D12CmdQueue instance
* Since: 1.26
GstD3D12CmdQueue *
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_new (ID3D12Device * device,
const D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC * desc, D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS fence_flags,
guint queue_size)
g_return_val_if_fail (device, nullptr);
g_return_val_if_fail (desc, nullptr);
GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_debug,
"d3d12commandqueue", 0, "d3d12commandqueue");
ComPtr < ID3D12CommandQueue > cq;
auto hr = device->CreateCommandQueue (desc, IID_PPV_ARGS (&cq));
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_WARNING ("Couldn't create command queue, hr: 0x%x", (guint) hr);
return nullptr;
ComPtr < ID3D12Fence > fence;
hr = device->CreateFence (0, fence_flags, IID_PPV_ARGS (&fence));
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR ("Couldn't create fence, hr: 0x%x", (guint) hr);
return nullptr;
auto self = (GstD3D12CmdQueue *)
g_object_new (GST_TYPE_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE, nullptr);
gst_object_ref_sink (self);
auto priv = self->priv;
priv->device = device;
priv->cq = cq;
priv->fence = fence;
priv->queue_size = queue_size;
return self;
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_get_handle:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* Gets command queue handle
* Return: (transfer none): ID3D12CommandQueue handle
* Since: 1.26
ID3D12CommandQueue *
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_get_handle (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), nullptr);
return queue->priv->cq.Get ();
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_get_fence_handle:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* Gets fence handle handle
* Return: (transfer none): ID3D12Fence handle
* Since: 1.26
ID3D12Fence *
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_get_fence_handle (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), nullptr);
return queue->priv->fence.Get ();
static HRESULT
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_command_lists_unlocked (GstD3D12CmdQueue *
queue, guint num_command_lists, ID3D12CommandList ** command_lists,
guint64 * fence_value)
auto priv = queue->priv;
if (num_command_lists)
priv->cq->ExecuteCommandLists (num_command_lists, command_lists);
auto hr = priv->cq->Signal (priv->fence.Get (), priv->fence_val);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "Signal failed");
return hr;
} else if (fence_value) {
*fence_value = priv->fence_val;
if (priv->queue_size > 0) {
auto completed = priv->fence->GetCompletedValue ();
if (completed == G_MAXUINT64) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "Device removed");
if (completed + priv->queue_size < priv->fence_val) {
hr = priv->fence->SetEventOnCompletion (priv->fence_val -
priv->queue_size, nullptr);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "SetEventOnCompletion failed");
return hr;
return hr;
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_command_lists:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* @num_command_lists: command list size
* @command_lists: (allow-none): array of ID3D12CommandList
* @fence_value: (out) (optional): fence value of submitted command
* Executes command list and signals queue. If @num_command_lists is zero,
* Only fence signal is executed with fence value increment.
* Return: HRESULT code
* Since: 1.26
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_command_lists (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue,
guint num_command_lists, ID3D12CommandList ** command_lists,
guint64 * fence_value)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), E_INVALIDARG);
auto priv = queue->priv;
std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (priv->execute_lock);
return gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_command_lists_unlocked (queue,
num_command_lists, command_lists, fence_value);
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_command_lists_full:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* @num_fences_to_wait: the number of fences to wait
* @fences_to_wait: (allow-none): array of ID3D11Fence
* @fence_values_to_wait: (allow-none): array of fence value to wait
* @num_command_lists: command list size
* @command_lists: (allow-none): array of ID3D12CommandList
* @fence_value: (out) (optional): fence value of submitted command
* Executes wait if @num_fences_to_wait is non-zero, and executes command list.
* Return: HRESULT code
* Since: 1.26
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_command_lists_full (GstD3D12CmdQueue *
queue, guint num_fences_to_wait, ID3D12Fence ** fences_to_wait,
const guint64 * fence_values_to_wait, guint num_command_lists,
ID3D12CommandList ** command_lists, guint64 * fence_value)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), E_INVALIDARG);
g_return_val_if_fail (num_fences_to_wait == 0 ||
(fences_to_wait && fence_values_to_wait), E_INVALIDARG);
auto priv = queue->priv;
std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (priv->execute_lock);
for (guint i = 0; i < num_fences_to_wait; i++) {
auto fence = fences_to_wait[i];
auto val = fence_values_to_wait[i];
if (fence != priv->fence.Get () && fence->GetCompletedValue () < val) {
auto hr = priv->cq->Wait (fence, val);
if (FAILED (hr))
return hr;
return gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_command_lists_unlocked (queue,
num_command_lists, command_lists, fence_value);
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_wait:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* @fence: a ID3D12Fence
* @fence_value: fence value to wait
* Exectues ID3D12CommandQueue::Wait() operation
* Return: %TRUE if successful
* Since: 1.26
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_execute_wait (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue,
ID3D12Fence * fence, guint64 fence_value)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), E_INVALIDARG);
g_return_val_if_fail (fence, E_INVALIDARG);
auto priv = queue->priv;
return priv->cq->Wait (fence, fence_value);
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_get_completed_value:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* Gets completed fence value
* Returns: Completed fence value
* Since: 1.26
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_get_completed_value (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), G_MAXUINT64);
return queue->priv->fence->GetCompletedValue ();
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_fence_wait:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* @fence_value: fence value to wait
* Blocks calling CPU thread until command corresponding @fence_value
* is completed. If @fence_value is %G_MAXUINT64, this method will block
* calling thread until all pending GPU operations are completed
* Returns: HRESULT code
* Since: 1.26
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_fence_wait (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue, guint64 fence_value)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), E_INVALIDARG);
auto priv = queue->priv;
guint64 fence_to_wait = fence_value;
if (fence_value == G_MAXUINT64) {
std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (priv->execute_lock);
hr = priv->cq->Signal (priv->fence.Get (), priv->fence_val);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "Signal failed");
return hr;
fence_to_wait = priv->fence_val;
auto completed = priv->fence->GetCompletedValue ();
if (completed < fence_to_wait) {
hr = priv->fence->SetEventOnCompletion (fence_to_wait, nullptr);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "SetEventOnCompletion failed");
return hr;
return S_OK;
static gpointer
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_gc_thread (GstD3D12CmdQueue * self)
auto priv = self->priv;
GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Entering GC thread");
while (true) {
GCDataPtr gc_data;
std::unique_lock < std::mutex > lk (priv->lock);
while (!priv->shutdown && priv->gc_list.empty ())
priv->cond.wait (lk);
if (priv->shutdown)
auto completed = priv->fence->GetCompletedValue ();
while (!priv->gc_list.empty ()) {
auto top = priv->gc_list.top ();
if (top->fence_val > completed) {
gc_data = top;
priv->gc_list.pop ();
GST_LOG_OBJECT (self, "Releasing fence data, completed %"
G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", fence value %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT,
completed, top->fence_val);
priv->gc_list.pop ();
if (gc_data) {
GST_LOG_OBJECT (self, "Waiting for fence data %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT,
auto hr = priv->fence->SetEventOnCompletion (gc_data->fence_val, nullptr);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "SetEventOnCompletion failed");
} else {
GST_LOG_OBJECT (self, "Waiting done, %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT,
GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Leaving GC thread");
return nullptr;
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_set_notify:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* @fence_value: target fence value
* @fence_data: user data
* @notify: a #GDestroyNotify
* Schedules oneshot @notify callback.
* This method is designed for garbage collection task.
* Users can construct a storage which holds graphics command associated
* resources (e.g., command allocator, descriptors, and textures) and pass
* the storage with destructor, in order to keep resources alive during
* command execution.
* GstD3D12CmdQueue launches internal worker thread to monitor fence value
* and once it reaches the scheduled value, @notify will be called with @fence_data
* Since: 1.26
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_set_notify (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue,
guint64 fence_value, gpointer fence_data, GDestroyNotify notify)
g_return_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue));
auto priv = queue->priv;
std::lock_guard < std::mutex > elk (priv->execute_lock);
auto gc_data = std::make_shared < GCData > (fence_data, notify, fence_value);
if (!priv->gc_thread) {
priv->gc_thread = g_thread_new ("GstD3D12Gc",
(GThreadFunc) gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_gc_thread, queue);
GST_LOG_OBJECT (queue, "Pushing GC data %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, fence_value);
std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (priv->lock);
priv->gc_list.push (std::move (gc_data));
priv->cond.notify_one ();
* gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_drain:
* @queue: a #GstD3D12CmdQueue
* Waits for all scheduled GPU commands to be finished
* Returns: HRESULT code
* Since: 1.26
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_drain (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), E_INVALIDARG);
auto priv = queue->priv;
std::priority_queue < GCDataPtr, std::vector < GCDataPtr >, gc_cmp > gc_list;
std::lock_guard < std::mutex > elk (priv->execute_lock);
auto hr = priv->cq->Signal (priv->fence.Get (), priv->fence_val);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "Signal failed");
return hr;
auto completed = priv->fence->GetCompletedValue ();
if (completed < priv->fence_val) {
hr = priv->fence->SetEventOnCompletion (priv->fence_val, nullptr);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "SetEventOnCompletion failed");
return hr;
if (priv->gc_thread != g_thread_self ()) {
std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (priv->lock);
gc_list = priv->gc_list;
priv->gc_list = { };
} else {
priv->gc_list = { };
return S_OK;
gst_d3d12_cmd_queue_idle_for_swapchain (GstD3D12CmdQueue * queue,
guint64 fence_value)
g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_D3D12_CMD_QUEUE (queue), E_INVALIDARG);
auto priv = queue->priv;
guint64 fence_to_wait = fence_value;
std::lock_guard < std::mutex > lk (priv->execute_lock);
if (fence_value < priv->fence_val) {
fence_to_wait = fence_value + 1;
} else {
hr = priv->cq->Signal (priv->fence.Get (), priv->fence_val);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "Signal failed");
return hr;
fence_to_wait = priv->fence_val;
auto completed = priv->fence->GetCompletedValue ();
if (completed < fence_to_wait) {
hr = priv->fence->SetEventOnCompletion (fence_to_wait, nullptr);
if (FAILED (hr)) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (queue, "SetEventOnCompletion failed");
return hr;
return S_OK;