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synced 2025-03-22 17:12:48 +00:00
Change data type for counters passed on the stack from UInt32 to size_t. Fixes 64bit builds.
212 lines
7.5 KiB
212 lines
7.5 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2010 Ole André Vadla Ravnås <oravnas@cisco.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __GST_CM_API_H__
#define __GST_CM_API_H__
#include "dynapi.h"
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include "cvapi.h"
typedef struct _GstCMApi GstCMApi;
typedef struct _GstCMApiClass GstCMApiClass;
typedef CFTypeRef FigBaseObjectRef;
typedef struct _FigBaseVTable FigBaseVTable;
typedef struct _FigBaseIface FigBaseIface;
typedef CFTypeRef CMFormatDescriptionRef;
typedef struct _CMVideoDimensions CMVideoDimensions;
typedef struct _CMTime CMTime;
typedef CFTypeRef CMBufferQueueRef;
typedef SInt32 CMBufferQueueTriggerCondition;
typedef struct _CMBufferQueueTriggerToken *CMBufferQueueTriggerToken;
typedef CFTypeRef CMSampleBufferRef;
typedef CFTypeRef CMBlockBufferRef;
typedef void (* CMBufferQueueTriggerCallback) (void *triggerRefcon,
CMBufferQueueTriggerToken triggerToken);
typedef Boolean (* CMBufferQueueValidationCallback) (CMBufferQueueRef queue,
CMSampleBufferRef buf, void *refCon);
enum _FigMediaType
kFigMediaTypeVideo = 'vide'
enum _FigCodecType
kComponentVideoUnsigned = 'yuvs',
kFigVideoCodecType_JPEG_OpenDML = 'dmb1',
kYUV420vCodecType = '420v'
enum _CMBufferQueueTriggerCondition
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenDurationBecomesLessThan = 1,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenDurationBecomesLessThanOrEqualTo = 2,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenDurationBecomesGreaterThan = 3,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenDurationBecomesGreaterThanOrEqualTo = 4,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenMinPresentationTimeStampChanges = 5,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenMaxPresentationTimeStampChanges = 6,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenDataBecomesReady = 7,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenEndOfDataReached = 8,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenReset = 9,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenBufferCountBecomesLessThan = 10,
kCMBufferQueueTrigger_WhenBufferCountBecomesGreaterThan = 11
struct _FigBaseVTable
gsize unk;
FigBaseIface * base;
void * derived;
struct _FigBaseIface
gsize unk1;
gsize unk2;
gsize unk3;
OSStatus (* Invalidate) (FigBaseObjectRef obj);
OSStatus (* Finalize) (FigBaseObjectRef obj);
gpointer unk4;
OSStatus (* CopyProperty) (FigBaseObjectRef obj, CFTypeRef key, void *unk,
CFTypeRef * value);
OSStatus (* SetProperty) (FigBaseObjectRef obj, CFTypeRef key,
CFTypeRef value);
struct _CMVideoDimensions
UInt32 width;
UInt32 height;
struct _CMTime
UInt8 data[24];
struct _GstCMApi
GstDynApi parent;
FigBaseVTable * (* FigBaseObjectGetVTable) (FigBaseObjectRef obj);
void * (* CMGetAttachment) (CFTypeRef obj, CFStringRef attachmentKey,
UInt32 * foundWherePtr);
void (* FigFormatDescriptionRelease) (CMFormatDescriptionRef desc);
CMFormatDescriptionRef (* FigFormatDescriptionRetain) (
CMFormatDescriptionRef desc);
Boolean (* CMFormatDescriptionEqual) (CMFormatDescriptionRef desc1,
CMFormatDescriptionRef desc2);
CFTypeRef (* CMFormatDescriptionGetExtension) (
const CMFormatDescriptionRef desc, CFStringRef extensionKey);
UInt32 (* CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaType) (
const CMFormatDescriptionRef desc);
UInt32 (* CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType) (
const CMFormatDescriptionRef desc);
OSStatus (* CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreate) (
CFAllocatorRef allocator, UInt32 formatId, UInt32 width, UInt32 height,
CFDictionaryRef extensions, CMFormatDescriptionRef * desc);
OSStatus (* FigVideoFormatDescriptionCreateWithSampleDescriptionExtensionAtom)
(CFAllocatorRef allocator, UInt32 formatId, UInt32 width, UInt32 height,
UInt32 atomId, const UInt8 * data, CFIndex len, void *unk1,
CMFormatDescriptionRef * formatDesc);
CMVideoDimensions (* CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions) (
const CMFormatDescriptionRef desc);
CMTime (* CMTimeMake) (int64_t value, int32_t timescale);
OSStatus (* CMSampleBufferCreate) (CFAllocatorRef allocator,
CMBlockBufferRef blockBuf, Boolean dataReady,
void *makeDataReadyCallback,
void *makeDataReadyRefcon,
CMFormatDescriptionRef fmtDesc, size_t numSamples,
size_t numSampleTimingEntries,
const void *sampleTimingArray,
size_t numSampleSizeEntries, const size_t *sampleSizeArray,
CMSampleBufferRef * sampleBuffer);
Boolean (* CMSampleBufferDataIsReady) (
const CMSampleBufferRef buf);
CMBlockBufferRef (* CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer) (
const CMSampleBufferRef buf);
CMFormatDescriptionRef (* CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription) (
const CMSampleBufferRef buf);
CVImageBufferRef (* CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer) (
const CMSampleBufferRef buf);
SInt32 (* CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples) (
const CMSampleBufferRef buf);
CFArrayRef (* CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray) (
const CMSampleBufferRef buf, SInt32 sampleIndex);
SInt32 (* CMSampleBufferGetSampleSize) (
const CMSampleBufferRef buf, SInt32 sampleIndex);
void (* FigSampleBufferRelease) (CMSampleBufferRef buf);
CMSampleBufferRef (* FigSampleBufferRetain) (CMSampleBufferRef buf);
OSStatus (* CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock)
(CFAllocatorRef allocator, void * memoryBlock, size_t blockLength,
CFAllocatorRef dataAllocator, void *customBlockSource,
size_t offsetToData, size_t dataLength,
int flags, CMBlockBufferRef * blockBuffer);
SInt32 (* CMBlockBufferGetDataLength) (const CMBlockBufferRef buf);
OSStatus (* CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer) (
const CMBlockBufferRef buf, UInt32 unk1, UInt32 unk2, UInt32 unk3,
Byte ** dataPtr);
void (* FigBlockBufferRelease) (CMBlockBufferRef buf);
CMBlockBufferRef (* FigBlockBufferRetain) (CMBlockBufferRef buf);
CMSampleBufferRef (* CMBufferQueueDequeueAndRetain)
(CMBufferQueueRef queue);
CFIndex (* CMBufferQueueGetBufferCount) (CMBufferQueueRef queue);
OSStatus (* CMBufferQueueInstallTrigger) (CMBufferQueueRef queue,
CMBufferQueueTriggerCallback triggerCallback, void * triggerRefCon,
CMBufferQueueTriggerCondition triggerCondition, CMTime triggerTime,
CMBufferQueueTriggerToken * triggerTokenOut);
Boolean (* CMBufferQueueIsEmpty) (CMBufferQueueRef queue);
void (* FigBufferQueueRelease) (CMBufferQueueRef queue);
OSStatus (* CMBufferQueueRemoveTrigger) (CMBufferQueueRef queue,
CMBufferQueueTriggerToken triggerToken);
OSStatus (* CMBufferQueueSetValidationCallback) (CMBufferQueueRef queue,
CMBufferQueueValidationCallback func, void *refCon);
CFStringRef * kCMFormatDescriptionExtension_SampleDescriptionExtensionAtoms;
CFStringRef * kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DependsOnOthers;
CMTime * kCMTimeInvalid;
struct _GstCMApiClass
GstDynApiClass parent_class;
GType gst_cm_api_get_type (void);
GstCMApi * gst_cm_api_obtain (GError ** error);