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synced 2025-03-03 02:11:21 +00:00
There are in the wild (mp4) streams that basically contain no tracks but do have a redirect info[0], in which case, we won't be able to expose any pad (there are no tracks) so we can't post anything but an error on the bus, as: - it can't send EOS downstream, it has no pad, - posting an EOS message will be useless as PAUSED state can't be reached and there is no sink in the pipeline meaning GstBin will simply ignore it The approach here is to to add details to the ERROR message with a `redirect-location` field which elements like playbin handle and use right away. [0]: http://movietrailers.apple.com/movies/paramount/terminator-dark-fate/terminator-dark-fate-trailer-2_480p.mov
266 lines
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266 lines
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/* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) <1999> Erik Walthinsen <omega@cse.ogi.edu>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __GST_QTDEMUX_H__
#define __GST_QTDEMUX_H__
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/base/gstadapter.h>
#include <gst/base/gstflowcombiner.h>
#include "gstisoff.h"
#define GST_QTDEMUX(obj) \
#define GST_QTDEMUX_CLASS(klass) \
#define GST_IS_QTDEMUX(obj) \
#define GST_IS_QTDEMUX_CLASS(klass) \
#define GST_QTDEMUX_CAST(obj) ((GstQTDemux *)(obj))
/* qtdemux produces these for atoms it cannot parse */
#define GST_QT_DEMUX_PRIVATE_TAG "private-qt-tag"
#define GST_QT_DEMUX_CLASSIFICATION_TAG "classification"
typedef struct _GstQTDemux GstQTDemux;
typedef struct _GstQTDemuxClass GstQTDemuxClass;
typedef struct _QtDemuxStream QtDemuxStream;
enum QtDemuxState
QTDEMUX_STATE_INITIAL, /* Initial state (haven't got the header yet) */
QTDEMUX_STATE_HEADER, /* Parsing the header */
QTDEMUX_STATE_MOVIE, /* Parsing/Playing the media data */
QTDEMUX_STATE_BUFFER_MDAT /* Buffering the mdat atom */
struct _GstQTDemux {
GstElement element;
/* Global state */
enum QtDemuxState state;
/* static sink pad */
GstPad *sinkpad;
/* TRUE if pull-based */
gboolean pullbased;
gchar *redirect_location;
/* Protect pad exposing from flush event */
GMutex expose_lock;
/* list of QtDemuxStream */
GPtrArray *active_streams;
GPtrArray *old_streams;
gint n_video_streams;
gint n_audio_streams;
gint n_sub_streams;
GstFlowCombiner *flowcombiner;
/* Incoming stream group-id to set on downstream STREAM_START events.
* If upstream doesn't contain one, a global one will be generated */
gboolean have_group_id;
guint group_id;
guint major_brand;
GstBuffer *comp_brands;
/* [moov] header.
* FIXME : This is discarded just after it's created. Just move it
* to a temporary variable ? */
GNode *moov_node;
/* FIXME : This is never freed. It is only assigned once. memleak ? */
GNode *moov_node_compressed;
/* Set to TRUE when the [moov] header has been fully parsed */
gboolean got_moov;
/* Global timescale for the incoming stream. Use the QTTIME macros
* to convert values to/from GstClockTime */
guint32 timescale;
/* Global duration (in global timescale). Use QTTIME macros to get GstClockTime */
guint64 duration;
/* Total size of header atoms. Used to calculate fallback overall bitrate */
guint header_size;
GstTagList *tag_list;
/* configured playback region */
GstSegment segment;
/* State for key_units trickmode */
GstClockTime trickmode_interval;
/* PUSH-BASED only: If the initial segment event, or a segment consequence of
* a seek or incoming TIME segment from upstream needs to be pushed. This
* variable is used instead of pushing the event directly because at that
* point we may not have yet emitted the srcpads. */
gboolean need_segment;
guint32 segment_seqnum;
/* flag to indicate that we're working with a smoothstreaming fragment
* Mss doesn't have 'moov' or any information about the streams format,
* requiring qtdemux to expose and create the streams */
gboolean mss_mode;
/* Set to TRUE if the incoming stream is either a MSS stream or
* a Fragmented MP4 (containing the [mvex] atom in the header) */
gboolean fragmented;
/* PULL-BASED only : If TRUE there is a pending seek */
gboolean fragmented_seek_pending;
/* PULL-BASED : offset of first [moof] or of fragment to seek to
* PUSH-BASED : offset of latest [moof] */
guint64 moof_offset;
/* MSS streams have a single media that is unspecified at the atoms, so
* upstream provides it at the caps */
GstCaps *media_caps;
/* Set to TRUE when all streams have been exposed */
gboolean exposed;
gint64 chapters_track_id;
/* protection support */
GPtrArray *protection_system_ids; /* Holds identifiers of all content protection systems for all tracks */
GQueue protection_event_queue; /* holds copy of upstream protection events */
guint64 cenc_aux_info_offset;
guint8 *cenc_aux_info_sizes;
guint32 cenc_aux_sample_count;
gchar *preferred_protection_system_id;
/* Whether the parent bin is streams-aware, meaning we can
* add/remove streams at any point in time */
gboolean streams_aware;
GstAdapter *adapter;
guint neededbytes;
guint todrop;
/* Used to store data if [mdat] is before the headers */
GstBuffer *mdatbuffer;
/* Amount of bytes left to read in the current [mdat] */
guint64 mdatleft, mdatsize;
/* When restoring the mdat to the adapter, this buffer stores any
* trailing data that was after the last atom parsed as it has to be
* restored later along with the correct offset. Used in fragmented
* scenario where mdat/moof are one after the other in any order.
* Check https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=710623 */
GstBuffer *restoredata_buffer;
guint64 restoredata_offset;
/* The current offset in bytes from upstream.
* Note: While it makes complete sense when we are PULL-BASED (pulling
* in BYTES from upstream) and PUSH-BASED with a BYTE SEGMENT (receiving
* buffers with actual offsets), it is undefined in PUSH-BASED with a
guint64 offset;
/* offset of the mdat atom */
guint64 mdatoffset;
/* Offset of the first mdat */
guint64 first_mdat;
/* offset of last [moov] seen */
guint64 last_moov_offset;
/* If TRUE, qtdemux received upstream newsegment in TIME format
* which likely means that upstream is driving the pipeline (such as
* adaptive demuxers or dlna sources) */
gboolean upstream_format_is_time;
/* Seqnum of the seek event sent upstream. Will be used to
* detect incoming FLUSH events corresponding to that */
guint32 offset_seek_seqnum;
/* UPSTREAM BYTE: Requested upstream byte seek offset.
* Currently it is only used to check if an incoming BYTE SEGMENT
* corresponds to a seek event that was sent upstream */
gint64 seek_offset;
/* UPSTREAM BYTE: Requested start/stop TIME values from
* downstream.
* Used to set on the downstream segment once the corresponding upstream
* BYTE SEEK has succeeded */
gint64 push_seek_start;
gint64 push_seek_stop;
#if 0
/* gst index support */
GstIndex *element_index;
gint index_id;
/* Whether upstream is seekable in BYTES */
gboolean upstream_seekable;
/* UPSTREAM BYTE: Size of upstream content.
* Note : This is only computed once ! If upstream grows in the meantime
* it will not be updated */
gint64 upstream_size;
/* UPSTREAM TIME : Contains the PTS (if any) of the
* buffer that contains a [moof] header. Will be used to establish
* the actual PTS of the samples contained within that fragment. */
guint64 fragment_start;
/* UPSTREAM TIME : The offset in bytes of the [moof]
* header start.
* Note : This is not computed from the GST_BUFFER_OFFSET field */
guint64 fragment_start_offset;
/* These two fields are used to perform an implicit seek when a fragmented
* file whose first tfdt is not zero. This way if the first fragment starts
* at 1 hour, the user does not have to wait 1 hour or perform a manual seek
* for the image to move and the sound to play.
* This implicit seek is only done if the first parsed fragment has a non-zero
* decode base time and a seek has not been received previously, hence these
* fields. */
gboolean received_seek;
gboolean first_moof_already_parsed;
struct _GstQTDemuxClass {
GstElementClass parent_class;
GType gst_qtdemux_get_type (void);
#endif /* __GST_QTDEMUX_H__ */