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// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator.
// Any changes made will be lost if regenerated.
namespace Gst {
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#region Autogenerated code
public partial class PresetAdapter : GLib.GInterfaceAdapter, Gst.IPreset {
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
struct GstPresetInterface {
public GetPresetNamesNativeDelegate GetPresetNames;
public GetPropertyNamesNativeDelegate GetPropertyNames;
public LoadPresetNativeDelegate LoadPreset;
public SavePresetNativeDelegate SavePreset;
public RenamePresetNativeDelegate RenamePreset;
public DeletePresetNativeDelegate DeletePreset;
public SetMetaNativeDelegate SetMeta;
public GetMetaNativeDelegate GetMeta;
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=4)]
private IntPtr[] _gstGstReserved;
static GstPresetInterface iface;
static PresetAdapter ()
GLib.GType.Register (_gtype, typeof (PresetAdapter));
iface.GetPresetNames = new GetPresetNamesNativeDelegate (GetPresetNames_cb);
iface.GetPropertyNames = new GetPropertyNamesNativeDelegate (GetPropertyNames_cb);
iface.LoadPreset = new LoadPresetNativeDelegate (LoadPreset_cb);
iface.SavePreset = new SavePresetNativeDelegate (SavePreset_cb);
iface.RenamePreset = new RenamePresetNativeDelegate (RenamePreset_cb);
iface.DeletePreset = new DeletePresetNativeDelegate (DeletePreset_cb);
iface.SetMeta = new SetMetaNativeDelegate (SetMeta_cb);
iface.GetMeta = new GetMetaNativeDelegate (GetMeta_cb);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate IntPtr GetPresetNamesNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst);
static IntPtr GetPresetNames_cb (IntPtr inst)
try {
IPresetImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as IPresetImplementor;
string[] __result;
__result = __obj.PresetNames;
return GLib.Marshaller.StringArrayToNullTermStrvPointer (__result);
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate IntPtr GetPropertyNamesNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst);
static IntPtr GetPropertyNames_cb (IntPtr inst)
try {
IPresetImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as IPresetImplementor;
string[] __result;
__result = __obj.PropertyNames;
return GLib.Marshaller.StringArrayToNullTermStrvPointer (__result);
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool LoadPresetNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name);
static bool LoadPreset_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name)
try {
IPresetImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as IPresetImplementor;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.LoadPreset (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (name));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool SavePresetNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name);
static bool SavePreset_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name)
try {
IPresetImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as IPresetImplementor;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.SavePreset (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (name));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool RenamePresetNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr old_name, IntPtr new_name);
static bool RenamePreset_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr old_name, IntPtr new_name)
try {
IPresetImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as IPresetImplementor;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.RenamePreset (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (old_name), GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (new_name));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool DeletePresetNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name);
static bool DeletePreset_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name)
try {
IPresetImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as IPresetImplementor;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.DeletePreset (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (name));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool SetMetaNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name, IntPtr tag, IntPtr value);
static bool SetMeta_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name, IntPtr tag, IntPtr value)
try {
IPresetImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as IPresetImplementor;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.SetMeta (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (name), GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (tag), GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (value));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool GetMetaNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name, IntPtr tag, out IntPtr value);
static bool GetMeta_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr name, IntPtr tag, out IntPtr value)
try {
IPresetImplementor __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as IPresetImplementor;
bool __result;
string myvalue;
__result = __obj.GetMeta (GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (name), GLib.Marshaller.Utf8PtrToString (tag), out myvalue);
value = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup(myvalue);
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
static int class_offset = 2 * IntPtr.Size;
static void Initialize (IntPtr ptr, IntPtr data)
IntPtr ifaceptr = new IntPtr (ptr.ToInt64 () + class_offset);
GstPresetInterface native_iface = (GstPresetInterface) Marshal.PtrToStructure (ifaceptr, typeof (GstPresetInterface));
native_iface.GetPresetNames = iface.GetPresetNames;
native_iface.GetPropertyNames = iface.GetPropertyNames;
native_iface.LoadPreset = iface.LoadPreset;
native_iface.SavePreset = iface.SavePreset;
native_iface.RenamePreset = iface.RenamePreset;
native_iface.DeletePreset = iface.DeletePreset;
native_iface.SetMeta = iface.SetMeta;
native_iface.GetMeta = iface.GetMeta;
Marshal.StructureToPtr (native_iface, ifaceptr, false);
GLib.Object implementor;
public PresetAdapter ()
InitHandler = new GLib.GInterfaceInitHandler (Initialize);
public PresetAdapter (IPresetImplementor implementor)
if (implementor == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("implementor");
else if (!(implementor is GLib.Object))
throw new ArgumentException ("implementor must be a subclass of GLib.Object");
this.implementor = implementor as GLib.Object;
public PresetAdapter (IntPtr handle)
if (!_gtype.IsInstance (handle))
throw new ArgumentException ("The gobject doesn't implement the GInterface of this adapter", "handle");
implementor = GLib.Object.GetObject (handle);
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern IntPtr gst_preset_get_type();
private static GLib.GType _gtype = new GLib.GType (gst_preset_get_type ());
public static GLib.GType GType {
get {
return _gtype;
public override GLib.GType GInterfaceGType {
get {
return _gtype;
public override IntPtr Handle {
get {
return implementor.Handle;
public IntPtr OwnedHandle {
get {
return implementor.OwnedHandle;
public static IPreset GetObject (IntPtr handle, bool owned)
GLib.Object obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (handle, owned);
return GetObject (obj);
public static IPreset GetObject (GLib.Object obj)
if (obj == null)
return null;
else if (obj is IPresetImplementor)
return new PresetAdapter (obj as IPresetImplementor);
else if (obj as IPreset == null)
return new PresetAdapter (obj.Handle);
return obj as IPreset;
public IPresetImplementor Implementor {
get {
return implementor as IPresetImplementor;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern IntPtr gst_preset_get_app_dir();
public static string AppDir {
get {
IntPtr raw_ret = gst_preset_get_app_dir();
string ret = GLib.Marshaller.FilenamePtrToString (raw_ret);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_preset_set_app_dir(IntPtr app_dir);
public static bool SetAppDir(string app_dir) {
IntPtr native_app_dir = GLib.Marshaller.StringToFilenamePtr (app_dir);
bool raw_ret = gst_preset_set_app_dir(native_app_dir);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_app_dir);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_preset_delete_preset(IntPtr raw, IntPtr name);
public bool DeletePreset(string name) {
IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name);
bool raw_ret = gst_preset_delete_preset(Handle, native_name);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_name);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_preset_get_meta(IntPtr raw, IntPtr name, IntPtr tag, out IntPtr value);
public bool GetMeta(string name, string tag, out string value) {
IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name);
IntPtr native_tag = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (tag);
IntPtr native_value;
bool raw_ret = gst_preset_get_meta(Handle, native_name, native_tag, out native_value);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_name);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_tag);
value = GLib.Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree(native_value);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern IntPtr gst_preset_get_preset_names(IntPtr raw);
public string[] PresetNames {
get {
IntPtr raw_ret = gst_preset_get_preset_names(Handle);
string[] ret = GLib.Marshaller.NullTermPtrToStringArray (raw_ret, true);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern IntPtr gst_preset_get_property_names(IntPtr raw);
public string[] PropertyNames {
get {
IntPtr raw_ret = gst_preset_get_property_names(Handle);
string[] ret = GLib.Marshaller.NullTermPtrToStringArray (raw_ret, true);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_preset_is_editable(IntPtr raw);
public bool IsEditable {
get {
bool raw_ret = gst_preset_is_editable(Handle);
bool ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_preset_load_preset(IntPtr raw, IntPtr name);
public bool LoadPreset(string name) {
IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name);
bool raw_ret = gst_preset_load_preset(Handle, native_name);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_name);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_preset_rename_preset(IntPtr raw, IntPtr old_name, IntPtr new_name);
public bool RenamePreset(string old_name, string new_name) {
IntPtr native_old_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (old_name);
IntPtr native_new_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (new_name);
bool raw_ret = gst_preset_rename_preset(Handle, native_old_name, native_new_name);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_old_name);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_new_name);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_preset_save_preset(IntPtr raw, IntPtr name);
public bool SavePreset(string name) {
IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name);
bool raw_ret = gst_preset_save_preset(Handle, native_name);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_name);
return ret;
[DllImport("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_preset_set_meta(IntPtr raw, IntPtr name, IntPtr tag, IntPtr value);
public bool SetMeta(string name, string tag, string value) {
IntPtr native_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (name);
IntPtr native_tag = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (tag);
IntPtr native_value = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (value);
bool raw_ret = gst_preset_set_meta(Handle, native_name, native_tag, native_value);
bool ret = raw_ret;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_name);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_tag);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_value);
return ret;
public bool SetMeta(string name, string tag) {
return SetMeta (name, tag, null);