Thibault Saunier 2d00f898fb Move generated files to dedicated folders named by namespace
Making it cleaner and simpler to navigate and removing previous
ugly and now useless hack where we were renaming files ourself
to make meson happy.
2018-03-11 21:47:35 -03:00

1926 lines
58 KiB

// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator.
// Any changes made will be lost if regenerated.
namespace Gst.Base {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#region Autogenerated code
public partial class BaseSrc : Gst.Element {
protected BaseSrc (IntPtr raw) : base(raw) {}
protected BaseSrc() : base(IntPtr.Zero)
CreateNativeObject (new string [0], new GLib.Value [0]);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern uint gst_base_src_get_blocksize(IntPtr raw);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_set_blocksize(IntPtr raw, uint blocksize);
[GLib.Property ("blocksize")]
public uint Blocksize {
get {
uint raw_ret = gst_base_src_get_blocksize(Handle);
uint ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
set {
gst_base_src_set_blocksize(Handle, value);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_base_src_get_do_timestamp(IntPtr raw);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_set_do_timestamp(IntPtr raw, bool timestamp);
[GLib.Property ("do-timestamp")]
public bool DoTimestamp {
get {
bool raw_ret = gst_base_src_get_do_timestamp(Handle);
bool ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
set {
gst_base_src_set_do_timestamp(Handle, value);
[GLib.Property ("num-buffers")]
public int NumBuffers {
get {
GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("num-buffers");
int ret = (int) val;
val.Dispose ();
return ret;
set {
GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
SetProperty("num-buffers", val);
val.Dispose ();
[GLib.Property ("typefind")]
public bool Typefind {
get {
GLib.Value val = GetProperty ("typefind");
bool ret = (bool) val;
val.Dispose ();
return ret;
set {
GLib.Value val = new GLib.Value(value);
SetProperty("typefind", val);
val.Dispose ();
public Gst.Pad Srcpad {
get {
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("srcpad"));
return GLib.Object.GetObject((*raw_ptr)) as Gst.Pad;
public GLib.Mutex LiveLock {
get {
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("live_lock"));
return new GLib.Mutex((*raw_ptr));
public GLib.Cond LiveCond {
get {
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("live_cond"));
return new GLib.Cond((*raw_ptr));
public bool IsLiveField {
get {
unsafe {
bool* raw_ptr = (bool*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("is_live"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public bool LiveRunning {
get {
unsafe {
bool* raw_ptr = (bool*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("live_running"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public uint BlocksizeField {
get {
unsafe {
uint* raw_ptr = (uint*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("blocksize"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public bool CanActivatePush {
get {
unsafe {
bool* raw_ptr = (bool*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("can_activate_push"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public bool RandomAccess {
get {
unsafe {
bool* raw_ptr = (bool*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("random_access"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public IntPtr ClockId {
get {
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("clock_id"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public Gst.Segment Segment {
get {
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("segment"));
return Gst.Segment.New ((*raw_ptr));
public bool NeedNewsegment {
get {
unsafe {
bool* raw_ptr = (bool*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("need_newsegment"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public int NumBuffersField {
get {
unsafe {
int* raw_ptr = (int*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("num_buffers"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public int NumBuffersLeft {
get {
unsafe {
int* raw_ptr = (int*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("num_buffers_left"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public bool TypefindField {
get {
unsafe {
bool* raw_ptr = (bool*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("typefind"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public bool Running {
get {
unsafe {
bool* raw_ptr = (bool*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("running"));
return (*raw_ptr);
public Gst.Event PendingSeek {
get {
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((byte*)Handle) + abi_info.GetFieldOffset("pending_seek"));
return (*raw_ptr) == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Event) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque ((*raw_ptr), typeof (Gst.Event), false);
static GetCapsNativeDelegate GetCaps_cb_delegate;
static GetCapsNativeDelegate GetCapsVMCallback {
get {
if (GetCaps_cb_delegate == null)
GetCaps_cb_delegate = new GetCapsNativeDelegate (GetCaps_cb);
return GetCaps_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideGetCaps (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideGetCaps (gtype, GetCapsVMCallback);
static void OverrideGetCaps (GLib.GType gtype, GetCapsNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_caps"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate IntPtr GetCapsNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr filter);
static IntPtr GetCaps_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr filter)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
Gst.Caps __result;
__result = __obj.OnGetCaps (filter == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Caps) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (filter, typeof (Gst.Caps), false));
return __result == null ? IntPtr.Zero : __result.OwnedCopy;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideGetCaps")]
protected virtual Gst.Caps OnGetCaps (Gst.Caps filter)
return InternalGetCaps (filter);
private Gst.Caps InternalGetCaps (Gst.Caps filter)
GetCapsNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_caps"));
unmanaged = (GetCapsNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(GetCapsNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return null;
IntPtr __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, filter == null ? IntPtr.Zero : filter.Handle);
return __result == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Caps) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (__result, typeof (Gst.Caps), true);
static NegotiateNativeDelegate Negotiate_cb_delegate;
static NegotiateNativeDelegate NegotiateVMCallback {
get {
if (Negotiate_cb_delegate == null)
Negotiate_cb_delegate = new NegotiateNativeDelegate (Negotiate_cb);
return Negotiate_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideNegotiate (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideNegotiate (gtype, NegotiateVMCallback);
static void OverrideNegotiate (GLib.GType gtype, NegotiateNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("negotiate"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool NegotiateNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst);
static bool Negotiate_cb (IntPtr inst)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnNegotiate ();
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideNegotiate")]
protected virtual bool OnNegotiate ()
return InternalNegotiate ();
private bool InternalNegotiate ()
NegotiateNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("negotiate"));
unmanaged = (NegotiateNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(NegotiateNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle);
return __result;
static FixateNativeDelegate Fixate_cb_delegate;
static FixateNativeDelegate FixateVMCallback {
get {
if (Fixate_cb_delegate == null)
Fixate_cb_delegate = new FixateNativeDelegate (Fixate_cb);
return Fixate_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideFixate (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideFixate (gtype, FixateVMCallback);
static void OverrideFixate (GLib.GType gtype, FixateNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("fixate"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate IntPtr FixateNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr caps);
static IntPtr Fixate_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr caps)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
Gst.Caps __result;
__result = __obj.OnFixate (caps == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Caps) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (caps, typeof (Gst.Caps), false));
return __result == null ? IntPtr.Zero : __result.OwnedCopy;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideFixate")]
protected virtual Gst.Caps OnFixate (Gst.Caps caps)
return InternalFixate (caps);
private Gst.Caps InternalFixate (Gst.Caps caps)
FixateNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("fixate"));
unmanaged = (FixateNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(FixateNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return null;
IntPtr __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, caps == null ? IntPtr.Zero : caps.Handle);
return __result == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Caps) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (__result, typeof (Gst.Caps), true);
static SetCapsNativeDelegate SetCaps_cb_delegate;
static SetCapsNativeDelegate SetCapsVMCallback {
get {
if (SetCaps_cb_delegate == null)
SetCaps_cb_delegate = new SetCapsNativeDelegate (SetCaps_cb);
return SetCaps_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideSetCaps (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideSetCaps (gtype, SetCapsVMCallback);
static void OverrideSetCaps (GLib.GType gtype, SetCapsNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("set_caps"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool SetCapsNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr caps);
static bool SetCaps_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr caps)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnSetCaps (caps == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Caps) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (caps, typeof (Gst.Caps), false));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideSetCaps")]
protected virtual bool OnSetCaps (Gst.Caps caps)
return InternalSetCaps (caps);
private bool InternalSetCaps (Gst.Caps caps)
SetCapsNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("set_caps"));
unmanaged = (SetCapsNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(SetCapsNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, caps == null ? IntPtr.Zero : caps.Handle);
return __result;
static DecideAllocationNativeDelegate DecideAllocation_cb_delegate;
static DecideAllocationNativeDelegate DecideAllocationVMCallback {
get {
if (DecideAllocation_cb_delegate == null)
DecideAllocation_cb_delegate = new DecideAllocationNativeDelegate (DecideAllocation_cb);
return DecideAllocation_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideDecideAllocation (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideDecideAllocation (gtype, DecideAllocationVMCallback);
static void OverrideDecideAllocation (GLib.GType gtype, DecideAllocationNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("decide_allocation"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool DecideAllocationNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr query);
static bool DecideAllocation_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr query)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnDecideAllocation (query == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Query) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (query, typeof (Gst.Query), false));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideDecideAllocation")]
protected virtual bool OnDecideAllocation (Gst.Query query)
return InternalDecideAllocation (query);
private bool InternalDecideAllocation (Gst.Query query)
DecideAllocationNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("decide_allocation"));
unmanaged = (DecideAllocationNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(DecideAllocationNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, query == null ? IntPtr.Zero : query.Handle);
return __result;
static StartNativeDelegate Start_cb_delegate;
static StartNativeDelegate StartVMCallback {
get {
if (Start_cb_delegate == null)
Start_cb_delegate = new StartNativeDelegate (Start_cb);
return Start_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideStart (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideStart (gtype, StartVMCallback);
static void OverrideStart (GLib.GType gtype, StartNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("start"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool StartNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst);
static bool Start_cb (IntPtr inst)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnStart ();
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideStart")]
protected virtual bool OnStart ()
return InternalStart ();
private bool InternalStart ()
StartNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("start"));
unmanaged = (StartNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(StartNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle);
return __result;
static StopNativeDelegate Stop_cb_delegate;
static StopNativeDelegate StopVMCallback {
get {
if (Stop_cb_delegate == null)
Stop_cb_delegate = new StopNativeDelegate (Stop_cb);
return Stop_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideStop (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideStop (gtype, StopVMCallback);
static void OverrideStop (GLib.GType gtype, StopNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("stop"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool StopNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst);
static bool Stop_cb (IntPtr inst)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnStop ();
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideStop")]
protected virtual bool OnStop ()
return InternalStop ();
private bool InternalStop ()
StopNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("stop"));
unmanaged = (StopNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(StopNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle);
return __result;
static GetTimesNativeDelegate GetTimes_cb_delegate;
static GetTimesNativeDelegate GetTimesVMCallback {
get {
if (GetTimes_cb_delegate == null)
GetTimes_cb_delegate = new GetTimesNativeDelegate (GetTimes_cb);
return GetTimes_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideGetTimes (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideGetTimes (gtype, GetTimesVMCallback);
static void OverrideGetTimes (GLib.GType gtype, GetTimesNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_times"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate void GetTimesNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr buffer, out ulong start, out ulong end);
static void GetTimes_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr buffer, out ulong start, out ulong end)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
__obj.OnGetTimes (buffer == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Buffer) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (buffer, typeof (Gst.Buffer), false), out start, out end);
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideGetTimes")]
protected virtual void OnGetTimes (Gst.Buffer buffer, out ulong start, out ulong end)
InternalGetTimes (buffer, out start, out end);
private void InternalGetTimes (Gst.Buffer buffer, out ulong start, out ulong end)
GetTimesNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_times"));
unmanaged = (GetTimesNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(GetTimesNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("No base method to invoke");
unmanaged (this.Handle, buffer == null ? IntPtr.Zero : buffer.Handle, out start, out end);
static GetSizeNativeDelegate GetSize_cb_delegate;
static GetSizeNativeDelegate GetSizeVMCallback {
get {
if (GetSize_cb_delegate == null)
GetSize_cb_delegate = new GetSizeNativeDelegate (GetSize_cb);
return GetSize_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideGetSize (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideGetSize (gtype, GetSizeVMCallback);
static void OverrideGetSize (GLib.GType gtype, GetSizeNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_size"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool GetSizeNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, ulong size);
static bool GetSize_cb (IntPtr inst, ulong size)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnGetSize (size);
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideGetSize")]
protected virtual bool OnGetSize (ulong size)
return InternalGetSize (size);
private bool InternalGetSize (ulong size)
GetSizeNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("get_size"));
unmanaged = (GetSizeNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(GetSizeNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, size);
return __result;
static IsSeekableNativeDelegate IsSeekable_cb_delegate;
static IsSeekableNativeDelegate IsSeekableVMCallback {
get {
if (IsSeekable_cb_delegate == null)
IsSeekable_cb_delegate = new IsSeekableNativeDelegate (IsSeekable_cb);
return IsSeekable_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideIsSeekable (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideIsSeekable (gtype, IsSeekableVMCallback);
static void OverrideIsSeekable (GLib.GType gtype, IsSeekableNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("is_seekable"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool IsSeekableNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst);
static bool IsSeekable_cb (IntPtr inst)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnIsSeekable ();
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideIsSeekable")]
protected virtual bool OnIsSeekable ()
return InternalIsSeekable ();
private bool InternalIsSeekable ()
IsSeekableNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("is_seekable"));
unmanaged = (IsSeekableNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(IsSeekableNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle);
return __result;
static PrepareSeekSegmentNativeDelegate PrepareSeekSegment_cb_delegate;
static PrepareSeekSegmentNativeDelegate PrepareSeekSegmentVMCallback {
get {
if (PrepareSeekSegment_cb_delegate == null)
PrepareSeekSegment_cb_delegate = new PrepareSeekSegmentNativeDelegate (PrepareSeekSegment_cb);
return PrepareSeekSegment_cb_delegate;
static void OverridePrepareSeekSegment (GLib.GType gtype)
OverridePrepareSeekSegment (gtype, PrepareSeekSegmentVMCallback);
static void OverridePrepareSeekSegment (GLib.GType gtype, PrepareSeekSegmentNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("prepare_seek_segment"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool PrepareSeekSegmentNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr seek, IntPtr segment);
static bool PrepareSeekSegment_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr seek, IntPtr segment)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnPrepareSeekSegment (seek == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Event) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (seek, typeof (Gst.Event), false), Gst.Segment.New (segment));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverridePrepareSeekSegment")]
protected virtual bool OnPrepareSeekSegment (Gst.Event seek, Gst.Segment segment)
return InternalPrepareSeekSegment (seek, segment);
private bool InternalPrepareSeekSegment (Gst.Event seek, Gst.Segment segment)
PrepareSeekSegmentNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("prepare_seek_segment"));
unmanaged = (PrepareSeekSegmentNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(PrepareSeekSegmentNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
IntPtr native_segment = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (segment);
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, seek == null ? IntPtr.Zero : seek.Handle, native_segment);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_segment);
return __result;
static DoSeekNativeDelegate DoSeek_cb_delegate;
static DoSeekNativeDelegate DoSeekVMCallback {
get {
if (DoSeek_cb_delegate == null)
DoSeek_cb_delegate = new DoSeekNativeDelegate (DoSeek_cb);
return DoSeek_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideDoSeek (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideDoSeek (gtype, DoSeekVMCallback);
static void OverrideDoSeek (GLib.GType gtype, DoSeekNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("do_seek"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool DoSeekNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr segment);
static bool DoSeek_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr segment)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnDoSeek (Gst.Segment.New (segment));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideDoSeek")]
protected virtual bool OnDoSeek (Gst.Segment segment)
return InternalDoSeek (segment);
private bool InternalDoSeek (Gst.Segment segment)
DoSeekNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("do_seek"));
unmanaged = (DoSeekNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(DoSeekNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
IntPtr native_segment = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (segment);
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, native_segment);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_segment);
return __result;
static UnlockNativeDelegate Unlock_cb_delegate;
static UnlockNativeDelegate UnlockVMCallback {
get {
if (Unlock_cb_delegate == null)
Unlock_cb_delegate = new UnlockNativeDelegate (Unlock_cb);
return Unlock_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideUnlock (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideUnlock (gtype, UnlockVMCallback);
static void OverrideUnlock (GLib.GType gtype, UnlockNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("unlock"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool UnlockNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst);
static bool Unlock_cb (IntPtr inst)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnUnlock ();
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideUnlock")]
protected virtual bool OnUnlock ()
return InternalUnlock ();
private bool InternalUnlock ()
UnlockNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("unlock"));
unmanaged = (UnlockNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(UnlockNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle);
return __result;
static UnlockStopNativeDelegate UnlockStop_cb_delegate;
static UnlockStopNativeDelegate UnlockStopVMCallback {
get {
if (UnlockStop_cb_delegate == null)
UnlockStop_cb_delegate = new UnlockStopNativeDelegate (UnlockStop_cb);
return UnlockStop_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideUnlockStop (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideUnlockStop (gtype, UnlockStopVMCallback);
static void OverrideUnlockStop (GLib.GType gtype, UnlockStopNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("unlock_stop"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool UnlockStopNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst);
static bool UnlockStop_cb (IntPtr inst)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnUnlockStop ();
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideUnlockStop")]
protected virtual bool OnUnlockStop ()
return InternalUnlockStop ();
private bool InternalUnlockStop ()
UnlockStopNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("unlock_stop"));
unmanaged = (UnlockStopNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(UnlockStopNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle);
return __result;
static QueryNativeDelegate Query_cb_delegate;
static QueryNativeDelegate QueryVMCallback {
get {
if (Query_cb_delegate == null)
Query_cb_delegate = new QueryNativeDelegate (Query_cb);
return Query_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideQuery (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideQuery (gtype, QueryVMCallback);
static void OverrideQuery (GLib.GType gtype, QueryNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("query"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool QueryNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr query);
static bool Query_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr query)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnQuery (query == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Query) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (query, typeof (Gst.Query), false));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideQuery")]
protected virtual bool OnQuery (Gst.Query query)
return InternalQuery (query);
private bool InternalQuery (Gst.Query query)
QueryNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("query"));
unmanaged = (QueryNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(QueryNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, query == null ? IntPtr.Zero : query.Handle);
return __result;
static EventNativeDelegate Event_cb_delegate;
static EventNativeDelegate EventVMCallback {
get {
if (Event_cb_delegate == null)
Event_cb_delegate = new EventNativeDelegate (Event_cb);
return Event_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideEvent (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideEvent (gtype, EventVMCallback);
static void OverrideEvent (GLib.GType gtype, EventNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("evnt"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate bool EventNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, IntPtr evnt);
static bool Event_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr evnt)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
bool __result;
__result = __obj.OnEvent (evnt == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Event) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (evnt, typeof (Gst.Event), false));
return __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideEvent")]
protected virtual bool OnEvent (Gst.Event evnt)
return InternalEvent (evnt);
private bool InternalEvent (Gst.Event evnt)
EventNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("evnt"));
unmanaged = (EventNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(EventNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return false;
bool __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, evnt == null ? IntPtr.Zero : evnt.Handle);
return __result;
static CreateNativeDelegate Create_cb_delegate;
static CreateNativeDelegate CreateVMCallback {
get {
if (Create_cb_delegate == null)
Create_cb_delegate = new CreateNativeDelegate (Create_cb);
return Create_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideCreate (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideCreate (gtype, CreateVMCallback);
static void OverrideCreate (GLib.GType gtype, CreateNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("create"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate int CreateNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, ulong offset, uint size, out IntPtr buf);
static int Create_cb (IntPtr inst, ulong offset, uint size, out IntPtr buf)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
Gst.FlowReturn __result;
Gst.Buffer mybuf;
__result = __obj.OnCreate (offset, size, out mybuf);
buf = mybuf == null ? IntPtr.Zero : mybuf.Handle;
return (int) __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideCreate")]
protected virtual Gst.FlowReturn OnCreate (ulong offset, uint size, out Gst.Buffer buf)
return InternalCreate (offset, size, out buf);
private Gst.FlowReturn InternalCreate (ulong offset, uint size, out Gst.Buffer buf)
CreateNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("create"));
unmanaged = (CreateNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(CreateNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("No base method to invoke");
IntPtr native_buf;
int __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, offset, size, out native_buf);
buf = native_buf == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Buffer) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (native_buf, typeof (Gst.Buffer), true);
return (Gst.FlowReturn) __result;
static AllocNativeDelegate Alloc_cb_delegate;
static AllocNativeDelegate AllocVMCallback {
get {
if (Alloc_cb_delegate == null)
Alloc_cb_delegate = new AllocNativeDelegate (Alloc_cb);
return Alloc_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideAlloc (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideAlloc (gtype, AllocVMCallback);
static void OverrideAlloc (GLib.GType gtype, AllocNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("alloc"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate int AllocNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, ulong offset, uint size, IntPtr buf);
static int Alloc_cb (IntPtr inst, ulong offset, uint size, IntPtr buf)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
Gst.FlowReturn __result;
__result = __obj.OnAlloc (offset, size, buf == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Buffer) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (buf, typeof (Gst.Buffer), false));
return (int) __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideAlloc")]
protected virtual Gst.FlowReturn OnAlloc (ulong offset, uint size, Gst.Buffer buf)
return InternalAlloc (offset, size, buf);
private Gst.FlowReturn InternalAlloc (ulong offset, uint size, Gst.Buffer buf)
AllocNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("alloc"));
unmanaged = (AllocNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(AllocNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return (Gst.FlowReturn) 0;
int __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, offset, size, buf == null ? IntPtr.Zero : buf.Handle);
return (Gst.FlowReturn) __result;
static FillNativeDelegate Fill_cb_delegate;
static FillNativeDelegate FillVMCallback {
get {
if (Fill_cb_delegate == null)
Fill_cb_delegate = new FillNativeDelegate (Fill_cb);
return Fill_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideFill (GLib.GType gtype)
OverrideFill (gtype, FillVMCallback);
static void OverrideFill (GLib.GType gtype, FillNativeDelegate callback)
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) gtype.GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("fill"));
*raw_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((Delegate) callback);
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
delegate int FillNativeDelegate (IntPtr inst, ulong offset, uint size, IntPtr buf);
static int Fill_cb (IntPtr inst, ulong offset, uint size, IntPtr buf)
try {
BaseSrc __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as BaseSrc;
Gst.FlowReturn __result;
__result = __obj.OnFill (offset, size, buf == IntPtr.Zero ? null : (Gst.Buffer) GLib.Opaque.GetOpaque (buf, typeof (Gst.Buffer), false));
return (int) __result;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: above call does not return.
throw e;
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(Gst.Base.BaseSrc), ConnectionMethod="OverrideFill")]
protected virtual Gst.FlowReturn OnFill (ulong offset, uint size, Gst.Buffer buf)
return InternalFill (offset, size, buf);
private Gst.FlowReturn InternalFill (ulong offset, uint size, Gst.Buffer buf)
FillNativeDelegate unmanaged = null;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*)(((long) this.LookupGType().GetThresholdType().GetClassPtr()) + (long) class_abi.GetFieldOffset("fill"));
unmanaged = (FillNativeDelegate) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(*raw_ptr, typeof(FillNativeDelegate));
if (unmanaged == null) return (Gst.FlowReturn) 0;
int __result = unmanaged (this.Handle, offset, size, buf == null ? IntPtr.Zero : buf.Handle);
return (Gst.FlowReturn) __result;
// Internal representation of the wrapped structure ABI.
static GLib.AbiStruct _class_abi = null;
static public new GLib.AbiStruct class_abi {
get {
if (_class_abi == null)
_class_abi = new GLib.AbiStruct (new List<GLib.AbiField>{
new GLib.AbiField("get_caps"
, Gst.Element.class_abi.Fields
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // get_caps
, null
, "negotiate"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("negotiate"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // negotiate
, "get_caps"
, "fixate"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("fixate"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // fixate
, "negotiate"
, "set_caps"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("set_caps"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // set_caps
, "fixate"
, "decide_allocation"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("decide_allocation"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // decide_allocation
, "set_caps"
, "start"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("start"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // start
, "decide_allocation"
, "stop"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("stop"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // stop
, "start"
, "get_times"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("get_times"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // get_times
, "stop"
, "get_size"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("get_size"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // get_size
, "get_times"
, "is_seekable"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("is_seekable"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // is_seekable
, "get_size"
, "prepare_seek_segment"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("prepare_seek_segment"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // prepare_seek_segment
, "is_seekable"
, "do_seek"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("do_seek"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // do_seek
, "prepare_seek_segment"
, "unlock"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("unlock"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // unlock
, "do_seek"
, "unlock_stop"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("unlock_stop"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // unlock_stop
, "unlock"
, "query"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("query"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // query
, "unlock_stop"
, "event"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("event"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // event
, "query"
, "create"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("create"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // create
, "event"
, "alloc"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("alloc"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // alloc
, "create"
, "fill"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("fill"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // fill
, "alloc"
, "_gst_reserved"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("_gst_reserved"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) * 20 // _gst_reserved
, "fill"
, null
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
return _class_abi;
// End of the ABI representation.
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern IntPtr gst_base_src_get_type();
public static new GLib.GType GType {
get {
IntPtr raw_ret = gst_base_src_get_type();
GLib.GType ret = new GLib.GType(raw_ret);
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_get_allocator(IntPtr raw, out IntPtr allocator, IntPtr parms);
public void GetAllocator(out Gst.Allocator allocator, out Gst.AllocationParams parms) {
IntPtr native_allocator;
IntPtr native_parms = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (Gst.AllocationParams)));
gst_base_src_get_allocator(Handle, out native_allocator, native_parms);
allocator = GLib.Object.GetObject(native_allocator, true) as Gst.Allocator;
parms = Gst.AllocationParams.New (native_parms);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (native_parms);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern IntPtr gst_base_src_get_buffer_pool(IntPtr raw);
public Gst.BufferPool BufferPool {
get {
IntPtr raw_ret = gst_base_src_get_buffer_pool(Handle);
Gst.BufferPool ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Gst.BufferPool;
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_base_src_is_async(IntPtr raw);
public bool IsAsync {
get {
bool raw_ret = gst_base_src_is_async(Handle);
bool ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_base_src_is_live(IntPtr raw);
public bool IsLive {
get {
bool raw_ret = gst_base_src_is_live(Handle);
bool ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_base_src_new_seamless_segment(IntPtr raw, long start, long stop, long time);
public bool NewSeamlessSegment(long start, long stop, long time) {
bool raw_ret = gst_base_src_new_seamless_segment(Handle, start, stop, time);
bool ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_base_src_query_latency(IntPtr raw, out bool live, out ulong min_latency, out ulong max_latency);
public bool QueryLatency(out bool live, out ulong min_latency, out ulong max_latency) {
bool raw_ret = gst_base_src_query_latency(Handle, out live, out min_latency, out max_latency);
bool ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_set_async(IntPtr raw, bool async);
public bool Async {
set {
gst_base_src_set_async(Handle, value);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_set_automatic_eos(IntPtr raw, bool automatic_eos);
public bool AutomaticEos {
set {
gst_base_src_set_automatic_eos(Handle, value);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern bool gst_base_src_set_caps(IntPtr raw, IntPtr caps);
public bool SetCaps(Gst.Caps caps) {
bool raw_ret = gst_base_src_set_caps(Handle, caps == null ? IntPtr.Zero : caps.Handle);
bool ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_set_dynamic_size(IntPtr raw, bool dynamic);
public bool DynamicSize {
set {
gst_base_src_set_dynamic_size(Handle, value);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_set_format(IntPtr raw, int format);
public Gst.Format Format {
set {
gst_base_src_set_format(Handle, (int) value);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_set_live(IntPtr raw, bool live);
public bool Live {
set {
gst_base_src_set_live(Handle, value);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_start_complete(IntPtr raw, int _ret);
public void StartComplete(Gst.FlowReturn _ret) {
gst_base_src_start_complete(Handle, (int) _ret);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern int gst_base_src_start_wait(IntPtr raw);
public Gst.FlowReturn StartWait() {
int raw_ret = gst_base_src_start_wait(Handle);
Gst.FlowReturn ret = (Gst.FlowReturn) raw_ret;
return ret;
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern void gst_base_src_submit_buffer_list(IntPtr raw, IntPtr buffer_list);
public void SubmitBufferList(Gst.BufferList buffer_list) {
buffer_list.Owned = false;
gst_base_src_submit_buffer_list(Handle, buffer_list == null ? IntPtr.Zero : buffer_list.Handle);
[DllImport("libgstbase-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern int gst_base_src_wait_playing(IntPtr raw);
public Gst.FlowReturn WaitPlaying() {
int raw_ret = gst_base_src_wait_playing(Handle);
Gst.FlowReturn ret = (Gst.FlowReturn) raw_ret;
return ret;
static BaseSrc ()
GtkSharp.GstreamerSharp.ObjectManager.Initialize ();
// Internal representation of the wrapped structure ABI.
static GLib.AbiStruct _abi_info = null;
static public new GLib.AbiStruct abi_info {
get {
if (_abi_info == null)
_abi_info = new GLib.AbiStruct (new List<GLib.AbiField>{
new GLib.AbiField("srcpad"
, Gst.Element.abi_info.Fields
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // srcpad
, null
, "live_lock"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("live_lock"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // live_lock
, "srcpad"
, "live_cond"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("live_cond"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GLib.Cond.ABI)) // live_cond
, "live_lock"
, "is_live"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_live_condAlign), "live_cond")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("is_live"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(bool)) // is_live
, "live_cond"
, "live_running"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_is_liveAlign), "is_live")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("live_running"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(bool)) // live_running
, "is_live"
, "blocksize"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_live_runningAlign), "live_running")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("blocksize"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(uint)) // blocksize
, "live_running"
, "can_activate_push"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_blocksizeAlign), "blocksize")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("can_activate_push"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(bool)) // can_activate_push
, "blocksize"
, "random_access"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_can_activate_pushAlign), "can_activate_push")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("random_access"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(bool)) // random_access
, "can_activate_push"
, "clock_id"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_random_accessAlign), "random_access")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("clock_id"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // clock_id
, "random_access"
, "segment"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("segment"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Gst.Segment)) // segment
, "clock_id"
, "need_newsegment"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_segmentAlign), "segment")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("need_newsegment"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(bool)) // need_newsegment
, "segment"
, "num_buffers"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_need_newsegmentAlign), "need_newsegment")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("num_buffers"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) // num_buffers
, "need_newsegment"
, "num_buffers_left"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_num_buffersAlign), "num_buffers")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("num_buffers_left"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) // num_buffers_left
, "num_buffers"
, "typefind"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_num_buffers_leftAlign), "num_buffers_left")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("typefind"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(bool)) // typefind
, "num_buffers_left"
, "running"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_typefindAlign), "typefind")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("running"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(bool)) // running
, "typefind"
, "pending_seek"
, (long) Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(GstBaseSrc_runningAlign), "running")
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("pending_seek"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // pending_seek
, "running"
, "priv"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("priv"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) // priv
, "pending_seek"
, "_gst_reserved"
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
new GLib.AbiField("_gst_reserved"
, -1
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) * 20 // _gst_reserved
, "priv"
, null
, (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))
, 0
return _abi_info;
public struct GstBaseSrc_live_condAlign
sbyte f1;
private GLib.Cond.ABI live_cond;
public struct GstBaseSrc_is_liveAlign
sbyte f1;
private bool is_live;
public struct GstBaseSrc_live_runningAlign
sbyte f1;
private bool live_running;
public struct GstBaseSrc_blocksizeAlign
sbyte f1;
private uint blocksize;
public struct GstBaseSrc_can_activate_pushAlign
sbyte f1;
private bool can_activate_push;
public struct GstBaseSrc_random_accessAlign
sbyte f1;
private bool random_access;
public struct GstBaseSrc_segmentAlign
sbyte f1;
private Gst.Segment segment;
public struct GstBaseSrc_need_newsegmentAlign
sbyte f1;
private bool need_newsegment;
public struct GstBaseSrc_num_buffersAlign
sbyte f1;
private int num_buffers;
public struct GstBaseSrc_num_buffers_leftAlign
sbyte f1;
private int num_buffers_left;
public struct GstBaseSrc_typefindAlign
sbyte f1;
private bool typefind;
public struct GstBaseSrc_runningAlign
sbyte f1;
private bool running;
// End of the ABI representation.