mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 20:12:28 +00:00
100 lines
3.2 KiB
100 lines
3.2 KiB
project('gst-aja', 'cpp',
version : '0.1.0',
meson_version : '>= 0.54.0',
default_options : [ 'warning_level=1',
plugins_install_dir = '@0@/gstreamer-1.0'.format(get_option('libdir'))
cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
if cxx.has_argument('-fvisibility=hidden')
add_project_arguments('-fvisibility=hidden', language: 'cpp')
if cxx.get_id() == 'msvc'
# Ignore several spurious warnings for things gstreamer does very commonly
# If a warning is completely useless and spammy, use '/wdXXXX' to suppress it
# If a warning is harmless but hard to fix, use '/woXXXX' so it's shown once
# NOTE: Only add warnings here if you are sure they're spurious
test_cppflags = []
msvc_args = [
'/wd4018', # implicit signed/unsigned conversion
'/wd4146', # unary minus on unsigned (beware INT_MIN)
'/wd4244', # lossy type conversion (e.g. double -> int)
'/wd4305', # truncating type conversion (e.g. double -> float)
add_project_arguments(msvc_args, language : 'cpp')
# Disable SAFESEH with MSVC for plugins and libs that use external deps that
# are built with MinGW
noseh_link_args = ['/SAFESEH:NO']
test_cppflags = ['-Wno-non-virtual-dtor']
noseh_link_args = []
common_flags = [
foreach cxxflag: test_cppflags
if cxx.has_argument(cxxflag)
common_flags += [ cxxflag ]
gst_dep = dependency('gstreamer-1.0', version : '>= 1.18', required : true)
gstbase_dep = dependency('gstreamer-base-1.0', version : '>= 1.18', required : true)
gstaudio_dep = dependency('gstreamer-audio-1.0', version : '>= 1.18', required : true)
gstvideo_dep = dependency('gstreamer-video-1.0', version : '>= 1.18', required : true)
thread_dep = dependency('threads')
rt_dep = cxx.find_library('rt', required : false)
aja_sdk_dir = get_option('aja-sdk-dir')
aja_includedirs = [
message('Looking for AJA SDK in directory ' + aja_sdk_dir)
if not cxx.has_header('ajabase/common/videotypes.h',
args : aja_includedirs,
error('Cannot find AJA SDK')
aja_libdir = '@0@/lib'.format(aja_sdk_dir)
ajantv2_dep = cxx.find_library('ajantv2',
required : true,
dirs : [aja_libdir],
gstaja = library('gstaja',
cpp_args : [
'-DVERSION="@0@"'.format(meson.project_version())] + common_flags,
link_args : noseh_link_args,
dependencies : [gstvideo_dep, gstaudio_dep, gstbase_dep, gst_dep, ajantv2_dep, thread_dep, rt_dep],
install : true,
install_dir : plugins_install_dir,