mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 07:08:23 +00:00
The log view context menu gains a new action "Set base time", which changes the time column to show the delta to the selected row.
787 lines
27 KiB
787 lines
27 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python; -*-
# GStreamer Debug Viewer - View and analyze GStreamer debug log files
# Copyright (C) 2007 René Stadler <mail@renestadler.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""GStreamer Debug Viewer GUI module."""
def _ (s):
return s
import os.path
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left
import logging
import gobject
import gtk
from GstDebugViewer import Common, Data, Main
from GstDebugViewer.GUI.columns import LineViewColumnManager, ViewColumnManager
from GstDebugViewer.GUI.filters import (CategoryFilter,
from GstDebugViewer.GUI.models import (FilteredLogModel,
class LineView (object):
def __init__ (self):
self.column_manager = LineViewColumnManager ()
def attach (self, window):
self.clear_action = window.actions.clear_line_view
handler = self.handle_clear_line_view_action_activate
self.clear_action.connect ("activate", handler)
self.line_view = window.widgets.line_view
self.line_view.connect ("row-activated", self.handle_line_view_row_activated)
ui = window.ui_manager
self.popup = ui.get_widget ("/ui/context/LineViewContextMenu").get_submenu ()
Common.GUI.widget_add_popup_menu (self.line_view, self.popup)
self.log_view = log_view = window.log_view
log_view.connect ("row-activated", self.handle_log_view_row_activated)
sel = log_view.get_selection ()
sel.connect ("changed", self.handle_log_view_selection_changed)
self.clear_action.props.sensitive = False
self.column_manager.attach (window)
def clear (self):
model = self.line_view.props.model
if len (model) == 0:
for i in range (1, len (model)):
model.remove_line (1)
self.clear_action.props.sensitive = False
def handle_attach_log_file (self, window):
self.line_view.props.model = LineViewLogModel (window.log_model)
def handle_line_view_row_activated (self, view, path, column):
line_index = path[0]
line_model = view.props.model
log_model = self.log_view.props.model
top_index = line_model.line_index_to_top (line_index)
log_index = log_model.line_index_from_top (top_index)
path = (log_index,)
self.log_view.scroll_to_cell (path, use_align = True, row_align = .5)
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
sel.select_path (path)
def handle_log_view_row_activated (self, view, path, column):
log_model = view.props.model
line_index = path[0]
top_line_index = log_model.line_index_to_top (line_index)
line_model = self.line_view.props.model
if line_model is None:
if len (line_model):
timestamps = [row[line_model.COL_TIME] for row in line_model]
row = log_model[(line_index,)]
position = bisect_right (timestamps, row[line_model.COL_TIME])
position = 0
if len (line_model) > 1:
other_index = line_model.line_index_to_top (position - 1)
other_index = -1
if other_index == top_line_index and position != 1:
# Already have the line.
line_model.insert_line (position, top_line_index)
self.clear_action.props.sensitive = True
def handle_log_view_selection_changed (self, selection):
line_model = self.line_view.props.model
if line_model is None:
model, tree_iter = selection.get_selected ()
if tree_iter is None:
path = model.get_path (tree_iter)
line_index = model.line_index_to_top (path[0])
if len (line_model) == 0:
line_model.insert_line (0, line_index)
line_model.replace_line (0, line_index)
def handle_clear_line_view_action_activate (self, action):
self.clear ()
class ProgressDialog (object):
def __init__ (self, window, title = ""):
widgets = window.widget_factory.make ("progress-dialog.ui", "progress_dialog")
dialog = widgets.progress_dialog
dialog.connect ("response", self.__handle_dialog_response)
self.__dialog = dialog
self.__progress_bar = widgets.progress_bar
self.__progress_bar.props.text = title
dialog.set_transient_for (window.gtk_window)
dialog.show ()
def __handle_dialog_response (self, dialog, resp):
self.handle_cancel ()
def handle_cancel (self):
def update (self, progress):
if self.__progress_bar is None:
self.__progress_bar.props.fraction = progress
def destroy (self):
if self.__dialog is None:
self.__dialog.destroy ()
self.__dialog = None
self.__progress_bar = None
class Window (object):
def __init__ (self, app):
self.logger = logging.getLogger ("ui.window")
self.app = app
self.dispatcher = None
self.progress_dialog = None
self.update_progress_id = None
self.window_state = Common.GUI.WindowState ()
self.column_manager = ViewColumnManager (app.state_section)
self.actions = Common.GUI.Actions ()
group = gtk.ActionGroup ("MenuActions")
group.add_actions ([("FileMenuAction", None, _("_File")),
("ViewMenuAction", None, _("_View")),
("ViewColumnsMenuAction", None, _("_Columns")),
("HelpMenuAction", None, _("_Help")),
("LineViewContextMenuAction", None, "")])
self.actions.add_group (group)
group = gtk.ActionGroup ("WindowActions")
group.add_actions ([("new-window", gtk.STOCK_NEW, _("_New Window"), "<Ctrl>N"),
("open-file", gtk.STOCK_OPEN, _("_Open File"), "<Ctrl>O"),
("reload-file", gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, _("_Reload File"), "<Ctrl>R"),
("close-window", gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, _("Close _Window"), "<Ctrl>W"),
("cancel-load", gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, None,),
("clear-line-view", gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, None),
("show-about", gtk.STOCK_ABOUT, None)])
self.actions.add_group (group)
self.actions.reload_file.props.sensitive = False
group = gtk.ActionGroup ("RowActions")
group.add_actions ([("hide-before-line", None, _("Hide lines before this one")),
("hide-after-line", None, _("Hide lines after this one")),
("show-hidden-lines", None, _("Show hidden lines")),
("edit-copy-line", gtk.STOCK_COPY, _("Copy line"), "<Ctrl>C"),
("edit-copy-message", gtk.STOCK_COPY, _("Copy message"), ""),
("set-base-time", None, _("Set base time")),
("hide-log-level", None, _("Hide log level")),
("hide-log-category", None, _("Hide log category")),
("hide-log-object", None, _("Hide object")),
("hide-filename", None, _("Hide filename"))])
group.props.sensitive = False
self.actions.add_group (group)
self.actions.add_group (self.column_manager.action_group)
self.log_file = None
self.setup_model (LazyLogModel ())
self.widget_factory = Common.GUI.WidgetFactory (Main.Paths.data_dir)
self.widgets = self.widget_factory.make ("main-window.ui", "main_window")
ui_filename = os.path.join (Main.Paths.data_dir, "menus.ui")
self.ui_factory = Common.GUI.UIFactory (ui_filename, self.actions)
self.ui_manager = ui = self.ui_factory.make ()
menubar = ui.get_widget ("/ui/menubar")
self.widgets.vbox_main.pack_start (menubar, False, False, 0)
self.gtk_window = self.widgets.main_window
self.gtk_window.add_accel_group (ui.get_accel_group ())
self.log_view = self.widgets.log_view
self.log_view.drag_dest_unset ()
self.log_view.set_search_column (-1)
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
sel.connect ("changed", self.handle_log_view_selection_changed)
self.view_popup = ui.get_widget ("/ui/context/LogViewContextMenu").get_submenu ()
Common.GUI.widget_add_popup_menu (self.log_view, self.view_popup)
self.line_view = LineView ()
self.attach ()
self.column_manager.attach (self.log_view)
def setup_model (self, model, filter = False):
self.log_model = model
self.log_range = RangeFilteredLogModel (self.log_model)
if filter:
self.log_filter = FilteredLogModel (self.log_range)
self.log_filter.handle_process_finished = self.handle_log_filter_process_finished
self.log_filter = None
def get_top_attach_point (self):
return self.widgets.vbox_main
def get_side_attach_point (self):
return self.widgets.hbox_view
def attach (self):
self.window_state.attach (window = self.gtk_window,
state = self.app.state_section)
self.clipboard = gtk.Clipboard (self.gtk_window.get_display (),
for action_name in ("new-window", "open-file", "reload-file",
"close-window", "cancel-load",
"hide-before-line", "hide-after-line", "show-hidden-lines",
"edit-copy-line", "edit-copy-message", "set-base-time",
"hide-log-level", "hide-log-category", "hide-log-object",
"hide-filename", "show-about",):
name = action_name.replace ("-", "_")
action = getattr (self.actions, name)
handler = getattr (self, "handle_%s_action_activate" % (name,))
action.connect ("activate", handler)
self.gtk_window.connect ("delete-event", self.handle_window_delete_event)
self.features = []
for plugin_feature in self.app.iter_plugin_features ():
feature = plugin_feature (self.app)
self.features.append (feature)
for feature in self.features:
feature.handle_attach_window (self)
# FIXME: With multiple selection mode, browsing the list with key
# up/down slows to a crawl! WTF is wrong with this stupid widget???
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
sel.set_mode (gtk.SELECTION_BROWSE)
self.line_view.attach (self)
self.gtk_window.show ()
def detach (self):
self.set_log_file (None)
for feature in self.features:
feature.handle_detach_window (self)
self.window_state.detach ()
self.column_manager.detach ()
def get_active_line_index (self):
selection = self.log_view.get_selection ()
model, tree_iter = selection.get_selected ()
if tree_iter is None:
raise ValueError ("no line selected")
path = model.get_path (tree_iter)
return path[0]
def get_active_line (self):
selection = self.log_view.get_selection ()
model, tree_iter = selection.get_selected ()
if tree_iter is None:
raise ValueError ("no line selected")
model = self.log_view.props.model
return model.get (tree_iter, *LogModelBase.column_ids)
def close (self, *a, **kw):
self.logger.debug ("closing window, detaching")
self.detach ()
self.gtk_window.hide ()
self.logger.debug ("requesting close from app")
self.app.close_window (self)
def push_view_state (self):
self.default_index = None
self.default_start_index = None
model = self.log_view.props.model
if model is None:
line_index = self.get_active_line_index ()
except ValueError:
super_index = None
self.logger.debug ("no line selected")
super_index = model.line_index_to_top (line_index)
self.logger.debug ("pushing selected line %i (abs %i)",
line_index, super_index)
self.default_index = super_index
vis_range = self.log_view.get_visible_range ()
if vis_range is not None:
start_path, end_path = vis_range
start_index = start_path[0]
self.default_start_index = model.line_index_to_top (start_index)
def update_model (self, model = None):
if model is None:
model = self.log_view.props.model
previous_model = self.log_view.props.model
if previous_model == model:
# Force update.
self.log_view.set_model (None)
self.log_view.props.model = model
def pop_view_state (self, scroll_to_selection = False):
model = self.log_view.props.model
if model is None:
selected_index = self.default_index
start_index = self.default_start_index
if selected_index is not None:
select_index = model.line_index_from_top (selected_index)
except IndexError, exc:
self.logger.debug ("abs line index %i filtered out, not reselecting",
assert select_index >= 0
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
path = (select_index,)
sel.select_path (path)
if start_index is None or scroll_to_selection:
self.log_view.scroll_to_cell (path, use_align = True, row_align = .5)
if start_index is not None and not scroll_to_selection:
def traverse ():
for i in xrange (start_index, len (model)):
yield i
for i in xrange (start_index - 1, 0, -1):
yield i
for current_index in traverse ():
target_index = model.line_index_from_top (current_index)
except IndexError:
path = (target_index,)
self.log_view.scroll_to_cell (path, use_align = True, row_align = 0.)
def update_view (self):
view = self.log_view
model = view.props.model
start_path, end_path = view.get_visible_range ()
start_index, end_index = start_path[0], end_path[0]
for line_index in range (start_index, end_index + 1):
path = (line_index,)
tree_iter = model.get_iter (path)
model.row_changed (path, tree_iter)
def handle_log_view_selection_changed (self, selection):
line_index = self.get_active_line_index ()
except ValueError:
first_selected = True
last_selected = True
first_selected = (line_index == 0)
last_selected = (line_index == len (self.log_view.props.model) - 1)
self.actions.hide_before_line.props.sensitive = not first_selected
self.actions.hide_after_line.props.sensitive = not last_selected
def handle_window_delete_event (self, window, event):
self.actions.close_window.activate ()
def handle_new_window_action_activate (self, action):
self.app.open_window ()
def handle_open_file_action_activate (self, action):
dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog (None, self.gtk_window,
response = dialog.run ()
dialog.hide ()
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
self.set_log_file (dialog.get_filename ())
dialog.destroy ()
def handle_reload_file_action_activate (self, action):
if self.log_file is None:
self.set_log_file (self.log_file.path)
def handle_cancel_load_action_activate (self, action):
self.logger.debug ("cancelling data load")
self.set_log_file (None)
if self.progress_dialog:
self.progress_dialog.destroy ()
self.progress_dialog = None
if self.update_progress_id is not None:
gobject.source_remove (self.update_progress_id)
self.update_progress_id = None
def handle_close_window_action_activate (self, action):
self.close ()
def handle_hide_after_line_action_activate (self, action):
self.hide_range (after = True)
def handle_hide_before_line_action_activate (self, action):
self.hide_range (after = False)
def hide_range (self, after):
model = self.log_view.props.model
filtered_line_index = self.get_active_line_index ()
except ValueError:
if after:
first_index = model.line_index_to_top (0)
last_index = model.line_index_to_top (filtered_line_index)
self.logger.info ("hiding lines after %i (abs %i), first line is abs %i",
first_index = model.line_index_to_top (filtered_line_index)
last_index = model.line_index_to_top (len (model) - 1)
self.logger.info ("hiding lines before %i (abs %i), last line is abs %i",
self.push_view_state ()
start_index = first_index
stop_index = last_index + 1
self.log_range.set_range (start_index, stop_index)
if self.log_filter:
self.log_filter.super_model_changed_range ()
self.update_model ()
self.pop_view_state ()
self.actions.show_hidden_lines.props.sensitive = True
def handle_show_hidden_lines_action_activate (self, action):
self.logger.info ("restoring model filter to show all lines")
self.push_view_state ()
self.log_range.reset ()
self.log_filter = None
self.update_model (self.log_range)
self.pop_view_state (scroll_to_selection = True)
self.actions.show_hidden_lines.props.sensitive = False
def handle_edit_copy_line_action_activate (self, action):
# TODO: Should probably copy the _exact_ line as taken from the file.
line = self.get_active_line ()
log_line = Data.LogLine (line)
self.clipboard.set_text (log_line.line_string ())
def handle_edit_copy_message_action_activate (self, action):
col_id = LogModelBase.COL_MESSAGE
self.clipboard.set_text (self.get_active_line ()[col_id])
def add_model_filter (self, filter):
self.progress_dialog = ProgressDialog (self, _("Filtering"))
self.progress_dialog.handle_cancel = self.handle_filter_progress_dialog_cancel
dispatcher = Common.Data.GSourceDispatcher ()
self.filter_dispatcher = dispatcher
# FIXME: Unsetting the model to keep e.g. the dispatched timeline
# sentinel from collecting data while we filter idly, which slows
# things down for nothing.
self.push_view_state ()
self.log_view.set_model (None)
if self.log_filter is None:
self.log_filter = FilteredLogModel (self.log_range)
self.log_filter.handle_process_finished = self.handle_log_filter_process_finished
self.log_filter.add_filter (filter, dispatcher = dispatcher)
gobject.timeout_add (250, self.update_filter_progress)
def update_filter_progress (self):
if self.progress_dialog is None:
return False
progress = self.log_filter.get_filter_progress ()
except ValueError:
self.logger.warning ("no filter process running")
return False
self.progress_dialog.update (progress)
return True
def handle_filter_progress_dialog_cancel (self):
self.progress_dialog.destroy ()
self.progress_dialog = None
self.log_filter.abort_process ()
self.log_view.props.model = self.log_filter
self.pop_view_state ()
def handle_log_filter_process_finished (self):
self.progress_dialog.destroy ()
self.progress_dialog = None
# No push_view_state here, did this in add_model_filter.
self.update_model (self.log_filter)
self.pop_view_state ()
self.actions.show_hidden_lines.props.sensitive = True
def handle_set_base_time_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
time_column = self.column_manager.find_item (name = "time")
time_column.set_base_time (row[LogModelBase.COL_TIME])
def handle_hide_log_level_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
debug_level = row[LogModelBase.COL_LEVEL]
self.add_model_filter (DebugLevelFilter (debug_level))
def handle_hide_log_category_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
category = row[LogModelBase.COL_CATEGORY]
self.add_model_filter (CategoryFilter (category))
def handle_hide_log_object_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
object_ = row[LogModelBase.COL_OBJECT]
self.add_model_filter (ObjectFilter (object_))
def handle_hide_filename_action_activate (self, action):
row = self.get_active_line ()
filename = row[LogModelBase.COL_FILENAME]
self.add_model_filter (FilenameFilter (filename))
def handle_show_about_action_activate (self, action):
from GstDebugViewer import version
dialog = self.widget_factory.make_one ("about-dialog.ui", "about_dialog")
dialog.props.version = version
dialog.run ()
dialog.destroy ()
def _timestamp_cell_data_func (column, renderer, model, tree_iter):
ts = model.get_value (tree_iter, LogModel.COL_TIME)
renderer.props.text = Data.time_args (ts)
def _message_cell_data_func (self, column, renderer, model, tree_iter):
offset = model.get_value (tree_iter, LogModel.COL_MESSAGE_OFFSET)
self.log_file.seek (offset)
renderer.props.text = strip_escape (self.log_file.readline ().strip ())
def set_log_file (self, filename):
if self.log_file is not None:
for feature in self.features:
feature.handle_detach_log_file (self, self.log_file)
if filename is None:
if self.dispatcher is not None:
self.dispatcher.cancel ()
self.dispatcher = None
self.log_file = None
self.actions.groups["RowActions"].props.sensitive = False
self.logger.debug ("setting log file %r", filename)
self.setup_model (LazyLogModel ())
self.dispatcher = Common.Data.GSourceDispatcher ()
self.log_file = Data.LogFile (filename, self.dispatcher)
except EnvironmentError, exc:
file_size = os.path.getsize (filename)
except EnvironmentError:
if file_size == 0:
# Trying to mmap an empty file results in an invalid
# argument error.
self.show_error (_("Could not open file"),
_("The selected file is empty"))
self.handle_environment_error (exc, filename)
basename = os.path.basename (filename)
self.gtk_window.props.title = _("%s - GStreamer Debug Viewer") % (basename,)
self.log_file.consumers.append (self)
self.log_file.start_loading ()
def handle_environment_error (self, exc, filename):
self.show_error (_("Could not open file"), str (exc))
def show_error (self, message1, message2):
dialog = gtk.MessageDialog (self.gtk_window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR,
gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message1)
# The property for secondary text is new in 2.10, so we use this clunky
# method instead.
dialog.format_secondary_text (message2)
dialog.set_default_response (0)
dialog.run ()
dialog.destroy ()
def handle_load_started (self):
self.logger.debug ("load has started")
self.progress_dialog = ProgressDialog (self, _("Loading log file"))
self.progress_dialog.handle_cancel = self.handle_load_progress_dialog_cancel
self.update_progress_id = gobject.timeout_add (250, self.update_load_progress)
def handle_load_progress_dialog_cancel (self):
self.actions.cancel_load.activate ()
def update_load_progress (self):
if self.progress_dialog is None:
self.logger.debug ("progress dialog is gone, removing progress update timeout")
self.update_progress_id = None
return False
progress = self.log_file.get_load_progress ()
self.progress_dialog.update (progress)
return True
def handle_load_finished (self):
self.logger.debug ("load has finshed")
self.progress_dialog.destroy ()
self.progress_dialog = None
self.log_model.set_log (self.log_file)
self.log_range.reset ()
self.log_filter = None
self.actions.reload_file.props.sensitive = True
self.actions.groups["RowActions"].props.sensitive = True
self.actions.show_hidden_lines.props.sensitive = False
def idle_set ():
self.log_view.props.model = self.log_range
self.line_view.handle_attach_log_file (self)
for feature in self.features:
feature.handle_attach_log_file (self, self.log_file)
if len (self.log_range):
sel = self.log_view.get_selection ()
sel.select_path ((0,))
return False
gobject.idle_add (idle_set)