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/* gst-editing-services
* Copyright (C) <2013> Thibault Saunier <thibault.saunier@collabora.com>
* <2013> Collabora Ltd.
* gst-editing-services is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* gst-editing-services is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* SECTION:gestimelineelement
* @title: GESTimelineElement
* @short_description: Base Class for all elements with some temporal extent
* within a #GESTimeline.
* A #GESTimelineElement will have some temporal extent in its
* corresponding #GESTimelineElement:timeline, controlled by its
* #GESTimelineElement:start and #GESTimelineElement:duration. This
* determines when its content will be displayed, or its effect applied,
* in the timeline. Several objects may overlap within a given
* #GESTimeline, in which case their #GESTimelineElement:priority is used
* to determine their ordering in the timeline. Priority is mostly handled
* internally by #GESLayer-s and #GESClip-s.
* A timeline element can have a #GESTimelineElement:parent,
* such as a #GESClip, which is responsible for controlling its timing.
* ## Editing
* Elements can be moved around in their #GESTimelineElement:timeline by
* setting their #GESTimelineElement:start and
* #GESTimelineElement:duration using ges_timeline_element_set_start()
* and ges_timeline_element_set_duration(). Additionally, which parts of
* the underlying content are played in the timeline can be adjusted by
* setting the #GESTimelineElement:in-point using
* ges_timeline_element_set_inpoint(). The library also provides
* ges_timeline_element_edit(), with various #GESEditMode-s, which can
* adjust these properties in a convenient way, as well as introduce
* similar changes in neighbouring or later elements in the timeline.
* However, a timeline may refuse a change in these properties if they
* would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration. For example,
* it is not possible for three #GESSourceClip-s in the same layer and
* with the same track types to overlap at any given position in the
* timeline (only two may overlap, which corresponds to a single
* #GESTransition). Similarly, a #GESSourceClip may not entirely cover
* another #GESSourceClip in the same layer and with the same track types.
* Additionally, an edit may be refused if it would place one of the
* timing properties out of bounds (such as a negative time value for
* #GESTimelineElement:start, or having insufficient internal
* content to last for the desired #GESTimelineElement:duration).
* ## Children Properties
* If a timeline element owns another #GstObject and wishes to expose
* some of its properties, it can do so by registering the property as one
* of the timeline element's children properties using
* ges_timeline_element_add_child_property(). The registered property of
* the child can then be read and set using the
* ges_timeline_element_get_child_property() and
* ges_timeline_element_set_child_property() methods, respectively. Some
* sub-classed objects will be created with pre-registered children
* properties; for example, to expose part of an underlying #GstElement
* that is used internally. The registered properties can be listed with
* ges_timeline_element_list_children_properties().
#include "config.h"
#include "ges-utils.h"
#include "ges-timeline-element.h"
#include "ges-extractable.h"
#include "ges-meta-container.h"
#include "ges-internal.h"
#include "ges-effect.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <gobject/gvaluecollector.h>
/* maps type name quark => count */
static GData *object_name_counts = NULL;
static void
extractable_set_asset (GESExtractable * extractable, GESAsset * asset)
GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (extractable)->asset = asset;
static void
ges_extractable_interface_init (GESExtractableInterface * iface)
iface->set_asset = extractable_set_asset;
static guint ges_timeline_element_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
static GParamSpec *properties[PROP_LAST] = { NULL, };
typedef struct
GObject *child;
GESTimelineElement *owner;
gulong handler_id;
} ChildPropHandler;
struct _GESTimelineElementPrivate
gboolean serialize;
/* We keep a link between properties name and elements internally
* The hashtable should look like
* {GParamaSpec ---> child}*/
GHashTable *children_props;
GESTimelineElement *copied_from;
GESTimelineElementFlags flags;
typedef struct
GObject *child;
GParamSpec *arg;
GESTimelineElement *self;
} EmitDeepNotifyInIdleData;
G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GESTimelineElement, ges_timeline_element,
G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GES_TYPE_EXTRACTABLE, ges_extractable_interface_init)
* Virtual methods implementation *
static void
_set_child_property (GESTimelineElement * self G_GNUC_UNUSED, GObject * child,
GParamSpec * pspec, GValue * value)
if (G_VALUE_TYPE (value) != pspec->value_type
gst_util_set_object_arg (child, pspec->name, g_value_get_string (value));
g_object_set_property (child, pspec->name, value);
static gboolean
_lookup_child (GESTimelineElement * self, const gchar * prop_name,
GObject ** child, GParamSpec ** pspec)
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
gchar **names, *name, *classename;
gboolean res;
classename = NULL;
res = FALSE;
names = g_strsplit (prop_name, "::", 2);
if (names[1] != NULL) {
classename = names[0];
name = names[1];
} else
name = names[0];
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->children_props);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
if (g_strcmp0 (G_PARAM_SPEC (key)->name, name) == 0) {
ChildPropHandler *handler = (ChildPropHandler *) value;
if (classename == NULL ||
g_strcmp0 (G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (G_OBJECT (handler->child)),
classename) == 0 ||
g_strcmp0 (g_type_name (G_PARAM_SPEC (key)->owner_type),
classename) == 0) {
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "The %s property from %s has been found", name,
if (child)
*child = gst_object_ref (handler->child);
if (pspec)
*pspec = g_param_spec_ref (key);
res = TRUE;
g_strfreev (names);
return res;
static GParamSpec **
default_list_children_properties (GESTimelineElement * self,
guint * n_properties)
GParamSpec **pspec, *spec;
GHashTableIter iter;
gpointer key, value;
guint i = 0;
*n_properties = g_hash_table_size (self->priv->children_props);
pspec = g_new (GParamSpec *, *n_properties);
g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->children_props);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
spec = G_PARAM_SPEC (key);
pspec[i] = g_param_spec_ref (spec);
return pspec;
static void
_get_property (GObject * object, guint property_id,
GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
GESTimelineElement *self = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (object);
switch (property_id) {
g_value_take_object (value, self->parent);
g_value_take_object (value, self->timeline);
g_value_set_uint64 (value, self->start);
g_value_set_uint64 (value, self->inpoint);
g_value_set_uint64 (value, self->duration);
g_value_set_uint64 (value, self->maxduration);
g_value_set_uint (value, self->priority);
g_value_take_string (value, ges_timeline_element_get_name (self));
g_value_set_boolean (value, self->priv->serialize);
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (self, property_id, pspec);
static void
_set_property (GObject * object, guint property_id,
const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
GESTimelineElement *self = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (object);
switch (property_id) {
ges_timeline_element_set_parent (self, g_value_get_object (value));
ges_timeline_element_set_timeline (self, g_value_get_object (value));
ges_timeline_element_set_start (self, g_value_get_uint64 (value));
ges_timeline_element_set_inpoint (self, g_value_get_uint64 (value));
ges_timeline_element_set_duration (self, g_value_get_uint64 (value));
ges_timeline_element_set_priority (self, g_value_get_uint (value));
ges_timeline_element_set_max_duration (self, g_value_get_uint64 (value));
ges_timeline_element_set_name (self, g_value_get_string (value));
self->priv->serialize = g_value_get_boolean (value);
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (self, property_id, pspec);
static void
ges_timeline_element_dispose (GObject * object)
GESTimelineElement *self = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (object);
if (self->priv->children_props) {
g_hash_table_unref (self->priv->children_props);
self->priv->children_props = NULL;
g_clear_object (&self->priv->copied_from);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (ges_timeline_element_parent_class)->dispose (object);
static void
ges_timeline_element_finalize (GObject * self)
GESTimelineElement *tle = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self);
g_free (tle->name);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (ges_timeline_element_parent_class)->finalize (self);
static void
_child_prop_handler_free (ChildPropHandler * handler)
g_object_freeze_notify (handler->child);
if (handler->handler_id)
g_signal_handler_disconnect (handler->child, handler->handler_id);
g_object_thaw_notify (handler->child);
gst_object_unref (handler->child);
g_slice_free (ChildPropHandler, handler);
static void
ges_timeline_element_init (GESTimelineElement * self)
self->priv = ges_timeline_element_get_instance_private (self);
self->priv->serialize = TRUE;
self->priv->children_props =
g_hash_table_new_full ((GHashFunc) ges_pspec_hash, ges_pspec_equal,
(GDestroyNotify) g_param_spec_unref,
(GDestroyNotify) _child_prop_handler_free);
static void
ges_timeline_element_class_init (GESTimelineElementClass * klass)
GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
object_class->get_property = _get_property;
object_class->set_property = _set_property;
* GESTimelineElement:parent:
* The parent container of the element.
properties[PROP_PARENT] =
g_param_spec_object ("parent", "Parent",
"The parent container of the object", GES_TYPE_TIMELINE_ELEMENT,
* GESTimelineElement:timeline:
* The timeline that the element lies within.
properties[PROP_TIMELINE] =
g_param_spec_object ("timeline", "Timeline",
"The timeline the object is in", GES_TYPE_TIMELINE, G_PARAM_READWRITE);
* GESTimelineElement:start:
* The starting position of the element in the timeline (in nanoseconds
* and in the time coordinates of the timeline). For example, for a
* source element, this would determine the time at which it should
* start outputting its internal content. For an operation element, this
* would determine the time at which it should start applying its effect
* to any source content.
properties[PROP_START] = g_param_spec_uint64 ("start", "Start",
"The position in the timeline", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE);
* GESTimelineElement:in-point:
* The initial offset to use internally when outputting content (in
* nanoseconds, but in the time coordinates of the internal content).
* For example, for a #GESVideoUriSource that references some media
* file, the "internal content" is the media file data, and the
* in-point would correspond to some timestamp in the media file.
* When playing the timeline, and when the element is first reached at
* timeline-time #GESTimelineElement:start, it will begin outputting the
* data from the timestamp in-point **onwards**, until it reaches the
* end of its #GESTimelineElement:duration in the timeline.
* For elements that have no internal content, this should be kept
* as 0.
properties[PROP_INPOINT] =
g_param_spec_uint64 ("in-point", "In-point", "The in-point", 0,
* GESTimelineElement:duration:
* The duration that the element is in effect for in the timeline (a
* time difference in nanoseconds using the time coordinates of the
* timeline). For example, for a source element, this would determine
* for how long it should output its internal content for. For an
* operation element, this would determine for how long its effect
* should be applied to any source content.
properties[PROP_DURATION] =
g_param_spec_uint64 ("duration", "Duration", "The play duration", 0,
* GESTimelineElement:max-duration:
* The full duration of internal content that is available (a time
* difference in nanoseconds using the time coordinates of the internal
* content).
* For example, for a #GESVideoUriSource that references some media
* file, this would be the length of the media file.
* For elements that have no internal content, or whose content is
* indefinite, this should be kept as #GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE.
properties[PROP_MAX_DURATION] =
g_param_spec_uint64 ("max-duration", "Maximum duration",
"The maximum duration of the object", 0, G_MAXUINT64, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE,
* GESTimelineElement:priority:
* The priority of the element.
* Deprecated: 1.10: Priority management is now done by GES itself.
properties[PROP_PRIORITY] = g_param_spec_uint ("priority", "Priority",
"The priority of the object", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE);
* GESTimelineElement:name:
* The name of the element. This should be unique within its timeline.
properties[PROP_NAME] =
g_param_spec_string ("name", "Name", "The name of the timeline object",
* GESTimelineElement:serialize:
* Whether the element should be serialized.
properties[PROP_SERIALIZE] = g_param_spec_boolean ("serialize", "Serialize",
"Whether the element should be serialized", TRUE,
g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, PROP_LAST, properties);
* GESTimelineElement::deep-notify:
* @timeline_element: A #GESTtimelineElement
* @prop_object: The object that originated the signal
* @prop: The specification for the property that changed
* Emitted when a child of @timeline_element has one of its registered
* properties set. See ges_timeline_element_add_child_property().
* Note that unlike #GObject::notify, a child property name can not be
* used as a signal detail.
ges_timeline_element_signals[DEEP_NOTIFY] =
g_signal_new ("deep-notify", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
object_class->dispose = ges_timeline_element_dispose;
object_class->finalize = ges_timeline_element_finalize;
klass->set_parent = NULL;
klass->set_start = NULL;
klass->set_inpoint = NULL;
klass->set_duration = NULL;
klass->set_max_duration = NULL;
klass->set_priority = NULL;
klass->ripple = NULL;
klass->ripple_end = NULL;
klass->roll_start = NULL;
klass->roll_end = NULL;
klass->trim = NULL;
klass->list_children_properties = default_list_children_properties;
klass->lookup_child = _lookup_child;
klass->set_child_property = _set_child_property;
static void
_set_name (GESTimelineElement * self, const gchar * wanted_name)
const gchar *type_name;
gchar *lowcase_type;
gint count;
GQuark q;
guint i, l;
gchar *name = NULL;
if (!object_name_counts) {
g_datalist_init (&object_name_counts);
q = g_type_qname (G_OBJECT_TYPE (self));
count = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_datalist_id_get_data (&object_name_counts, q));
/* GstFooSink -> foosink<N> */
type_name = g_quark_to_string (q);
if (strncmp (type_name, "GES", 3) == 0)
type_name += 3;
lowcase_type = g_strdup (type_name);
l = strlen (lowcase_type);
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
lowcase_type[i] = g_ascii_tolower (lowcase_type[i]);
if (wanted_name == NULL) {
/* give the 20th "uriclip" element and the first "uriclip2" (if needed in the future)
* different names */
l = strlen (type_name);
if (l > 0 && g_ascii_isdigit (type_name[l - 1])) {
name = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%d", lowcase_type, count++);
} else {
name = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d", lowcase_type, count++);
} else {
/* If the wanted name uses the same 'namespace' as default, make
* sure it does not badly interfere with our counting system */
/* FIXME: should we really be allowing a user to set the name
* "uriclip1" for, say, a GESTransition? The below code *does not*
* capture this case (because the prefix does not match "transition").
* If the user subsequently calls _set_name with name == NULL, on a
* GESClip *for the first time*, then the GES library will
* automatically choose the *same* name "uriclip1", but this is not
* unique! */
if (g_str_has_prefix (wanted_name, lowcase_type)) {
guint64 tmpcount =
g_ascii_strtoull (&wanted_name[strlen (lowcase_type)], NULL, 10);
if (tmpcount > count) {
count = tmpcount + 1;
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Using same naming %s but updated count to %i",
wanted_name, count);
} else if (tmpcount < count) {
/* FIXME: this can unexpectedly change names given by the user
* E.g. if "transition2" already exists, and a user then wants to
* set a GESTransition to have the name "transition-custom" or
* "transition 1 too many" then tmpcount would in fact be 0 or 1,
* and the name would then be changed to "transition3"! */
name = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d", lowcase_type, count);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Name %s already allocated, giving: %s instead"
" New count is %i", wanted_name, name, count);
} else {
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Perfect name, just bumping object count");
if (name == NULL)
name = g_strdup (wanted_name);
g_free (lowcase_type);
g_datalist_id_set_data (&object_name_counts, q, GINT_TO_POINTER (count));
g_free (self->name);
self->name = name;
* Internal and private helpers *
ges_timeline_element_get_media_duration_factor (GESTimelineElement * self)
gdouble media_duration_factor;
GESEffectClass *class;
GList *props;
media_duration_factor = 1.0;
class = GES_EFFECT_CLASS (g_type_class_ref (GES_TYPE_EFFECT));
for (props = class->rate_properties; props != NULL; props = props->next) {
GObject *child;
GParamSpec *pspec;
if (ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (self, props->data, &child, &pspec)) {
gfloat rate_change;
g_object_get (child, pspec->name, &rate_change, NULL);
media_duration_factor *= rate_change;
} else if (G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE (pspec) == G_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
gdouble rate_change;
g_object_get (child, pspec->name, &rate_change, NULL);
media_duration_factor *= rate_change;
} else {
"Rate property %s in child %" GST_PTR_FORMAT
" is of unsupported type %s", pspec->name, child,
G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (pspec->value_type));
gst_object_unref (child);
g_param_spec_unref (pspec);
"Added rate changing property %s, set to value %lf",
(const char *) props->data, media_duration_factor);
g_type_class_unref (class);
return media_duration_factor;
GESTimelineElement *
ges_timeline_element_get_copied_from (GESTimelineElement * self)
GESTimelineElement *copied_from = self->priv->copied_from;
self->priv->copied_from = NULL;
return copied_from;
ges_timeline_element_flags (GESTimelineElement * self)
return self->priv->flags;
ges_timeline_element_set_flags (GESTimelineElement * self,
GESTimelineElementFlags flags)
self->priv->flags = flags;
static gboolean
emit_deep_notify_in_idle (EmitDeepNotifyInIdleData * data)
g_signal_emit (data->self, ges_timeline_element_signals[DEEP_NOTIFY], 0,
data->child, data->arg);
gst_object_unref (data->child);
g_param_spec_unref (data->arg);
gst_object_unref (data->self);
g_slice_free (EmitDeepNotifyInIdleData, data);
return FALSE;
static void
child_prop_changed_cb (GObject * child, GParamSpec * arg
G_GNUC_UNUSED, GESTimelineElement * self)
EmitDeepNotifyInIdleData *data;
/* Emit "deep-notify" right away if in main thread */
if (g_main_context_acquire (g_main_context_default ())) {
g_main_context_release (g_main_context_default ());
g_signal_emit (self, ges_timeline_element_signals[DEEP_NOTIFY], 0,
child, arg);
data = g_slice_new (EmitDeepNotifyInIdleData);
data->child = gst_object_ref (child);
data->arg = g_param_spec_ref (arg);
data->self = gst_object_ref (self);
ges_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) emit_deep_notify_in_idle, data, NULL);
static gboolean
set_child_property_by_pspec (GESTimelineElement * self,
GParamSpec * pspec, const GValue * value)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
GESTimelineElement *setter = self;
ChildPropHandler *handler =
g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->children_props, pspec);
if (!handler) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "The %s property doesn't exist", pspec->name);
return FALSE;
if (handler->owner) {
klass = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (handler->owner);
setter = handler->owner;
} else {
g_assert (klass->set_child_property);
klass->set_child_property (setter, handler->child, pspec, (GValue *) value);
return TRUE;
ges_timeline_element_add_child_property_full (GESTimelineElement * self,
GESTimelineElement * owner, GParamSpec * pspec, GObject * child)
gchar *signame;
ChildPropHandler *handler;
if (g_hash_table_contains (self->priv->children_props, pspec)) {
GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Child property already exists: %s", pspec->name);
return FALSE;
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Adding child property: %" GST_PTR_FORMAT "::%s",
child, pspec->name);
signame = g_strconcat ("notify::", pspec->name, NULL);
handler = (ChildPropHandler *) g_slice_new0 (ChildPropHandler);
handler->child = gst_object_ref (child);
handler->owner = owner;
handler->handler_id =
g_signal_connect (child, signame, G_CALLBACK (child_prop_changed_cb),
g_hash_table_insert (self->priv->children_props, g_param_spec_ref (pspec),
g_free (signame);
return TRUE;
* API implementation *
* ges_timeline_element_set_parent:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @parent (nullable): New parent of @self
* Sets the #GESTimelineElement:parent for the element.
* This is used internally and you should normally not call this. A
* #GESContainer will set the #GESTimelineElement:parent of its children
* in ges_container_add() and ges_container_remove().
* Note, if @parent is not %NULL, @self must not already have a parent
* set. Therefore, if you wish to switch parents, you will need to call
* this function twice: first to set the parent to %NULL, and then to the
* new parent.
* If @parent is not %NULL, you must ensure it already has a
* (non-floating) reference to @self before calling this.
* Returns: %TRUE if @parent could be set for @self.
ges_timeline_element_set_parent (GESTimelineElement * self,
GESTimelineElement * parent)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (parent == NULL
if (self == parent) {
GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Trying to add %p in itself, not a good idea!",
/* FIXME: why are we sinking and then unreffing self when we do not
* own it? */
gst_object_ref_sink (self);
gst_object_unref (self);
return FALSE;
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set parent to %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, parent);
if (self->parent != NULL && parent != NULL)
goto had_parent;
if (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->set_parent) {
if (!GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->set_parent (self, parent))
return FALSE;
self->parent = parent;
g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_PARENT]);
return TRUE;
/* ERROR handling */
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "set parent failed, object already had a parent");
/* FIXME: why are we sinking and then unreffing self when we do not
* own it? */
gst_object_ref_sink (self);
gst_object_unref (self);
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_get_parent:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the #GESTimelineElement:parent for the element.
* Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): The parent of @self, or %NULL if
* @self has no parent.
GESTimelineElement *
ges_timeline_element_get_parent (GESTimelineElement * self)
GESTimelineElement *result = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), NULL);
result = self->parent;
if (G_LIKELY (result))
gst_object_ref (result);
return result;
* ges_timeline_element_set_timeline:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @timeline (nullable): The #GESTimeline @self should be in
* Sets the #GESTimelineElement:timeline of the element.
* This is used internally and you should normally not call this. A
* #GESClip will have its #GESTimelineElement:timeline set through its
* #GESLayer. A #GESTrack will similarly take care of setting the
* #GESTimelineElement:timeline of its #GESTrackElement-s. A #GESGroup
* will adopt the same #GESTimelineElement:timeline as its children.
* If @timeline is %NULL, this will stop its current
* #GESTimelineElement:timeline from tracking it, otherwise @timeline will
* start tracking @self. Note, in the latter case, @self must not already
* have a timeline set. Therefore, if you wish to switch timelines, you
* will need to call this function twice: first to set the timeline to
* %NULL, and then to the new timeline.
* Returns: %TRUE if @timeline could be set for @self.
ges_timeline_element_set_timeline (GESTimelineElement * self,
GESTimeline * timeline)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (timeline == NULL || GES_IS_TIMELINE (timeline), FALSE);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set timeline to %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, timeline);
if (timeline != NULL && G_UNLIKELY (self->timeline != NULL))
goto had_timeline;
if (timeline == NULL) {
if (self->timeline) {
if (!timeline_remove_element (self->timeline, self)) {
GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Could not remove from"
" currently set timeline %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, self->timeline);
return FALSE;
} else {
if (!timeline_add_element (timeline, self)) {
GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Could not add to timeline %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
return FALSE;
self->timeline = timeline;
g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_TIMELINE]);
return TRUE;
/* ERROR handling */
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set timeline failed, object already had a "
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_get_timeline:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the #GESTimelineElement:timeline for the element.
* Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): The timeline of @self, or %NULL
* if @self has no timeline.
GESTimeline *
ges_timeline_element_get_timeline (GESTimelineElement * self)
GESTimeline *result = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), NULL);
result = self->timeline;
if (G_LIKELY (result))
gst_object_ref (result);
return result;
* ges_timeline_element_set_start:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @start: The desired start position of the element in its timeline
* Sets #GESTimelineElement:start for the element. This may fail if it
* would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration.
* Note that if the element's timeline has a
* #GESTimeline:snapping-distance set, then the element's
* #GESTimelineElement:start may instead be set to the edge of some other
* element in the neighbourhood of @start. In such a case, the return
* value will still be %TRUE on success.
* Returns: %TRUE if @start could be set for @self.
ges_timeline_element_set_start (GESTimelineElement * self, GstClockTime start)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
GESTimelineElement *toplevel_container, *parent;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
if (self->start == start)
return TRUE;
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current start: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
" new start: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
toplevel_container = ges_timeline_element_get_toplevel_parent (self);
parent = self->parent;
/* FIXME This should not belong to GESTimelineElement */
if (toplevel_container &&
((gint64) (_START (toplevel_container) + start - _START (self))) < 0 &&
&& GES_CONTAINER (parent)->children_control_mode == GES_CHILDREN_UPDATE) {
"Can not move the object as it would imply its "
"container to have a negative start value");
gst_object_unref (toplevel_container);
return FALSE;
gst_object_unref (toplevel_container);
if (klass->set_start) {
gint res = klass->set_start (self, start);
if (res == TRUE) {
self->start = start;
g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_START]);
return ! !res;
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No set_start virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not set start %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_set_inpoint:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @inpoint: The in-point, in internal time coordinates
* Sets #GESTimelineElement:in-point for the element. This may fail if
* the element does not have enough internal content to last for the
* current #GESTimelineElement:duration after @inpoint.
* Returns: %TRUE if @inpoint could be set for @self.
ges_timeline_element_set_inpoint (GESTimelineElement * self,
GstClockTime inpoint)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current inpoint: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
" new inpoint: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (inpoint),
if (klass->set_inpoint) {
/* FIXME: Could we instead use g_object_freeze_notify() to prevent
* duplicate notify signals? Rather than relying on the return value
* being -1 for setting that succeeds but does not want a notify
* signal because it will call this method on itself a second time. */
gint res = klass->set_inpoint (self, inpoint);
if (res == TRUE) {
self->inpoint = inpoint;
g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_INPOINT]);
return ! !res;
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "No set_inpoint virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not set inpoint %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass), GST_TIME_ARGS (inpoint));
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_set_max_duration:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @maxduration: The maximum duration, in internal time coordinates
* Sets #GESTimelineElement:max-duration for the element.
* Returns: %TRUE if @maxduration could be set for @self.
ges_timeline_element_set_max_duration (GESTimelineElement * self,
GstClockTime maxduration)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
" new duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
GST_TIME_ARGS (maxduration));
if (klass->set_max_duration) {
if (klass->set_max_duration (self, maxduration) == FALSE)
return FALSE;
self->maxduration = maxduration;
g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_MAX_DURATION]);
return TRUE;
* ges_timeline_element_set_duration:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @duration: The desired duration in its timeline
* Sets #GESTimelineElement:duration for the element. This may fail if it
* would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration, or if the
* element does not have enough internal content to last for the desired
* @duration.
* Note that if the element's timeline has a
* #GESTimeline:snapping-distance set, then the element's
* #GESTimelineElement:duration may instead be adjusted around @duration
* such that the edge of @self matches the edge of some other element in
* the neighbourhood. In such a case, the return value will still be %TRUE
* on success.
* Returns: %TRUE if @duration could be set for @self.
ges_timeline_element_set_duration (GESTimelineElement * self,
GstClockTime duration)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
" new duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
GST_TIME_ARGS (duration));
if (klass->set_duration) {
gint res = klass->set_duration (self, duration);
if (res == TRUE) {
self->duration = duration;
g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_DURATION]);
return ! !res;
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No set_duration virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not set duration %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass), GST_TIME_ARGS (duration));
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_get_start:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the #GESTimelineElement:start for the element.
* Returns: The start of @self (in nanoseconds).
ges_timeline_element_get_start (GESTimelineElement * self)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
return self->start;
* ges_timeline_element_get_inpoint:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the #GESTimelineElement:in-point for the element.
* Returns: The in-point of @self (in nanoseconds).
ges_timeline_element_get_inpoint (GESTimelineElement * self)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
return self->inpoint;
* ges_timeline_element_get_duration:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the #GESTimelineElement:duration for the element.
* Returns: The duration of @self (in nanoseconds).
ges_timeline_element_get_duration (GESTimelineElement * self)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
return self->duration;
* ges_timeline_element_get_max_duration:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the #GESTimelineElement:max-duration for the element.
* Returns: The max-duration of @self (in nanoseconds).
ges_timeline_element_get_max_duration (GESTimelineElement * self)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);
return self->maxduration;
* ges_timeline_element_get_priority:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the #GESTimelineElement:priority for the element.
* Returns: The priority of @self.
ges_timeline_element_get_priority (GESTimelineElement * self)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), 0);
return self->priority;
* ges_timeline_element_set_priority:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @priority: The priority
* Sets the priority of the element within the containing layer.
* Deprecated:1.10: All priority management is done by GES itself now.
* To set #GESEffect priorities #ges_clip_set_top_effect_index should
* be used.
* Returns: %TRUE if @priority could be set for @self.
ges_timeline_element_set_priority (GESTimelineElement * self, guint32 priority)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current priority: %d new priority: %d",
self->priority, priority);
if (klass->set_priority) {
gboolean res = klass->set_priority (self, priority);
if (res) {
self->priority = priority;
g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_PRIORITY]);
return res;
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No set_priority virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not set priority %d", G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass),
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_ripple:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to ripple
* @start: The new start time of @self in ripple mode
* Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in ripple mode.
* The element is shifted to @start, and later elements are also shifted
* by the same amount (see #GES_EDIT_MODE_RIPPLE). An edit may fail if it
* would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration.
* Note that if the element's timeline has a
* #GESTimeline:snapping-distance set, then the start time may be set
* to the edge of some element in the neighbourhood of @start.
* Returns: %TRUE if the ripple edit of @self completed, %FALSE on
* failure.
ges_timeline_element_ripple (GESTimelineElement * self, GstClockTime start)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
/* FIXME: why are we calling a vmethod to ripple, when
* ges_timeline_element_edit() with a GESEditMode of RIPPLE does not do
* so? */
if (klass->ripple)
return klass->ripple (self, start);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No ripple virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not ripple to %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_ripple_end:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to ripple
* @end: The new end time of @self in ripple mode
* Edits the end time of an element within its timeline in ripple mode.
* The element's duration time is shifted until its end time matches @end,
* and later elements have their start time shifted by the same amount
* (see #GES_EDIT_MODE_RIPPLE). An edit may fail if it would place the
* duration time out of bounds, or if it would place the timeline in an
* unsupported configuration.
* Note that if the element's timeline has a
* #GESTimeline:snapping-distance set, then the end time may be set
* to the edge of some element in the neighbourhood of @end.
* Returns: %TRUE if the ripple edit of @self completed, %FALSE on
* failure.
ges_timeline_element_ripple_end (GESTimelineElement * self, GstClockTime end)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
/* FIXME: why are we calling a vmethod to ripple_end, when
* ges_timeline_element_edit() with a GESEditMode of RIPPLE does not do
* so? */
if (klass->ripple_end) {
return klass->ripple_end (self, end);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No ripple virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not ripple end to %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_roll_start:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to roll
* @start: The new start time of @self in roll mode
* Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in roll mode.
* The element is trimmed to @start, and any other element whose end edge
* matched the start edge of the element is also trimmed to @start (see
* #GES_EDIT_MODE_ROLL). An edit may fail if it would place an in-point
* time or duration time out of bounds, or if it would place the timeline
* in an unsupported configuration.
* Note that if the element's timeline has a
* #GESTimeline:snapping-distance set, then the start time may be set
* to the edge of some element in the neighbourhood of @start.
* Returns: %TRUE if the roll edit of @self completed, %FALSE on failure.
ges_timeline_element_roll_start (GESTimelineElement * self, GstClockTime start)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
/* FIXME: why are we calling a vmethod to roll_start, when
* ges_timeline_element_edit() with a GESEditMode of ROLL does not do
* so? */
if (klass->roll_start) {
return klass->roll_start (self, start);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No ripple virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not roll to %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_roll_end:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to roll
* @end: The new end time of @self in roll mode
* Edits the end time of an element within its timeline in roll mode.
* The end of the element is trimmed to @end, and any other element whose
* start edge matched the end edge of the element is also trimmed to @end
* (see #GES_EDIT_MODE_ROLL). An edit may fail if it would place an
* in-point time or duration time out of bounds, or if it would place the
* timeline in an unsupported configuration.
* Note that if the element's timeline has a
* #GESTimeline:snapping-distance set, then the end time may be set
* to the edge of some element in the neighbourhood of @end.
* Returns: %TRUE if the roll edit of @self completed, %FALSE on failure.
ges_timeline_element_roll_end (GESTimelineElement * self, GstClockTime end)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
/* FIXME: why are we calling a vmethod to roll_end, when
* ges_timeline_element_edit() with a GESEditMode of ROLL does not do
* so? */
if (klass->roll_end)
return klass->roll_end (self, end);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No ripple virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not roll end to %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_trim:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to trim
* @start: The new start time of @self in trim mode
* Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in trim mode.
* The element is shifted to @start, and its in-point time is similarly
* shifted to ensure that its internal content will appear at the same
* timeline time when it is played (see #GES_EDIT_MODE_TRIM). An edit may
* fail if it would place the in-point time out of bounds, or if it would
* place the timeline in an unsupported configuration.
* Note that if the element's timeline has a
* #GESTimeline:snapping-distance set, then the start time may be set
* to the edge of some element in the neighbourhood of @start.
* Returns: %TRUE if the trim edit of @self completed, %FALSE on failure.
ges_timeline_element_trim (GESTimelineElement * self, GstClockTime start)
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
/* FIXME: why are we calling a vmethod to trim, when
* ges_timeline_element_edit() with a GESEditMode of TRIM does not do
* so? */
if (klass->trim)
return klass->trim (self, start);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No ripple virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not trim to %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_copy:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to copy
* @deep: Whether the copy is needed for pasting
* Create a copy of @self. All the properties of @self are copied into
* a new element, with the exception of #GESTimelineElement:parent,
* #GESTimelineElement:timeline and #GESTimelineElement:name. Other data,
* such the list of a #GESContainer's children, is **not** copied.
* If @deep is %TRUE, then the new element is prepared so that it can be
* used in ges_timeline_element_paste() or ges_timeline_paste_element().
* In the case of copying a #GESContainer, this ensures that the children
* of @self will also be pasted. The new element should not be used for
* anything else and can only be used **once** in a pasting operation. In
* particular, the new element itself is not an actual 'deep' copy of
* @self, but should be thought of as an intermediate object used for a
* single paste operation.
* Returns: (transfer floating): The newly create element,
* copied from @self.
G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS; /* Start ignoring GParameter deprecation */
GESTimelineElement *
ges_timeline_element_copy (GESTimelineElement * self, gboolean deep)
GESAsset *asset;
GParameter *params;
GParamSpec **specs;
GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
guint n, n_specs, n_params;
GESTimelineElement *ret = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
specs = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (self), &n_specs);
params = g_new0 (GParameter, n_specs);
n_params = 0;
for (n = 0; n < n_specs; ++n) {
/* We do not want the timeline or the name to be copied */
if (g_strcmp0 (specs[n]->name, "parent") &&
g_strcmp0 (specs[n]->name, "timeline") &&
g_strcmp0 (specs[n]->name, "name") &&
(specs[n]->flags & G_PARAM_READWRITE) == G_PARAM_READWRITE) {
params[n_params].name = g_intern_string (specs[n]->name);
g_value_init (¶ms[n_params].value, specs[n]->value_type);
g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self), specs[n]->name,
#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 53, 1)
gint i;
GValue *values;
const gchar **names;
values = g_malloc0 (sizeof (GValue) * n_specs);
names = g_malloc0 (sizeof (gchar *) * n_specs);
for (i = 0; i < n_params; i++) {
values[i] = params[i].value;
names[i] = params[i].name;
ret =
GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (g_object_new_with_properties (G_OBJECT_TYPE
(self), n_params, names, values));
g_free (names);
g_free (values);
ret = g_object_newv (G_OBJECT_TYPE (self), n_params, params);
while (n_params--)
g_value_unset (¶ms[n_params].value);
g_free (specs);
g_free (params);
asset = ges_extractable_get_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE (self));
if (asset)
ges_extractable_set_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE (ret), asset);
if (deep) {
if (klass->deep_copy)
klass->deep_copy (self, ret);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No deep_copy virtual method implementation"
" on class %s. Can not finish the copy", G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass));
if (deep) {
ret->priv->copied_from = gst_object_ref (self);
return ret;
G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS; /* End ignoring GParameter deprecation */
* ges_timeline_element_get_toplevel_parent:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to get the toplevel parent from
* Gets the toplevel #GESTimelineElement:parent of the element.
* Returns: (transfer full): The toplevel parent of @self.
GESTimelineElement *
ges_timeline_element_get_toplevel_parent (GESTimelineElement * self)
GESTimelineElement *toplevel = self;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), NULL);
toplevel = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_PARENT (toplevel);
return gst_object_ref (toplevel);
* ges_timeline_element_get_name:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the #GESTimelineElement:name for the element.
* Returns: (transfer full): The name of @self.
gchar *
ges_timeline_element_get_name (GESTimelineElement * self)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), NULL);
return g_strdup (self->name);
* ges_timeline_element_set_name:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @name: (allow-none): The name @self should take
* Sets the #GESTimelineElement:name for the element. If %NULL is given
* for @name, then the library will instead generate a new name based on
* the type name of the element, such as the name "uriclip3" for a
* #GESUriClip, and will set that name instead.
* If @self already has a #GESTimelineElement:timeline, you should not
* call this function with @name set to %NULL.
* You should ensure that, within each #GESTimeline, every element has a
* unique name. If you call this function with @name as %NULL, then
* the library should ensure that the set generated name is unique from
* previously **generated** names. However, if you choose a @name that
* interferes with the naming conventions of the library, the library will
* attempt to ensure that the generated names will not conflict with the
* chosen name, which may lead to a different name being set instead, but
* the uniqueness between generated and user-chosen names is not
* guaranteed.
* Returns: %TRUE if @name or a generated name for @self could be set.
ges_timeline_element_set_name (GESTimelineElement * self, const gchar * name)
gboolean result = TRUE, readd_to_timeline = FALSE;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
if (name != NULL && !g_strcmp0 (name, self->name)) {
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Same name!");
return TRUE;
/* parented objects cannot be renamed */
if (self->timeline != NULL && name) {
GESTimelineElement *tmp = ges_timeline_get_element (self->timeline, name);
/* FIXME: if tmp == self then this means that we setting the name of
* self to its existing name. There is no need to throw an error */
if (tmp) {
gst_object_unref (tmp);
goto had_timeline;
timeline_remove_element (self->timeline, self);
readd_to_timeline = TRUE;
/* FIXME: if self already has a timeline and name is NULL, then it also
* needs to be re-added to the timeline (or, at least its entry in
* timeline->priv->all_elements needs its key to be updated) using the
* new generated name */
_set_name (self, name);
/* FIXME: the set name may not always be unique in a given timeline, see
* _set_name(). This can cause timeline_add_element to fail! */
if (readd_to_timeline)
timeline_add_element (self->timeline, self);
return result;
/* error */
/* FIXME: message is misleading. We are here if some other object in
* the timeline was added under @name (see above) */
GST_WARNING ("Object %s already in a timeline can't be renamed to %s",
self->name, name);
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_add_child_property:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @pspec: The specification for the property to add
* @child: The #GstObject who the property belongs to
* Register a property of a child of the element to allow it to be
* written with ges_timeline_element_set_child_property() and read with
* ges_timeline_element_get_child_property(). A change in the property
* will also appear in the #GESTimelineElement::deep-notify signal.
* @pspec should be unique from other children properties that have been
* registered on @self.
* Returns: %TRUE if the property was successfully registered.
ges_timeline_element_add_child_property (GESTimelineElement * self,
GParamSpec * pspec, GObject * child)
return ges_timeline_element_add_child_property_full (self, NULL, pspec,
* ges_timeline_element_get_child_property_by_pspec:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @pspec: The specification of a registered child property to get
* @value: (out): The return location for the value
* Gets the property of a child of the element. Specifically, the property
* corresponding to the @pspec used in
* ges_timeline_element_add_child_property() is copied into @value.
ges_timeline_element_get_child_property_by_pspec (GESTimelineElement * self,
GParamSpec * pspec, GValue * value)
ChildPropHandler *handler;
g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));
handler = g_hash_table_lookup (self->priv->children_props, pspec);
if (!handler)
goto not_found;
g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (handler->child), pspec->name, value);
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "The %s property doesn't exist", pspec->name);
* ges_timeline_element_set_child_property_by_pspec:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @pspec: The specification of a registered child property to set
* @value: The value to set the property to
* Sets the property of a child of the element. Specifically, the property
* corresponding to the @pspec used in
* ges_timeline_element_add_child_property() is set to @value.
ges_timeline_element_set_child_property_by_pspec (GESTimelineElement * self,
GParamSpec * pspec, const GValue * value)
g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TRACK_ELEMENT (self));
set_child_property_by_pspec (self, pspec, value);
* ges_timeline_element_set_child_property:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @property_name: The name of the child property to set
* @value: The value to set the property to
* Sets the property of a child of the element.
* @property_name can either be in the format "prop-name" or
* "TypeName::prop-name", where "prop-name" is the name of the property
* to set (as used in g_object_set()), and "TypeName" is the type name of
* the child (as returned by G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME()). The latter format is
* useful when two children of different types share the same property
* name.
* The first child found with the given "prop-name" property that was
* registered with ges_timeline_element_add_child_property() (and of the
* type "TypeName", if it was given) will have the corresponding
* property set to @value. Other children that may have also matched the
* property name (and type name) are left unchanged!
* Note that ges_timeline_element_set_child_properties() may be more
* convenient for C programming.
* Returns: %TRUE if the property was found and set.
ges_timeline_element_set_child_property (GESTimelineElement * self,
const gchar * property_name, const GValue * value)
GParamSpec *pspec;
GObject *child;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
if (!ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (self, property_name, &child, &pspec))
goto not_found;
return set_child_property_by_pspec (self, pspec, value);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "The %s property doesn't exist", property_name);
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_get_child_property:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @property_name: The name of the child property to get
* @value: (out): The return location for the value
* Gets the property of a child of the element.
* @property_name can either be in the format "prop-name" or
* "TypeName::prop-name", where "prop-name" is the name of the property
* to get (as used in g_object_get()), and "TypeName" is the type name of
* the child (as returned by G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME()). The latter format is
* useful when two children of different types share the same property
* name.
* The first child found with the given "prop-name" property that was
* registered with ges_timeline_element_add_child_property() (and of the
* type "TypeName", if it was given) will have the corresponding
* property copied into @value.
* Note that ges_timeline_element_get_child_properties() may be more
* convenient for C programming.
* Returns: %TRUE if the property was found and copied to @value.
ges_timeline_element_get_child_property (GESTimelineElement * self,
const gchar * property_name, GValue * value)
GParamSpec *pspec;
GObject *child;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
if (!ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (self, property_name, &child, &pspec))
goto not_found;
/* FIXME: since GLib 2.60, g_object_get_property() will automatically
* initialize the type */
g_value_init (value, pspec->value_type);
g_object_get_property (child, pspec->name, value);
gst_object_unref (child);
g_param_spec_unref (pspec);
return TRUE;
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "The %s property doesn't exist", property_name);
return FALSE;
* ges_timeline_element_lookup_child:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @prop_name: The name of a child property
* @child: (out) (optional) (transfer full): The return location for the
* found child
* @pspec: (out) (optional) (transfer full): The return location for the
* specification of the child property
* Looks up a child property of the element.
* @prop_name can either be in the format "prop-name" or
* "TypeName::prop-name", where "prop-name" is the name of the property
* to look up (as used in g_object_get()), and "TypeName" is the type name
* of the child (as returned by G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME()). The latter format is
* useful when two children of different types share the same property
* name.
* The first child found with the given "prop-name" property that was
* registered with ges_timeline_element_add_child_property() (and of the
* type "TypeName", if it was given) will be passed to @child, and the
* registered specification of this property will be passed to @pspec.
* Returns: %TRUE if a child corresponding to the property was found, in
* which case @child and @pspec are set.
ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (GESTimelineElement * self,
const gchar * prop_name, GObject ** child, GParamSpec ** pspec)
GESTimelineElementClass *class;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
g_return_val_if_fail (class->lookup_child, FALSE);
return class->lookup_child (self, prop_name, child, pspec);
* ges_timeline_element_set_child_property_valist:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @first_property_name: The name of the first child property to set
* @var_args: The value for the first property, followed optionally by more
* name/value pairs, followed by %NULL
* Sets several of the children properties of the element. See
* ges_timeline_element_set_child_property().
ges_timeline_element_set_child_property_valist (GESTimelineElement * self,
const gchar * first_property_name, va_list var_args)
const gchar *name;
GParamSpec *pspec;
gchar *error = NULL;
GValue value = { 0, };
g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));
name = first_property_name;
/* Note: This part is in big part copied from the gst_child_object_set_valist
* method. */
/* iterate over pairs */
while (name) {
if (!ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (self, name, NULL, &pspec))
goto not_found;
G_VALUE_COLLECT_INIT (&value, pspec->value_type, var_args,
if (error)
goto cant_copy;
set_child_property_by_pspec (self, pspec, &value);
g_param_spec_unref (pspec);
g_value_unset (&value);
name = va_arg (var_args, gchar *);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No property %s in OBJECT\n", name);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "error copying value %s in %p: %s", pspec->name,
self, error);
g_param_spec_unref (pspec);
g_value_unset (&value);
* ges_timeline_element_set_child_properties:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @first_property_name: The name of the first child property to set
* @...: The value for the first property, followed optionally by more
* name/value pairs, followed by %NULL
* Sets several of the children properties of the element. See
* ges_timeline_element_set_child_property().
ges_timeline_element_set_child_properties (GESTimelineElement * self,
const gchar * first_property_name, ...)
va_list var_args;
g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));
va_start (var_args, first_property_name);
ges_timeline_element_set_child_property_valist (self, first_property_name,
va_end (var_args);
* ges_timeline_element_get_child_property_valist:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @first_property_name: The name of the first child property to get
* @var_args: The return location for the first property, followed
* optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by %NULL
* Gets several of the children properties of the element. See
* ges_timeline_element_get_child_property().
ges_timeline_element_get_child_property_valist (GESTimelineElement * self,
const gchar * first_property_name, va_list var_args)
const gchar *name;
gchar *error = NULL;
GValue value = { 0, };
GParamSpec *pspec;
GObject *child;
g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));
name = first_property_name;
/* This part is in big part copied from the gst_child_object_get_valist method */
while (name) {
if (!ges_timeline_element_lookup_child (self, name, &child, &pspec))
goto not_found;
g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);
g_object_get_property (child, pspec->name, &value);
gst_object_unref (child);
g_param_spec_unref (pspec);
G_VALUE_LCOPY (&value, var_args, 0, &error);
if (error)
goto cant_copy;
g_value_unset (&value);
name = va_arg (var_args, gchar *);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "no child property %s", name);
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "error copying value %s in %s", pspec->name,
g_value_unset (&value);
static gint
compare_gparamspec (GParamSpec ** a, GParamSpec ** b, gpointer udata)
return g_strcmp0 ((*a)->name, (*b)->name);
* ges_timeline_element_list_children_properties:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @n_properties: (out): The return location for the length of the
* returned array
* Get a list of children properties of the element, which is a list of
* all the specifications passed to
* ges_timeline_element_add_child_property().
* Returns: (transfer full) (array length=n_properties): An array of
* #GParamSpec corresponding to the child properties of @self, or %NULL if
* something went wrong.
GParamSpec **
ges_timeline_element_list_children_properties (GESTimelineElement * self,
guint * n_properties)
GParamSpec **ret;
GESTimelineElementClass *class;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), NULL);
if (!class->list_children_properties) {
GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "No %s->list_children_properties implementation",
*n_properties = 0;
return NULL;
ret = class->list_children_properties (self, n_properties);
g_qsort_with_data (ret, *n_properties, sizeof (GParamSpec *),
(GCompareDataFunc) compare_gparamspec, NULL);
return ret;
* ges_timeline_element_get_child_properties:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @first_property_name: The name of the first child property to get
* @...: The return location for the first property, followed
* optionally by more name/return location pairs, followed by %NULL
* Gets several of the children properties of the element. See
* ges_timeline_element_get_child_property().
ges_timeline_element_get_child_properties (GESTimelineElement * self,
const gchar * first_property_name, ...)
va_list var_args;
g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));
va_start (var_args, first_property_name);
ges_timeline_element_get_child_property_valist (self, first_property_name,
va_end (var_args);
* ges_timeline_element_remove_child_property:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* @pspec: The specification for the property to remove
* Remove a child property from the element. @pspec should be a
* specification that was passed to
* ges_timeline_element_add_child_property(). The corresponding property
* will no longer be registered as a child property for the element.
* Returns: %TRUE if the property was successfully un-registered for @self.
ges_timeline_element_remove_child_property (GESTimelineElement * self,
GParamSpec * pspec)
return g_hash_table_remove (self->priv->children_props, pspec);
* ges_timeline_element_get_track_types:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the track types that the element can interact with, i.e. the type
* of #GESTrack it can exist in, or will create #GESTrackElement-s for.
* Returns: The track types that @self supports.
* Since: 1.6.0
ges_timeline_element_get_track_types (GESTimelineElement * self)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), 0);
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->get_track_types,
return GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->get_track_types (self);
* ges_timeline_element_paste:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to paste
* @paste_position: The position in the timeline @element should be pasted
* to, i.e. the #GESTimelineElement:start value for the pasted element.
* Paste an element inside the same timeline and layer as @self. @self
* **must** be the return of ges_timeline_element_copy() with `deep=TRUE`,
* and it should not be changed before pasting.
* @self is not placed in the timeline, instead a new element is created,
* alike to the originally copied element. Note that the originally
* copied element must stay within the same timeline and layer, at both
* the point of copying and pasting.
* Pasting may fail if it would place the timeline in an unsupported
* configuration.
* After calling this function @element should not be used. In particular,
* @element can **not** be pasted again. Instead, you can copy the
* returned element and paste that copy (although, this is only possible
* if the paste was successful).
* See also ges_timeline_paste_element().
* Returns: (transfer full) (nullable): The newly created element, or
* %NULL if pasting fails.
* Since: 1.6.0
GESTimelineElement *
ges_timeline_element_paste (GESTimelineElement * self,
GstClockTime paste_position)
GESTimelineElement *res;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
if (!self->priv->copied_from) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Is not being 'deeply' copied!");
return NULL;
if (!GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->paste) {
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "No paste vmethod implemented");
return NULL;
res = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->paste (self,
self->priv->copied_from, paste_position);
g_clear_object (&self->priv->copied_from);
return res ? g_object_ref (res) : res;
* ges_timeline_element_get_layer_priority:
* @self: A #GESTimelineElement
* Gets the priority of the layer the element is in. A #GESGroup may span
* several layers, so this would return the highest priority (numerically,
* the smallest) amongst them.
* Returns: The priority of the layer @self is in, or
* #GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_NO_LAYER_PRIORITY if @self does not exist in a
* layer.
* Since: 1.16
ges_timeline_element_get_layer_priority (GESTimelineElement * self)
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self),
if (!GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->get_layer_priority)
return self->priority;
return GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->get_layer_priority (self);
* ges_timeline_element_edit:
* @self: The #GESTimelineElement to edit
* @layers: (element-type GESLayer) (nullable): A whitelist of layers
* where the edit can be performed, %NULL allows all layers in the
* timeline
* @new_layer_priority: The priority/index of the layer @self should be
* moved to. -1 means no move
* @mode: The edit mode
* @edge: The edge of @self where the edit should occur
* @position: The edit position: a new location for the edge of @self
* (in nanoseconds)
* Edits the element within its timeline by adjusting its
* #GESTimelineElement:start, #GESTimelineElement:duration or
* #GESTimelineElement:in-point, and potentially doing the same for
* other elements in the timeline. See #GESEditMode for details about each
* edit mode. An edit may fail if it would place one of these properties
* out of bounds, or if it would place the timeline in an unsupported
* configuration.
* Note that if the element's timeline has a
* #GESTimeline:snapping-distance set, then the edit position may be set
* to the edge of some element in the neighbourhood of @position.
* @new_layer_priority can be used to switch @self, and other elements
* moved by the edit, to a new layer. New layers may be be created if the
* the corresponding layer priority/index does not yet exist for the
* timeline.
* @layers can be used as a whitelist to limit changes to elements that
* exist in the corresponding layers. If you intend to also switch
* elements between layers, then you must ensure that all the involved
* layers are included for the switch to succeed (with the exception of
* layers may be newly created).
* Returns: %TRUE if the edit of @self completed, %FALSE on failure.
* Since: 1.18
/* FIXME: handle the layers argument. Currently we always treat it as if
* it is NULL in the ges-timeline code */
ges_timeline_element_edit (GESTimelineElement * self, GList * layers,
gint64 new_layer_priority, GESEditMode mode, GESEdge edge, guint64 position)
GESTimeline *timeline;
g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
/* FIXME: handle a NULL timeline! */
switch (mode) {
return timeline_ripple_object (timeline, self,
new_layer_priority <
new_layer_priority, layers, edge, position);
return timeline_trim_object (timeline, self,
new_layer_priority <
new_layer_priority, layers, edge, position);
return timeline_move_object (timeline, self,
new_layer_priority <
new_layer_priority, layers, edge, position);
return timeline_roll_object (timeline, self, layers, edge, position);
GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Sliding not implemented.");
return FALSE;
return FALSE;