mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 18:31:28 +00:00
Cocoa version of glwindow only checks the preferred size upon window creation. glimagesink sets the size right before calling gst_gl_window_show(), which might be way after the window is created in some cases. If the size was set too late, glimagesink on macOS would remain 320x240 unless manually resized. This change makes sure to resize the existing window when _show() is called. Curiously, this has always been an issue, but went from manifesting every once in a while to being almost completely broken once old event loop workarounds were removed and gst_macos_main() was introduced. Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gstreamer/-/merge_requests/6276>
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* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Isorce <julien.isorce@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2014 Sebastian Dröge <sebastian@centricular.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it un der the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#include "gstgl_cocoa_private.h"
#define NSWindowStyleMaskTitled NSTitledWindowMask
#define NSWindowStyleMaskClosable NSClosableWindowMask
#define NSWindowStyleMaskResizable NSResizableWindowMask
#define NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable NSMiniaturizableWindowMask
/* =============================================================*/
/* */
/* GstGLNSWindow declaration */
/* */
/* =============================================================*/
@interface GstGLNSWindow: NSWindow {
BOOL m_isClosed;
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa;
- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect
styleMask: (unsigned int) styleMask
backing: (NSBackingStoreType) bufferingType
defer: (BOOL) flag screen: (NSScreen *) aScreen
gstWin: (GstGLWindowCocoa *) window;
- (void) resize: (int) width height: (int) height;
- (void) setClosed;
- (BOOL) isClosed;
- (BOOL) canBecomeMainWindow;
- (BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow;
/* =============================================================*/
/* */
/* GstGLWindow */
/* */
/* =============================================================*/
#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_gl_window_cocoa_debug
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_finalize (GObject * object);
static gboolean gst_gl_window_cocoa_open (GstGLWindow *window, GError **err);
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_close (GstGLWindow *window);
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_quit (GstGLWindow *window);
static guintptr gst_gl_window_cocoa_get_window_handle (GstGLWindow * window);
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_window_handle (GstGLWindow * window,
guintptr handle);
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_draw (GstGLWindow * window);
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_preferred_size (GstGLWindow * window,
gint width, gint height);
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_show (GstGLWindow * window);
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_queue_resize (GstGLWindow * window);
static void gst_gl_window_cocoa_send_message_async (GstGLWindow * window,
GstGLWindowCB callback, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify destroy);
static gboolean gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_render_rectangle (GstGLWindow * window,
gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height);
static gboolean gst_gl_window_cocoa_controls_viewport (GstGLWindow * window);
struct _GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate
gpointer internal_win_id;
gpointer internal_view;
gpointer external_view;
gboolean visible;
gint preferred_width;
gint preferred_height;
/* atomic set when the internal NSView has been created */
int view_ready;
gpointer gl_queue;
gboolean shutting_down;
GstGLContext *last_context;
#define DEBUG_INIT \
#define gst_gl_window_cocoa_parent_class parent_class
G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GstGLWindowCocoa, gst_gl_window_cocoa, GST_TYPE_GL_WINDOW,
G_ADD_PRIVATE (GstGLWindowCocoa)
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_class_init (GstGLWindowCocoaClass * klass)
GstGLWindowClass *window_class = (GstGLWindowClass *) klass;
GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
window_class->open = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_open);
window_class->close = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_close);
window_class->quit = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_quit);
window_class->get_window_handle =
GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_get_window_handle);
window_class->set_window_handle =
GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_window_handle);
window_class->draw = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_draw);
window_class->set_preferred_size =
GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_preferred_size);
window_class->show = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_show);
window_class->queue_resize = GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_queue_resize);
window_class->send_message_async =
GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_send_message_async);
window_class->set_render_rectangle =
GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_render_rectangle);
window_class->controls_viewport =
GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_gl_window_cocoa_controls_viewport);
gobject_class->finalize = gst_gl_window_cocoa_finalize;
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_init (GstGLWindowCocoa * window)
window->priv = gst_gl_window_cocoa_get_instance_private (window);
window->priv->preferred_width = 320;
window->priv->preferred_height = 240;
window->priv->gl_queue = (__bridge_retained gpointer)
(dispatch_queue_create ("org.freedesktop.gstreamer.glwindow", NULL));
window->priv->gl_queue = (gpointer)
(dispatch_queue_create ("org.freedesktop.gstreamer.glwindow", NULL));
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_finalize (GObject * object)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window = GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (object);
/* Let ARC clean up our queue */
dispatch_queue_t queue = (__bridge_transfer dispatch_queue_t) window->priv->gl_queue;
(void) queue;
dispatch_release (window->priv->gl_queue);
window->priv->gl_queue = NULL;
G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
GstGLWindowCocoa *
gst_gl_window_cocoa_new (GstGLDisplay * display)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window;
if ((gst_gl_display_get_handle_type (display) & GST_GL_DISPLAY_TYPE_COCOA) == 0)
/* we require an cocoa display to create CGL windows */
return NULL;
window = g_object_new (GST_TYPE_GL_WINDOW_COCOA, NULL);
gst_object_ref_sink (window);
return window;
/* Must be called from the main thread */
gst_gl_window_cocoa_create_window (GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa)
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLWindow *window = GST_GL_WINDOW (window_cocoa);
GstGLNSWindow *internal_win_id;
NSRect mainRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
gint h = priv->preferred_height;
gint y = mainRect.size.height > h ? (mainRect.size.height - h) * 0.5 : 0;
NSRect rect = NSMakeRect (0, y, priv->preferred_width, priv->preferred_height);
NSRect windowRect = NSMakeRect (0, y, priv->preferred_width, priv->preferred_height);
GstGLContext *context = gst_gl_window_get_context (window);
GstGLCAOpenGLLayer *layer;
GstGLNSView *glView;
if (!context)
return FALSE;
layer = [[GstGLCAOpenGLLayer alloc] initWithGstGLWindow:window];
layer.autoresizingMask = kCALayerWidthSizable | kCALayerHeightSizable;
layer.needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = YES;
glView = [[GstGLNSView alloc] initWithFrameLayer:window_cocoa rect:windowRect layer:layer];
gst_object_unref (context);
internal_win_id = [[GstGLNSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:rect styleMask:
(NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable |
NSWindowStyleMaskResizable | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable)
backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered defer: NO screen: nil gstWin: window_cocoa];
priv->internal_win_id = (__bridge_retained gpointer)internal_win_id;
priv->internal_view = (__bridge gpointer)glView;
GST_DEBUG ("NSWindow id: %"G_GUINTPTR_FORMAT, (guintptr) priv->internal_win_id);
[internal_win_id setContentView:glView];
g_atomic_int_set (&window_cocoa->priv->view_ready, 1);
/* Set the window handle for real now that the NSWindow has been created. */
if (priv->external_view)
gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_window_handle (window,
(guintptr) priv->external_view);
[NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular];
return TRUE;
static gboolean
gst_gl_window_cocoa_open (GstGLWindow *window, GError **err)
return TRUE;
static void
_close_window (gpointer * data)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (data);
GstGLNSView *view =
(__bridge GstGLNSView *) window_cocoa->priv->internal_view;
[view removeFromSuperview];
CFBridgingRelease (window_cocoa->priv->internal_win_id);
CFBridgingRelease (window_cocoa->priv->internal_view);
window_cocoa->priv->internal_win_id = NULL;
window_cocoa->priv->internal_view = NULL;
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_close (GstGLWindow * window)
_gst_gl_invoke_on_main ((GstGLWindowCB) _close_window,
gst_object_ref (window), (GDestroyNotify) gst_object_unref);
static guintptr
gst_gl_window_cocoa_get_window_handle (GstGLWindow *window)
return (guintptr) GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (window)->priv->internal_win_id;
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_window_handle (GstGLWindow * window, guintptr handle)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa;
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv;
window_cocoa = GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (window);
priv = window_cocoa->priv;
if (priv->internal_win_id) {
if (handle) {
priv->external_view = (gpointer)handle;
priv->visible = TRUE;
} else {
/* bring back our internal window */
priv->external_view = 0;
priv->visible = FALSE;
dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), ^{
GstGLNSWindow *internal_win_id =
(__bridge GstGLNSWindow *)window_cocoa->priv->internal_win_id;
NSView *external_view =
(__bridge NSView *)window_cocoa->priv->external_view;
NSView *view = (__bridge NSView *)window_cocoa->priv->internal_view;
[internal_win_id orderOut:internal_win_id];
[external_view addSubview: view];
[external_view setAutoresizesSubviews: YES];
[view setFrame: [external_view bounds]];
[view setAutoresizingMask: NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
} else {
/* no internal window yet so delay it to the next drawing */
priv->external_view = (gpointer)handle;
priv->visible = FALSE;
static void
_show_window (gpointer data)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (data);
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLNSWindow *internal_win_id = (__bridge GstGLNSWindow *)priv->internal_win_id;
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (window_cocoa, "make the window available\n");
/* Preferred size might not yet be set when create_window is called,
* so we need to resize the window here to be sure. */
[internal_win_id resize: priv->preferred_width height: priv->preferred_height];
[internal_win_id makeMainWindow];
[internal_win_id orderFrontRegardless];
[internal_win_id setViewsNeedDisplay:YES];
priv->visible = TRUE;
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_show (GstGLWindow * window)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (window);
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
if (!priv->visible) {
/* useful when set_window_handle is called before
* the internal NSWindow */
if (priv->external_view) {
gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_window_handle (window, (guintptr) priv->external_view);
priv->visible = TRUE;
if (!priv->external_view && !priv->visible)
_gst_gl_invoke_on_main ((GstGLWindowCB) _show_window,
gst_object_ref (window), (GDestroyNotify) gst_object_unref);
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_queue_resize (GstGLWindow * window)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (window);
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLNSView *view = (__bridge GstGLNSView *)priv->internal_view;
if (!g_atomic_int_get (&window_cocoa->priv->view_ready))
[view->layer queueResize];
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_draw (GstGLWindow * window)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (window);
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLNSView *view = (__bridge GstGLNSView *)priv->internal_view;
/* As the view is created asynchronously in the main thread we cannot know
* exactly when it will be ready to draw to */
if (!g_atomic_int_get (&window_cocoa->priv->view_ready))
/* this redraws the GstGLCAOpenGLLayer which calls
* gst_gl_window_cocoa_draw_thread(). Use an explicit CATransaction since we
* don't know how often the main runloop is running.
[CATransaction begin];
[view setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[CATransaction commit];
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_preferred_size (GstGLWindow * window, gint width,
gint height)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = GST_GL_WINDOW_COCOA (window);
window_cocoa->priv->preferred_width = width;
window_cocoa->priv->preferred_height = height;
static void
gst_gl_cocoa_draw_cb (GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa)
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLNSWindow *internal_win_id = (__bridge GstGLNSWindow *)priv->internal_win_id;
if (internal_win_id && ![internal_win_id isClosed]) {
GstGLWindow *window = GST_GL_WINDOW (window_cocoa);
/* draw opengl scene in the back buffer */
/* We do not need to change viewports like in other window implementations
* as the caopengllayer will take care of that for us. */
if (window->draw)
window->draw (window->draw_data);
static void
gst_gl_cocoa_resize_cb (GstGLNSView * view, guint width, guint height)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = view->window_cocoa;
GstGLWindow *window = GST_GL_WINDOW (window_cocoa);
GstGLContext *context = gst_gl_window_get_context (window);
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLNSWindow *internal_win_id = (__bridge GstGLNSWindow *)priv->internal_win_id;
if (internal_win_id && ![internal_win_id isClosed]) {
const GstGLFuncs *gl;
NSRect bounds = [view bounds];
NSRect visibleRect = [view visibleRect];
gint viewport_dim[4];
GstVideoRectangle viewport;
gl = context->gl_vtable;
bounds = [view convertRectToBacking:bounds];
visibleRect = [view convertRectToBacking:visibleRect];
/* don't use the default gst_gl_window_resize() as that will marshal through
* the GL thread. We are being called from the main thread by the
* caopengllayer */
if (window->resize)
window->resize (window->resize_data, width, height);
gl->GetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport_dim);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (window, "Window resized: bounds %lf %lf %lf %lf "
"visibleRect %lf %lf %lf %lf, "
"viewport dimensions %i %i %i %i",
bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y,
bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height,
visibleRect.origin.x, visibleRect.origin.y,
visibleRect.size.width, visibleRect.size.height,
viewport_dim[0], viewport_dim[1], viewport_dim[2],
viewport.x = viewport_dim[0] - visibleRect.origin.x;
viewport.x = viewport_dim[1] - visibleRect.origin.y;
viewport.w = viewport_dim[2];
viewport.h = viewport_dim[3];
gl->Viewport (viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.w, viewport.h);
gst_object_unref (context);
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_send_message_async (GstGLWindow * window,
GstGLWindowCB callback, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify destroy)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = (GstGLWindowCocoa *) window;
GstGLContext *context = gst_gl_window_get_context (window);
GstGLContext *unref_context = NULL;
GThread *thread = NULL;
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
dispatch_queue_t gl_queue = (__bridge dispatch_queue_t)priv->gl_queue;
dispatch_queue_t gl_queue = (dispatch_queue_t)priv->gl_queue;
if (context)
window_cocoa->priv->last_context = unref_context = context;
/* we may not have a context if we are shutting down */
if (!context && window_cocoa->priv->shutting_down) {
context = window_cocoa->priv->last_context;
window_cocoa->priv->shutting_down = FALSE;
g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
thread = gst_gl_context_get_thread (context);
if (thread == g_thread_self()) {
/* this case happens for nested calls happening from inside the GCD queue */
callback (data);
if (destroy)
destroy (data);
if (unref_context)
gst_object_unref (unref_context);
} else {
dispatch_async (gl_queue, ^{
gst_gl_context_activate (context, TRUE);
if (unref_context)
gst_object_unref (unref_context);
callback (data);
if (destroy)
destroy (data);
if (thread)
g_thread_unref (thread);
static void
gst_gl_window_cocoa_quit (GstGLWindow * window)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = (GstGLWindowCocoa *) window;
window_cocoa->priv->shutting_down = TRUE;
GST_GL_WINDOW_CLASS (parent_class)->quit (window);
struct SetRenderRectangle
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa;
GstVideoRectangle rect;
static void
_free_set_render_rectangle (struct SetRenderRectangle *render)
if (render) {
if (render->window_cocoa) {
gst_object_unref (render->window_cocoa);
g_free (render);
static void
_set_render_rectangle (gpointer data)
struct SetRenderRectangle *render = data;
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = render->window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLNSView *view = (__bridge GstGLNSView *)priv->internal_view;
GST_LOG_OBJECT (render->window_cocoa, "setting render rectangle %i,%i+%ix%i",
render->rect.x, render->rect.y, render->rect.w, render->rect.h);
if (!g_atomic_int_get (&render->window_cocoa->priv->view_ready)) {
NSRect newMainViewFrame = NSMakeRect(render->rect.x,
[view.superview setFrame:newMainViewFrame];
[view setFrame: view.superview.bounds];
[CATransaction begin];
[view setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[CATransaction commit];
static gboolean
gst_gl_window_cocoa_set_render_rectangle (GstGLWindow * window, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = (GstGLWindowCocoa *) window;
struct SetRenderRectangle *render;
render = g_new0 (struct SetRenderRectangle, 1);
render->window_cocoa = gst_object_ref (window_cocoa);
render->rect.x = x;
render->rect.y = y;
render->rect.w = width;
render->rect.h = height;
_gst_gl_invoke_on_main ((GstGLWindowCB) _set_render_rectangle, render,
(GDestroyNotify) _free_set_render_rectangle);
return TRUE;
static gboolean
gst_gl_window_cocoa_controls_viewport (GstGLWindow * window)
return TRUE;
/* =============================================================*/
/* */
/* GstGLNSWindow implementation */
/* */
/* =============================================================*/
/* Must be called from the main thread */
@implementation GstGLNSWindow
- (id) initWithContentRect: (NSRect) contentRect
styleMask: (unsigned int) styleMask
backing: (NSBackingStoreType) bufferingType
defer: (BOOL) flag screen: (NSScreen *) aScreen
gstWin: (GstGLWindowCocoa *) cocoa {
m_isClosed = NO;
window_cocoa = cocoa;
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLNSWindow *internal_win_id = (__bridge GstGLNSWindow *)priv->internal_win_id;
self = [super initWithContentRect: contentRect
styleMask: styleMask backing: bufferingType
defer: flag screen:aScreen];
[self setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
GST_DEBUG ("initializing GstGLNSWindow\n");
[self setTitle:@"OpenGL renderer"];
[self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
[self orderOut:internal_win_id];
return self;
- (void) resize: (gint) width height: (gint) height {
NSRect frame = [super frame];
if (frame.size.width == width && frame.size.height == height)
frame.size = NSMakeSize (width, height);
[super setFrame:frame display:YES];
- (void) setClosed {
m_isClosed = YES;
- (BOOL) isClosed {
return m_isClosed;
- (BOOL) canBecomeMainWindow {
return YES;
- (BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow {
return YES;
static void
close_window_cb (gpointer data)
GstGLWindowCocoa *window_cocoa = data;
GstGLWindow *window;
window = GST_GL_WINDOW (window_cocoa);
if (window->close) {
window->close (window->close_data);
/* Called in the main thread which is never the gl thread */
- (BOOL) windowShouldClose:(id)sender {
GstGLWindowCocoaPrivate *priv = window_cocoa->priv;
GstGLNSWindow *internal_win_id = (__bridge GstGLNSWindow *)priv->internal_win_id;
GST_DEBUG ("user clicked the close button\n");
[internal_win_id setClosed];
gst_gl_window_send_message_async (GST_GL_WINDOW (window_cocoa),
(GstGLWindowCB) close_window_cb, gst_object_ref (window_cocoa),
(GDestroyNotify) gst_object_unref);
return YES;
/* =============================================================*/
/* */
/* GstGLNSView implementation */
/* */
/* =============================================================*/
@implementation GstGLNSView
/* Must be called from the application main thread */
- (id)initWithFrameLayer:(GstGLWindowCocoa *)window rect:(NSRect)contentRect layer:(CALayer *)layerContent {
self = [super initWithFrame: contentRect];
window_cocoa = window;
/* The order of the next two calls matters. This creates a layer-hosted
* NSView. Calling setWantsLayer before setLayer will create a
* layer-backed NSView. See the apple developer documentation on the
* difference.
[self setLayer:layerContent];
[self setWantsLayer:YES];
self->layer = (GstGLCAOpenGLLayer *)layerContent;
[self->layer setDrawCallback:(GstGLWindowCB)gst_gl_cocoa_draw_cb
data:window notify:NULL];
[self->layer setResizeCallback:(GstGLWindowResizeCB)gst_gl_cocoa_resize_cb
data:(__bridge_retained gpointer)self notify:(GDestroyNotify)CFRelease];
[self setLayerContentsRedrawPolicy:NSViewLayerContentsRedrawOnSetNeedsDisplay];
[self setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:YES];
return self;
- (void) dealloc {
self->layer = nil;
- (void)renewGState {
/* Don't update the screen until we redraw, this
* prevents flickering during scrolling, clipping,
* resizing, etc
[[self window] disableScreenUpdatesUntilFlush];
[super renewGState];
- (BOOL) isOpaque {
return YES;
- (BOOL) isFlipped {
return NO;
_gst_gl_invoke_on_main (GstGLWindowCB func, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify notify)
if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {
func (data);
if (notify)
notify (data);
} else {
dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), ^{
func (data);
if (notify)
notify (data);