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libimagequant—Image Quantization Library

Small, portable C library for high-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color (palette) images. It's powering pngquant2.


BSD. It can be linked with both free and closed-source software.


The library is currently a part of the pngquant2 project.

Files needed for the library are only in the lib/ directory inside the repository (and you can ignore the rest).

Compiling and Linking

The library can be linked with ANSI C and C++ programs. It has no external dependencies.

To build on Unix-like systems run:

make -C lib

it will create lib/libimagequant.a which you can link with your program.

gcc yourprogram.c /path/to/lib/libimagequant.a

On BSD, use gmake (GNU make) rather than the native make.

Alternatively you can compile the library with your program simply by including all .c files (and define NDEBUG to get a fast version):

gcc -std=c99 -O3 -DNDEBUG lib/*.c yourprogram.c

Compiling on Windows/Visual Studio

The library can be compiled with any C compiler that has at least basic support for C99 (GCC, clang, ICC, C++ Builder, even Tiny C Compiler), but Visual Studio 2012 and older are not up to date with the 1999 C standard. There are 2 options for using libimagequant on Windows:

  • Use Visual Studio 2013 (MSVC 18) and an MSVC-compatible branch of the library
  • Or use GCC from MinGW. Use GCC to build libimagequant.a (using the instructions above for Unix) and add it along with libgcc.a (shipped with the MinGW compiler) to your VC project.


The basic flow is:

  1. Create attributes object and configure the library.
  2. Create image object from RGBA bitmap or data source.
  3. Perform quantization (generate palette).
  4. Store remapped image and final palette.
  5. Free memory.

Please note that libimagequant only handles raw uncompressed bitmaps in memory and is completely independent of any file format.

#include "lib/libimagequant.h"

liq_attr *attr = liq_attr_create();
liq_image *image = liq_image_create_rgba(attr, bitmap, width, height, 0);
liq_result *res = liq_quantize_image(attr, image);

liq_write_remapped_image(res, image, bitmap, bitmap_size);
const liq_palette *pal = liq_get_palette(res);

// use image and palette here


Functions returning liq_error return LIQ_OK (0) on success and non-zero on error.

It's safe to pass NULL to any function accepting liq_attr, liq_image, liq_result (in that case the error code LIQ_INVALID_POINTER will be returned). These objects can be reused multiple times.

There are 3 ways to create image object for quantization:

  • liq_image_create_rgba() for simple, contiguous RGBA bitmaps (width×height×4 bytes large array).
  • liq_image_create_rgba_rows() for non-contiguous RGBA bitmaps (that have padding between rows or reverse order, e.g. BMP).
  • liq_image_create_custom() for RGB, ABGR, YUV and all other formats that can be converted on-the-fly to RGBA (you have to supply the conversion function).

Note that "image" here means raw uncompressed pixels. If you have a compressed image file, such as PNG, you must use another library (e.g. libpng or lodepng) to decode it first.


liq_attr* liq_attr_create(void);

Returns object that will hold initial settings (attributes) for the library. The object should be freed using liq_attr_destroy() after it's no longer needed.

Returns NULL in the unlikely case that the library cannot run on the current machine (e.g. the library has been compiled for SSE-capable x86 CPU and run on VIA C3 CPU).

liq_error liq_set_max_colors(liq_attr* attr, int colors);

Specifies maximum number of colors to use. The default is 256. Instead of setting a fixed limit it's better to use liq_set_quality().

Returns LIQ_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE if number of colors is outside the range 2-256.

int liq_get_max_colors(liq_attr* attr);

Returns the value set by liq_set_max_colors().

liq_error liq_set_quality(liq_attr* attr, int minimum, int maximum);

Quality is in range 0 (worst) to 100 (best) and values are analoguous to JPEG quality (i.e. 80 is usually good enough).

Quantization will attempt to use the lowest number of colors needed to achieve maximum quality. maximum value of 100 is the default and means conversion as good as possible.

If it's not possible to convert the image with at least minimum quality (i.e. 256 colors is not enough to meet the minimum quality), then liq_quantize_image() will fail. The default minumum is 0 (proceeds regardless of quality).

Quality measures how well the generated palette fits image given to liq_quantize_image(). If a different image is remapped with liq_write_remapped_image() then actual quality may be different.

Regardless of the quality settings the number of colors won't exceed the maximum (see liq_set_max_colors()).

Returns LIQ_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE if target is lower than minimum or any of them is outside the 0-100 range. Returns LIQ_INVALID_POINTER if attr appears to be invalid.

liq_attr *attr = liq_attr_create();
liq_set_quality(attr, 50, 80); // use quality 80 if possible. Give up if quality drops below 50.

int liq_get_min_quality(liq_attr* attr);

Returns the lower bound set by liq_set_quality().

int liq_get_max_quality(liq_attr* attr);

Returns the upper bound set by liq_set_quality().

liq_image *liq_image_create_rgba(liq_attr *attr, void* bitmap, int width, int height, double gamma);

Creates image object that represents a bitmap later used for quantization and remapping. The bitmap must be contiguous run of RGBA pixels (alpha is the last component, 0 = transparent, 255 = opaque).

The bitmap must not be modified or freed until this object is freed with liq_image_destroy(). See also liq_image_set_memory_ownership().

width and height are dimensions in pixels. An image 10x10 pixel large will need 400-byte bitmap.

gamma can be 0 for images with the typical 1/2.2 gamma. Otherwise gamma must be > 0 and < 1, e.g. 0.45455 (1/2.2) or 0.55555 (1/1.8). Generated palette will use the same gamma unless liq_set_output_gamma() is used. If liq_set_output_gamma is not used, then it only affects whether brighter or darker areas of the image will get more palette colors allocated.

Returns NULL on failure, e.g. if bitmap is NULL or width/height is <= 0.

liq_image *liq_image_create_rgba_rows(liq_attr *attr, void* rows[], int width, int height, double gamma);

Same as liq_image_create_rgba(), but takes array of pointers to rows in the bitmap. This allows defining bitmaps with reversed rows (like in BMP), "stride" different than width or using only fragment of a larger bitmap, etc.

rows array must have at least height elements and each row must be at least width RGBA pixels wide.

unsigned char *bitmap = …;
void *rows = malloc(height * sizeof(void*));
int bytes_per_row = width * 4 + padding; // stride
for(int i=0; i < height; i++) {
    rows[i] = bitmap + i * bytes_per_row;
liq_image *img = liq_image_create_rgba_rows(attr, rows, width, height, 0);
// …

The row pointers and bitmap must not be modified or freed until this object is freed with liq_image_destroy() (you can change that with liq_image_set_memory_ownership()).

See also liq_image_create_rgba() and liq_image_create_custom().

liq_result *liq_quantize_image(liq_attr *attr, liq_image *input_image);

Performs quantization (palette generation) based on settings in attr and pixels of the image.

Returns NULL if quantization fails, e.g. due to limit set in liq_set_quality().

See liq_write_remapped_image().

liq_error liq_set_dithering_level(liq_result *res, float dither_level);

Enables/disables dithering in liq_write_remapped_image(). Dithering level must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Dithering level 0 enables fast non-dithered remapping. Otherwise a variation of Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion is used.

Precision of the dithering algorithm depends on the speed setting, see liq_set_speed().

Returns LIQ_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE if the dithering level is outside the 0-1 range.

liq_error liq_write_remapped_image(liq_result *result, liq_image *input_image, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size);

Remaps the image to palette and writes its pixels to the given buffer, 1 pixel per byte. Buffer must be large enough to fit the entire image, i.e. width×height bytes large. For safety, pass size of the buffer as buffer_size.

For best performance call liq_get_palette() after this function, as palette is improved during remapping.

Returns LIQ_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if given size of the buffer is not enough to fit the entire image.

int buffer_size = width*height;
char *buffer = malloc(buffer_size);
if (LIQ_OK == liq_write_remapped_image(result, input_image, buffer, buffer_size)) {
    liq_palette *pal = liq_get_palette(result);
    // save image

See liq_get_palette() and liq_write_remapped_image_rows().

Please note that it only writes raw uncompressed pixels to memory. It does not perform any compression. If you'd like to create a PNG file then you need to pass the raw pixel data to another library, e.g. libpng or lodepng. See rwpng.c in pngquant project for an example how to do that.

const liq_palette *liq_get_palette(liq_result *result);

Returns pointer to palette optimized for image that has been quantized or remapped (final refinements are applied to the palette during remapping).

It's valid to call this method before remapping, if you don't plan to remap any images or want to use same palette for multiple images.

liq_palette->count contains number of colors (up to 256), liq_palette->entries[n] contains RGBA value for nth palette color.

The palette is temporary and read-only. You must copy the palette elsewhere before calling liq_result_destroy().

Returns NULL on error.

void liq_attr_destroy(liq_attr *);
void liq_image_destroy(liq_image *);
void liq_result_destroy(liq_result *);

Releases memory owned by the given object. Object must not be used any more after it has been freed.

Freeing liq_result also frees any liq_palette obtained from it.

Advanced Functions

liq_error liq_set_speed(liq_attr* attr, int speed);

Higher speed levels disable expensive algorithms and reduce quantization precision. The default speed is 3. Speed 1 gives marginally better quality at significant CPU cost. Speed 10 has usually 5% lower quality, but is 8 times faster than the default.

High speeds combined with liq_set_quality() will use more colors than necessary and will be less likely to meet minimum required quality.

Features dependent on speed
Noise-sensitive ditheringspeed 1 to 5
Forced posterization8-10 or if image has more than million colors
Quantization error known1-7 or if minimum quality is set
Additional quantization techniques1-6

Returns LIQ_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE if the speed is outside the 1-10 range.

int liq_get_speed(liq_attr* attr);

Returns the value set by liq_set_speed().

liq_error liq_set_min_opacity(liq_attr* attr, int min);

Alpha values higher than this will be rounded to opaque. This is a workaround for Internet Explorer 6 that truncates semitransparent values to completely transparent. The default is 255 (no change). 238 is a suggested value.

Returns LIQ_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE if the value is outside the 0-255 range.

int liq_get_min_opacity(liq_attr* attr);

Returns the value set by liq_set_min_opacity().

liq_set_min_posterization(liq_attr* attr, int bits);

Ignores given number of least significant bits in all channels, posterizing image to 2^bits levels. 0 gives full quality. Use 2 for VGA or 16-bit RGB565 displays, 4 if image is going to be output on a RGB444/RGBA4444 display (e.g. low-quality textures on Android).

Returns LIQ_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE if the value is outside the 0-4 range.

int liq_get_min_posterization(liq_attr* attr);

Returns the value set by liq_set_min_posterization().

liq_set_last_index_transparent(liq_attr* attr, int is_last);

0 (default) makes alpha colors sorted before opaque colors. Non-0 mixes colors together except completely transparent color, which is moved to the end of the palette. This is a workaround for programs that blindly assume the last palette entry is transparent.

liq_image *liq_image_create_custom(liq_attr *attr, liq_image_get_rgba_row_callback *row_callback, void *user_info, int width, int height, double gamma);

void image_get_rgba_row_callback(liq_color row_out[], int row_index, int width, void *user_info) {
    for(int column_index=0; column_index < width; column_index++) {
        row_out[column_index] = /* generate pixel at (row_index, column_index) */;

Creates image object that will use callback to read image data. This allows on-the-fly conversion of images that are not in the RGBA color space.

user_info value will be passed to the callback. It may be useful for storing pointer to program's internal representation of the image.

The callback must read/generate row_index-th row and write its RGBA pixels to the row_out array. Row width is given for convenience and will always equal to image width.

The callback will be called multiple times for each row. Quantization and remapping require at least two full passes over image data, so caching of callback's work makes no sense — in such case it's better to convert entire image and use liq_image_create_rgba() instead.

To use RGB image:

void rgb_to_rgba_callback(liq_color row_out[], int row_index, int width, void *user_info) {
    unsigned char *rgb_row = ((unsigned char *)user_info) + 3*width*row_index;

    for(int i=0; i < width; i++) {
        row_out[i].r = rgb_row[i*3];
        row_out[i].g = rgb_row[i*3+1];
        row_out[i].b = rgb_row[i*3+2];
        row_out[i].a = 255;
liq_image *img = liq_image_create_custom(attr, rgb_to_rgba_callback, rgb_bitmap, width, height, 0);

The library doesn't support RGB bitmaps "natively", because supporting only single format allows compiler to inline more code, 4-byte pixel alignment is faster, and SSE instructions operate on 4 values at once, so alpha support is almost free.

liq_error liq_image_set_memory_ownership(liq_image *image, int ownership_flags);

Passes ownership of bitmap and/or rows memory to the liq_image object, so you don't have to free it yourself. Memory owned by the object will be freed at its discretion with free function specified in liq_attr_create_with_allocator() (by default it's stdlib's free()).

  • LIQ_OWN_PIXELS makes bitmap owned by the object. The bitmap will be freed automatically at any point when it's no longer needed. If you set this flag you must not free the bitmap yourself. If the image has been created with liq_image_create_rgba_rows() then the bitmap address is assumed to be the lowest address of any row.

  • LIQ_OWN_ROWS makes array of row pointers (but not bitmap pointed by these rows) owned by the object. Rows will be freed when object is deallocated. If you set this flag you must not free the rows array yourself. This flag is valid only if the object has been created with liq_image_create_rgba_rows().

These flags can be combined with binary or, i.e. LIQ_OWN_PIXELS | LIQ_OWN_ROWS.

This function must not be used if the image has been created with liq_image_create_custom().

Returns LIQ_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE if invalid flags are specified or image is not backed by a bitmap.

liq_error liq_write_remapped_image_rows(liq_result *result, liq_image *input_image, unsigned char **row_pointers);

Similar to liq_write_remapped_image(). Writes remapped image, at 1 byte per pixel, to each row pointed by row_pointers array. The array must have at least as many elements as height of the image, and each row must have at least as many bytes as width of the image. Rows must not overlap.

For best performance call liq_get_palette() after this function, as remapping may change the palette.

Returns LIQ_INVALID_POINTER if result or input_image is NULL.

double liq_get_quantization_error(liq_result *result);

Returns mean square error of quantization (square of difference between pixel values in the original image and remapped image). Alpha channel and gamma correction are taken into account, so the result isn't exactly the mean square error of all channels.

For most images MSE 1-5 is excellent. 7-10 is OK. 20-30 will have noticeable errors. 100 is awful.

This function should be called after liq_write_remapped_image(). It may return -1 if the value is not available (this is affected by liq_set_speed() and liq_set_quality()).

double liq_get_quantization_quality(liq_result *result);

Analoguous to liq_get_quantization_error(), but returns quantization error as quality value in the same 0-100 range that is used by liq_set_quality().

This function should be called after liq_write_remapped_image(). It may return -1 if the value is not available (this is affected by liq_set_speed() and liq_set_quality()).

This function can be used to add upper limit to quality options presented to the user, e.g.

liq_attr *attr = liq_attr_create();
liq_image *img = liq_image_create_rgba(…);
liq_result *res = liq_quantize_image(attr, img);
int max_attainable_quality = liq_get_quantization_quality(res);
printf("Please select quality between 0 and %d: ", max_attainable_quality);
int user_selected_quality = prompt();
if (user_selected_quality < max_attainable_quality) {
    liq_set_quality(user_selected_quality, 0);
    res = liq_quantize_image(attr, img);

void liq_set_log_callback(liq_attr*, liq_log_callback_function*, void *user_info);

void log_callback_function(const liq_attr*, const char *message, void *user_info) {}

void liq_set_log_flush_callback(liq_attr*, liq_log_flush_callback_function*, void *user_info);

void log_flush_callback_function(const liq_attr*, void *user_info) {}

Sets up callback function to be called when the library reports work progress or errors. The callback must not call any library functions.

user_info value will be passed to the callback.

NULL callback clears the current callback.

In the log callback the message is a zero-terminated string containing informative message to output. It is valid only until the callback returns.

liq_set_log_flush_callback() sets up callback function that will be called after the last log callback, which can be used to flush buffers and free resources used by the log callback.

liq_attr* liq_attr_create_with_allocator(void* (*malloc)(size_t), void (*free)(void*));

Same as liq_attr_create, but uses given malloc and free replacements to allocate all memory used by the library.

The malloc function must return 16-byte aligned memory on x86 (and on other architectures memory aligned for double and pointers). Conversely, if your stdlib's malloc doesn't return appropriately aligned memory, you should use this function to provide aligned replacements.

liq_attr* liq_attr_copy(liq_attr *orig);

Creates an independent copy of liq_attr. The copy should also be freed using liq_attr_destroy().

liq_error liq_set_output_gamma(liq_result* res, double gamma);

Sets gamma correction for generated palette and remapped image. Must be > 0 and < 1, e.g. 0.45455 for gamma 1/2.2 in PNG images. By default output gamma is same as gamma of the input image.

int liq_image_get_width(const liq_image *img);
int liq_image_get_height(const liq_image *img);
double liq_get_output_gamma(const liq_result *result);

Getters for width, height and gamma of the input image.

If the input is invalid, these all return -1.

liq_error liq_image_add_fixed_color(liq_image* img, liq_color color);

Reserves a color in the output palette created from this image. It behaves as if the given color was used in the image and was very important.

RGB values of liq_color are assumed to have the same gamma as the image.

It must be called before the image is quantized.

Returns error if more than 256 colors are added. If image is quantized to fewer colors than the number of fixed colors added, then excess fixed colors will be ignored.

int liq_version();

Returns version of the library as an integer. Same as LIQ_VERSION. Human-readable version is defined as LIQ_VERSION_STRING.


The library is stateless and doesn't use any global or thread-local storage. It doesn't use any locks.

  • Different threads can perform unrelated quantizations/remappings at the same time (e.g. each thread working on a different image).
  • The same liq_attr, liq_result, etc. can be accessed from different threads, but not at the same time (e.g. you can create liq_attr in one thread and free it in another).

The library needs to sort unique colors present in the image. Although the sorting algorithm does few things to make stack usage minimal in typical cases, there is no guarantee against extremely degenerate cases, so threads should have automatically growing stack.


The library will parallelize some operations if compiled with OpenMP.

You must not increase number of maximum threads after liq_image has been created, as it allocates some per-thread buffers.

Callback of liq_image_create_custom() may be called from different threads at the same time.


Thanks to Irfan Skiljan for helping test the first version of the library.

The library is developed by Kornel Lesiński.