mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 12:21:17 +00:00
- cmake could not find glib - put gtk variables at the beginning to avoid GL conflicts - update examples to clutter-1.8 - use const instead of deprecated G_CONST_RETURN - set max pending events to 0 to make cube example works again
907 lines
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907 lines
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* GStreamer
* Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Isorce <julien.isorce@gmail.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "gstglwindow.h"
#include <locale.h>
#include <GL/glx.h>
/* A gl window is created and deleted in a thread dedicated to opengl calls
The name contains "window" because an opengl context is used in cooperation
with a window */
struct _GstGLWindowPrivate
/* X is not thread safe */
GMutex *x_lock;
GCond *cond_send_message;
gboolean running;
gboolean visible;
gboolean allow_extra_expose_events;
/* opengl context */
gchar *display_name;
Display *device;
Screen *screen;
gint screen_num;
Visual *visual;
Window root;
gulong white;
gulong black;
gint depth;
gint device_width;
gint device_height;
gint connection;
XVisualInfo *visual_info;
Window parent;
/* We use a specific connection to send events */
Display *disp_send;
/* X window */
Window internal_win_id;
GLXContext gl_context;
/* frozen callbacks */
GstGLWindowCB draw_cb;
gpointer draw_data;
GstGLWindowCB2 resize_cb;
gpointer resize_data;
GstGLWindowCB close_cb;
gpointer close_data;
G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstGLWindow, gst_gl_window, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
#define G_LOG_DOMAIN "GstGLWindow"
gboolean _gst_gl_window_debug = FALSE;
gst_gl_window_init_platform ()
/* Must be called in the gl thread */
static void
gst_gl_window_finalize (GObject * object)
GstGLWindow *window = GST_GL_WINDOW (object);
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
XEvent event;
Bool ret = TRUE;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
priv->parent = 0;
if (priv->device) {
XUnmapWindow (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id);
ret = glXMakeCurrent (priv->device, None, NULL);
if (!ret)
g_debug ("failed to release opengl context\n");
glXDestroyContext (priv->device, priv->gl_context);
XFree (priv->visual_info);
XReparentWindow (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id, priv->root, 0, 0);
XDestroyWindow (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id);
XSync (priv->device, FALSE);
while (XPending (priv->device))
XNextEvent (priv->device, &event);
XSetCloseDownMode (priv->device, DestroyAll);
/*XAddToSaveSet (display, w)
Display *display;
Window w; */
//FIXME: it seems it causes destroy all created windows, even by other display connection:
//This is case in: gst-launch-0.10 videotestsrc ! tee name=t t. ! queue ! glimagesink t. ! queue ! glimagesink
//When the first window is closed and so its display is closed by the following line, then the other Window managed by the
//other glimagesink, is not useable and so each opengl call causes a segmentation fault.
//Maybe the solution is to use: XAddToSaveSet
//The following line is commented to avoid the disagreement explained before.
//XCloseDisplay (priv->device);
g_debug ("display receiver closed\n");
XCloseDisplay (priv->disp_send);
g_debug ("display sender closed\n");
if (priv->cond_send_message) {
g_cond_free (priv->cond_send_message);
priv->cond_send_message = NULL;
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
if (priv->x_lock) {
g_mutex_free (priv->x_lock);
priv->x_lock = NULL;
G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_gl_window_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
gst_gl_window_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
GstGLWindow *window;
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv;
g_return_if_fail (GST_GL_IS_WINDOW (object));
window = GST_GL_WINDOW (object);
priv = window->priv;
switch (prop_id) {
priv->display_name = g_strdup (g_value_get_string (value));
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
static void
gst_gl_window_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
GstGLWindow *window;
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv;
g_return_if_fail (GST_GL_IS_WINDOW (object));
window = GST_GL_WINDOW (object);
priv = window->priv;
switch (prop_id) {
g_value_set_string (value, priv->display_name);
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
static void
gst_gl_window_log_handler (const gchar * domain, GLogLevelFlags flags,
const gchar * message, gpointer user_data)
if (_gst_gl_window_debug) {
g_log_default_handler (domain, flags, message, user_data);
static void
gst_gl_window_class_init (GstGLWindowClass * klass)
GObjectClass *obj_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (GstGLWindowPrivate));
obj_class->finalize = gst_gl_window_finalize;
obj_class->set_property = gst_gl_window_set_property;
obj_class->get_property = gst_gl_window_get_property;
g_object_class_install_property (obj_class, ARG_DISPLAY,
g_param_spec_string ("display", "Display", "X Display name", NULL,
static void
gst_gl_window_init (GstGLWindow * window)
window->priv = GST_GL_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE (window);
if (g_getenv ("GST_GL_WINDOW_DEBUG") != NULL)
_gst_gl_window_debug = TRUE;
g_log_set_handler ("GstGLWindow", G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,
gst_gl_window_log_handler, NULL);
/* Must be called in the gl thread */
GstGLWindow *
gst_gl_window_new (gulong external_gl_context)
GstGLWindow *window = g_object_new (GST_GL_TYPE_WINDOW, NULL);
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
gint attrib[] = {
Bool ret = FALSE;
gint error_base;
gint event_base;
XSetWindowAttributes win_attr;
XTextProperty text_property;
XWMHints wm_hints;
unsigned long mask;
const gchar *title = "OpenGL renderer";
Atom wm_atoms[3];
static gint x = 0;
static gint y = 0;
setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C");
priv->x_lock = g_mutex_new ();
priv->cond_send_message = g_cond_new ();
priv->running = TRUE;
priv->visible = FALSE;
priv->parent = 0;
priv->allow_extra_expose_events = TRUE;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
priv->device = XOpenDisplay (priv->display_name);
if (priv->device == NULL)
goto no_display;
XSynchronize (priv->device, FALSE);
g_debug ("gl device id: %ld\n", (gulong) priv->device);
priv->disp_send = XOpenDisplay (priv->display_name);
XSynchronize (priv->disp_send, FALSE);
g_debug ("gl display sender: %ld\n", (gulong) priv->disp_send);
priv->screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay (priv->device);
priv->screen_num = DefaultScreen (priv->device);
priv->visual = DefaultVisual (priv->device, priv->screen_num);
priv->root = DefaultRootWindow (priv->device);
priv->white = XWhitePixel (priv->device, priv->screen_num);
priv->black = XBlackPixel (priv->device, priv->screen_num);
priv->depth = DefaultDepthOfScreen (priv->screen);
g_debug ("gl root id: %lud\n", (gulong) priv->root);
priv->device_width = DisplayWidth (priv->device, priv->screen_num);
priv->device_height = DisplayHeight (priv->device, priv->screen_num);
priv->connection = ConnectionNumber (priv->device);
ret = glXQueryExtension (priv->device, &error_base, &event_base);
if (!ret)
g_debug ("No GLX extension");
priv->visual_info = glXChooseVisual (priv->device, priv->screen_num, attrib);
if (!priv->visual_info) {
g_warning ("glx visual is null (bad attributes)\n");
return NULL;
if (priv->visual_info->visual != priv->visual)
g_debug ("selected visual is different from the default\n");
if (priv->visual_info->class == TrueColor)
g_debug ("visual is using TrueColor\n");
g_debug ("visual ID: %d\n",
(gint) XVisualIDFromVisual (priv->visual_info->visual));
g_debug ("visual info screen: %d\n", priv->visual_info->screen);
g_debug ("visual info visualid: %d\n", (gint) priv->visual_info->visualid);
g_debug ("visual info depth: %d\n", priv->visual_info->depth);
g_debug ("visual info class: %d\n", priv->visual_info->class);
g_debug ("visual info red_mask: %ld\n", priv->visual_info->red_mask);
g_debug ("visual info green_mask: %ld\n", priv->visual_info->green_mask);
g_debug ("visual info blue_mask: %ld\n", priv->visual_info->blue_mask);
g_debug ("visual info bits_per_rgb: %d\n", priv->visual_info->bits_per_rgb);
win_attr.event_mask =
StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask;
win_attr.do_not_propagate_mask = NoEventMask;
win_attr.background_pixmap = None;
win_attr.background_pixel = 0;
win_attr.border_pixel = 0;
win_attr.colormap =
XCreateColormap (priv->device, priv->root, priv->visual_info->visual,
mask = CWBackPixmap | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask;
x += 20;
y += 20;
priv->internal_win_id = XCreateWindow (priv->device, priv->root, x, y,
1, 1, 0, priv->visual_info->depth, InputOutput,
priv->visual_info->visual, mask, &win_attr);
XSync (priv->device, FALSE);
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id, None);
g_debug ("gl window id: %lud\n", (gulong) priv->internal_win_id);
g_debug ("gl window props: x:%d y:%d\n", x, y);
wm_atoms[0] = XInternAtom (priv->device, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True);
if (wm_atoms[0] == None)
g_debug ("Cannot create WM_DELETE_WINDOW\n");
wm_atoms[1] = XInternAtom (priv->device, "WM_GL_WINDOW", False);
if (wm_atoms[1] == None)
g_debug ("Cannot create WM_GL_WINDOW\n");
wm_atoms[2] = XInternAtom (priv->device, "WM_QUIT_LOOP", False);
if (wm_atoms[2] == None)
g_debug ("Cannot create WM_QUIT_LOOP\n");
XSetWMProtocols (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id, wm_atoms, 2);
priv->gl_context =
glXCreateContext (priv->device, priv->visual_info,
(GLXContext) external_gl_context, TRUE);
g_debug ("gl context id: %ld\n", (gulong) priv->gl_context);
if (!glXIsDirect (priv->device, priv->gl_context))
g_debug ("direct rendering failed\n");
wm_hints.flags = StateHint;
wm_hints.initial_state = NormalState;
wm_hints.input = False;
XStringListToTextProperty ((char **) &title, 1, &text_property);
XSetWMProperties (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id, &text_property,
&text_property, 0, 0, NULL, &wm_hints, NULL);
XFree (text_property.value);
ret = glXMakeCurrent (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id, priv->gl_context);
if (!ret)
g_debug ("failed to make opengl context current\n");
if (glXIsDirect (priv->device, priv->gl_context))
g_debug ("Direct Rendering: yes\n");
g_debug ("Direct Rendering: no\n");
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
return window;
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
g_object_unref (window);
return NULL;
gst_gl_window_error_quark (void)
return g_quark_from_static_string ("gst-gl-window-error");
gst_gl_window_get_internal_gl_context (GstGLWindow * window)
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
return (gulong) priv->gl_context;
callback_activate_gl_context (GstGLWindowPrivate * priv)
if (!glXMakeCurrent (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id, priv->gl_context))
g_debug ("failed to activate opengl context %lud\n",
(gulong) priv->gl_context);
callback_inactivate_gl_context (GstGLWindowPrivate * priv)
if (!glXMakeCurrent (priv->device, None, NULL))
g_debug ("failed to inactivate opengl context %lud\n",
(gulong) priv->gl_context);
gst_gl_window_activate_gl_context (GstGLWindow * window, gboolean activate)
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
if (activate)
gst_gl_window_send_message (window,
GST_GL_WINDOW_CB (callback_activate_gl_context), priv);
gst_gl_window_send_message (window,
GST_GL_WINDOW_CB (callback_inactivate_gl_context), priv);
/* Not called by the gl thread */
gst_gl_window_set_external_window_id (GstGLWindow * window, gulong id)
if (window) {
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
XWindowAttributes attr;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
priv->parent = (Window) id;
g_debug ("set parent window id: %lud\n", id);
XGetWindowAttributes (priv->disp_send, priv->parent, &attr);
XResizeWindow (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id, attr.width,
XReparentWindow (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id, priv->parent,
0, 0);
XSync (priv->disp_send, FALSE);
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
gst_gl_window_set_draw_callback (GstGLWindow * window, GstGLWindowCB callback,
gpointer data)
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
priv->draw_cb = callback;
priv->draw_data = data;
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
gst_gl_window_set_resize_callback (GstGLWindow * window,
GstGLWindowCB2 callback, gpointer data)
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
priv->resize_cb = callback;
priv->resize_data = data;
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
gst_gl_window_set_close_callback (GstGLWindow * window, GstGLWindowCB callback,
gpointer data)
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
priv->close_cb = callback;
priv->close_data = data;
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
/* Called in the gl thread */
gst_gl_window_draw_unlocked (GstGLWindow * window, gint width, gint height)
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
if (priv->running && priv->allow_extra_expose_events) {
XEvent event;
XWindowAttributes attr;
XGetWindowAttributes (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id, &attr);
event.xexpose.type = Expose;
event.xexpose.send_event = TRUE;
event.xexpose.display = priv->device;
event.xexpose.window = priv->internal_win_id;
event.xexpose.x = attr.x;
event.xexpose.y = attr.y;
event.xexpose.width = attr.width;
event.xexpose.height = attr.height;
event.xexpose.count = 0;
XSendEvent (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id, FALSE, ExposureMask,
XSync (priv->disp_send, FALSE);
/* Not called by the gl thread */
gst_gl_window_draw (GstGLWindow * window, gint width, gint height)
if (window) {
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
if (priv->running) {
XEvent event;
XWindowAttributes attr;
XGetWindowAttributes (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id, &attr);
if (!priv->visible) {
if (!priv->parent) {
attr.width = width;
attr.height = height;
XResizeWindow (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id,
attr.width, attr.height);
XSync (priv->disp_send, FALSE);
XMapWindow (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id);
priv->visible = TRUE;
if (priv->parent) {
XWindowAttributes attr_parent;
XGetWindowAttributes (priv->disp_send, priv->parent, &attr_parent);
if (attr.width != attr_parent.width ||
attr.height != attr_parent.height) {
XMoveResizeWindow (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id,
0, 0, attr_parent.width, attr_parent.height);
XSync (priv->disp_send, FALSE);
attr.width = attr_parent.width;
attr.height = attr_parent.height;
g_debug ("parent resize: %d, %d\n",
attr_parent.width, attr_parent.height);
event.xexpose.type = Expose;
event.xexpose.send_event = TRUE;
event.xexpose.display = priv->disp_send;
event.xexpose.window = priv->internal_win_id;
event.xexpose.x = attr.x;
event.xexpose.y = attr.y;
event.xexpose.width = attr.width;
event.xexpose.height = attr.height;
event.xexpose.count = 0;
XSendEvent (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id, FALSE, ExposureMask,
XSync (priv->disp_send, FALSE);
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
/* Called in the gl thread */
gst_gl_window_run_loop (GstGLWindow * window)
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
g_debug ("begin loop\n");
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
while (priv->running) {
XEvent event;
XEvent pending_event;
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
/* XSendEvent (which are called in other threads) are done from another display structure */
XNextEvent (priv->device, &event);
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
// use in generic/cube and other related uses
priv->allow_extra_expose_events = XPending (priv->device) <= 0;
switch (event.type) {
case ClientMessage:
Atom wm_delete = XInternAtom (priv->device, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True);
Atom wm_gl = XInternAtom (priv->device, "WM_GL_WINDOW", True);
Atom wm_quit_loop = XInternAtom (priv->device, "WM_QUIT_LOOP", True);
if (wm_delete == None)
g_debug ("Cannot create WM_DELETE_WINDOW\n");
if (wm_gl == None)
g_debug ("Cannot create WM_GL_WINDOW\n");
if (wm_quit_loop == None)
g_debug ("Cannot create WM_QUIT_LOOP\n");
/* Message sent with gst_gl_window_send_message */
if (wm_gl != None && event.xclient.message_type == wm_gl) {
if (priv->running) {
#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
GstGLWindowCB custom_cb =
(GstGLWindowCB) (((event.xclient.data.
l[0] & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (event.xclient.data.
l[1] & 0xffffffff));
gpointer custom_data =
(gpointer) (((event.xclient.data.
l[2] & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (event.xclient.data.
l[3] & 0xffffffff));
GstGLWindowCB custom_cb = (GstGLWindowCB) event.xclient.data.l[0];
gpointer custom_data = (gpointer) event.xclient.data.l[1];
if (!custom_cb || !custom_data)
g_debug ("custom cb not initialized\n");
custom_cb (custom_data);
g_cond_signal (priv->cond_send_message);
/* User clicked on the cross */
else if (wm_delete != None
&& (Atom) event.xclient.data.l[0] == wm_delete) {
g_debug ("Close %lud\n", (gulong) priv->internal_win_id);
if (priv->close_cb)
priv->close_cb (priv->close_data);
priv->draw_cb = NULL;
priv->draw_data = NULL;
priv->resize_cb = NULL;
priv->resize_data = NULL;
priv->close_cb = NULL;
priv->close_data = NULL;
/* message sent with gst_gl_window_quit_loop */
else if (wm_quit_loop != None
&& event.xclient.message_type == wm_quit_loop) {
#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
GstGLWindowCB destroy_cb =
(GstGLWindowCB) (((event.xclient.data.
l[0] & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (event.xclient.data.
l[1] & 0xffffffff));
gpointer destroy_data =
(gpointer) (((event.xclient.data.
l[2] & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (event.xclient.data.
l[3] & 0xffffffff));
GstGLWindowCB destroy_cb = (GstGLWindowCB) event.xclient.data.l[0];
gpointer destroy_data = (gpointer) event.xclient.data.l[1];
g_debug ("Quit loop message %lud\n", (gulong) priv->internal_win_id);
/* exit loop */
priv->running = FALSE;
/* make sure last pendings send message calls are executed */
XFlush (priv->device);
while (XCheckTypedEvent (priv->device, ClientMessage, &pending_event)) {
#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
GstGLWindowCB custom_cb =
(GstGLWindowCB) (((event.xclient.data.
l[0] & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (event.xclient.data.
l[1] & 0xffffffff));
gpointer custom_data =
(gpointer) (((event.xclient.data.
l[2] & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (event.xclient.data.
l[3] & 0xffffffff));
GstGLWindowCB custom_cb = (GstGLWindowCB) event.xclient.data.l[0];
gpointer custom_data = (gpointer) event.xclient.data.l[1];
g_debug ("execute last pending custom x events\n");
if (!custom_cb || !custom_data)
g_debug ("custom cb not initialized\n");
custom_cb (custom_data);
g_cond_signal (priv->cond_send_message);
/* Finally we can destroy opengl ressources (texture/shaders/fbo) */
if (!destroy_cb || !destroy_data)
g_debug ("destroy cb not correclty set\n");
destroy_cb (destroy_data);
} else
g_debug ("client message not reconized \n");
case CreateNotify:
case ConfigureNotify:
if (priv->resize_cb)
priv->resize_cb (priv->resize_data, event.xconfigure.width,
case DestroyNotify:
g_debug ("DestroyNotify\n");
case Expose:
if (priv->draw_cb) {
priv->draw_cb (priv->draw_data);
glFlush ();
glXSwapBuffers (priv->device, priv->internal_win_id);
case VisibilityNotify:
switch (event.xvisibility.state) {
case VisibilityUnobscured:
if (priv->draw_cb)
priv->draw_cb (priv->draw_data);
case VisibilityPartiallyObscured:
if (priv->draw_cb)
priv->draw_cb (priv->draw_data);
case VisibilityFullyObscured:
g_debug ("unknown xvisibility event: %d\n",
g_debug ("unknow\n");
} // switch
} // while running
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
g_debug ("end loop\n");
/* Not called by the gl thread */
gst_gl_window_quit_loop (GstGLWindow * window, GstGLWindowCB callback,
gpointer data)
if (window) {
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
if (priv->running) {
XEvent event;
event.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
event.xclient.send_event = TRUE;
event.xclient.display = priv->disp_send;
event.xclient.window = priv->internal_win_id;
event.xclient.message_type =
XInternAtom (priv->disp_send, "WM_QUIT_LOOP", True);;
event.xclient.format = 32;
#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
event.xclient.data.l[0] = (((long) callback) >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
event.xclient.data.l[1] = (((long) callback)) & 0xffffffff;
event.xclient.data.l[2] = (((long) data) >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
event.xclient.data.l[3] = (((long) data)) & 0xffffffff;
event.xclient.data.l[0] = (long) callback;
event.xclient.data.l[1] = (long) data;
XSendEvent (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id, FALSE, NoEventMask,
XSync (priv->disp_send, FALSE);
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);
/* Not called by the gl thread */
gst_gl_window_send_message (GstGLWindow * window, GstGLWindowCB callback,
gpointer data)
if (window) {
GstGLWindowPrivate *priv = window->priv;
g_mutex_lock (priv->x_lock);
if (priv->running) {
XEvent event;
event.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
event.xclient.send_event = TRUE;
event.xclient.display = priv->disp_send;
event.xclient.window = priv->internal_win_id;
event.xclient.message_type =
XInternAtom (priv->disp_send, "WM_GL_WINDOW", True);
event.xclient.format = 32;
#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
event.xclient.data.l[0] = (((long) callback) >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
event.xclient.data.l[1] = (((long) callback)) & 0xffffffff;
event.xclient.data.l[2] = (((long) data) >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
event.xclient.data.l[3] = (((long) data)) & 0xffffffff;
event.xclient.data.l[0] = (long) callback;
event.xclient.data.l[1] = (long) data;
XSendEvent (priv->disp_send, priv->internal_win_id, FALSE, NoEventMask,
XSync (priv->disp_send, FALSE);
/* block until opengl calls have been executed in the gl thread */
g_cond_wait (priv->cond_send_message, priv->x_lock);
g_mutex_unlock (priv->x_lock);