Marc Leeman 3ef737605a rtpmanagerbad: add RTP streaming elements
This is a re-implementation of the RTP elements that are submitted in
2013 to handle RTP streams. The elements handle a correct connection
for the bi-directional use of the RTCP sockets.

The rtpsink and rtpsrc elements add an URI interface so that streams
can be decoded with decodebin using the rtp:// interface.

The code can be used as follows

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! x264enc ! rtph264pay config-interval=3 ! rtpsink uri=rtp://

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! x264enc ! rtph264pay config-interval=1 ! rtpsink uri=rtp://
gst-launch-1.0 rtpsrc uri=rtp:// ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! avenc_mpeg4 ! rtpmp4vpay config-interval=1 ! rtpsink uri=rtp://
gst-launch-1.0 rtpsrc uri=rtp:// ! rtpmp4vdepay ! avdec_mpeg4 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink

rtpmanagerbad: add pkg-config
rtpmanagerbad: Rtp should be uppercase
rtpmanagerbad: add G_OS_WIN32 for shielding unix headers
rtpmanagerbad: remove Since from documentation
rtpmanagerbad: rename lib name from nrtp to rtpmanagerbad
rtpmanagerbad: sync with other modules
rtpmanagerbad: add
rtpmanagerbad: use GstElement to count pads
rtpmanagerbad: use gst_bin_set_suppressed_flags
rtpmanagerbad: check element creation
rtpmanagerbad: post message when trying to access missing rtpbin
rtpmanagerbad: return FALSE with g_return tests
rtpmanagerbad: use gsocket multicast check
rtpmanagerbad: use gst_caps_new_empty_simple iso gst_caps_from_string
rtpmanagerbad: sync with gstrtppayloads.h
rtpmanagerbad: correct media type X-GST
rtpmanagerbad: test if a compatible pad was found
rtpmanagerbad: remove evil copy of GstRTPPayloadInfo
rtpmanagerbad: add gio_dep to meson
rtpmanagerbad: revert to old glib boilerplate

GStreamer 1.16 does not yet support the newer GLib templates, so revert.

rtpmanagerbad: return GST_STATE_CHANGE_NO_PREROLL for live sources

for live sources, NO_PREROLL should be returned for PLAYING->PAUSED and
READY->PAUSED transitions.

rtpmanagerbad: use GstElement pad counting
rtpmanagerbad: just use template name to request pad
rtpmanagerbad: remove commented code
rtpmanagerbad: use funnel to send multiple streams on one socket
rtpmanagerbad: avoid beaches

beaches should only be used during the summer, so rewrite the code to
return explicitly and avoid beaches during the winter.

rtpmanagerbad: add copyright to test code
rtpmanagerbad: g_free is NULL safe
rtpmanagerbad: do not trace rtpbin
rtpmanagerbad: return NULL explitly
rtpmanagerbad: warn when data port is not even

According to RFC 3550, RTP data should be sent on even ports, while RTCP
is sent on the following odd port.

rtpmanagerbad: document port allocation in rtpsink/src
rtpmanagerbad: improve uri description
rtpmanagerbad: add comment re-use socket
rtpmanagerbad: rename gst_object_set_properties_from_uri_query
rtpmanagerbad: loan prop/val setter from rist
rtpmanagerbad: rtpsrc: fix unitialised pointer
rtpmanagerbad: fix silly typo
rtpmanagerbad: test for empty key/value
rtpmanagerbad: rtpsrc: deprecate ssrc collision to INFO
rtpmanagerbad: sync debug with rist
rtpmanagerbad: small strings allocated on stack
rtpmanagerbad: correct rename
rtpmanagerbad: add locking on prop setters/getters

Locking is added because the URI allows to access the properties too.

rtpmanagerbad: allow for RTCP through NAT
rtpmanagerbad: move gio to header file
rtpmanagerbad: free small strings too
rtpmanagerbad: ttl_mc for ttl on dynudpsink
rtpmanagerbad: add comments on the URI registered
rtpmanagerbad: correct macro after file rename
rtpmanagerbad: code style
rtpmanagerbad: handle wrong URIs in setter
rtpmanagerbad: nit URI notation correction

In an URI, the first key/value pair should not have an ampersand, the
parser did not die though.
2019-06-03 20:08:23 +00:00

193 lines
7 KiB

have_registry = true # FIXME get_option('registry')
libparser = static_library('parser',
install : false,
dependencies : [gst_dep, gstcheck_dep],
libparser_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: libparser,
sources: ['elements/parser.h'])
# FIXME: automagic
exif_dep = dependency('libexif', version : '>= 0.6.16', required : false)
enable_gst_player_tests = get_option('gst_player_tests')
# Need explicit dependency listing for nvenc on Windows
nvenc_test_deps = []
if cuda_dep.found() and cudart_dep.found()
nvenc_test_deps += [cuda_dep, cudart_dep, gmodule_dep, gstgl_dep]
if use_nvenc_gl
nvenc_test_deps += gstgl_dep
# name, condition when to skip the test and extra dependencies
base_tests = [
[['elements/h263parse.c'], false, [libparser_dep, gstcodecparsers_dep]],
[['elements/h264parse.c'], false, [libparser_dep, gstcodecparsers_dep]],
[['elements/mpegtsmux.c'], false, [gstmpegts_dep]],
[['elements/mpeg4videoparse.c'], false, [libparser_dep, gstcodecparsers_dep]],
[['elements/mpegvideoparse.c'], false, [libparser_dep, gstcodecparsers_dep]],
[['elements/msdkh264enc.c'], not have_msdk, [msdk_dep]],
[['elements/nvenc.c'], not cuda_dep.found() or not cudart_dep.found(), nvenc_test_deps],
[['elements/pcapparse.c'], false, [libparser_dep]],
[['libs/h264parser.c'], false, [gstcodecparsers_dep]],
[['libs/h265parser.c'], false, [gstcodecparsers_dep]],
[['libs/insertbin.c'], false, [gstinsertbin_dep]],
[['libs/isoff.c'], false, [gstisoff_dep]],
[['libs/mpegts.c'], false, [gstmpegts_dep]],
[['libs/mpegvideoparser.c'], false, [gstcodecparsers_dep]],
[['libs/planaraudioadapter.c'], false, [gstbadaudio_dep]],
[['libs/player.c'], not enable_gst_player_tests, [gstplayer_dep]],
[['libs/vc1parser.c'], false, [gstcodecparsers_dep]],
[['libs/vp8parser.c'], false, [gstcodecparsers_dep]],
# FIXME: unistd dependency, unstable or not tested yet on windows
if host_machine.system() != 'windows'
base_tests += [
[['elements/assrender.c'], not ass_dep.found(), [ass_dep]],
[['elements/curlhttpsink.c'], not curl_dep.found(), [curl_dep]],
[['elements/curlhttpsrc.c'], not curl_dep.found(), [curl_dep, gio_dep]],
not curl_dep.found() or not cdata.has('HAVE_UNISTD_H'), [curl_dep]],
[['elements/curlftpsink.c'], not curl_dep.found(), [curl_dep]],
[['elements/curlsmtpsink.c'], not curl_dep.found(), [curl_dep]],
[['elements/dash_mpd.c'], not xml2_dep.found(), [xml2_dep]],
[['elements/dtls.c'], not libcrypto_dep.found(), [libcrypto_dep]],
not faac_dep.found() or not cc.has_header_symbol('faac.h', 'faacEncOpen') or not cdata.has('HAVE_UNISTD_H'),
not faad_dep.found() or not have_faad_2_7 or not cdata.has('HAVE_UNISTD_H'),
not exif_dep.found() or not cdata.has('HAVE_UNISTD_H'), [exif_dep]],
[['elements/jpegparse.c'], not cdata.has('HAVE_UNISTD_H')],
not kate_dep.found() or not cdata.has('HAVE_UNISTD_H'), [kate_dep]],
[['elements/shm.c'], not shm_enabled, shm_deps],
not voaac_dep.found() or not cdata.has('HAVE_UNISTD_H'), [voaac_dep]],
[['elements/webrtcbin.c'], not libnice_dep.found(), [gstwebrtc_dep]],
[['elements/x265enc.c'], not x265_dep.found(), [x265_dep]],
[['elements/zbar.c'], not zbar_dep.found(), [zbar_dep]],
test_defines = [
'-DGST_TEST_FILES_PATH="' + meson.current_source_dir() + '/../files"',
'-DTEST_PATH="' + meson.current_build_dir() + '/media"',
'-DDASH_MPD_DATADIR=' + meson.current_source_dir() + '/elements/dash_mpd_data',
test_deps = [gst_dep, gstapp_dep, gstbase_dep,
gstbasecamerabin_dep, gstphotography_dep,
gstpbutils_dep, gstcontroller_dep, gstaudio_dep,
gstvideo_dep, gstrtp_dep, gsturidownloader_dep,
gstcheck_dep, gio_dep, glib_dep, gsttag_dep]
pluginsdirs = [ ]
if gst_dep.type_name() == 'pkgconfig'
pbase = dependency('gstreamer-plugins-base-' + api_version)
pluginsdirs = [gst_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('pluginsdir')] + [pbase.get_pkgconfig_variable('pluginsdir')]
foreach t : base_tests
fnames = t.get(0)
test_name = fnames[0].split('.').get(0).underscorify()
skip_test = false
extra_deps = [ ]
if t.length() >= 3
extra_deps = t.get(2)
if t.length() >= 2
skip_test = t.get(1)
if not skip_test
exe = executable(test_name, fnames,
include_directories : [configinc],
c_args : ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1' ] + test_defines,
cpp_args : gst_plugins_bad_args,
dependencies : [libm] + test_deps + extra_deps,
env = environment()
env.set('GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH_1_0', '')
env.set('CK_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT', '20')
env.set('GST_PLUGIN_PATH_1_0', [meson.build_root()] + pluginsdirs)
env.set('GST_REGISTRY', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), '@0@.registry'.format(test_name)))
env.set('GST_PLUGIN_LOADING_WHITELIST', 'gstreamer', 'gst-plugins-base',
'gst-plugins-good', 'gst-plugins-ugly','gst-libav',
'gst-plugins-bad@' + meson.build_root())
test(test_name, exe, env: env, timeout: 3 * 60)
# orc tests
orc_tests = [
['orc_bayer', files('../../gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.orc')],
orc_test_dep = dependency('', required : false)
if have_orcc
# FIXME: there should really just be a separate orc-test-0.4.pc file for this
if orc_dep.type_name() == 'pkgconfig'
orc_test_dep = cc.find_library('orc-test-0.4', required : false)
orc_test_dep = dependency('', fallback: ['orc', 'orc_test_dep'], required: false)
if have_orcc and orc_test_dep.found()
foreach t : orc_tests
tname = t[0]
torcfile = t[1]
tcfilename = '@0@.c'.format(tname)
test_c = custom_target(tcfilename,
output: tcfilename,
input: torcfile,
command: [orcc, '--include', 'stdint.h', '--test', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'])
test_exe = executable(tname, test_c, dependencies: [orc_dep, orc_test_dep])
test(tname, test_exe)
if enable_gst_player_tests
subdir ('media')