2018-11-05 14:41:50 +02:00

269 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import requests
import sys
from typing import Dict, Tuple, List
from urllib.parse import urlparse
# from pprint import pprint
# 'orc',
MANIFEST_TEMPLATE: str = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote fetch="{}" name="user"/>
<remote fetch="" name="gstreamer"/>
<remote fetch="git://" name="origin"/>
# Basically, pytest will happily let a test mutate a variable, and then run
# the next tests one the same environment without reset the vars.
def preserve_ci_vars(func):
"""Preserve the original CI Variable values"""
def wrapper():
token = os.environ["CI_JOB_TOKEN"]
url = os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"]
user = os.environ["GITLAB_USER_LOGIN"]
except KeyError:
token = "invalid"
url = "invalid"
user = ""
os.environ["CI_JOB_TOKEN"] = token
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = url
os.environ["GITLAB_USER_LOGIN"] = user
return wrapper
def request_raw(path: str, token: str, project_url: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
gitlab_header: Dict[str, str] = {'JOB_TOKEN': token }
base_url: str = get_hostname(project_url)
url: str = f"https://{base_url}/api/v4/{path}"
print(f"GET {url}")
resp = requests.get(url, headers=gitlab_header)
print(f"Request returned: {resp.status_code}")
if not resp.ok:
return None
return resp.json()
def request(path: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
# mock: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
token: str = os.environ["CI_JOB_TOKEN"]
# mock: ""
project_url: str = os.environ['CI_PROJECT_URL']
return request_raw(path, token, project_url)
def request_wrap(path: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
resp: List[Dict[str, str]] = request(path)
if not resp:
return None
if not resp[0]:
return None
# Not sure if there will be any edge cases where it returns more than one
# so lets see if anyone complains
assert len(resp) == 1
return resp[0]
def get_project_branch(project_id: int, name: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
print(f"Searching for {name} branch in project {project_id}")
path = f"projects/{project_id}/repository/branches?search={name}"
return request_wrap(path)
def test_get_project_branch():
id = 1353
os.environ["CI_JOB_TOKEN"] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = ""
twelve = get_project_branch(id, '1.12')
assert twelve is not None
assert twelve['name'] == '1.12'
fourteen = get_project_branch(id, '1.14')
assert fourteen is not None
assert fourteen['name'] == '1.14'
failure = get_project_branch(id, 'why-would-anyone-chose-this-branch-name')
assert failure is None
failure2 = get_project_branch("invalid-id", '1.12')
assert failure2 is None
# Documentation:
def search_user_namespace(user: str, project: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
print(f"Searching for {project} project in @{user} user's namespace")
path = f"/users/{user}/projects?search={project}"
return request_wrap(path)
def test_search_user_namespace():
os.environ["CI_JOB_TOKEN"] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = ""
user = "alatiera"
gst = search_user_namespace("alatiera", "gstreamer")
assert gst is not None
assert gst['path'] == 'gstreamer'
gst_good = search_user_namespace("alatiera", "gst-plugins-good")
assert gst_good is not None
assert gst_good['path'] == 'gst-plugins-good'
res = search_user_namespace("alatiera", "404-project-not-found")
assert res is None
# Documentation:
def search_group_namespace(group_id: str, project: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
print(f"Searching for {project} project in @{group_id} group namespace")
path = f"groups/{group_id}/search?scope=projects&search={project}"
return request_wrap(path)
def test_search_group_namespace():
import pytest
instance = get_hostname(os.environ['CI_PROJECT_URL'])
# This tests need to authenticate with the gitlab instace,
# and its hardcoded to check for the gitlab-org which exists
# on
# This can be changed to a gstreamer once its migrated to gitlab.fd.o
if instance != "":
# too lazy to use a different error
raise KeyError
except KeyError:
pytest.skip("Need to be authenticated with gitlab to succed")
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = ""
group = "gstreamer"
lab = search_group_namespace(group, "gstreamer")
assert lab is not None
assert lab['path'] == 'gstreamer'
res = search_user_namespace(group, "404-project-not-found")
assert res is None
def get_hostname(url: str) -> str:
return urlparse(url).hostname
def test_get_hostname():
gitlab = ''
assert get_hostname(gitlab) == ''
fdo = ''
assert get_hostname(fdo) == ''
def find_repository_sha(module: str, branchname: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
user_login: str = os.environ["GITLAB_USER_LOGIN"]
project = search_user_namespace(user_login, module)
# Find a fork in the User's namespace
if project:
id = project['id']
print(f"User project found, id: {id}")
# If we have a branch with same name, use it.
branch = get_project_branch(id, branchname)
if branch is not None:
path = project['namespace']['path']
print("Found mathcing branch in user's namespace")
return 'user', branch['commit']['id']
print(f"Did not found user branch named {branchname}")
# This won't work until gstreamer migrates to gitlab
# Else check the upstream gstreamer repository
project = search_group_namespace('gstreamer', module)
if project:
print(f"Project found in Gstreamer upstream, id: {id}")
id = project['id']
# If we have a branch with same name, use it.
branch = get_project_branch(id, branchname)
if branch is not None:
print("Found matching branch in upstream gst repo")
return 'gstreamer', branch['commit']['id']
branch = get_project_branch(id, 'master')
if branch is not None:
# print("Falling back to master branch in upstream repo")
return 'gstreamer', branch.attributes['commit']['id']
print('Falling back to origin/master')
return 'origin', 'master'
def test_find_repository_sha():
os.environ["CI_JOB_TOKEN"] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
os.environ["CI_PROJECT_URL"] = ""
os.environ["GITLAB_USER_LOGIN"] = "alatiera"
# This should find the repository in the user namespace
remote, git_ref = find_repository_sha("gst-plugins-good", "1.2")
assert remote == "user"
assert git_ref == "08ab260b8a39791e7e62c95f4b64fd5b69959325"
# This should fallback to upstream master branch since no matching branch was found
remote, git_ref = find_repository_sha("gst-plugins-good", "totally-valid-branch-name")
assert remote == "origin"
assert git_ref == "master"
# This should fallback to upstream master branch since no repository was found
remote, git_ref = find_repository_sha("totally-valid-project-name", "1.2")
assert remote == "origin"
assert git_ref == "master"
if __name__ == "__main__":
projects: str = ''
project_template: str = " <project name=\"{}\" remote=\"{}\" revision=\"{}\" />\n"
user_remote_url: str = os.path.dirname(os.environ['CI_PROJECT_URL'])
if not user_remote_url.endswith('/'):
user_remote_url += '/'
for module in GSTREAMER_MODULES:
print(f"Checking {module}:", end=' ')
current_branch: str = os.environ['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME']
remote, revision = find_repository_sha(module, current_branch)
projects += project_template.format(module, remote, revision)
with open('manifest.xml', mode='w') as manifest:
print(MANIFEST_TEMPLATE.format(user_remote_url, projects), file=manifest)