An IDX file or codec_data normally contains the original frame size of
the video. Allow upstream to provide this information by sending a
custom event, which will allow scaling the overlay correctly.
Instead of only supporting writing SPU data directly to YUV frames,
render the SPU data to an intermediate AYUV overlay buffer. The overlay
data is then attached to the video frame if downstream supports overlay
composition, otherwise the AYUV overlay is blended to the video frame.
For the PGS format, the overlay buffer size is set to the size of the
Composition Window, and its position in the overlay composition is set
to the window position. The objects to render are now cropped when the
cropping flag is set.
For the Vobsub format, the overlay buffer size is set to the size of the
Display Area.
Once rendered, the overlay composition rectangle is now moved and scaled
to fit the video output size, to avoid clipping. does not mention that high bits
are to be masked, and not clearing them makes a sample work, where
clearing them yielded left > right.
History does not shed any light, as tracing this code's origin shows
the same bitmasks being there in 2007 when it was imported.
Refactor the DVD subpicture compositing, switching it to 8-bit alpha
calculations. Reuse some of the resulting code to implement PGS
subpicture blending.
Implement parsing and collecting of composition objects properly, but
assuming a single active window and colour palette for now. I need more
PGS samples.