mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 20:12:28 +00:00
Add libgstcontroller bindings
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 959 additions and 2 deletions
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ namespace Gst {
int argc = 0;
gst_init (ref argc, ref argv);
gst_controller_init (ref argc, ref argv);
RegisterManagedTypes ();
@ -147,6 +148,8 @@ namespace Gst {
throw new ApplicationException (init_call + " returned a new argv handle");
gst_controller_init (ref argc, ref argv_ptr);
if (argc <= 1) {
args = new string[0];
} else {
@ -163,6 +166,9 @@ namespace Gst {
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern bool gst_init_check (ref int argc, ref IntPtr argv, out IntPtr error);
[DllImport("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern void gst_controller_init (ref int argc, ref IntPtr argv);
[DllImport("libgstreamer-0.10.dll") ]
private static extern void gst_deinit();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
static extern uint gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_get_get_value_offset ();
static uint get_value_offset = gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_get_get_value_offset ();
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
struct GstValueArray {
public IntPtr property_name;
public int nbsamples;
public ulong sample_interval;
public IntPtr values;
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
struct GstControlSourceCallbacks {
public GetValueCallbackNative get_value;
public GetValueArrayCallbackNative get_value_array;
delegate bool GetValueCallbackNative (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GLib.Value val);
delegate bool GetValueArrayCallbackNative (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GstValueArray va);
public delegate bool GetValueCallback (ulong timestamp, ref GLib.Value value);
public delegate System.Array GetValueArrayCallback (ulong timestamp, int nsamples, ulong interval);
private GetValueCallbackWrapper GetValue_cb_wrapper;
private GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper GetValueArray_cb_wrapper;
private class GetValueCallbackWrapper {
public bool NativeCallback (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GLib.Value val) {
try {
bool __ret = managed (timestamp, ref val);
return __ret;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: Above call does not return.
throw e;
internal GetValueCallbackNative NativeDelegate;
GetValueCallback managed;
public GetValueCallbackWrapper (GetValueCallback managed) {
this.managed = managed;
if (managed != null)
NativeDelegate = new GetValueCallbackNative (NativeCallback);
public static GetValueCallback GetManagedDelegate (GetValueCallbackNative native) {
if (native == null)
return null;
GetValueCallbackWrapper wrapper = (GetValueCallbackWrapper) native.Target;
if (wrapper == null)
return null;
return wrapper.managed;
private class GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper {
public bool NativeCallback (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GstValueArray va) {
try {
System.Array values = managed (timestamp, va.nbsamples, va.sample_interval);
if (values == null)
return false;
System.Type t = values.GetType ();
if (t == typeof (string[])) {
string[] ret = (string[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
Marshal.WriteIntPtr (va.values, i * IntPtr.Size, GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (ret[i]));
} else if (t == typeof (short[])) {
short[] ret = (short[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
Marshal.WriteInt16 (va.values, i * 2, ret[i]);
} else if (t == typeof (ushort[])) {
ushort[] ret = (ushort[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
Marshal.WriteInt16 (va.values, i * 2, (short) ret[i]);
} else if (t == typeof (int[])) {
int[] ret = (int[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
Marshal.WriteInt32 (va.values, i * 4, ret[i]);
} else if (t == typeof (uint[])) {
uint[] ret = (uint[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
Marshal.WriteInt32 (va.values, i * 4, (int) ret[i]);
} else if (t == typeof (long[])) {
long[] ret = (long[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
Marshal.WriteInt64 (va.values, i * 8, ret[i]);
} else if (t == typeof (ulong[])) {
ulong[] ret = (ulong[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
Marshal.WriteInt64 (va.values, i * 8, (long) ret[i]);
} else if (t == typeof (float[])) {
float[] ret = (float[]) values;
Marshal.Copy (ret, 0, va.values, va.nbsamples);
} else if (t == typeof (double[])) {
double[] ret = (double[]) values;
Marshal.Copy (ret, 0, va.values, va.nbsamples);
} else if (t == typeof (bool[])) {
bool[] ret = (bool[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < va.nbsamples; i++) {
Marshal.WriteInt32 (va.values, i * 4, ret[i] == false ? 0 : 1);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, true);
// NOTREACHED: Above call does not return.
throw e;
internal GetValueArrayCallbackNative NativeDelegate;
GetValueArrayCallback managed;
public GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper (GetValueArrayCallback managed) {
this.managed = managed;
if (managed != null)
NativeDelegate = new GetValueArrayCallbackNative (NativeCallback);
public static GetValueArrayCallback GetManagedDelegate (GetValueArrayCallbackNative native) {
if (native == null)
return null;
GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper wrapper = (GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper) native.Target;
if (wrapper == null)
return null;
return wrapper.managed;
public void SetCallbacks (GetValueCallback get_value, GetValueArrayCallback get_value_array) {
IntPtr off = new IntPtr (Handle.ToInt64 () + get_value_offset);
GstControlSourceCallbacks cbs = (GstControlSourceCallbacks) Marshal.PtrToStructure (new IntPtr (Handle.ToInt64 () + get_value_offset), typeof (GstControlSourceCallbacks));
GetValueCallbackWrapper gv_wr = new GetValueCallbackWrapper (get_value);
GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper gva_wr = new GetValueArrayCallbackWrapper (get_value_array);
GetValue_cb_wrapper = gv_wr;
GetValueArray_cb_wrapper = gva_wr;
cbs.get_value = gv_wr.NativeCallback;
cbs.get_value_array = gva_wr.NativeCallback;
Marshal.StructureToPtr (cbs, off, false);
[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
static extern bool gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_base_bind (IntPtr handle, IntPtr pspec);
[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
static extern void gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_override_bind (IntPtr gtype, BindNativeDelegate cb);
delegate bool BindNativeDelegate (IntPtr handler, IntPtr pspec);
static BindNativeDelegate Bind_cb_delegate;
static BindNativeDelegate BindVMCallback {
get {
if (Bind_cb_delegate == null)
Bind_cb_delegate = new BindNativeDelegate (Bind_cb);
return Bind_cb_delegate;
static void OverrideBind (GLib.GType gtype) {
OverrideBind (gtype, BindVMCallback);
static void OverrideBind (GLib.GType gtype, BindNativeDelegate callback) {
gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_override_bind (gtype.Val, callback);
static bool Bind_cb (IntPtr inst, IntPtr pspec) {
try {
ControlSource __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as ControlSource;
Gst.PropertyInfo pinfo = new Gst.PropertyInfo (pspec);
return __obj.OnBind (pinfo);
} catch (Exception e) {
GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, false);
return false;
[DllImport ("libgobject-2.0-0.dll") ]
static extern IntPtr g_object_class_find_property (IntPtr klass, IntPtr property);
[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler (Type=typeof (Gst.Controller.ControlSource), ConnectionMethod="OverrideBind") ]
protected virtual bool OnBind (Gst.PropertyInfo pinfo) {
IntPtr klass = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (Handle);
IntPtr native_property = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (pinfo.Name);
IntPtr pspec = g_object_class_find_property (klass, native_property);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (native_property);
if (pspec == IntPtr.Zero)
return false;
return gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_base_bind (this.Handle, pspec);
[DllImport ("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
static extern bool gst_control_source_get_value_array (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GstValueArray value_array);
[DllImport ("libglib-2.0-0.dll") ]
static extern IntPtr g_try_malloc (int size);
static readonly Type[] supported_types = new Type[] {
typeof (string),
typeof (short),
typeof (ushort),
typeof (int),
typeof (uint),
typeof (long),
typeof (ulong),
typeof (float),
typeof (double),
typeof (bool)
public System.Array GetValueArray (ulong timestamp, int nsamples, ulong interval) {
GstValueArray va = new GstValueArray ();
GLib.Value v = GLib.Value.Empty;
if (!GetValue (0, ref v))
return null;
System.Type t = v.Val.GetType ();
v.Dispose ();
bool supported = false;
foreach (System.Type tmp in supported_types)
if (tmp == t)
supported = true;
if (!supported)
throw new Exception ("Unsupported type '" + t + "'");
int eltsize = Marshal.SizeOf (t);
va.values = g_try_malloc (eltsize * nsamples);
if (va.values == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
va.nbsamples = nsamples;
va.sample_interval = interval;
bool raw_ret = gst_control_source_get_value_array (Handle, timestamp, ref va);
if (!raw_ret) {
GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.values);
return null;
System.Array values = Array.CreateInstance (t, nsamples);
if (t == typeof (string)) {
string[] ret = (string[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
IntPtr str = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (va.values, i * IntPtr.Size);
ret[i] = GLib.Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree (str);
} else if (t == typeof (short)) {
short[] ret = (short[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt16 (va.values, i * 2);
} else if (t == typeof (ushort)) {
ushort[] ret = (ushort[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = (ushort) Marshal.ReadInt16 (va.values, i * 2);
} else if (t == typeof (int)) {
int[] ret = (int[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4);
} else if (t == typeof (uint)) {
uint[] ret = (uint[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = (uint) Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4);
} else if (t == typeof (long)) {
long[] ret = (long[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt64 (va.values, i * 8);
} else if (t == typeof (ulong)) {
ulong[] ret = (ulong[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = (ulong) Marshal.ReadInt64 (va.values, i * 8);
} else if (t == typeof (float)) {
float[] ret = (float[]) values;
Marshal.Copy (va.values, ret, 0, nsamples);
} else if (t == typeof (double)) {
double[] ret = (double[]) values;
Marshal.Copy (va.values, ret, 0, nsamples);
} else if (t == typeof (bool)) {
bool[] ret = (bool[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4) != 0;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.values);
return values;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
[DllImport ("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
static extern IntPtr gst_controller_new_list (IntPtr objekt, IntPtr list);
public Controller (GLib.Object objekt, string[] properties) : base (IntPtr.Zero) {
if (GetType () != typeof (Controller)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Can't override this constructor.");
GLib.List list = new GLib.List (properties, typeof (string), true, true);
Raw = gst_controller_new_list (objekt == null ? IntPtr.Zero : objekt.Handle, list == null ? IntPtr.Zero : list.Handle);
public Controller (GLib.Object objekt, string property) : this (objekt, new string[] {property}) { }
[DllImport ("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
static extern bool gst_controller_remove_properties_list (IntPtr raw, IntPtr list);
public bool RemoveProperties (string[] properties) {
GLib.List list = new GLib.List (properties, typeof (string), true, true);
bool raw_ret = gst_controller_remove_properties_list (Handle, list == null ? IntPtr.Zero : list.Handle);
bool ret = raw_ret;
return ret;
public bool RemoveProperty (string property) {
return RemoveProperties (new string[] {property});
[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
extern static uint gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_properties_offset ();
static uint properties_offset = gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_properties_offset ();
public string[] Properties {
get {
GLib.List properties_list;
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*) ( ( (byte*) Handle) + properties_offset);
properties_list = new GLib.List ( (*raw_ptr), typeof (string));
string[] properties = new string[properties_list.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < properties_list.Count; i++)
properties[i] = (string) properties_list[i];
return properties;
[DllImport ("gstreamersharpglue-0.10.dll") ]
extern static uint gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_object_offset ();
static uint object_offset = gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_object_offset ();
public GLib.Object Object {
get {
unsafe {
IntPtr* raw_ptr = (IntPtr*) ( ( (byte*) Handle) + object_offset);
return GLib.Object.GetObject ( (*raw_ptr));
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential) ]
struct GstValueArray {
public IntPtr property_name;
public int nbsamples;
public ulong sample_interval;
public IntPtr values;
[DllImport ("libgstcontroller-0.10.dll") ]
static extern bool gst_controller_get_value_array (IntPtr raw, ulong timestamp, ref GstValueArray value_array);
[DllImport ("libglib-2.0-0.dll") ]
static extern IntPtr g_try_malloc (int size);
static readonly Type[] supported_types = new Type[] {
typeof (string),
typeof (short),
typeof (ushort),
typeof (int),
typeof (uint),
typeof (long),
typeof (ulong),
typeof (float),
typeof (double),
typeof (bool)
public System.Array GetValueArray (string property, ulong timestamp, int nsamples, ulong interval) {
GstValueArray va = new GstValueArray ();
Gst.Object ob = (Gst.Object) this.Object;
Gst.PropertyInfo pi = ob.GetPropertyInfo (property);
System.Type t = (System.Type) pi.GType;
bool supported = false;
foreach (System.Type tmp in supported_types)
if (tmp == t)
supported = true;
if (!supported)
throw new Exception ("Unsupported type '" + t + "'");
int eltsize = Marshal.SizeOf (t);
va.values = g_try_malloc (eltsize * nsamples);
if (va.values == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException ();
va.property_name = GLib.Marshaller.StringToPtrGStrdup (property);
va.nbsamples = nsamples;
va.sample_interval = interval;
bool raw_ret = gst_controller_get_value_array (Handle, timestamp, ref va);
if (!raw_ret) {
GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.property_name);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.values);
return null;
System.Array values = Array.CreateInstance (t, nsamples);
if (t == typeof (string)) {
string[] ret = (string[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
IntPtr str = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (va.values, i * IntPtr.Size);
ret[i] = GLib.Marshaller.PtrToStringGFree (str);
} else if (t == typeof (short)) {
short[] ret = (short[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt16 (va.values, i * 2);
} else if (t == typeof (ushort)) {
ushort[] ret = (ushort[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = (ushort) Marshal.ReadInt16 (va.values, i * 2);
} else if (t == typeof (int)) {
int[] ret = (int[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4);
} else if (t == typeof (uint)) {
uint[] ret = (uint[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = (uint) Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4);
} else if (t == typeof (long)) {
long[] ret = (long[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt64 (va.values, i * 8);
} else if (t == typeof (ulong)) {
ulong[] ret = (ulong[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = (ulong) Marshal.ReadInt64 (va.values, i * 8);
} else if (t == typeof (float)) {
float[] ret = (float[]) values;
Marshal.Copy (va.values, ret, 0, nsamples);
} else if (t == typeof (double)) {
double[] ret = (double[]) values;
Marshal.Copy (va.values, ret, 0, nsamples);
} else if (t == typeof (bool)) {
bool[] ret = (bool[]) values;
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
ret[i] = Marshal.ReadInt32 (va.values, i * 4) != 0;
GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.property_name);
GLib.Marshaller.Free (va.values);
return values;
@ -1057,6 +1057,59 @@
<!-- GStreamer Controller library -->
<attr path="/api/namespace/enum[@cname='GstInterpolateMode']" name="name">InterpolateMode</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/enum[@cname='GstLFOWaveform']" name="name">LFOWaveform</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/callback[@cname='GstControlSourceBind']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/callback[@cname='GstControlSourceGetValue']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/callback[@cname='GstControlSourceGetValueArray']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']" name="name">Controller</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/property" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_get_all']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_get_control_source']/return-type" name="owned">true</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_get_value_array']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_get_value_arrays']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_init']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/constructor[@cname='gst_controller_new']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/constructor[@cname='gst_controller_new_valist']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/constructor[@cname='gst_controller_new_list']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_remove_properties']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_remove_properties_list']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_remove_properties_valist']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_set']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_set_from_list']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_set_interpolation_mode']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_unset']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstController']/method[@cname='gst_controller_unset_all']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstControlSource']" name="name">ControlSource</attr>
<remove-node path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstControlSource']/class_struct" />
<add-node path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstControlSource']">
<class_struct cname="GstControlSourceClass">
<field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GObjectClass" />
<method vm="bind" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="4" />
<virtual_method name="Bind" cname="bind" hidden="1">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="self" />
<parameter type="GParamSpec*" name="pspec" />
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstControlSource']/method[@cname='gst_control_source_get_value']/parameters/parameter[@name='value']" name="pass_as">ref</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstInterpolationControlSource']" name="name">InterpolationControlSource</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstInterpolationControlSource']/method[@cname='gst_interpolation_control_source_set']/parameters/parameter[@name='value']" name="pass_as">ref</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstInterpolationControlSource']/method[@cname='gst_interpolation_control_source_set_from_list']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstInterpolationControlSource']/method[@cname='gst_interpolation_control_source_get_all']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/object[@cname='GstLFOControlSource']" name="name">LFOControlSource</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/struct[@cname='GstTimedValue']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/struct[@cname='GstValueArray']" name="hidden">1</attr>
<!-- GStreamer Interfaces library -->
<attr path="/api/namespace/enum[@cname='GstColorBalanceType']" name="name">ColorBalanceType</attr>
<attr path="/api/namespace/enum[@cname='GstMixerFlags']" name="name">MixerFlags</attr>
@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ customs = \
MixerTrack.custom \
TunerNorm.custom \
TunerChannel.custom \
Adapter.custom \
Controller.custom \
build_customs = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/, $(customs))
@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ libgstreamersharpglue_0_10_la_SOURCES = \
indexfactory.c \
mixertrack.c \
tunernorm.c \
adapter.c \
controller.c \
nodist_libgstreamersharpglue_0_10_la_SOURCES = generated.c
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include <gst/controller/gstcontroller.h>
gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_properties_offset (void)
return (guint)G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstController, properties);
gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controller_get_object_offset (void)
return (guint)G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstController, object);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/controller/gstcontrolsource.h>
gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_get_get_value_offset (void)
return (guint)G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GstControlSource, get_value);
const gchar *__gtype_prefix = "__gtksharp_";
#define HAS_PREFIX(a) (*((guint64 *)(a)) == *((guint64 *) __gtype_prefix))
static GObjectClass *
get_threshold_class (GObject *obj)
GType gtype = G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (obj);
while (HAS_PREFIX (g_type_name (gtype)))
gtype = g_type_parent (gtype);
GObjectClass *klass = g_type_class_peek (gtype);
if (klass == NULL) klass = g_type_class_ref (gtype);
return klass;
gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_base_bind (GstControlSource *csource, GParamSpec *pspec)
GstControlSourceClass *parent = (GstControlSourceClass *) get_threshold_class (G_OBJECT (csource));
if (parent->bind)
return parent->bind (csource, pspec);
return FALSE;
gst__controllersharp_gst__controller_controlsource_override_bind (GType gtype, gpointer cb)
GstControlSourceClass *klass = g_type_class_peek (gtype);
if (!klass)
klass = g_type_class_ref (gtype);
((GstControlSourceClass *) klass)->bind = cb;
@ -6873,6 +6873,310 @@
<namespace name="Gst.Controller" library="libgstcontroller-0.10.dll">
<enum name="GstInterpolateMode" cname="GstInterpolateMode" type="enum">
<member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_NONE" name="None" />
<member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_TRIGGER" name="Trigger" />
<member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR" name="Linear" />
<member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_QUADRATIC" name="Quadratic" />
<member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_CUBIC" name="Cubic" />
<member cname="GST_INTERPOLATE_USER" name="User" />
<enum name="GstLFOWaveform" cname="GstLFOWaveform" type="enum">
<member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_SINE" name="Sine" />
<member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_SQUARE" name="Square" />
<member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_SAW" name="Saw" />
<member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_REVERSE_SAW" name="ReverseSaw" />
<member cname="GST_LFO_WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE" name="Triangle" />
<callback name="GstControlSourceBind" cname="GstControlSourceBind">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="self" />
<parameter type="GParamSpec*" name="pspec" />
<callback name="GstControlSourceGetValue" cname="GstControlSourceGetValue">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="self" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<parameter type="GValue*" name="value" />
<callback name="GstControlSourceGetValueArray" cname="GstControlSourceGetValueArray">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="self" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<parameter type="GstValueArray*" name="value_array" />
<object name="GstController" cname="GstController" parent="GObject">
<class_struct cname="GstControllerClass">
<field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GObjectClass" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="GST_PADDING" />
<field name="Properties" cname="properties" type="GList*" />
<field name="Lock" cname="lock" type="GMutex*" />
<field name="Object" cname="object" type="GObject*" />
<field name="Priv" cname="priv" type="GstControllerPrivate*" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" array_len="GST_PADDING - 1" type="gpointer" />
<property name="ControlRate" cname="control-rate" type="guint64" readable="true" writeable="true" />
<method name="Get" cname="gst_controller_get">
<return-type type="GValue*" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<method name="GetAll" cname="gst_controller_get_all" deprecated="1">
<return-type type="const-GList*" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<method name="GetControlSource" cname="gst_controller_get_control_source">
<return-type type="GstControlSource*" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<method name="GetType" cname="gst_controller_get_type" shared="true">
<return-type type="GType" />
<method name="GetValueArray" cname="gst_controller_get_value_array">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<parameter type="GstValueArray*" name="value_array" />
<method name="GetValueArrays" cname="gst_controller_get_value_arrays">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<parameter type="GSList*" name="value_arrays" />
<method name="Init" cname="gst_controller_init" shared="true">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="int*" name="argc" />
<parameter type="char***" name="argv" />
<constructor cname="gst_controller_new">
<parameter type="GObject*" name="object" />
<parameter ellipsis="true" />
<constructor cname="gst_controller_new_list">
<parameter type="GObject*" name="object" />
<parameter type="GList*" name="list" />
<constructor cname="gst_controller_new_valist">
<parameter type="GObject*" name="object" />
<parameter type="va_list" name="var_args" />
<method name="RemoveProperties" cname="gst_controller_remove_properties">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter ellipsis="true" />
<method name="RemovePropertiesList" cname="gst_controller_remove_properties_list">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GList*" name="list" />
<method name="RemovePropertiesValist" cname="gst_controller_remove_properties_valist">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="va_list" name="var_args" />
<method name="Set" cname="gst_controller_set" deprecated="1">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<parameter type="GValue*" name="value" />
<method name="SetControlSource" cname="gst_controller_set_control_source">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<parameter type="GstControlSource*" name="csource" />
<method name="SetDisabled" cname="gst_controller_set_disabled">
<return-type type="void" />
<parameter type="gboolean" name="disabled" />
<method name="SetFromList" cname="gst_controller_set_from_list" deprecated="1">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<parameter type="GSList*" name="timedvalues" />
<method name="SetInterpolationMode" cname="gst_controller_set_interpolation_mode" deprecated="1">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<parameter type="GstInterpolateMode" name="mode" />
<method name="SetPropertyDisabled" cname="gst_controller_set_property_disabled">
<return-type type="void" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<parameter type="gboolean" name="disabled" />
<method name="SuggestNextSync" cname="gst_controller_suggest_next_sync">
<return-type type="GstClockTime" />
<method name="SyncValues" cname="gst_controller_sync_values">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<method name="Unset" cname="gst_controller_unset" deprecated="1">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<method name="UnsetAll" cname="gst_controller_unset_all" deprecated="1">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="gchar*" name="property_name" />
<object name="GstControlSource" cname="GstControlSource" parent="GObject">
<class_struct cname="GstControlSourceClass">
<field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GObjectClass" />
<field name="Bind" cname="bind" type="GstControlSourceBind" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="GST_PADDING" />
<field name="GetValue" cname="get_value" type="GstControlSourceGetValue" access="public" />
<field name="GetValueArray" cname="get_value_array" type="GstControlSourceGetValueArray" access="public" />
<field name="Bound" cname="bound" type="gboolean" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" array_len="GST_PADDING" type="gpointer" />
<method name="Bind" cname="gst_control_source_bind">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GParamSpec*" name="pspec" />
<method name="GetType" cname="gst_control_source_get_type" shared="true">
<return-type type="GType" />
<method name="GetValue" cname="gst_control_source_get_value">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<parameter type="GValue*" name="value" />
<method name="GetValueArray" cname="gst_control_source_get_value_array">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<parameter type="GstValueArray*" name="value_array" />
<object name="GstInterpolationControlSource" cname="GstInterpolationControlSource" parent="GstControlSource">
<class_struct cname="GstInterpolationControlSourceClass">
<field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GstControlSourceClass" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="GST_PADDING" />
<field name="Lock" cname="lock" type="GMutex*" />
<field name="Priv" cname="priv" type="GstInterpolationControlSourcePrivate*" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" array_len="GST_PADDING" type="gpointer" />
<method name="GetAll" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_get_all">
<return-type type="GList*" />
<method name="GetCount" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_get_count">
<return-type type="gint" />
<method name="GetType" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_get_type" shared="true">
<return-type type="GType" />
<constructor cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_new" />
<method name="Set" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_set">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<parameter type="GValue*" name="value" />
<method name="SetFromList" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_set_from_list">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GSList*" name="timedvalues" />
<method name="SetInterpolationMode" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_set_interpolation_mode">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstInterpolateMode" name="mode" />
<method name="Unset" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_unset">
<return-type type="gboolean" />
<parameter type="GstClockTime" name="timestamp" />
<method name="UnsetAll" cname="gst_interpolation_control_source_unset_all">
<return-type type="void" />
<object name="GstLFOControlSource" cname="GstLFOControlSource" parent="GstControlSource">
<class_struct cname="GstLFOControlSourceClass">
<field name="ParentClass" cname="parent_class" type="GstControlSourceClass" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" type="gpointer" array_len="GST_PADDING" />
<field name="Priv" cname="priv" type="GstLFOControlSourcePrivate*" />
<field name="Lock" cname="lock" type="GMutex*" />
<field name="GstReserved" cname="_gst_reserved" array_len="GST_PADDING" type="gpointer" />
<property name="Waveform" cname="waveform" type="GstLfoWaveform" readable="true" writeable="true" />
<property name="Frequency" cname="frequency" type="gdouble" readable="true" writeable="true" />
<property name="Timeshift" cname="timeshift" type="guint64" readable="true" writeable="true" />
<property name="Amplitude" cname="amplitude" type="GValue" readable="true" writeable="true" />
<property name="Offset" cname="offset" type="GValue" readable="true" writeable="true" />
<method name="GetType" cname="gst_lfo_control_source_get_type" shared="true">
<return-type type="GType" />
<constructor cname="gst_lfo_control_source_new" />
<struct name="GstTimedValue" cname="GstTimedValue">
<field name="Timestamp" cname="timestamp" type="GstClockTime" />
<field name="Value" cname="value" type="GValue" />
<struct name="GstValueArray" cname="GstValueArray">
<field name="PropertyName" cname="property_name" type="gchar*" />
<field name="Nbsamples" cname="nbsamples" type="gint" />
<field name="SampleInterval" cname="sample_interval" type="GstClockTime" />
<field name="Values" cname="values" type="gpointer*" />
<namespace name="Gst.Interfaces" library="libgstinterfaces-0.10.dll">
<enum name="GstColorBalanceType" cname="GstColorBalanceType" gtype="gst_color_balance_type_get_type" type="enum">
<member cname="GST_COLOR_BALANCE_HARDWARE" name="Hardware" />
@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
<dllmap dll="libgobject-2.0-0.dll" target="libgobject-2.0@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@"/>
<dllmap dll="libgstreamer-0.10.dll" target="libgstreamer-0.10@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@/>
<dllmap dll="libgstbase-0.10.dll" target="libgstbase-0.10@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@/>
<dllmap dll="libgstcontroller-0.10.dll" target="libgstcontroller-0.10@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@/>
<dllmap dll="libgstinterfaces-0.10.dll" target="libgstinterfaces-0.10@LIB_PREFIX@.0@LIB_SUFFIX@/>
@ -39,6 +39,15 @@
<library name="libgstcontroller-0.10.dll">
<namespace name="Gst.Controller">
<!-- Needs to be bound -->
<library name="libgstinterfaces-0.10.dll">
<namespace name="Gst.Interfaces">
Reference in a new issue