tools: remove outdated completion script

+ Remove the associated test
This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Duponchelle 2015-03-18 14:16:48 +01:00
parent 8c8b3818e4
commit 5d96658874
2 changed files with 0 additions and 337 deletions

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@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
. $(dirname "$0")/../../tools/gstreamer-completion
test_gst_inspect_completion() {
local expected
while [[ "$1" != -- ]]; do COMP_WORDS+=("$1"); shift; done; shift
COMP_CWORD=$(( ${#COMP_WORDS[*]} - 1 ))
expected=(); while [[ -n "$1" ]]; do expected+=("$1"); shift; done
printf "test_gst_inspect_completion: '${COMP_WORDS[*]}'... "
_assert_expected && echo OK
_assert_expected() {
for x in "${expected[@]}"; do
grep -w -q -- "$x" <(echo "${COMPREPLY[*]}") &>/dev/null || {
echo FAIL
echo "Expected: '$x'. Got:"
for r in "${COMPREPLY[@]}"; do echo $r; done | head
echo ""
return 1
return 0
# test_gst_inspect_completion <command line to complete> -- <expected completions>
test_gst_inspect_completion '' -- --version --gst-debug-level coreelements fakesrc
test_gst_inspect_completion --ver -- --version
test_gst_inspect_completion --gst-debug-le -- --gst-debug-level
test_gst_inspect_completion --gst-debug-level '' -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
test_gst_inspect_completion --gst-debug-level = -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
test_gst_inspect_completion --gst-debug-level= -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
test_gst_inspect_completion --gst-debug-level=4 -- 4
test_gst_inspect_completion coreel -- coreelements
test_gst_inspect_completion fake -- fakesrc fakesink
test_gst_inspect_completion --version --gst-debug-level = 2 fake -- fakesrc fakesink
test_gst_inspect_completion --gst-debug-level=2 fake -- fakesrc fakesink
test_gst_launch_completion() {
local expected
while [[ "$1" != -- ]]; do COMP_WORDS+=("$1"); shift; done; shift
COMP_CWORD=$(( ${#COMP_WORDS[*]} - 1 ))
expected=(); while [[ -n "$1" ]]; do expected+=("$1"); shift; done
printf "test_gst_launch_completion: '${COMP_WORDS[*]}'... "
_assert_expected &&
echo OK
# test_gst_launch_completion <command line to complete> -- <expected completions>
test_gst_launch_completion '' -- --eos-on-shutdown --gst-debug-level fakesrc fakesink
test_gst_launch_completion --mes -- --messages
test_gst_launch_completion --gst-debug-le -- --gst-debug-level
test_gst_launch_completion --gst-debug-level '' -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
test_gst_launch_completion --gst-debug-level = -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
test_gst_launch_completion --gst-debug-level= -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
test_gst_launch_completion --gst-debug-level=4 -- 4
test_gst_launch_completion fak -- fakesrc fakesink
test_gst_launch_completion --messages fak -- fakesrc fakesink
test_gst_launch_completion --messages --eos-on-shutdown fak -- fakesrc
test_gst_launch_completion --gst-debug-level = 4 fak -- fakesrc
test_gst_launch_completion --gst-debug-level=4 fak -- fakesrc
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc '' -- name= is-live= format= !
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc is-live -- is-live=
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc is-live = -- true false
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc format = -- bytes time buffers percent
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc format= -- bytes time buffers percent
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc format=by -- bytes
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc format= '' -- bytes time buffers percent
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc format= by -- bytes
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc is-live = true '' -- name= format= !
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc is-live = true for -- format=
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc is-live=true '' -- name= format= !
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc is-live=true for -- format=
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc is-live = true format = -- bytes time
test_gst_launch_completion fakesrc is-live=true format= -- bytes time
test_gst_launch_parse() {
local cur cword words curtype option element property
while [[ "$1" != -- ]]; do words+=("$1"); shift; done; shift
cword=$(( ${#words[*]} - 1 ))
local xcurtype="$1" xoption="$2" xelement="$3" xproperty="$4"
printf "test_gst_launch_parse: '${words[*]}'... "
_assert curtype "$curtype" "$xcurtype" &&
_assert option "$option" "$xoption" &&
_assert element "$element" "$xelement" &&
_assert property "$property" "$xproperty" &&
echo OK
_assert() {
local name="$1" got="$2" expected="$3"
[[ -z "$expected" || "$got" == "$expected" ]] || {
echo "FAIL"
echo "Expected $name: '$expected'. Got: '$got'."
echo ""
test_gst_launch_parse '' -- option-or-element '' '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse --mes -- option '' '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse --messages -- option '' '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse --gst-debug-level '' -- optionval --gst-debug-level '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse --gst-debug-level = -- optionval --gst-debug-level '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse --gst-debug-level= -- optionval --gst-debug-level '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse --gst-debug-level=5 -- optionval --gst-debug-level '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse fak -- element '' '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse --messages fak -- element '' '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse --gst-debug-level = 5 fak -- element '' '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc '' -- property '' fakesrc ''
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc is-l -- property '' fakesrc ''
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc is-live = -- propertyval '' fakesrc is-live
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc is-live= -- propertyval '' fakesrc is-live
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc is-live=b -- propertyval '' fakesrc is-live
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc is-live = true form -- property '' 'fakesrc' ''
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc is-live = true ! -- ! '' '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc is-live = true ! fakesi -- element '' '' ''
test_gst_launch_parse fakesrc is-live = true ! fakesink '' -- property '' fakesink ''
exit $ret

View file

@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
# Bash tab-completion for GStreamer. -*- shell-script -*-
# Put this in /etc/bash_completion.d/
_gst_inspect() {
local _gst_version=1.0
local cur cword prev words
[[ "$cur" == "=" ]] && cur=
[[ "$cur" =~ -.*=*$ ]] && prev="${cur%%=*}" cur="${cur#*=}"
_gst_common_options || return
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen \
-W "$(_gst_parse_help gst-inspect-$_gst_version) \
$(_gst_plugins) $(_gst_elements)" \
-- "$cur") )
[[ $COMPREPLY == *= ]] && compopt -o nospace 2>/dev/null
} &&
complete -F _gst_inspect gst-inspect-1.0
_gst_launch() {
local _gst_version=1.0
local cur cword prev words
local curtype option element property
_gst_common_options || return
COMPREPLY=( $(_gst_launch_compgen) )
[[ $COMPREPLY == *= ]] && compopt -o nospace 2>/dev/null
} &&
complete -o default -F _gst_launch gst-launch-1.0
_gst_common_options() {
if [[ -n "$curtype" ]]; then # Called from _gst_launch
[[ $curtype == optionval ]] || return 0
else # Called from _gst_inspect
local option="$prev"
case "$option" in
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "0 1 2 3 4 5" -- "$cur") );;
--gst-debug) # TODO: comma-separated list of category_name:level pairs.
--gst-plugin-path) # TODO: support multiple (colon-separated) paths.
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -d -- "$cur") );;
--gst-plugin-load) # TODO: comma-separated list of plugins (files?).
*) return 0;;
return 1 # No need to attempt further completions.
_gst_launch_compgen() {
case $curtype in
compgen \
-W "$(_gst_parse_help gst-launch-$_gst_version)" \
-- "$cur" ;;
compgen -W "$(_gst_elements)" -- "$cur" ;;
compgen \
-W "$(_gst_parse_help gst-launch-$_gst_version) \
$(_gst_elements)" \
-- "$cur" ;;
case "$option" in
-o|--output) compgen -f -- "$cur" ;;
--exclude) ;; # TODO: comma-separated list of status information types.
esac ;;
compgen -W '!' -- "$cur" ;;
compgen -W "$(_gst_properties $element) ! " -- "$cur" ;;
compgen -W "$(_gst_property_values $element $property)" -- "$cur" ;;
_gst_plugins() {
gst-inspect-$_gst_version 2>/dev/null |
grep -v 'Total count' |
awk -F': +' '{print $1}' |
_gst_elements() {
gst-inspect-$_gst_version 2>/dev/null |
grep -v 'Total count' |
awk -F': +' '{print $2}'
_gst_properties() {
local element="$1"
gst-inspect-$_gst_version "$element" 2>/dev/null |
sed -n '/^Element Properties:$/,$ p' |
awk '/^ [a-z]/ { print $1 "=" }'
_gst_property_values() {
local element=$1 property=$2
gst-inspect-$_gst_version $element 2>/dev/null |
awk "
/^Element Properties:\$/ { inproperties = 1; next; }
inproperties && /^ $property / { inproperty = 1; next; }
inproperty && /^ *Boolean/ { printf \"true\nfalse\n\"; exit; }
inproperty && /^ *Enum/ { inenum = 1; next; }
inenum && /^ *\([0-9]+\): / { print \$2; next; }
inproperty && /^ [a-z]/ { exit; }"
# Walks over $words, sets $curtype to the string:
# 'option' if $cur is an option or flag like "-a" or "--abc".
# 'optionval' if $cur is the value of an option
# (which will be set in $option).
# 'element' if $cur is a GStreamer element name.
# '!' if $cur is '!'.
# 'property' if $cur is the name of a property of a GStreamer element
# (which will be set in $element).
# 'propertyval' if $cur is the value of an element's property
# (which will be set in $element and $property, respectively).
# ($cur is the word currently being completed.)
# Before calling this function make sure that $curtype, $option, $element and
# $property are local, and that $cur, $cword and $words have been initialised.
# See test cases in tests/misc/ in the
# gstreamer source repository.
_gst_launch_parse() {
local i next state
curtype= i=1 state=start
while [[ $i -le $cword ]]; do
# Note that COMP_WORDBREAKS by default includes "=" and ":".
case "$state,$next" in
start,-*=*) curtype=optionval option="${next%%=*}" state=start;;
start,-*) curtype=option option="$next" state=option;;
start,) curtype=option-or-element;;
start,*) curtype=element element="$next" state=element;;
option,=) curtype=optionval state=option=;;
option,*) _gst_takes_arg "$option" &&
curtype=optionval state=start ||
# re-evaluate without incrementing i:
{ curtype= state=start; continue; }
option=,*) curtype=optionval state=start;;
element,\!) curtype='!' state='!';;
\!,*) curtype=element element="$next" state=element;;
curtype=propertyval property="${next%=}" state=property=;;
curtype=propertyval property="${next%%=*}" state=element;;
element,*) curtype=property property="$next" state=property;;
property,=) curtype=propertyval state=property=;;
property=,*) curtype=propertyval state=element;;
i=$((i + 1))
_gst_takes_arg() {
case "$1" in
-o|--output|--gst-debug-level|--gst-debug) true;;
--gst-plugin-path|--gst-plugin-load|--exclude) true;;
*) false;;
_gst_parse_help() {
$1 --help-all 2>&1 | grep -Eo -e '--[a-z-]+'
_gst_init_completion() {
if type _get_comp_words_by_ref &>/dev/null; then
# Available since bash-completion 1.2
_get_comp_words_by_ref cur cword prev words
# bash-completion not installed or too old. Use bash's raw facilities.
# This won't complete properly if the cursor is in the middle of a
# word.