mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:22:54 +00:00
check: add (but disable) more rtp jitterbuffer tests
Tests need to be ported to 1.0 before they can be enabled but added here so they don't get forgotten. See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=667838
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 515 additions and 0 deletions
@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and its subsidary(-ies)
* contact: <stefan.kost@nokia.com>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc
* Authors: Kelley Rogers <kelro@cisco.com>
* Havard Graff <hgraff@cisco.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
@ -20,6 +23,7 @@
#include <gst/check/gstcheck.h>
#include <gst/check/gsttestclock.h>
/* For ease of programming we use globals to keep refs for our floating
* src and sink pads we create; otherwise we always have to do get_pad,
@ -319,6 +323,511 @@ GST_START_TEST (test_basetime)
#if 0
static const guint payload_size = 160;
static const guint clock_rate = 8000;
static const guint pcmu_payload_type = 0;
static const guint test_ssrc = 0x01BADBAD;
typedef struct
GstElement *jitter_buffer;
GstPad *test_sink_pad, *test_src_pad;
GstClock *clock;
GAsyncQueue *buf_queue;
GAsyncQueue *event_queue;
gint lost_event_count;
} TestData;
static GstCaps *
generate_caps (void)
return gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
"media", G_TYPE_STRING, "audio",
"clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, clock_rate,
"encoding-name", G_TYPE_STRING, "PCMU",
"payload", G_TYPE_INT, pcmu_payload_type,
"ssrc", G_TYPE_UINT, test_ssrc, NULL);
static GstBuffer *
generate_test_buffer (GstClockTime gst_ts,
gboolean marker_bit, guint seq_num, guint32 rtp_ts)
GstBuffer *buf;
guint8 *payload;
guint i;
buf = gst_rtp_buffer_new_allocate (payload_size, 0, 0);
GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (buf) = gst_ts;
GST_BUFFER_CAPS (buf) = generate_caps ();
gst_rtp_buffer_set_payload_type (buf, pcmu_payload_type);
gst_rtp_buffer_set_marker (buf, marker_bit);
gst_rtp_buffer_set_seq (buf, seq_num);
gst_rtp_buffer_set_timestamp (buf, rtp_ts);
gst_rtp_buffer_set_ssrc (buf, test_ssrc);
payload = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload (buf);
for (i = 0; i < payload_size; i++)
payload[i] = 0xff;
return buf;
static GstFlowReturn
test_sink_pad_chain_cb (GstPad * pad, GstBuffer * buffer)
TestData *data = gst_pad_get_element_private (pad);
g_async_queue_push (data->buf_queue, buffer);
return GST_FLOW_OK;
static gboolean
test_sink_pad_event_cb (GstPad * pad, GstEvent * event)
TestData *data = gst_pad_get_element_private (pad);
const GstStructure *structure = gst_event_get_structure (event);
if (strcmp (gst_structure_get_name (structure), "GstRTPPacketLost") == 0)
g_async_queue_push (data->event_queue, event);
return TRUE;
static void
setup_testharness (TestData * data)
GstPad *jb_sink_pad, *jb_src_pad;
// create the testclock
data->clock = gst_test_clock_new ();
g_assert (data->clock);
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data->clock), 0);
// rig up the jitter buffer
data->jitter_buffer = gst_element_factory_make ("gstrtpjitterbuffer", NULL);
g_assert (data->jitter_buffer);
gst_element_set_clock (data->jitter_buffer, data->clock);
g_object_set (data->jitter_buffer, "do-lost", TRUE, NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_element_set_state (data->jitter_buffer,
// link in the test source-pad
data->test_src_pad = gst_pad_new ("src", GST_PAD_SRC);
gst_pad_set_caps (data->test_src_pad, generate_caps ());
jb_sink_pad = gst_element_get_pad (data->jitter_buffer, "sink");
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_link (data->test_src_pad, jb_sink_pad), ==,
g_assert (gst_pad_set_active (data->test_src_pad, TRUE));
gst_object_unref (jb_sink_pad);
// link in the test sink-pad
data->test_sink_pad = gst_pad_new ("sink", GST_PAD_SINK);
gst_pad_set_caps (data->test_sink_pad, generate_caps ());
gst_pad_set_chain_function (data->test_sink_pad, test_sink_pad_chain_cb);
gst_pad_set_event_function (data->test_sink_pad, test_sink_pad_event_cb);
jb_src_pad = gst_element_get_pad (data->jitter_buffer, "src");
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_link (jb_src_pad, data->test_sink_pad), ==,
g_assert (gst_pad_set_active (data->test_sink_pad, TRUE));
gst_object_unref (jb_src_pad);
// set up the buf and event queues
data->buf_queue =
g_async_queue_new_full ((GDestroyNotify) gst_mini_object_unref);
data->event_queue =
g_async_queue_new_full ((GDestroyNotify) gst_mini_object_unref);
data->lost_event_count = 0;
gst_pad_set_element_private (data->test_sink_pad, data);
static void
destroy_testharness (TestData * data)
// clean up
g_assert_cmpint (gst_element_set_state (data->jitter_buffer, GST_STATE_NULL),
gst_object_unref (data->jitter_buffer);
data->jitter_buffer = NULL;
gst_object_unref (data->test_src_pad);
data->test_src_pad = NULL;
gst_object_unref (data->test_sink_pad);
data->test_sink_pad = NULL;
gst_object_unref (data->clock);
data->clock = NULL;
g_async_queue_unref (data->buf_queue);
data->buf_queue = NULL;
g_async_queue_unref (data->event_queue);
data->event_queue = NULL;
data->lost_event_count = 0;
static void
verify_lost_event (GstEvent * event, guint32 expected_seqnum,
GstClockTime expected_timestamp, GstClockTime expected_duration,
gboolean expected_late)
const GstStructure *s = gst_event_get_structure (event);
const GValue *value;
guint32 seqnum;
GstClockTime timestamp;
GstClockTime duration;
gboolean late;
g_assert (gst_structure_get_uint (s, "seqnum", &seqnum));
value = gst_structure_get_value (s, "timestamp");
g_assert (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT64 (value));
timestamp = g_value_get_uint64 (value);
value = gst_structure_get_value (s, "duration");
g_assert (value && G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT64 (value));
duration = g_value_get_uint64 (value);
g_assert (gst_structure_get_boolean (s, "late", &late));
g_assert_cmpint (seqnum, ==, expected_seqnum);
g_assert_cmpint (timestamp, ==, expected_timestamp);
g_assert_cmpint (duration, ==, expected_duration);
g_assert (late == expected_late);
GST_START_TEST (test_only_one_lost_event_on_large_gaps)
TestData data;
GstTestClockPendingID id;
guint64 timeout;
GstBuffer *in_buf, *out_buf;
GstEvent *out_event;
gint jb_latency_ms = 200;
guint buffer_size_ms = (payload_size * 1000) / clock_rate;
setup_testharness (&data);
timeout = 20 * G_USEC_PER_SEC;
g_object_set (data.jitter_buffer, "latency", jb_latency_ms, NULL);
// push the first buffer in
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (0 * GST_MSECOND, TRUE, 0, 0);
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), 0);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// wait for the first buffer to be synced to timestamp + latency
g_assert (gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK
(data.clock), &id));
// increase the time to timestamp + latency and release the wait
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock),
jb_latency_ms * GST_MSECOND);
g_assert (gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock))
== id.clock_id);
// check for the buffer coming out that was pushed in
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (out_buf), ==, 0);
// move time ahead 10 seconds
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), 10 * GST_SECOND);
// wait a bit
g_usleep (G_USEC_PER_SEC / 10);
// check that no buffers have been pushed out and no pending waits
g_assert_cmpint (g_async_queue_length (data.buf_queue), ==, 0);
g_assert (gst_test_clock_peek_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock),
&id) == FALSE);
// a buffer now arrives perfectly on time
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (10 * GST_SECOND, FALSE, 500, 500 * 160);
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), 10 * GST_SECOND);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// release the wait
g_assert (gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK
(data.clock), &id));
g_assert (gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock))
== id.clock_id);
// we should now receive a packet-lost-event for buffers 1 through 489
out_event = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.event_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_event != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (data.lost_event_count, ==, 1);
verify_lost_event (out_event, 1, 1 * GST_MSECOND * 20, GST_MSECOND * 20 * 489,
// churn through sync_times until the new buffer gets pushed out
while (g_async_queue_length (data.buf_queue) < 1) {
if (gst_test_clock_peek_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), &id)) {
if (id.time > gst_clock_get_time (data.clock)) {
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), id.time);
g_print ("setting time to %" GST_TIME_FORMAT "\n",
GST_TIME_ARGS (id.time));
gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock));
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_rtp_buffer_get_seq (out_buf), ==, 500);
g_assert_cmpint (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (out_buf), ==, (10 * GST_SECOND));
// we get as many lost events as the the number of buffers the jitterbuffer
// is able to wait for (+ the one we already got)
g_assert_cmpint (data.lost_event_count, ==,
jb_latency_ms / buffer_size_ms + 1);
destroy_testharness (&data);
GST_START_TEST (test_two_lost_one_arrives_in_time)
TestData data;
GstTestClockPendingID id;
guint64 timeout;
GstBuffer *in_buf, *out_buf;
GstEvent *out_event;
gint jb_latency_ms = 10;
GstClockTime buffer_time;
gint b;
setup_testharness (&data);
timeout = 20 * G_USEC_PER_SEC;
g_object_set (data.jitter_buffer, "latency", jb_latency_ms, NULL);
// push the first buffer in
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (0 * GST_MSECOND, TRUE, 0, 0);
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), 0);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
g_assert (gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK
(data.clock), &id));
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock),
jb_latency_ms * GST_MSECOND);
g_assert (gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock))
== id.clock_id);
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
// push some buffers arriving in perfect time!
for (b = 1; b < 3; b++) {
buffer_time = b * GST_MSECOND * 20;
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (buffer_time, TRUE, b, b * 160);
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), buffer_time);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// check for the buffer coming out that was pushed in
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (out_buf), ==, buffer_time);
// hop over 2 packets and make another one (gap of 2)
b = 5;
buffer_time = b * GST_MSECOND * 20;
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (buffer_time, TRUE, b, b * 160);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// verify that the jitterbuffer now wait for the latest moment it can push
// the first lost buffer (buffer 3) out on (buffer-timestamp (60) + latency (10) = 70)
g_assert (gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK
(data.clock), &id));
g_assert_cmpint (id.time, ==,
(3 * GST_MSECOND * 20) + (jb_latency_ms * GST_MSECOND));
// let the time expire...
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), id.time);
g_assert (gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock))
== id.clock_id);
// we should now receive a packet-lost-event for buffer 3
out_event = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.event_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_event != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (data.lost_event_count, ==, 1);
verify_lost_event (out_event, 3, 3 * GST_MSECOND * 20, GST_MSECOND * 20,
// buffer 4 now arrives just in time (time is 70, buffer 4 expires at 90)
b = 4;
buffer_time = b * GST_MSECOND * 20;
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (buffer_time, TRUE, b, b * 160);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// verify that buffer 4 made it through!
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_rtp_buffer_get_seq (out_buf), ==, 4);
// and see that buffer 5 now arrives in a normal fashion
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_rtp_buffer_get_seq (out_buf), ==, 5);
// should still have only seen 1 packet lost event
g_assert_cmpint (data.lost_event_count, ==, 1);
destroy_testharness (&data);
GST_START_TEST (test_late_packets_still_makes_lost_events)
TestData data;
GstTestClockPendingID id;
guint64 timeout;
GstBuffer *in_buf, *out_buf;
GstEvent *out_event;
gint jb_latency_ms = 10;
GstClockTime buffer_time;
gint b;
setup_testharness (&data);
timeout = 20 * G_USEC_PER_SEC;
g_object_set (data.jitter_buffer, "latency", jb_latency_ms, NULL);
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), 10 * GST_SECOND);
// push the first buffer in
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (0 * GST_MSECOND, TRUE, 0, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
g_assert (gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK
(data.clock), &id));
g_assert (gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock))
== id.clock_id);
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
// push some buffers in!
for (b = 1; b < 3; b++) {
buffer_time = b * GST_MSECOND * 20;
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (buffer_time, TRUE, b, b * 160);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// check for the buffer coming out that was pushed in
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (out_buf), ==, buffer_time);
// hop over 2 packets and make another one (gap of 2)
b = 5;
buffer_time = b * GST_MSECOND * 20;
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (buffer_time, TRUE, b, b * 160);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// release the wait
g_assert (gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK
(data.clock), &id));
g_assert (gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock))
== id.clock_id);
// we should now receive a packet-lost-event for buffer 3 and 4
out_event = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.event_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_event != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (data.lost_event_count, ==, 1);
verify_lost_event (out_event, 3, 3 * GST_MSECOND * 20, GST_MSECOND * 20 * 2,
// verify that buffer 5 made it through!
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_rtp_buffer_get_seq (out_buf), ==, 5);
// should still have only seen 1 packet lost event
g_assert_cmpint (data.lost_event_count, ==, 1);
destroy_testharness (&data);
GST_START_TEST (test_all_packets_are_timestamped_zero)
TestData data;
GstTestClockPendingID id;
guint64 timeout;
GstBuffer *in_buf, *out_buf;
GstEvent *out_event;
gint jb_latency_ms = 10;
GstClockTime buffer_time;
gint b;
setup_testharness (&data);
timeout = 20 * G_USEC_PER_SEC;
g_object_set (data.jitter_buffer, "latency", jb_latency_ms, NULL);
gst_test_clock_set_time (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock), 10 * GST_SECOND);
// push the first buffer in
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (0 * GST_MSECOND, TRUE, 0, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
g_assert (gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK
(data.clock), &id));
g_assert (gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock))
== id.clock_id);
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
// push some buffers in!
for (b = 1; b < 3; b++) {
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (0, TRUE, b, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// check for the buffer coming out that was pushed in
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (out_buf), ==, 0);
// hop over 2 packets and make another one (gap of 2)
b = 5;
in_buf = generate_test_buffer (0, TRUE, b, 0);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_pad_push (data.test_src_pad, in_buf), ==, GST_FLOW_OK);
// release the wait
g_assert (gst_test_clock_wait_for_next_pending_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK
(data.clock), &id));
g_assert (gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id (GST_TEST_CLOCK (data.clock))
== id.clock_id);
// we should now receive a packet-lost-event for buffer 3 and 4
out_event = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.event_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_event != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (data.lost_event_count, ==, 1);
verify_lost_event (out_event, 3, 0, 0, TRUE);
// verify that buffer 5 made it through!
out_buf = g_async_queue_timeout_pop (data.buf_queue, timeout);
g_assert (out_buf != NULL);
g_assert_cmpint (gst_rtp_buffer_get_seq (out_buf), ==, 5);
// should still have only seen 1 packet lost event
g_assert_cmpint (data.lost_event_count, ==, 1);
destroy_testharness (&data);
static Suite *
rtpjitterbuffer_suite (void)
@ -331,6 +840,12 @@ rtpjitterbuffer_suite (void)
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_push_backward_seq);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_push_unordered);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_basetime);
#if 0
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_only_one_lost_event_on_large_gaps);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_two_lost_one_arrives_in_time);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_late_packets_still_makes_lost_events);
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_all_packets_are_timestamped_zero);
/* FIXME: test buffer lists */
Reference in a new issue