glvideomixer: add support for gl3

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Waters 2014-11-14 00:20:10 +11:00
parent d661fb959e
commit 45ac7be402
2 changed files with 110 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ struct _GstGLVideoMixerPad
gint xpos, ypos;
gint width, height;
gdouble alpha;
gboolean geometry_change;
GLuint vertex_buffer;
struct _GstGLVideoMixerPadClass
@ -264,15 +267,19 @@ gst_gl_video_mixer_pad_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
switch (prop_id) {
pad->xpos = g_value_get_int (value);
pad->geometry_change = TRUE;
pad->ypos = g_value_get_int (value);
pad->geometry_change = TRUE;
pad->width = g_value_get_int (value);
pad->geometry_change = TRUE;
pad->height = g_value_get_int (value);
pad->geometry_change = TRUE;
pad->alpha = g_value_get_double (value);
@ -434,6 +441,34 @@ _update_caps (GstVideoAggregator * vagg, GstCaps * caps)
return ret;
static gboolean
_reset_pad_gl (GstAggregator * agg, GstPad * aggpad, gpointer udata)
const GstGLFuncs *gl = GST_GL_MIXER (agg)->context->gl_vtable;
GstGLVideoMixerPad *pad = GST_GL_VIDEO_MIXER_PAD (aggpad);
if (pad->vertex_buffer) {
gl->DeleteBuffers (1, &pad->vertex_buffer);
pad->vertex_buffer = 0;
return FALSE;
static void
_reset_gl (GstGLContext * context, GstGLVideoMixer * video_mixer)
const GstGLFuncs *gl = GST_GL_MIXER (video_mixer)->context->gl_vtable;
if (video_mixer->vao) {
gl->DeleteVertexArrays (1, &video_mixer->vao);
video_mixer->vao = 0;
gst_aggregator_iterate_sinkpads (GST_AGGREGATOR (video_mixer), _reset_pad_gl,
static void
gst_gl_video_mixer_reset (GstGLMixer * mixer)
@ -448,6 +483,10 @@ gst_gl_video_mixer_reset (GstGLMixer * mixer)
if (video_mixer->checker)
gst_gl_context_del_shader (mixer->context, video_mixer->checker);
video_mixer->checker = NULL;
if (mixer->context)
gst_gl_context_thread_add (mixer->context,
(GstGLContextThreadFunc) _reset_gl, mixer);
static gboolean
@ -509,13 +548,25 @@ _draw_checker_background (GstGLVideoMixer * video_mixer)
attr_position_loc =
gst_gl_shader_get_attribute_location (video_mixer->checker, "a_position");
if (!video_mixer->checker_vbo) {
gl->GenBuffers (1, &video_mixer->checker_vbo);
gl->BindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, video_mixer->checker_vbo);
gl->BufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * 3 * sizeof (GLfloat), v_vertices,
} else {
gl->BindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, video_mixer->checker_vbo);
gl->VertexAttribPointer (attr_position_loc, 3, GL_FLOAT,
GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof (GLfloat), &v_vertices[0]);
GL_FALSE, 3 * sizeof (GLfloat), (void *) 0);
gl->EnableVertexAttribArray (attr_position_loc);
gl->DrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices);
gl->DisableVertexAttribArray (attr_position_loc);
gl->BindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
return TRUE;
@ -572,11 +623,18 @@ gst_gl_video_mixer_callback (gpointer stuff)
gst_gl_context_clear_shader (mixer->context);
gl->BindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
gl->Disable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
if (gst_gl_context_get_gl_api (mixer->context) & GST_GL_API_OPENGL)
gl->Disable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
gl->Disable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
gl->Disable (GL_CULL_FACE);
if (gl->GenVertexArrays) {
if (!video_mixer->vao)
gl->GenVertexArrays (1, &video_mixer->vao);
gl->BindVertexArray (video_mixer->vao);
if (!_draw_background (video_mixer))
@ -592,19 +650,17 @@ gst_gl_video_mixer_callback (gpointer stuff)
while (count < video_mixer->input_frames->len) {
GstGLMixerFrameData *frame;
GstGLVideoMixerPad *pad;
guint in_tex;
guint in_width, in_height;
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
gfloat v_vertices[] = {
/* front face */
-1.0,-1.0,-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
1.0,-1.0,-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
1.0, 1.0,-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
-1.0, 1.0,-1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
/* *INDENT-ON* */
guint in_tex;
guint in_width, in_height;
guint pad_width, pad_height;
gfloat w, h;
frame = g_ptr_array_index (video_mixer->input_frames, count);
if (!frame) {
@ -625,34 +681,41 @@ gst_gl_video_mixer_callback (gpointer stuff)
in_tex = frame->texture;
pad_width = pad->width <= 0 ? in_width : pad->width;
pad_height = pad->height <= 0 ? in_height : pad->height;
w = ((gfloat) pad_width / (gfloat) out_width);
h = ((gfloat) pad_height / (gfloat) out_height);
if (pad->geometry_change || !pad->vertex_buffer) {
guint pad_width, pad_height;
gfloat w, h;
/* top-left */
v_vertices[0] = v_vertices[15] =
2.0f * (gfloat) pad->xpos / (gfloat) out_width - 1.0f;
/* bottom-left */
v_vertices[1] = v_vertices[6] =
2.0f * (gfloat) pad->ypos / (gfloat) out_height - 1.0f;
/* top-right */
v_vertices[5] = v_vertices[10] = v_vertices[0] + 2.0f * w;
/* bottom-right */
v_vertices[11] = v_vertices[16] = v_vertices[1] + 2.0f * h;
GST_TRACE ("processing texture:%u dimensions:%ux%u, at %f,%f %fx%f with "
"alpha:%f", in_tex, in_width, in_height, v_vertices[0], v_vertices[1],
v_vertices[5], v_vertices[11], pad->alpha);
pad_width = pad->width <= 0 ? in_width : pad->width;
pad_height = pad->height <= 0 ? in_height : pad->height;
gl->VertexAttribPointer (attr_position_loc, 3, GL_FLOAT,
GL_FALSE, 5 * sizeof (GLfloat), &v_vertices[0]);
w = ((gfloat) pad_width / (gfloat) out_width);
h = ((gfloat) pad_height / (gfloat) out_height);
gl->VertexAttribPointer (attr_texture_loc, 2, GL_FLOAT,
GL_FALSE, 5 * sizeof (GLfloat), &v_vertices[3]);
/* top-left */
v_vertices[0] = v_vertices[15] =
2.0f * (gfloat) pad->xpos / (gfloat) out_width - 1.0f;
/* bottom-left */
v_vertices[1] = v_vertices[6] =
2.0f * (gfloat) pad->ypos / (gfloat) out_height - 1.0f;
/* top-right */
v_vertices[5] = v_vertices[10] = v_vertices[0] + 2.0f * w;
/* bottom-right */
v_vertices[11] = v_vertices[16] = v_vertices[1] + 2.0f * h;
GST_TRACE ("processing texture:%u dimensions:%ux%u, at %f,%f %fx%f with "
"alpha:%f", in_tex, in_width, in_height, v_vertices[0], v_vertices[1],
v_vertices[5], v_vertices[11], pad->alpha);
gl->EnableVertexAttribArray (attr_position_loc);
gl->EnableVertexAttribArray (attr_texture_loc);
if (!pad->vertex_buffer)
gl->GenBuffers (1, &pad->vertex_buffer);
gl->BindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pad->vertex_buffer);
gl->BufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 4 * 5 * sizeof (GLfloat), v_vertices,
} else {
gl->BindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, pad->vertex_buffer);
gl->BlendEquation (GL_FUNC_ADD);
@ -662,6 +725,15 @@ gst_gl_video_mixer_callback (gpointer stuff)
gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_1i (video_mixer->shader, "texture", 0);
gst_gl_shader_set_uniform_1f (video_mixer->shader, "alpha", pad->alpha);
gl->EnableVertexAttribArray (attr_position_loc);
gl->EnableVertexAttribArray (attr_texture_loc);
gl->VertexAttribPointer (attr_position_loc, 3, GL_FLOAT,
GL_FALSE, 5 * sizeof (GLfloat), (void *) 0);
gl->VertexAttribPointer (attr_texture_loc, 2, GL_FLOAT,
GL_FALSE, 5 * sizeof (GLfloat), (void *) (3 * sizeof (GLfloat)));
gl->DrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices);
@ -670,6 +742,11 @@ gst_gl_video_mixer_callback (gpointer stuff)
gl->DisableVertexAttribArray (attr_position_loc);
gl->DisableVertexAttribArray (attr_texture_loc);
if (gl->GenVertexArrays)
gl->BindVertexArray (0);
gl->BindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
gl->BindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
gl->Disable (GL_BLEND);

View file

@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ struct _GstGLVideoMixer
GstGLShader *shader;
GstGLShader *checker;
GPtrArray *input_frames;
GLuint vao;
GLuint checker_vbo;
struct _GstGLVideoMixerClass