mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 11:32:51 +00:00
xml-formatter: Cleanup removing all now useless pending fields
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 8 additions and 277 deletions
@ -36,29 +36,6 @@ GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (base_xml_formatter);
static gboolean _loading_done_cb (GESFormatter * self);
typedef struct PendingEffects
gchar *track_id;
GESTrackElement *trackelement;
GstStructure *children_properties;
GstStructure *properties;
} PendingEffects;
typedef struct PendingBinding
gchar *track_id;
GstControlSource *source;
gchar *propname;
gchar *binding_type;
} PendingBinding;
typedef struct PendingChildProperties
gchar *track_id;
GstStructure *structure;
} PendingChildProperties;
typedef struct PendingGroup
GESGroup *group;
@ -66,31 +43,6 @@ typedef struct PendingGroup
GList *pending_children;
} PendingGroup;
typedef struct PendingClip
gchar *id;
guint layer_prio;
GstClockTime start;
GstClockTime inpoint;
GESAsset *asset;
GstClockTime duration;
GESTrackType track_types;
GESLayer *layer;
GstStructure *properties;
GstStructure *children_properties;
gchar *metadatas;
GList *effects;
GList *pending_bindings;
GList *children_props;
/* TODO Implement asset effect management
* PendingTrackElements *track_elements; */
} PendingClip;
typedef struct LayerEntry
GESLayer *layer;
@ -114,12 +66,6 @@ struct _GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate
gsize xmlsize;
gboolean check_only;
/* Asset.id -> PendingClip */
GHashTable *assetid_pendingclips;
/* Clip.ID -> Pending */
GHashTable *clipid_pendings;
/* Clip.ID -> Clip */
GHashTable *containers;
@ -136,7 +82,6 @@ struct _GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate
GESTrackElement *current_track_element;
GESClip *current_clip;
PendingClip *current_pending_clip;
gboolean timeline_auto_transition;
@ -156,9 +101,6 @@ static void new_asset_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res,
PendingAsset * passet);
static void
_free_pending_clip (GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate * priv, PendingClip * pend);
static void
_free_layer_entry (LayerEntry * entry)
@ -175,21 +117,6 @@ _free_pending_group (PendingGroup * pgroup)
g_slice_free (PendingGroup, pgroup);
static GParamSpec *properties[PROP_LAST];
static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
ges_base_xml_formatter, GES_TYPE_FORMATTER);
static gint
@ -333,8 +260,7 @@ _load_from_uri (GESFormatter * self, GESTimeline * timeline, const gchar * uri,
if (!priv->parsecontext)
return FALSE;
if (g_hash_table_size (priv->assetid_pendingclips) == 0 &&
priv->pending_assets == NULL)
if (priv->pending_assets == NULL)
g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) _loading_done_cb, g_object_ref (self));
return TRUE;
@ -421,16 +347,8 @@ static void
_dispose (GObject * object)
GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate *priv = _GET_PRIV (object);
GList *pendings, *pending_clips_lists;
pending_clips_lists = g_hash_table_get_values (priv->assetid_pendingclips);
for (pendings = pending_clips_lists; pendings; pendings = pendings->next)
g_list_free_full (pendings, (GDestroyNotify) _free_pending_clip);
g_list_free (pending_clips_lists);
g_clear_pointer (&priv->assetid_pendingclips, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&priv->containers, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&priv->clipid_pendings, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&priv->tracks, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer (&priv->layers, g_hash_table_unref);
@ -465,11 +383,6 @@ ges_base_xml_formatter_init (GESBaseXmlFormatter * self)
priv->parsecontext = NULL;
priv->pending_assets = NULL;
/* The PendingClip are owned by the assetid_pendingclips table */
priv->assetid_pendingclips = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
priv->clipid_pendings = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
priv->containers = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
g_str_equal, g_free, gst_object_unref);
priv->tracks = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash,
@ -478,7 +391,6 @@ ges_base_xml_formatter_init (GESBaseXmlFormatter * self)
g_direct_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) _free_layer_entry);
priv->current_track_element = NULL;
priv->current_clip = NULL;
priv->current_pending_clip = NULL;
priv->timeline_auto_transition = FALSE;
@ -573,8 +485,7 @@ _loading_done (GESFormatter * self)
if (priv->first_pass) {
GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Assets cached... now loading the timeline.");
g_assert (g_hash_table_size (priv->assetid_pendingclips) == 0
&& priv->pending_assets == NULL);
g_assert (priv->pending_assets == NULL);
_add_all_groups (self);
@ -689,51 +600,6 @@ _add_track_element (GESFormatter * self, GESClip * clip,
static void
_free_pending_children_props (PendingChildProperties * pend)
g_free (pend->track_id);
if (pend->structure)
gst_structure_free (pend->structure);
static void
_free_pending_binding (PendingBinding * pend)
g_free (pend->propname);
g_free (pend->binding_type);
g_free (pend->track_id);
static void
_free_pending_effect (PendingEffects * pend)
g_free (pend->track_id);
gst_object_unref (pend->trackelement);
if (pend->children_properties)
gst_structure_free (pend->children_properties);
if (pend->properties)
gst_structure_free (pend->properties);
g_slice_free (PendingEffects, pend);
static void
_free_pending_clip (GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate * priv, PendingClip * pend)
gst_object_unref (pend->layer);
if (pend->properties)
gst_structure_free (pend->properties);
g_list_free_full (pend->effects, (GDestroyNotify) _free_pending_effect);
g_list_free_full (pend->pending_bindings,
(GDestroyNotify) _free_pending_binding);
g_list_free_full (pend->children_props,
(GDestroyNotify) _free_pending_children_props);
g_hash_table_remove (priv->clipid_pendings, pend->id);
g_free (pend->id);
g_slice_free (PendingClip, pend);
static void
_free_pending_asset (GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate * priv, PendingAsset * passet)
@ -747,45 +613,11 @@ _free_pending_asset (GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate * priv, PendingAsset * passet)
g_slice_free (PendingAsset, passet);
static void
_add_children_properties (GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate * priv, GList * childprops,
GESClip * clip)
GList *tmpchildprops;
for (tmpchildprops = childprops; tmpchildprops;
tmpchildprops = tmpchildprops->next) {
PendingChildProperties *pchildprops = tmpchildprops->data;
GESTrackElement *element =
_get_element_by_track_id (priv, pchildprops->track_id, clip);
if (element && pchildprops->structure)
gst_structure_foreach (pchildprops->structure,
(GstStructureForeachFunc) _set_child_property, element);
static void
_add_pending_bindings (GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate * priv, GList * bindings,
GESClip * clip)
GList *tmpbinding;
for (tmpbinding = bindings; tmpbinding; tmpbinding = tmpbinding->next) {
PendingBinding *pbinding = tmpbinding->data;
GESTrackElement *element =
_get_element_by_track_id (priv, pbinding->track_id, clip);
if (element)
ges_track_element_set_control_source (element,
pbinding->source, pbinding->propname, pbinding->binding_type);
static void
new_asset_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, PendingAsset * passet)
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *possible_id = NULL;
GList *tmp, *pendings = NULL;
GESFormatter *self = passet->formatter;
const gchar *id = ges_asset_get_id (source);
GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate *priv = _GET_PRIV (self);
@ -811,27 +643,16 @@ new_asset_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, PendingAsset * passet)
"- Error: %s", g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (source)), id,
pendings = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
_free_pending_asset (priv, passet);
goto done;
/* We got a possible ID replacement for that asset, create it, and
* make sure the assetid_pendingclips will use it */
/* We got a possible ID replacement for that asset, create it */
ges_asset_request_async (ges_asset_get_extractable_type (source),
possible_id, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) new_asset_cb, passet);
ges_project_add_loading_asset (GES_FORMATTER (self)->project,
ges_asset_get_extractable_type (source), possible_id);
pendings = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
if (pendings) {
g_hash_table_remove (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
g_hash_table_insert (priv->assetid_pendingclips,
g_strdup (possible_id), pendings);
/* pendings should no be freed */
pendings = NULL;
goto done;
@ -842,37 +663,6 @@ new_asset_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, PendingAsset * passet)
ges_asset_try_proxy (asset, passet->proxy_id);
/* now that we have the GESAsset, we create the GESClips */
pendings = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Asset created with ID %s, now creating pending "
" Clips, nb pendings: %i", id, g_list_length (pendings));
for (tmp = pendings; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
GList *tmpeffect;
GESClip *clip;
PendingClip *pend = (PendingClip *) tmp->data;
clip =
_add_object_to_layer (priv, pend->id, pend->layer, asset,
pend->start, pend->inpoint, pend->duration, pend->track_types,
pend->metadatas, pend->properties, pend->children_properties);
if (clip == NULL)
_add_children_properties (priv, pend->children_props, clip);
_add_pending_bindings (priv, pend->pending_bindings, clip);
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Adding %i effect to new object",
g_list_length (pend->effects));
for (tmpeffect = pend->effects; tmpeffect; tmpeffect = tmpeffect->next) {
PendingEffects *peffect = (PendingEffects *) tmpeffect->data;
/* We keep a ref as _free_pending_effect unrefs it */
_add_track_element (self, clip, gst_object_ref (peffect->trackelement),
peffect->track_id, peffect->children_properties, peffect->properties);
/* And now add to the project */
ges_project_add_asset (self->project, asset);
gst_object_unref (self);
@ -887,15 +677,7 @@ done:
g_clear_error (&error);
if (pendings) {
for (tmp = pendings; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
_free_pending_clip (priv, tmp->data);
g_hash_table_remove (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
g_list_free (pendings);
if (g_hash_table_size (priv->assetid_pendingclips) == 0 &&
priv->pending_assets == NULL)
if (priv->pending_assets == NULL)
_loading_done (self);
@ -1241,26 +1023,8 @@ ges_base_xml_formatter_add_control_binding (GESBaseXmlFormatter * self,
if (track_id[0] != '-' && priv->current_clip)
element = _get_element_by_track_id (priv, track_id, priv->current_clip);
else if (track_id[0] != '-' && priv->current_pending_clip) {
PendingBinding *pbinding;
pbinding = g_slice_new0 (PendingBinding);
pbinding->source = gst_interpolation_control_source_new ();
g_object_set (pbinding->source, "mode", mode, NULL);
gst_timed_value_control_source_set_from_list (GST_TIMED_VALUE_CONTROL_SOURCE
(pbinding->source), timed_values);
pbinding->propname = g_strdup (property_name);
pbinding->binding_type = g_strdup (binding_type);
pbinding->track_id = g_strdup (track_id);
priv->current_pending_clip->pending_bindings =
g_list_append (priv->current_pending_clip->pending_bindings, pbinding);
else {
element = priv->current_track_element;
if (element == NULL) {
GST_WARNING ("No current track element to which we can append a binding");
@ -1296,20 +1060,8 @@ ges_base_xml_formatter_add_source (GESBaseXmlFormatter * self,
if (track_id[0] != '-' && priv->current_clip)
element = _get_element_by_track_id (priv, track_id, priv->current_clip);
else if (track_id[0] != '-' && priv->current_pending_clip) {
PendingChildProperties *pchildprops;
pchildprops = g_slice_new0 (PendingChildProperties);
pchildprops->track_id = g_strdup (track_id);
pchildprops->structure = children_properties ?
gst_structure_copy (children_properties) : NULL;
priv->current_pending_clip->children_props =
g_list_append (priv->current_pending_clip->children_props, pchildprops);
} else {
element = priv->current_track_element;
if (element == NULL) {
@ -1370,29 +1122,8 @@ ges_base_xml_formatter_add_track_element (GESBaseXmlFormatter * self,
(trackelement), metadatas);
clip = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->containers, timeline_obj_id);
if (clip) {
_add_track_element (GES_FORMATTER (self), clip, trackelement, track_id,
children_properties, properties);
} else {
PendingEffects *peffect;
PendingClip *pend = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->clipid_pendings,
if (pend == NULL) {
GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No Clip with id: %s can not "
"add TrackElement", timeline_obj_id);
goto out;
peffect = g_slice_new0 (PendingEffects);
peffect->trackelement = trackelement;
peffect->track_id = g_strdup (track_id);
peffect->properties = properties ? gst_structure_copy (properties) : NULL;
peffect->children_properties = children_properties ?
gst_structure_copy (children_properties) : NULL;
pend->effects = g_list_append (pend->effects, peffect);
_add_track_element (GES_FORMATTER (self), clip, trackelement, track_id,
children_properties, properties);
priv->current_track_element = trackelement;
Reference in a new issue