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synced 2025-03-28 20:05:38 +00:00
validate: Add a gst-validate-launcher documentation
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 152 additions and 21 deletions
@ -185,7 +185,18 @@ class GESTestsManager(TestsManager):
except OSError as e:
self.warning("Can not use ges-launch: %s" % e)
def add_options(self, group):
def add_options(self, parser):
group = parser.add_argument_group("GStreamer Editing Services specific option"
" and behaviours",
The GStreamer Editing Services launcher will be usable only if GES has been compiled against GstValidate
You can simply run scenarios specifying project as args. For example the following will run all available
and activated scenarios on project.xges:
$gst-validate-launcher ges /some/ges/project.xges
Available options:""")
group.add_argument("-P", "--projects-paths", dest="projects_paths",
@ -364,9 +364,16 @@ class GstValidateManager(TestsManager, Loggable):
def init(self):
return True
return False
def add_options(self, parser):
group = parser.add_argument_group("GstValidate tools specific options"
" and behaviours",
When using --wanted-tests, all the scenarios can be used, even those which have
not been tested and explicitely activated, in order to only use those, you should
use --wanted-tests defaults_only""")
def list_tests(self):
if self.tests:
return self.tests
@ -548,24 +548,13 @@ class _TestsLauncher(Loggable):
self.wanted_tests_patterns = []
def _list_testers(self):
def get_subclasses(c, env):
subclasses = []
for symb in env.iteritems():
if issubclass(symb[1], c) and not symb[1] is c:
except TypeError:
return subclasses
env = globals().copy()
d = os.path.dirname(__file__)
for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(d, "apps")):
if f.endswith(".py"):
execfile(os.path.join(d, "apps", f), env)
testers = [i() for i in get_subclasses(TestsManager, env)]
testers = [i() for i in utils.get_subclasses(TestsManager, env)]
for tester in testers:
if tester.init() is True:
@ -575,10 +564,7 @@ class _TestsLauncher(Loggable):
def add_options(self, parser):
for tester in self.testers:
group = parser.add_argument_group("%s options" % tester.name,
"Options specific to the %s test manager"
% tester.name)
def set_settings(self, options, args):
self.reporter = reporters.XunitReporter(options)
@ -21,19 +21,133 @@ import sys
import utils
import urlparse
import loggable
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import argparse
import textwrap
import reporters
from httpserver import HTTPServer
from baseclasses import _TestsLauncher, ScenarioManager
from utils import printc, path2url, DEFAULT_MAIN_DIR, DEFAULT_GST_QA_ASSETS, launch_command, Colors
from utils import printc, path2url, DEFAULT_MAIN_DIR, DEFAULT_GST_QA_ASSETS, launch_command, Colors, Protocols
HELP = '''
1. Introduction
gst-validate-launcher is a test launcher tool, it has been designed to
launch the various tools included in GstValidate running tests on real
media files. This means that with gst-validate-launcher, you can launch
many tests automatically in one simple command. It then permits to
aggregate results and print them in a human readable way on stdout
and serializing them in the following implemented formats:
* %s
We support all the tools provided in GstValidate in the launcher, but
we also support ges-launch when the GStreamer Editing Services have
been compiled against GstValidate.
2. Default test suite
A default suite of tests is provided and you can run it pretty simply doing:
. $gst-validate-launch --sync
That will download Gstreamer upstream default assets into the
default folder (%s) and run all currently
activated tests. Note that we use git-annex https://git-annex.branchable.com/ so
you will need that tool to get started.
3. Implement your own tests
To implement new tests, you will just need to set the media path using the
--medias-paths argument. If you want to run all avalaible scenarios on all the
file present in that folder, you should run the first time:
. $gst-validate-launch --medias-paths /path/to/media/files --generate-media-info
That will generate the .media_info files that contain informations about the media
files present in that folder. Those media_info file are simple XML file describing
the topology of the media files. You should not reuse the --generate-media-info
next times. The generated media files will be used as a reference for following
runs. You might want to check that they contain the right informations yourself
the first time.
Those .media_info are the files that are used by gst-validate-launcher to know
what media files can be used for the different scenarios. For example if a
file is not seekable, seeking scenarios will not be run on it etc...
3.1 Scenarios specific to a media file/stream:
It is possible that some scenarios are very specific to one media file, in that case,
the .scenario file should be present in the same folder as the .media_info file and
be called similarly. For example for a file called /some/media/file.mp4, the media_info
file will be called /some/media/file.mp4 and a scenario that will seek to a position that
is known to fail would be called: /some/media/file.mp4.seek_to_failing_pos.scenario and
gst-validate-launcher will run that scenario only on that media file.
3.2 Test media accessible through other protocols:
Currently gst-validate-launcher supports the following protocols:
* %s
It does not mean you can not test other protocols but it means that it has not been
properly tested.
To test medias that use those protocols, you should simply make sure that there
is a media descriptor file with .stream_info as an extension in your --media-paths.
You can generate such a file doing:
. $gst-validate-media-check-1.0 http://devimages.apple.com/iphone/samples/bipbop/bipbopall.m3u8 --output-file /somewhere/in/you/media/path/bipbop.stream_info
Once this is done, gst-validate-launcher will run the scenarios on those media files the
same way as if they were local files.
4. Debug gst-validate-launcher execution
You can activate debug logs setting the environment variable GST_VALIDATE_LAUNCHER_DEBUG.
It uses the same synthax as PITIVI_DEBUG (more information at:
''' % ("\n * ".join([reporter.name for reporter in
utils.get_subclasses(reporters.Reporter, reporters.__dict__)]
"\n * ".join([getattr(Protocols, att) for att in
dir(Protocols) if not att.startswith("_")]))
QA_ASSETS = "gst-qa-assets"
MEDIAS_FOLDER = "medias"
DEFAULT_GST_QA_ASSETS_REPO = "git://people.freedesktop.org/~tsaunier/gst-qa-assets/"
class Formatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix):
class PrintUsage(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, option_strings, dest=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help=None):
super(PrintUsage, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest,
default=default, nargs=0, help=help)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=Formatter, prog='gst-validate-launcher',
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug",
@ -116,6 +230,8 @@ def main():
help="Url to the remote assets (default:%s)" % DEFAULT_GST_QA_ASSETS_REPO)
assets_group.add_argument("-S", "--sync", dest="sync", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Synchronize asset repository")
assets_group.add_argument("--usage", dest="sync", action=PrintUsage,
help="Print usage documentation")
loggable.init("GST_VALIDATE_LAUNCHER_DEBUG", True, False)
@ -153,6 +153,17 @@ def touch(fname, times=None):
with open(fname, 'a'):
os.utime(fname, times)
def get_subclasses(klass, env):
subclasses = []
for symb in env.iteritems():
if issubclass(symb[1], klass) and not symb[1] is klass:
except TypeError:
return subclasses
# Encoding related utils #
Reference in a new issue