
447 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import logging
from GstDebugViewer import Data, GUI
from GstDebugViewer.Plugins import *
import cairo
import gtk
def iter_model_reversed (model):
count = model.iter_n_children (None)
for i in xrange (count - 1, 0, -1):
yield model[i]
class LineFrequencySentinel (object):
def __init__ (self, model):
self.model = model
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00 = None
self.partitions = None
self.step = None
self.ts_range = (None, None,)
def _search_ts (self, target_ts, first_index, last_index):
2007-11-20 11:56:15 +00:00
model_get = self.model.get_value
model_iter_nth_child = self.model.iter_nth_child
col_id = self.model.COL_TIME
while True:
middle = (last_index - first_index) // 2 + first_index
if middle == first_index:
return last_index
2007-11-20 11:56:15 +00:00
ts = model_get (model_iter_nth_child (None, middle), col_id)
if ts < target_ts:
first_index = middle + 1
elif ts > target_ts:
last_index = middle - 1
return middle
def run_for (self, n):
if n == 0:
raise ValueError ("illegal value for n")
model = self.model
result = []
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
partitions = []
first_ts = None
for row in self.model:
first_ts = row[model.COL_TIME]
if first_ts is not None:
if first_ts is None:
last_ts = None
for row in iter_model_reversed (self.model):
last_ts = row[model.COL_TIME]
# FIXME: We ignore 0 here (unparsable lines!), this should be
# handled differently!
if last_ts:
last_index = row.path[0]
if last_ts is None:
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
step = int (float (last_ts - first_ts) / float (n))
first_index = 0
target_ts = first_ts + step
old_found = 0
while target_ts < last_ts:
found = self._search_ts (target_ts, first_index, last_index)
result.append (found - old_found)
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
partitions.append (found)
old_found = found
first_index = found
target_ts += step
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
self.step = step = result
self.partitions = partitions
self.ts_range = (first_ts, last_ts,)
class LevelDistributionSentinel (object):
def __init__ (self, model):
self.model = model
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00 = []
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
def run_for (self, freq_sentinel):
2007-11-20 11:56:15 +00:00
model_get = self.model.get_value
model_next = self.model.iter_next
id_time = self.model.COL_TIME
id_level = self.model.COL_LEVEL
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
result = []
i = 0
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
partitions_i = 0
partitions = freq_sentinel.partitions
counts = [0] * 6
tree_iter = self.model.get_iter_first ()
while tree_iter:
2007-11-20 11:56:15 +00:00
level = model_get (tree_iter, id_level)
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
if i > partitions[partitions_i]:
result.append (tuple (counts))
counts = [0] * 6
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
partitions_i += 1
if partitions_i == len (partitions):
i += 1
counts[level] += 1
tree_iter = model_next (tree_iter)
# FIXME: We lose the last partition here!
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00 = result
class TimelineWidget (gtk.DrawingArea):
__gtype_name__ = "GstDebugViewerTimelineWidget"
def __init__ (self, sentinel = None):
gtk.DrawingArea.__init__ (self)
self.logger = logging.getLogger ("ui.timeline")
self.sentinel = sentinel
self.level_dist_sentinel = None
self.connect ("expose-event", self.__handle_expose_event)
self.connect ("configure-event", self.__handle_configure_event)
self.connect ("size-request", self.__handle_size_request)
def set_sentinel (self, sentinel):
self.sentinel = sentinel
self.level_dist_sentinel = LevelDistributionSentinel (sentinel.model)
self.__redraw ()
def __redraw (self):
if not self.props.visible:
x, y, w, h = self.get_allocation ()
self.offscreen = gtk.gdk.Pixmap (self.window, w, h, -1)
self.__draw (self.offscreen)
self.__update ()
def __update (self):
if not self.props.visible:
gc = gtk.gdk.GC (self.window)
self.window.draw_drawable (gc, self.offscreen, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
def update_position (self, start_ts, end_ts):
self.__update ()
first_ts, last_ts = self.sentinel.ts_range
position1 = int (float (start_ts - first_ts) / self.sentinel.step)
position2 = int (float (end_ts - first_ts) / self.sentinel.step)
ctx = self.window.cairo_create ()
x, y, w, h = self.get_allocation ()
line_width = position2 - position1
if line_width <= 1:
ctx.set_source_rgb (1., 0., 0.)
ctx.set_line_width (1.)
ctx.move_to (position1 + .5, 0)
ctx.line_to (position1 + .5, h)
ctx.stroke ()
ctx.set_source_rgba (1., 0., 0., .5)
ctx.rectangle (position1, 0, line_width, h)
ctx.fill ()
2007-11-14 18:35:18 +00:00
def find_indicative_time_step (self):
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
time_per_pixel = self.sentinel.step
return 32 # FIXME use self.sentinel.step and len (
2007-11-14 18:35:18 +00:00
def __draw (self, drawable):
ctx = drawable.cairo_create ()
x, y, w, h = self.get_allocation ()
ctx.set_line_width (0.)
ctx.rectangle (0, 0, w, h)
ctx.set_source_rgb (1., 1., 1.)
ctx.fill ()
ctx.new_path ()
ctx.set_line_width (1.)
2007-11-14 18:35:18 +00:00
ctx.set_source_rgb (.95, .95, .95)
for i in range (h // 16):
y = i * 16 - .5
ctx.move_to (0, y)
ctx.line_to (w, y)
ctx.stroke ()
2007-11-14 18:35:18 +00:00
pixel_step = self.find_indicative_time_step ()
ctx.set_source_rgb (.9, .9, .9)
for i in range (w // pixel_step):
x = i * pixel_step - .5
ctx.move_to (x, 0)
ctx.line_to (x, h)
ctx.stroke ()
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
if self.sentinel and not
if w > 15:
self.logger.debug ("running sentinel for width %i", w)
self.__update_sentinel_data (w)
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
self.logger.debug ("not running sentinel: widget width too small (%i)", w)
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
if self.sentinel is None:
self.logger.debug ("not redrawing: no sentinel set")
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
maximum = max (
ctx.set_source_rgb (0., 0., 0.)
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
self.__draw_graph (ctx, w, h, maximum,
theme = GUI.LevelColorThemeTango ()
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
dist_data =
def cumulative_level_counts (*levels):
for level_counts in dist_data:
yield sum ((level_counts[level] for level in levels))
level = Data.debug_level_info
levels_prev = (Data.debug_level_log, Data.debug_level_debug,)
ctx.set_source_rgb (*(theme.colors_float (level)[1]))
self.__draw_graph (ctx, w, h, maximum,
list (cumulative_level_counts (level, *levels_prev)))
level = Data.debug_level_debug
levels_prev = (Data.debug_level_log,)
ctx.set_source_rgb (*(theme.colors_float (level)[1]))
self.__draw_graph (ctx, w, h, maximum,
list (cumulative_level_counts (level, *levels_prev)))
level = Data.debug_level_log
ctx.set_source_rgb (*(theme.colors_float (level)[1]))
self.__draw_graph (ctx, w, h, maximum, [counts[level] for counts in dist_data])
# Draw error and warning triangle indicators:
for level in (Data.debug_level_warning, Data.debug_level_error,):
ctx.set_source_rgb (*(theme.colors_float (level)[1]))
for i, counts in enumerate (dist_data):
if counts[level] == 0:
SIZE = 8
ctx.move_to (i - SIZE // 2, 0)
ctx.line_to (i + SIZE // 2, 0)
ctx.line_to (i, SIZE / 1.41)
ctx.close_path ()
ctx.fill ()
def __draw_graph (self, ctx, w, h, maximum, data):
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
if not data:
from operator import add
heights = [h * float (d) / maximum for d in data]
ctx.move_to (0, h)
for i in range (len (heights)):
ctx.line_to (i - .5, h - heights[i] + .5)
ctx.line_to (i, h)
ctx.close_path ()
ctx.fill ()
def __handle_expose_event (self, self_, event):
self.__redraw ()
return True
def __update_sentinel_data (self, width):
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
self.logger.debug ("updating sentinel data for width %i", width)
self.sentinel.run_for (width)
self.logger.debug ("updating level distribution data")
self.level_dist_sentinel.run_for (self.sentinel)
if not
self.logger.warning ("no level distribution data sensed")
self.logger.debug ("sentinel update complete")
def __handle_configure_event (self, self_, event):
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
self.logger.debug ("widget size configured to %ix%i",
event.width, event.height)
if event.width < 16:
2007-11-16 15:25:08 +00:00
return False
if self.sentinel:
self.__update_sentinel_data (event.width)
return False
def __handle_size_request (self, self_, req):
req.height = 64
class TimelineFeature (FeatureBase):
state_section_name = "timeline"
def __init__ (self):
self.action_group = gtk.ActionGroup ("TimelineActions")
self.action_group.add_toggle_actions ([("show-timeline",
None, _("_Timeline"))])
def attach (self, window):
self.log_model = window.log_model
2007-11-16 08:28:23 +00:00
self.log_filter = window.log_filter
self.log_view = window.log_view
ui = window.ui_manager
ui.insert_action_group (self.action_group, 0)
self.merge_id = ui.new_merge_id ()
ui.add_ui (self.merge_id, "/menubar/ViewMenu/ViewMenuAdditions",
"ViewTimeline", "show-timeline",
box = window.get_top_attach_point ()
self.timeline = TimelineWidget ()
self.timeline.add_events (gtk.gdk.ALL_EVENTS_MASK) # FIXME
2007-11-20 09:06:27 +00:00
self.timeline.connect ("button-press-event", self.handle_timeline_button_press_event)
self.timeline.connect ("motion-notify-event", self.handle_timeline_motion_notify_event)
box.pack_start (self.timeline, False, False, 0)
self.timeline.hide ()
window.widgets.log_view_scrolled_window.props.vadjustment.connect ("value-changed",
handler = self.handle_show_action_toggled
self.action_group.get_action ("show-timeline").connect ("toggled", handler)
window.sentinels.append (self.sentinel_process)
def detach (self, window):
window.sentinels.remove (self.sentinel_process)
window.ui_manager.remove_ui (self.merge_id)
self.merge_id = None
2007-11-20 11:31:58 +00:00
window.ui_manager.remove_action_group (self.action_group)
self.timeline.destroy ()
self.timeline = None
def sentinel_process (self):
if self.action_group.get_action ("show-timeline")
sentinel = LineDensitySentinel (self.log_model)
self.timeline.set_sentinel (sentinel)
def handle_log_view_adjustment_value_changed (self, adj):
# FIXME: If not visible, disconnect this handler!
if not self.timeline.props.visible:
start_path, end_path = self.log_view.get_visible_range ()
ts1 = self.log_model.get (self.log_model.get_iter (start_path),
ts2 = self.log_model.get (self.log_model.get_iter (end_path),
self.timeline.update_position (ts1, ts2)
def handle_show_action_toggled (self, action):
show =
if show: ()
if self.timeline.sentinel is None:
sentinel = LineFrequencySentinel (self.log_model)
self.timeline.set_sentinel (sentinel)
self.timeline.hide ()
2007-11-20 09:06:27 +00:00
def handle_timeline_button_press_event (self, widget, event):
if event.button != 1:
return True
pos = int (event.x)
2007-11-20 09:06:27 +00:00
self.goto_time_position (pos)
return False
2007-11-20 09:06:27 +00:00
def handle_timeline_motion_notify_event (self, widget, event):
if not event.state & gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK:
return True
pos = int (event.x)
2007-11-20 09:06:27 +00:00
self.goto_time_position (pos)
return False
2007-11-20 09:06:27 +00:00
def goto_time_position (self, pos):
data =
if not data:
return True
2007-11-20 10:33:47 +00:00
count = sum (data[:pos + 1])
row = self.log_model[count]
self.log_view.scroll_to_cell ((count,), use_align = True, row_align = .5)
return False
class Plugin (PluginBase):
features = [TimelineFeature]