
264 lines
61 KiB
Raw Normal View History

video/quicktime; audio/x-m4a
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1
text/x-pango-markup; text/plain
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)ea
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)xa
audio/x-dpcm, layout=(string)roq
audio/x-dpcm, layout=(string)xan
audio/x-mace, maceversion=(int)3
audio/x-mace, maceversion=(int)6
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)4xm
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)adx
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)dk3
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)dk4
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)dvi
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)g726
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)smjpeg
audio/x-flac; application/x-gst-tags
audio/x-aiff; audio/x-wav; audio/x-au
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)westwood
audio/x-dpcm, layout=(string)interplay
audio/x-gsm, rate=(int)[ 1000, 48000 ]
audio/x-pn-realaudio, raversion=(int)1
audio/x-pn-realaudio, raversion=(int)2
audio/x-vorbis; application/x-gst-tags
video/mpeg, systemstream=(boolean)true
video/x-dv, systemstream=(boolean)true
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)microsoft
audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)quicktime
video/mpeg, systemstream=(boolean)false
video/mpegts, systemstream=(boolean)true
application/x-yuv4mpeg, y4mversion=(int)1
image/tiff, endianness=(int){ 4321, 1234 }
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)2
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1; audio/x-flac
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 3 ]
application/x-pn-realmedia, systemstream=(boolean)true
audio/x-gsm, rate=(int)[ 1000, 48000 ], channels=(int)1
audio/x-speex, rate=(int)[ 1000, 48000 ], channels=(int)1
video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, systemstream=(boolean)false
audio/x-ac3, channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ], rate=(int)[ 32000, 48000 ]
audio/x-alaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-mulaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)[ 1, 2 ], systemstream=(boolean)true
video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int){ 1, 2 }, systemstream=(boolean)true
video/mpeg, systemstream=(boolean)true, mpegversion=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/mpeg, systemstream=(boolean)false, mpegversion=(int){ 2, 4 }
video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)[ 1, 2 ], systemstream=(boolean)false
video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int){ 1, 2 }, systemstream=(boolean)false
audio/x-raw-int, signed=(boolean)true, endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ I420 }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 2 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ]
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 3 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, framerate=(double)[ 1, 100 ], width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
video/x-dv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
image/jpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 1, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-4xm, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-png, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-vp3, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-h263, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-h264, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-theora, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-cinepak, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-huffyuv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-flv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-smc, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-apple-video, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-8bps, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-asv1, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-asv2, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-cljr, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-cyuv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-flic, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-mdec, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-mszh, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-vcr1, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-zlib, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-qtrle, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)1, endianness=(int)1234, buffer-frames=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)16000, channels=(int)1
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)44100, channels=(int)2
video/x-gst_ff-xan_wc3, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-xvid, width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-roqvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-vmdvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-vqavideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-idcinvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-gst_ff-truemotion1, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 11025, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)32, buffer-frames=(int)0
video/x-gst_ff-interplayvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-ffv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], ffvversion=(int)1
video/x-svq, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], svqversion=(int)1
video/x-wmv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], wmvversion=(int)1
video/x-wmv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], wmvversion=(int)2
audio/x-raw-int, depth=(int)16, width=(int)16, signed=(boolean)true, channels=(int)2, endianness=(int)1234, rate=(int)[ 4000, 48000 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 1000, 48000 ], channels=(int)1
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)1
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)1
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)2, endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, signed=(boolean)true
video/x-indeo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], indeoversion=(int)3
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-msmpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], msmpegversion=(int)41
video/x-msmpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], msmpegversion=(int)42
video/x-msmpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], msmpegversion=(int)43
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 1000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 4000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 11025, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)44100, channels=(int)2, chunksize=(int)2352
video/x-msvideocodec, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], msvideoversion=(int)1
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ I420, YV12 }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int){ 32000, 44100, 48000 }, channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)32, buffer-frames=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
video/mpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], mpegversion=(int)1, systemstream=(boolean)false
video/mpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], mpegversion=(int)2, systemstream=(boolean)false
video/mpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], systemstream=(boolean)false, mpegversion=(int)4
video/x-rle, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], layout=(string)microsoft, depth=(int)[ 1, 64 ]
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)44100, channels=(int)2, endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, signed=(boolean)true, buffer-frames=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YV12, I420, IYUV }, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, signed=(boolean)true
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YUY2, I420, YV12, YUYV, UYVY }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
video/x-pn-realvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], systemstream=(boolean)false, rmversion=(int)1
video/x-pn-realvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], systemstream=(boolean)false, rmversion=(int)2
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ I420, YV12, YUY2, YVYU, UYVY }, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-wma, wmaversion=(int)1, flags1=(int)[ -2147483648, 2147483647 ], flags2=(int)[ -2147483648, 2147483647 ], block_align=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], bitrate=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
audio/x-wma, wmaversion=(int)2, flags1=(int)[ -2147483648, 2147483647 ], flags2=(int)[ -2147483648, 2147483647 ], block_align=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], bitrate=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
testsuite/caps/value_serialize.c: merge from HEAD. Original commit message from CVS: 2005-02-10 Andy Wingo <> * testsuite/caps/value_serialize.c: merge from HEAD. * testsuite/caps/subtract.c: * testsuite/caps/filtercaps.c: * testsuite/caps/enumcaps.c: * testsuite/caps/deserialize.c: * testsuite/caps/caps.c: * testsuite/caps/audioscale.c: Unref caps, not free. * testsuite/caps/caps_strings: Merged from HEAD. * gst/elements/gstidentity.c (gst_identity_proxy_getcaps): Getcaps implementation for identity. * gst/gststructure.h * gst/gststructure.c (gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_double): (gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int): Moved from gstcaps.c because we need the private IS_MUTABLE macro. (IS_MUTABLE): New macro, determines if a structure is mutable or not. (gst_structure_free): Don't allow free while holding a pointer to a parent's refcount. (gst_structure_set_name): Check for writability. (gst_structure_id_set_value): Same. (gst_structure_set_value): Same. (gst_structure_set_valist): Same. (gst_structure_remove_field): Same. (gst_structure_remove_all_fields): Same. (gst_structure_map_in_place): New routine, like _foreach but allows the function to mutate the value (via a non-const prototype). Check for writability. (gst_structure_foreach): Redefine to only take non-mutating functions. * gst/gstcaps.c (IS_WRITABLE): New macro, returns TRUE if the caps are writable. (gst_caps_copy): Add some docs about mutability, etc. (_gst_caps_free): Set the parent refcount pointer on structures to NULL before freeing them. (gst_caps_ref): Document. (gst_caps_make_writable): Doc. (gst_caps_make_writable): Changed to make_writable, get_writable sounds too much like retrieving a property. (gst_caps_copy_1): Removed, not very useful. (gst_caps_ref_by_count): Removed, no need to have something GLib doesn't. (gst_caps_copy_conditional): Ref instead of copying. (gst_static_caps_get): Retain a reference to the returned caps, so that the static caps will remain immutable. (gst_caps_remove_and_get_structure): Set the parent refcount to NULL when removing the structure. (gst_caps_append): Fix to work with structure parent refcounts. Check for writability. (gst_caps_append_structure): Check for writability, work with parent refcounts. (gst_caps_remove_structure): Check for writability. (gst_caps_set_simple): Check for writability. (gst_caps_set_simple_valist): Check for writability. (gst_caps_is_fixed_foreach): Update for non-mutating foreach. (gst_structure_is_equal_foreach): Same. (gst_caps_structure_intersect_field): Same. (gst_caps_structure_subtract_field): Same. Make static. (gst_caps_normalize_foreach): Same. (gst_caps_structure_figure_out_union): Same. (gst_caps_switch_structures): New static function, switches out structures inside a caps, taking care of parent_refcount setting. * gst/gstpad.c (gst_pad_get_allowed_caps): Remove the restriction on only src pads, wim von masterhack claims it was bogus. * testsuite/caps/ * testsuite/caps/app_fixate.c: Removed app_fixate test, things are done a bit differently in THREADED.
2005-02-10 19:40:23 +00:00
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double){ 23.976023976, 24, 25, 29.97002997, 30, 50, 59.94005994, 60 }
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, width=(int){ 8, 16, 32 }, depth=(int)[ 1, 32 ], signed=(boolean){ true, false }
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, buffer-frames=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-mulaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1; audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)4321, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int){ 16, 20, 24 }, depth=(int){ 16, 20, 24 }, rate=(int){ 48000, 96000 }, channels=(int)[ 1, 8 ]; audio/x-ac3
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, buffer-frames=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, framerate=(double)[ 1, 100 ], width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, framerate=(double)[ 1, 100 ], width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 1, 60 ]
video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, systemstream=(boolean)false, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 1, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 1, 255 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
testsuite/caps/value_serialize.c: merge from HEAD. Original commit message from CVS: 2005-02-10 Andy Wingo <> * testsuite/caps/value_serialize.c: merge from HEAD. * testsuite/caps/subtract.c: * testsuite/caps/filtercaps.c: * testsuite/caps/enumcaps.c: * testsuite/caps/deserialize.c: * testsuite/caps/caps.c: * testsuite/caps/audioscale.c: Unref caps, not free. * testsuite/caps/caps_strings: Merged from HEAD. * gst/elements/gstidentity.c (gst_identity_proxy_getcaps): Getcaps implementation for identity. * gst/gststructure.h * gst/gststructure.c (gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_double): (gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int): Moved from gstcaps.c because we need the private IS_MUTABLE macro. (IS_MUTABLE): New macro, determines if a structure is mutable or not. (gst_structure_free): Don't allow free while holding a pointer to a parent's refcount. (gst_structure_set_name): Check for writability. (gst_structure_id_set_value): Same. (gst_structure_set_value): Same. (gst_structure_set_valist): Same. (gst_structure_remove_field): Same. (gst_structure_remove_all_fields): Same. (gst_structure_map_in_place): New routine, like _foreach but allows the function to mutate the value (via a non-const prototype). Check for writability. (gst_structure_foreach): Redefine to only take non-mutating functions. * gst/gstcaps.c (IS_WRITABLE): New macro, returns TRUE if the caps are writable. (gst_caps_copy): Add some docs about mutability, etc. (_gst_caps_free): Set the parent refcount pointer on structures to NULL before freeing them. (gst_caps_ref): Document. (gst_caps_make_writable): Doc. (gst_caps_make_writable): Changed to make_writable, get_writable sounds too much like retrieving a property. (gst_caps_copy_1): Removed, not very useful. (gst_caps_ref_by_count): Removed, no need to have something GLib doesn't. (gst_caps_copy_conditional): Ref instead of copying. (gst_static_caps_get): Retain a reference to the returned caps, so that the static caps will remain immutable. (gst_caps_remove_and_get_structure): Set the parent refcount to NULL when removing the structure. (gst_caps_append): Fix to work with structure parent refcounts. Check for writability. (gst_caps_append_structure): Check for writability, work with parent refcounts. (gst_caps_remove_structure): Check for writability. (gst_caps_set_simple): Check for writability. (gst_caps_set_simple_valist): Check for writability. (gst_caps_is_fixed_foreach): Update for non-mutating foreach. (gst_structure_is_equal_foreach): Same. (gst_caps_structure_intersect_field): Same. (gst_caps_structure_subtract_field): Same. Make static. (gst_caps_normalize_foreach): Same. (gst_caps_structure_figure_out_union): Same. (gst_caps_switch_structures): New static function, switches out structures inside a caps, taking care of parent_refcount setting. * gst/gstpad.c (gst_pad_get_allowed_caps): Remove the restriction on only src pads, wim von masterhack claims it was bogus. * testsuite/caps/ * testsuite/caps/app_fixate.c: Removed app_fixate test, things are done a bit differently in THREADED.
2005-02-10 19:40:23 +00:00
video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int){ 1, 4 }, systemstream=(boolean)false, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double){ 23.976023976, 24, 25, 29.97002997, 30, 50, 59.94005994, 60 }
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, width=(int)256, height=(int)128, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-raw-float, depth=(int)32, endianness=(int)1234, rate=(int)[ 11025, 48000 ], channels=(int)2; audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 11025, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
video/x-svq, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], svqversion=(int)3, halfpel_flag=(int)[ 0, 1 ], thirdpel_flag=(int)[ 0, 1 ], low_delay=(int)[ 0, 1 ], unknown_svq3_flag=(int)[ 0, 1 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, width=(int){ 8, 16, 32 }, depth=(int)[ 1, 32 ], signed=(boolean){ true, false }; audio/x-alaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianess=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-raw-int, signed=(boolean)false, width=(int)8, depth=(int)8, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-raw-int, signed=(boolean)false, width=(int)8, depth=(int)8, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
testsuite/caps/value_serialize.c: merge from HEAD. Original commit message from CVS: 2005-02-10 Andy Wingo <> * testsuite/caps/value_serialize.c: merge from HEAD. * testsuite/caps/subtract.c: * testsuite/caps/filtercaps.c: * testsuite/caps/enumcaps.c: * testsuite/caps/deserialize.c: * testsuite/caps/caps.c: * testsuite/caps/audioscale.c: Unref caps, not free. * testsuite/caps/caps_strings: Merged from HEAD. * gst/elements/gstidentity.c (gst_identity_proxy_getcaps): Getcaps implementation for identity. * gst/gststructure.h * gst/gststructure.c (gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_double): (gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int): Moved from gstcaps.c because we need the private IS_MUTABLE macro. (IS_MUTABLE): New macro, determines if a structure is mutable or not. (gst_structure_free): Don't allow free while holding a pointer to a parent's refcount. (gst_structure_set_name): Check for writability. (gst_structure_id_set_value): Same. (gst_structure_set_value): Same. (gst_structure_set_valist): Same. (gst_structure_remove_field): Same. (gst_structure_remove_all_fields): Same. (gst_structure_map_in_place): New routine, like _foreach but allows the function to mutate the value (via a non-const prototype). Check for writability. (gst_structure_foreach): Redefine to only take non-mutating functions. * gst/gstcaps.c (IS_WRITABLE): New macro, returns TRUE if the caps are writable. (gst_caps_copy): Add some docs about mutability, etc. (_gst_caps_free): Set the parent refcount pointer on structures to NULL before freeing them. (gst_caps_ref): Document. (gst_caps_make_writable): Doc. (gst_caps_make_writable): Changed to make_writable, get_writable sounds too much like retrieving a property. (gst_caps_copy_1): Removed, not very useful. (gst_caps_ref_by_count): Removed, no need to have something GLib doesn't. (gst_caps_copy_conditional): Ref instead of copying. (gst_static_caps_get): Retain a reference to the returned caps, so that the static caps will remain immutable. (gst_caps_remove_and_get_structure): Set the parent refcount to NULL when removing the structure. (gst_caps_append): Fix to work with structure parent refcounts. Check for writability. (gst_caps_append_structure): Check for writability, work with parent refcounts. (gst_caps_remove_structure): Check for writability. (gst_caps_set_simple): Check for writability. (gst_caps_set_simple_valist): Check for writability. (gst_caps_is_fixed_foreach): Update for non-mutating foreach. (gst_structure_is_equal_foreach): Same. (gst_caps_structure_intersect_field): Same. (gst_caps_structure_subtract_field): Same. Make static. (gst_caps_normalize_foreach): Same. (gst_caps_structure_figure_out_union): Same. (gst_caps_switch_structures): New static function, switches out structures inside a caps, taking care of parent_refcount setting. * gst/gstpad.c (gst_pad_get_allowed_caps): Remove the restriction on only src pads, wim von masterhack claims it was bogus. * testsuite/caps/ * testsuite/caps/app_fixate.c: Removed app_fixate test, things are done a bit differently in THREADED.
2005-02-10 19:40:23 +00:00
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YV12, I420, Y42B }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 1, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 1, 255 ], framerate=(double){ 23.976023976, 24, 25, 29.97002997, 30, 50, 59.94005994, 60 }
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)1, endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)32, buffer-frames=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
video/x-divx, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], divxversion=(int)3; video/x-msmpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], msmpegversion=(int)43
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int){ 16, 24, 32 }, depth=(int){ 16, 24, 32 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ]; audio/x-raw-float, endianness=(int)1234, depth=(int){ 32, 64 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ]
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)1, endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, signed=(boolean){ true, false }; audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)1, endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)32, buffer-frames=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int){ 8000, 11025, 22050, 44100 }, channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-raw-int, signed=(boolean)false, width=(int)8, depth=(int)8, rate=(int){ 8000, 11025, 22050, 44100 }, channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)32, buffer-frames=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; audio/x-raw-int, channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, signed=(boolean)true
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean)true, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)32, buffer-frames=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, width=(int){ 8, 16, 32 }, depth=(int)[ 1, 32 ], signed=(boolean){ true, false }; audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)1, endianness=(int)1234, buffer-frames=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, signed=(boolean){ true, false }; audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)32, buffer-frames=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ], endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, width=(int){ 8, 16, 32 }, depth=(int)[ 1, 32 ], signed=(boolean){ true, false }; audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ], endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)32, buffer-frames=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
image/png; image/jpeg; image/gif; image/x-icon; application/x-navi-animation; image/x-cmu-raster; image/x-sun-raster; image/x-pixmap; image/tiff; image/x-portable-anymap; image/x-portable-bitmap; image/x-portable-graymap; image/x-portable-pixmap; image/bmp; image/x-bmp; image/x-MS-bmp; image/vnd.wap.wbmp; image/x-bitmap; image/x-tga
audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, width=(int){ 8, 16, 32 }, depth=(int)[ 1, 32 ], signed=(boolean){ true, false }; audio/x-raw-float, rate=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, width=(int){ 32, 64 }, buffer-frames=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 3 ], rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-vorbis, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-ac3, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int){ 1, 3 }, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-vorbis, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-ac3, rate=(int)[ 1000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 3 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 8 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ]; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int){ 2, 4 }, channels=(int)[ 1, 8 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ]; audio/x-ac3, channels=(int)[ 1, 8 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ]; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int){ 8, 16, 24 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16, 24 }, endianness=(int){ 4321, 1234 }, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, channels=(int)[ 1, 8 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/mpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], mpegversion=(int)4, systemstream=(boolean)false; video/x-3ivx, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-divx, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], divxversion=(int)[ 4, 5 ]; video/x-xvid, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
testsuite/caps/value_serialize.c: merge from HEAD. Original commit message from CVS: 2005-02-10 Andy Wingo <> * testsuite/caps/value_serialize.c: merge from HEAD. * testsuite/caps/subtract.c: * testsuite/caps/filtercaps.c: * testsuite/caps/enumcaps.c: * testsuite/caps/deserialize.c: * testsuite/caps/caps.c: * testsuite/caps/audioscale.c: Unref caps, not free. * testsuite/caps/caps_strings: Merged from HEAD. * gst/elements/gstidentity.c (gst_identity_proxy_getcaps): Getcaps implementation for identity. * gst/gststructure.h * gst/gststructure.c (gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_double): (gst_caps_structure_fixate_field_nearest_int): Moved from gstcaps.c because we need the private IS_MUTABLE macro. (IS_MUTABLE): New macro, determines if a structure is mutable or not. (gst_structure_free): Don't allow free while holding a pointer to a parent's refcount. (gst_structure_set_name): Check for writability. (gst_structure_id_set_value): Same. (gst_structure_set_value): Same. (gst_structure_set_valist): Same. (gst_structure_remove_field): Same. (gst_structure_remove_all_fields): Same. (gst_structure_map_in_place): New routine, like _foreach but allows the function to mutate the value (via a non-const prototype). Check for writability. (gst_structure_foreach): Redefine to only take non-mutating functions. * gst/gstcaps.c (IS_WRITABLE): New macro, returns TRUE if the caps are writable. (gst_caps_copy): Add some docs about mutability, etc. (_gst_caps_free): Set the parent refcount pointer on structures to NULL before freeing them. (gst_caps_ref): Document. (gst_caps_make_writable): Doc. (gst_caps_make_writable): Changed to make_writable, get_writable sounds too much like retrieving a property. (gst_caps_copy_1): Removed, not very useful. (gst_caps_ref_by_count): Removed, no need to have something GLib doesn't. (gst_caps_copy_conditional): Ref instead of copying. (gst_static_caps_get): Retain a reference to the returned caps, so that the static caps will remain immutable. (gst_caps_remove_and_get_structure): Set the parent refcount to NULL when removing the structure. (gst_caps_append): Fix to work with structure parent refcounts. Check for writability. (gst_caps_append_structure): Check for writability, work with parent refcounts. (gst_caps_remove_structure): Check for writability. (gst_caps_set_simple): Check for writability. (gst_caps_set_simple_valist): Check for writability. (gst_caps_is_fixed_foreach): Update for non-mutating foreach. (gst_structure_is_equal_foreach): Same. (gst_caps_structure_intersect_field): Same. (gst_caps_structure_subtract_field): Same. Make static. (gst_caps_normalize_foreach): Same. (gst_caps_structure_figure_out_union): Same. (gst_caps_switch_structures): New static function, switches out structures inside a caps, taking care of parent_refcount setting. * gst/gstpad.c (gst_pad_get_allowed_caps): Remove the restriction on only src pads, wim von masterhack claims it was bogus. * testsuite/caps/ * testsuite/caps/app_fixate.c: Removed app_fixate test, things are done a bit differently in THREADED.
2005-02-10 19:40:23 +00:00
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)YUY2, width=(int)720, height=(int){ 480, 576 }, framerate=(double){ 25, 29.97002997 }; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)720, height=(int){ 480, 576 }, framerate=(double){ 25, 29.97002997 }; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)720, height=(int){ 480, 576 }, framerate=(double){ 25, 29.97002997 }
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int){ 3, 2 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-ac3, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)microsoft, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-alaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-mulaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-vorbis, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 3 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-alaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-mulaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)microsoft, block_align=(int)[ 1, 8192 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)dvi, block_align=(int)[ 1, 8192 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 48000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int){ 3, 2 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-ac3, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-raw-int, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-vorbis, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-wma, wmaversion=(int){ 1, 2 }, flags1=(int)[ -2147483648, 2147483647 ], flags2=(int)[ -2147483648, 2147483647 ], block_align=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], bitrate=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]; audio/x-wma, wmaversion=(int)9, rate=(int)[ 8000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 2 ]
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int){ 3, 2 }; audio/x-ac3; audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string){ g726, ea, adx, xa, 4xm, microsoft, smjpeg, westwood, dk4, dk3, dvi, quicktime }; audio/x-alaw; audio/x-dpcm, layout=(string){ roq, interplay, xan }; audio/x-gst_ff-vmdaudio; audio/x-mace, maceversion=(int){ 3, 6 }; audio/x-mulaw; audio/x-pn-realaudio, raversion=(int){ 1, 2 }; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, endianness=(int){ 4321, 1234 }, signed=(boolean){ false, true }; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)8, depth=(int)8, endianness=(int)1234, signed=(boolean){ false, true }; audio/x-wma, wmaversion=(int){ 1, 2 }, flags1=(int)[ -2147483648, 2147483647 ], flags2=(int)[ -2147483648, 2147483647 ], block_align=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], bitrate=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ]
video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int){ 1, 2, 4 }, systemstream=(boolean)false, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-divx, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-xvid, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-msmpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YUY2, I420 }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YUY2, I420 }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; image/jpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-divx, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], divxversion=(int)[ 3, 5 ]; video/x-xvid, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-3ivx, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-msmpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], msmpegversion=(int)[ 41, 43 ]; video/mpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], mpegversion=(int)1, systemstream=(boolean)false; video/x-h263, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-dv, width=(int)720, height=(int){ 576, 480 }, systemstream=(boolean)false; video/x-huffyuv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]
audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int){ 1, 2, 3 }, channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ], rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ]; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int){ 2, 4 }, channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ], rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ]; audio/x-ac3, channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ], rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ]; audio/x-adpcm, layout=(string)microsoft, rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ]; audio/x-alaw, rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ]; audio/x-mulaw, rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ]; audio/x-raw-float, endianness=(int)1234, buffer-frames=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 32, 64 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ], rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ]; audio/x-raw-int, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, depth=(int){ 8, 16 }, width=(int){ 8, 16 }, endianness=(int){ 4321, 1234 }, channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ], rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ]; audio/x-vorbis, rate=(int)[ 4000, 96000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 6 ]
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YUY2, I420 }, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; video/x-divx, divxversion=(int)[ 3, 5 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; video/x-xvid, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; video/x-3ivx, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; video/x-msmpeg, msmpegversion=(int)[ 41, 43 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, systemstream=(boolean)false, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; video/x-h263, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]; video/x-dv, systemstream=(boolean)false, width=(int)720, height=(int){ 576, 480 }; video/x-huffyuv, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ]
video/x-divx, divxversion=(int){ 3, 5 }, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 25, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-dv, systemstream=(boolean)false, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 25, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 25, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-msmpeg, msmpegversion=(int){ 41, 42, 43 }, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 25, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ I420, YUY2 }, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 25, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-wmv, wmvversion=(int){ 1, 2 }, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 25, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)15, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)31744, green_mask=(int)992, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
audio/x-alaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-mulaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-float, width=(int){ 32, 64 }, endianness=(int)1234, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)32, depth=(int)24, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)32, depth=(int)32, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)24, depth=(int)24, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)24, depth=(int)20, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)24, depth=(int)18, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)8, depth=(int)8, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)1
video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, endianness=(int)4321; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, endianness=(int)4321; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, endianness=(int)4321; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)16, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, endianness=(int)1234; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)15, red_mask=(int)31744, green_mask=(int)992, blue_mask=(int)31, endianness=(int)1234; video/x-raw-yuv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], format=(fourcc){ I420, YUY2, Y42B, YUV9, Y41B }
audio/x-alaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-mulaw, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-raw-float, width=(int){ 32, 64 }, endianness=(int)1234, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)16, depth=(int)16, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)32, depth=(int)24, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)32, depth=(int)32, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)24, depth=(int)24, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)24, depth=(int)20, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)24, depth=(int)18, signed=(boolean){ false, true }, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]; audio/x-raw-int, width=(int)8, depth=(int)8, signed=(boolean){ true, false }, rate=(int)[ 8000, 192000 ], channels=(int)[ 1, 32 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int){ 32, 24 }, endianness=(int)4321, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int){ 32, 24 }, endianness=(int)4321, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, depth=(int)16, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, depth=(int)15, red_mask=(int)31744, green_mask=(int)992, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YUY2, UYVY, Y422, UYNV, YVYU, IYU2, YVU9, YUV9, YV12, I420, Y800 }, width=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 1, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int){ 32, 24 }, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int){ 32, 24 }, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280, width=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, width=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)16, bpp=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, depth=(int)15, bpp=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)31744, green_mask=(int)992, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YUY2, UYVY, Y422, UYNV, YVYU, YV12, I420, Y800 }, width=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 100, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-dv, systemstream=(boolean)true, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)8, depth=(int)8, red_mask=(int)224, green_mask=(int)28, blue_mask=(int)3, endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)15, red_mask=(int)31744, green_mask=(int)992, blue_mask=(int)31, endianness=(int){ 1234, 4321 }, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, endianness=(int)4321, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, endianness=(int)4321, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)32, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, endianness=(int)4321, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)32, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280, endianness=(int)4321, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YVU9, YV12, YUY2, UYVY, Y42B, Y41B, Y41P, YUV9, I420 }, width=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 1, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ I420, YUY2, YV12, YVYU, UYVY }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)32, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680; video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], height=(int)[ 0, 2147483647 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], depth=(int)24, bpp=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)15, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)31744, green_mask=(int)992, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)15, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)31744, green_mask=(int)992, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
image/jpeg, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/mpeg, systemstream=(boolean)false, mpegversion=(int)1, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-3ivx, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-cinepak, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-divx, divxversion=(int){ 3, 4 }, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-dv, systemstream=(boolean)false, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-h263, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-huffyuv, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-msmpeg, msmpegversion=(int){ 41, 42, 43 }, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-msvideocodec, msvideoversion=(int)1, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ I420, YUY2 }, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-rle, layout=(string)microsoft, depth=(int)[ 1, 64 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-wmv, wmvversion=(int){ 1, 2 }, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]; video/x-xvid, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ]
video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)-16777216, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)65280, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)16711680, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)255, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)65280, green_mask=(int)16711680, blue_mask=(int)-16777216, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)32, depth=(int)24, endianness=(int)4321, red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)16, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)63488, green_mask=(int)2016, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=(int)16, depth=(int)15, endianness=(int)1234, red_mask=(int)31744, green_mask=(int)992, blue_mask=(int)31, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ I420, YV12, YUY2, YVYU, UYVY, YUV9, YVU9, Y800, Y41P, Y41B, Y42B, IUY2 }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]
image/jpeg, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int){ 4, 2, 1 }, systemstream=(boolean)false, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-3ivx, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-cinepak, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-divx, divxversion=(int){ 5, 4, 3 }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-dv, systemstream=(boolean)false, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-h263, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-huffyuv, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-msmpeg, msmpegversion=(int){ 41, 42, 43 }, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-msvideocodec, msvideoversion=(int)1, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc){ YV12, YUY2, I420 }, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-rle, layout=(string)microsoft, depth=(int)[ 1, 64 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-wmv, wmvversion=(int){ 1, 2 }, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]; video/x-xvid, framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], pixel_width=(int)[ 0, 255 ], pixel_height=(int)[ 0, 255 ]
video/x-dv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/mpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], mpegversion=(int){ 1, 2, 4 }, systemstream=(boolean)false; video/x-4xm, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-apple-video, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-cinepak, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-ffv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], ffvversion=(int)1; video/x-gst_ff-8bps, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-asv1, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-asv2, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-cljr, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-cyuv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-flic, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-flv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-idcinvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-interplayvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-mdec, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-mszh, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-qtrle, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-roqvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-smc, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-truemotion1, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-vcr1, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-vmdvideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-vqavideo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-xan_wc3, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-gst_ff-zlib, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-h263, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-h264, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-huffyuv, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-indeo, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], indeoversion=(int)3; video/x-jpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ]; video/x-msmpeg, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0, 1.7976931348623157e+308 ], msmpegversion=(int){ 41, 42, 43 }; video/x-msvideocodec, width=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], height=(int)[ 16, 4096 ], framerate=(double)[ 0