2002-03-24 04:32:10 +00:00
%define pygtk_ver @PYGTK_VERSION@
%define gstversion %(pkg-config --modversion gstreamer)
Summary: The sources for the Python GStreamer extension module.
Name: gst-python
Version: @VERSION@
Release: 2
Source: http://gstreamer.net/ blah_blah_blah /gst-python-%{version}.tar.gz
Copyright: LGPL
Group: Development/Languages
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/gst--python-root
2002-12-17 17:40:42 +00:00
Packager: David I. Lehn <dlehn@users.sourceforge.net>
2002-03-24 04:32:10 +00:00
BuildRequires: pygtk2-devel = %{pygtk_ver}
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: gtk2-devel >= @GTK_VERSION@
BuildRequires: libgnomecanvas-devel >= @LIBGNOMECANVAS_VERSION@
BuildRequires: libgnome-devel >= @LIBGNOME_VERSION@
The gst-python package contains the source packages for the
GStreamer Python bindings.
%package gst-python
Version: %{version}
Summary: Python bindings for GStreamer.
Group: Development/Languages
Requires: gnome-python2 = %{version}
Requires: gtk2 >= @GTK_VERSION@
Requires: gstreamer >= %{gstversion}
%description gst-python
This module contains a wrapper that allows GStreamer applications
to be written in Python.
%setup -q -n gst-python-%{version}
export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.2
CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix}
%doc AUTHORS ChangeLog README NEWS examples/gstreamer
%dir %{_prefix}/lib/python?.?/site-packages/gstreamer/
* Sat Mar 23 2002 David I. Lehn <dlehn@vt.edu>
- new gst-python package based on pygtk and gconf binding packages