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<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Tracing functionality
<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
Tracing functionality
<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
<!-- ##### ENUM GstAllocTraceFlags ##### -->
Flags indicating which tracing feature to enable.
@GST_ALLOC_TRACE_LIVE: Trace number of non-freed memory
@GST_ALLOC_TRACE_MEM_LIVE: trace pointers of unfreed memory
<!-- ##### STRUCT GstAllocTrace ##### -->
The main tracing object
@name: The name of the tracing object
@flags: Flags for this object
@live: counter for live memory
@mem_live: list with pointers to unfreed memory
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gst_alloc_trace_available ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gst_alloc_trace_list ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gst_alloc_trace_print_all ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gst_alloc_trace_set_flags_all ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gst_alloc_trace_get ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gst_alloc_trace_print ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION gst_alloc_trace_set_flags ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO gst_alloc_trace_register ##### -->
Register a new alloc tracer with the given name
@name: The name of the tracer object
<!-- ##### MACRO gst_alloc_trace_new ##### -->
Use the tracer to trace a new memory allocation
@trace: The tracer to use
@mem: The memory allocated
<!-- ##### MACRO gst_alloc_trace_free ##### -->
Trace a memory free operation
@trace: The traver to use
@mem: The memory that is freed