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synced 2025-03-03 02:11:21 +00:00
495 lines
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495 lines
14 KiB
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
public class EnumValue {
public string name;
public int value;
public class FlagValue {
public string name;
public uint value;
public class EnumInfo {
public string name;
public bool flag;
public ArrayList values;
public class SignalInfo {
public string name;
public string managed_name;
public string object_type;
public string return_type;
public ArrayList parameters;
public class PropertyInfo {
public string name;
public string managed_name;
public string type;
public bool readable, writeable;
public EnumInfo enuminfo;
public class ElementInfo {
public string name;
public string class_name;
public string gtype_name;
public ArrayList hierarchy;
public ArrayList interfaces;
public ArrayList pads;
public ArrayList properties;
public ArrayList signals;
public ArrayList actions;
public class ElementGen {
static bool IsHidden (XmlNode node) {
XmlElement elt = node as XmlElement;
return (elt != null && elt.HasAttribute ("hidden") &&
(elt.GetAttribute ("hidden") == "1" ||
elt.GetAttribute ("hidden") == "true"));
static bool handlePads (XmlNode node, ElementInfo ei) {
if (ei.pads == null)
ei.pads = new ArrayList ();
XmlElement elt = node as XmlElement;
if (elt == null)
return true;
foreach (XmlElement pad in elt.ChildNodes)
if (!IsHidden (pad) && !IsHidden (pad["name"]))
ei.pads.Add (pad["name"].InnerText);
return true;
static bool handleProperties (XmlNode node, ElementInfo ei) {
if (ei.properties == null)
ei.properties = new ArrayList ();
XmlElement elt = node as XmlElement;
if (elt == null)
return true;
foreach (XmlElement property in elt.ChildNodes) {
if (IsHidden (property))
PropertyInfo pi = new PropertyInfo ();
pi.name = property["name"].InnerText;
pi.managed_name = (property["managed_name"] != null) ? property["managed_name"].InnerText : null;
pi.type = property["type"].InnerText;
pi.readable = property["flags"].InnerText.IndexOf ('R') != -1;
pi.writeable = property["flags"].InnerText.IndexOf ('W') != -1;
if (property["enum-values"] != null) {
pi.enuminfo = new EnumInfo ();
pi.enuminfo.flag = false;
pi.enuminfo.values = new ArrayList ();
foreach (XmlNode val in property["enum-values"].ChildNodes) {
EnumValue env = new EnumValue ();
env.name = val.Attributes["nick"].InnerText;
env.value = Int32.Parse (val.Attributes["value"].InnerText);
pi.enuminfo.values.Add (env);
} else if (property["flags-values"] != null) {
pi.enuminfo = new EnumInfo ();
pi.enuminfo.flag = true;
pi.enuminfo.values = new ArrayList ();
foreach (XmlNode val in property["flags-values"].ChildNodes) {
FlagValue env = new FlagValue ();
env.name = val.Attributes["nick"].InnerText;
env.value = UInt32.Parse (val.Attributes["value"].InnerText);
pi.enuminfo.values.Add (env);
ei.properties.Add (pi);
return true;
static bool handleSignals (XmlNode node, ElementInfo ei) {
if (ei.signals == null)
ei.signals = new ArrayList ();
XmlElement elt = node as XmlElement;
if (elt == null)
return true;
foreach (XmlElement signal in elt.ChildNodes) {
if (IsHidden (signal))
SignalInfo si = new SignalInfo ();
si.name = signal["name"].InnerText;
si.managed_name = (signal["managed_name"] != null) ? signal["managed_name"].InnerText : null;
si.return_type = signal["return-type"].InnerText;
si.object_type = signal["object-type"].InnerText;
XmlElement parms = signal["params"];
if (parms != null) {
si.parameters = new ArrayList ();
foreach (XmlElement parm in parms.ChildNodes) {
si.parameters.Add (parm.InnerText);
ei.signals.Add (si);
return true;
static bool handleActions (XmlNode node, ElementInfo ei) {
if (ei.actions == null)
ei.actions = new ArrayList ();
XmlElement elt = node as XmlElement;
if (elt == null)
return true;
foreach (XmlElement signal in elt.ChildNodes) {
if (IsHidden (signal))
SignalInfo si = new SignalInfo ();
si.name = signal["name"].InnerText;
si.managed_name = (signal["managed_name"] != null) ? signal["managed_name"].InnerText : null;
si.return_type = signal["return-type"].InnerText;
si.object_type = signal["object-type"].InnerText;
XmlElement parms = signal["params"];
if (parms != null) {
si.parameters = new ArrayList ();
foreach (XmlElement parm in parms.ChildNodes) {
si.parameters.Add (parm.InnerText);
ei.actions.Add (si);
return true;
public static string CTypeToManagedType (string ctype, XmlDocument api_doc) {
switch (ctype) {
case "GObject":
return "GLib.Object";
case "gchararray":
return "string";
case "gboolean":
return "bool";
case "guint":
return "uint";
case "gint":
return "int";
case "gulong":
case "guint64":
return "ulong";
case "glong":
case "gint64":
return "long";
case "gfloat":
return "float";
case "gdouble":
return "double";
XPathNavigator api_nav = api_doc.CreateNavigator ();
XPathNodeIterator type_iter = api_nav.Select ("/api/namespace/*[@cname='" + ctype + "']");
while (type_iter.MoveNext ()) {
string ret = type_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("name", "");
if (ret != null && ret != String.Empty) {
XPathNavigator parent = type_iter.Current.Clone ();
parent.MoveToParent ();
ret = parent.GetAttribute ("name", "") + "." + ret;
return ret;
return null;
public static void writeElement (TextWriter writer, ElementInfo ei, StreamReader custom_code, XmlDocument api_doc) {
ArrayList enums = new ArrayList ();
writer.WriteLine ("#region Autogenerated code");
writer.WriteLine ("\t[GTypeName (\"" + ei.gtype_name + "\")]");
string class_name = (ei.class_name != null) ? ei.class_name : ei.gtype_name.StartsWith ("Gst") ? ei.gtype_name.Substring (3) : ei.gtype_name;
writer.Write ("\tpublic class " + class_name + " : ");
for (int i = 1; i < ei.hierarchy.Count; i++) {
string parent_type = (string) ei.hierarchy[i];
string parent_managed_type = CTypeToManagedType (parent_type, api_doc);
if (parent_managed_type != null) {
writer.Write (parent_managed_type);
foreach (string iface in ei.interfaces)
writer.Write (", " + CTypeToManagedType (iface, api_doc));
writer.WriteLine (" {");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic " + class_name + " (IntPtr raw) : base (raw) { }\n");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic static " + class_name + " Make (string name) {");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\treturn Gst.ElementFactory.Make (\"" + ei.name + "\", name) as " + class_name + ";");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n");
foreach (PropertyInfo pinfo in ei.properties) {
string managed_name = (pinfo.managed_name != null) ? pinfo.managed_name : PropToCamelCase (pinfo.name);
string managed_type = CTypeToManagedType (pinfo.type, api_doc);
if (managed_type == null && pinfo.enuminfo == null) {
throw new Exception ("Can't get managed type mapping for type " + pinfo.type);
} else if (managed_type == null) {
pinfo.enuminfo.name = pinfo.type;
enums.Add (pinfo.enuminfo);
managed_type = pinfo.type.StartsWith ("Gst") ? pinfo.type.Substring (3) : pinfo.type;
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t[GLib.Property (\"" + pinfo.name + "\")]");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic " + managed_type + " " + managed_name + " {");
if (pinfo.readable) {
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\tget {");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tGLib.Value val = GetProperty (\"" + pinfo.name + "\");");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t" + managed_type + " ret = (" + managed_type + ") val.Val;");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tval.Dispose ();");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn ret;");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
if (pinfo.writeable) {
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\tset {");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tGLib.Value val = new GLib.Value (this, \"" + pinfo.name + "\");");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tval.Val = value;");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tSetProperty (\"" + pinfo.name + "\", val);");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tval.Dispose ();");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n");
/* FIXME: We can't write signal/action code as we don't know the parameter names! */
writer.WriteLine ();
if (ei.interfaces.Count > 0) {
string path = Path.GetDirectoryName (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly ().Location);
foreach (string iface in ei.interfaces) {
StreamReader interface_code = System.IO.File.OpenText (path + "/interfaces/" + iface + ".cs");
string iface_code = interface_code.ReadToEnd ();
writer.WriteLine (iface_code);
if (enums.Count > 0) {
foreach (EnumInfo eni in enums) {
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t[GTypeName (\"" + eni.name + "\")]");
if (eni.flag)
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t[Flags]");
string enum_name = eni.name.StartsWith (ei.gtype_name) ? eni.name.Substring (ei.gtype_name.Length) : eni.name.StartsWith ("Gst") ? eni.name.Substring (3) : eni.name;
writer.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic enum " + enum_name + " {");
if (eni.flag) {
foreach (FlagValue ev in eni.values) {
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t" + PropToCamelCase (ev.name) + " = " + ev.value + ", ");
} else {
foreach (EnumValue ev in eni.values) {
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t\t" + PropToCamelCase (ev.name) + " = " + ev.value + ", ");
writer.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n");
if (custom_code != null) {
writer.WriteLine ("#endregion");
writer.WriteLine ("#region Customized code");
writer.WriteLine ("#line 1 \"" + ei.name + ".custom\"");
string custom_code_string = custom_code.ReadToEnd ();
writer.WriteLine (custom_code_string);
writer.WriteLine ("#endregion");
writer.WriteLine ("\t}\n");
public static string PropToCamelCase (string pname) {
string ret = Char.ToUpper (pname[0]).ToString ();
bool next_upper = false;
for (int i = 1; i < pname.Length; i++) {
if (pname[i] == '-') {
next_upper = true;
} else if (next_upper) {
ret = ret + Char.ToUpper (pname[i]);
next_upper = false;
} else {
ret = ret + pname[i];
return ret;
public static int Main (string[] args) {
if (args.Length != 3) {
Console.WriteLine ("Usage: element-gen --namespace=<namespace> --api=<api> --input=<in-filename>");
return -1;
string ns = null;
XmlDocument api_doc = new XmlDocument ();
XmlDocument introspect_doc = new XmlDocument ();
string filename = null;
foreach (string arg in args) {
if (arg.StartsWith ("--input=")) {
filename = arg.Substring (8);
try {
Stream stream = File.OpenRead (filename + ".xml");
introspect_doc.Load (stream);
stream.Close ();
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Failed to load introspection XML:\n" + e.ToString ());
return -2;
} else if (arg.StartsWith ("--api=")) {
string api_filename = arg.Substring (6);
try {
Stream stream = File.OpenRead (api_filename);
api_doc.Load (stream);
stream.Close ();
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Failed to load API XML:\n" + e.ToString ());
return 1;
} else if (arg.StartsWith ("--namespace=")) {
ns = arg.Substring (12);
} else {
Console.WriteLine ("Usage: element-gen --namespace:<namespace> --api=<api> --input:<in-filename>");
return 1;
if (introspect_doc.DocumentElement.Name != "element") {
Console.WriteLine ("Invalid introspection XML");
return -3;
TextWriter writer;
try {
writer = Console.Out;
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Failed to open output file:\n" + e.ToString ());
return -2;
StreamReader custom_code = null;
try {
custom_code = System.IO.File.OpenText (filename + ".custom");
} catch (Exception e) {}
if (IsHidden (introspect_doc.DocumentElement))
return 0;
writer.WriteLine ("using System;");
writer.WriteLine ("using System.Collections;");
writer.WriteLine ("using System.Runtime.InteropServices;");
writer.WriteLine ("using GLib;");
writer.WriteLine ("using Gst;");
writer.WriteLine ("using Gst.Interfaces;");
writer.WriteLine ();
writer.WriteLine (String.Format ("namespace {0} ", ns) + "{");
ElementInfo ei = new ElementInfo ();
if (introspect_doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["name"] != null)
ei.class_name = introspect_doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
foreach (XmlNode node in introspect_doc.DocumentElement) {
if (IsHidden (node))
switch (node.Name) {
case "name":
ei.name = node.InnerText;
case "object":
XmlElement elt = node as XmlElement;
ei.gtype_name = elt.GetAttribute ("name");
ei.hierarchy = new ArrayList ();
while (elt != null) {
ei.hierarchy.Add (elt.GetAttribute ("name"));
elt = elt.ChildNodes[0] as XmlElement;
case "interfaces":
XmlElement elt2 = node as XmlElement;
ei.interfaces = new ArrayList ();
foreach (XmlElement iface in elt2.ChildNodes)
ei.interfaces.Add (iface.GetAttribute ("name"));
case "pads":
if (!handlePads (node, ei))
return -4;
case "element-properties":
if (!handleProperties (node, ei))
return -5;
case "element-signals":
if (!handleSignals (node, ei))
return -6;
case "element-actions":
if (!handleActions (node, ei))
return -7;
case "pad-templates":
writeElement (writer, ei, custom_code, api_doc);
writer.WriteLine ("}");
return 0;