
214 lines
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2020-07-01 18:21:13 +00:00
use crate::settings::VideoResolution;
use crate::utils;
use gst::{self, prelude::*};
use std::error;
use std::ops;
use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
// Our refcounted pipeline struct for containing all the media state we have to carry around.
pub struct Pipeline(Rc<PipelineInner>);
// Deref into the contained struct to make usage a bit more ergonomic
impl ops::Deref for Pipeline {
type Target = PipelineInner;
fn deref(&self) -> &PipelineInner {
pub struct PipelineInner {
pub pipeline: gst::Pipeline,
// Weak reference to our pipeline struct
// Weak references are important to prevent reference cycles. Reference cycles are cases where
// struct A references directly or indirectly struct B, and struct B references struct A again
// while both are using reference counting.
pub struct PipelineWeak(Weak<PipelineInner>);
impl PipelineWeak {
pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Option<Pipeline> {
impl Pipeline {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let settings = utils::load_settings();
let (width, height) = match settings.video_resolution {
VideoResolution::V480P => (640, 480),
VideoResolution::V720P => (1280, 720),
VideoResolution::V1080P => (1920, 1080),
let pipeline = gst::parse_launch(&format!(
"webrtcbin name=webrtcbin stun-server=stun:// \
glvideomixerelement name=mixer sink_1::zorder=0 sink_1::height={height} sink_1::width={width} \
! tee name=video-tee ! queue ! gtkglsink enable-last-sample=0 name=sink qos=0 \
wpesrc location= name=wpesrc draw-background=0 \
! capsfilter name=wpecaps caps=\"video/x-raw(memory:GLMemory),width={width},height={height},pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1\" ! glcolorconvert ! queue ! mixer. \
v4l2src name=videosrc ! capsfilter name=camcaps caps=\"image/jpeg,width={width},height={height},framerate=30/1\" ! queue ! jpegparse ! queue ! jpegdec ! videoconvert ! queue ! glupload ! glcolorconvert
! queue ! mixer. \
", width=width, height=height)
// Upcast to a gst::Pipeline as the above function could've also returned an arbitrary
// gst::Element if a different string was passed
let pipeline = pipeline
.expect("Couldn't downcast pipeline");
// Request that the pipeline forwards us all messages, even those that it would otherwise
// aggregate first
let pipeline = Pipeline(Rc::new(PipelineInner { pipeline }));
// Install a message handler on the pipeline's bus to catch errors
let bus = pipeline.pipeline.get_bus().expect("Pipeline had no bus");
// GStreamer is thread-safe and it is possible to attach bus watches from any thread, which
// are then nonetheless called from the main thread. So by default, add_watch() requires
// the passed closure to be Send. We want to pass non-Send values into the closure though.
// As we are on the main thread and the closure will be called on the main thread, this
// is actually perfectly fine and safe to do and we can use add_watch_local().
// add_watch_local() would panic if we were not calling it from the main thread.
let pipeline_weak = pipeline.downgrade();
bus.add_watch_local(move |_bus, msg| {
let pipeline = upgrade_weak!(pipeline_weak, glib::Continue(false));
.expect("Unable to add bus watch");
// Downgrade to a weak reference
pub fn downgrade(&self) -> PipelineWeak {
pub fn prepare(&self) -> Result<gst::StateChangeSuccess, gst::StateChangeError> {
let settings = utils::load_settings();
let webrtc_codec = settings.webrtc_codec_params();
let bin_description = &format!(
"queue name=webrtc-vqueue ! gldownload ! videoconvert ! {encoder} ! {payloader} ! queue ! capsfilter name=webrtc-vsink caps=\"application/x-rtp,media=video,encoding-name={encoding_name},payload=96\"",
encoder=webrtc_codec.encoder, payloader=webrtc_codec.payloader,
let bin = gst::parse_bin_from_description(bin_description, false).unwrap();
let video_queue = bin
.expect("No webrtc-vqueue found");
let video_tee = self
.expect("No video-tee found");
.expect("Failed to add recording bin");
let srcpad = video_tee
.expect("Failed to request new pad from tee");
let sinkpad = video_queue
.expect("Failed to get sink pad from recording bin");
if let Ok(video_ghost_pad) = gst::GhostPad::new(Some("video_sink"), &sinkpad) {
let webrtcbin = self.pipeline.get_by_name("webrtcbin").unwrap();
let sinkpad2 = webrtcbin.get_request_pad("sink_%u").unwrap();
let vsink = bin
.expect("No webrtc-vqueue found");
let srcpad = vsink.get_static_pad("src").unwrap();
if let Ok(webrtc_ghost_pad) = gst::GhostPad::new(Some("webrtc_video_src"), &srcpad) {
pub fn start(&self) -> Result<gst::StateChangeSuccess, gst::StateChangeError> {
// This has no effect if called multiple times
pub fn stop(&self) -> Result<gst::StateChangeSuccess, gst::StateChangeError> {
// This has no effect if called multiple times
// Here we handle all message we get from the GStreamer pipeline. These are notifications sent
// from GStreamer, including errors that happend at runtime.
// This is always called from the main application thread by construction.
fn on_pipeline_message(&self, msg: &gst::MessageRef) {
use gst::MessageView;
// A message can contain various kinds of information but
// here we are only interested in errors so far
match msg.view() {
MessageView::Error(err) => {
"Error from {:?}: {} ({:?})",
err.get_src().map(|s| s.get_path_string()),
MessageView::Application(msg) => match msg.get_structure() {
// Here we can send ourselves messages from any thread and show them to the user in
// the UI in case something goes wrong
Some(s) if s.get_name() == "warning" => {
let text = s
.expect("Warning message without text")
panic!("{}", text);
_ => (),
MessageView::StateChanged(state_changed) => {
if let Some(element) = msg.get_src() {
if element == self.pipeline {
let bin_ref = element.downcast_ref::<gst::Bin>().unwrap();
let filename = format!(
bin_ref.debug_to_dot_file_with_ts(gst::DebugGraphDetails::all(), filename);
MessageView::AsyncDone(_) => {
if let Some(element) = msg.get_src() {
let bin_ref = element.downcast_ref::<gst::Bin>().unwrap();
_ => (),