
56 lines
4.5 KiB

"welcome_public": "Welcome to the group! The group user will now follow you back to complete the sign-up.\nTo share a post, @ the group user or use a group hashtag.\n\nUse /help for more info.",
"welcome_member_only": "Welcome to the group! This group has posting restricted to members.\nIf you'd like to join, please ask one of the group admins:\n{admins}",
"welcome_join_cmd": "Welcome to the group! The group user will now follow you to complete the sign-up. Make sure you follow back to receive shared posts!\n\nUse /help for more info.",
"welcome_closed": "Sorry, this group is closed to new sign-ups.\nPlease ask one of the group admins to add you:\n",
"user_list_entry": "- {user}\n",
"user_list_entry_admin": "- {user} [admin]\n",
"help_group_info_closed": "This is a member-only group. {membership}\n",
"help_group_info_open": "This is a public-access group. {membership}\n",
"help_membership_admin": "*You are an admin.*",
"help_membership_member": "*You are a member.*",
"help_membership_guest_closed": "*You are not a member, ask one of the admins to add you.*",
"help_membership_guest_open": "*You are not a member, follow or use /join to join the group.*",
"help_admin_commands": "\n\n**Admin commands:**\n`/ping` - check the group works\n`/members - show group members / admins\n`/add user` - add a member (user@domain)\n`/remove user` - remove a member\n`/add #hashtag` - add a group hashtag\n`/remove #hashtag` - remove a group hashtag\n`/undo` - un-boost a replied-to post, delete an announcement\n`/ban x` - ban a user or server\n`/unban x` - lift a ban\n`/admin user` - grant admin rights\n`/deadmin user` - revoke admin rights\n`/closegroup` - make member-only\n`/opengroup` - make public-access\n`/announce x` - make a public announcement",
"help_basic_commands": "To share a post, @ the group user or use a group hashtag.\n\n**Supported commands:**\n`/boost`, `/b` - boost the replied-to post into the group\n`/ignore`, `/i` - make the group ignore the post\n`/tags` - show group hashtags\n`/join` - (re-)join the group\n`/leave` - leave the group\n`/optout` - forbid sharing of your posts",
"help_member_commands": "\n`/admins` - show group admins\n`/undo` - un-boost your post (use in a reply)",
"cmd_leave_ok": "You're no longer a group member. Unfollow the group user to stop receiving group messages.",
"member_list_heading": "Group members:\n",
"admin_list_heading": "Group admins:\n",
"tag_list_heading": "Group tags:\n",
"tag_list_entry": "- {tag}\n",
"cmd_error": "Command failed: {cause}",
"cmd_close_ok": "Group changed to member-only",
"cmd_close_fail_already": "No action, group is member-only already",
"cmd_open_ok": "Group changed to open-access",
"cmd_open_fail_already": "No action, group is open-access already",
"cmd_optout_fail_admin_cant": "Group admins can't opt-out.",
"cmd_optout_fail_member_cant": "Group members can't opt-out. You have to leave first.",
"cmd_optout_ok": "Your posts will no longer be shared to the group.",
"cmd_optin_fail_admin_cant": "Opt-in has no effect for admins.",
"cmd_optin_fail_member_cant": "Opt-in has no effect for members.",
"cmd_optin_ok": "Your posts can now be shared to the group.",
"cmd_ban_user_ok": "User {user} banned from group!",
"cmd_ban_user_fail_already": "No action, user {user} is already banned",
"cmd_unban_user_ok": "User {user} un-banned!",
"cmd_unban_user_fail_already": "No action, user {user} is not banned",
"cmd_ban_server_ok": "Server {server} banned from group!",
"cmd_ban_server_fail_already": "No action, server {server} already banned",
"cmd_unban_server_ok": "Server {server} un-banned!",
"cmd_unban_server_fail_already": "No action, server {server} is not banned",
"cmd_add_user_ok": "User {user} added to the group!",
"cmd_remove_user_ok": "User {user} removed from the group.",
"cmd_add_tag_ok": "Tag #{tag} added to the group!",
"cmd_add_tag_fail_already": "No action, #{tag} is already a group tag",
"cmd_remove_tag_ok": "Tag #{tag} removed from the group!",
"cmd_remove_tag_fail_already": "No action, #{tag} is not a group tag",
"cmd_admin_ok": "User {user} is now a group admin!",
"cmd_admin_fail_already": "No action, user {user} is a group admin already",
"cmd_unadmin_ok": "User {user} is no longer a group admin!",
"cmd_unadmin_fail_already": "No action, user {user} is not a group admin",
"mention_prefix": "@{user} ",
"group_announcement": "**📢Group announcement**\n{message}",
"ping_response": "pong, this is fedigroups service v{version}"