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synced 2025-03-04 01:31:05 +00:00
* chore: update otel dependencies * refactor: combine tracing & metrics in observability package * chore: update example tracing compose file
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456 lines
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// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package telemetry
import (
// A Span represents a single operation performed by a single component of the
// system.
type Span struct {
// A unique identifier for a trace. All spans from the same trace share
// the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR
// of length other than 16 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON
// is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
// This field is required.
TraceID TraceID `json:"traceId,omitempty"`
// A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span
// is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length
// other than 8 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON
// is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
// This field is required.
SpanID SpanID `json:"spanId,omitempty"`
// trace_state conveys information about request position in multiple distributed tracing graphs.
// It is a trace_state in w3c-trace-context format: https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#tracestate-header
// See also https://github.com/w3c/distributed-tracing for more details about this field.
TraceState string `json:"traceState,omitempty"`
// The `span_id` of this span's parent span. If this is a root span, then this
// field must be empty. The ID is an 8-byte array.
ParentSpanID SpanID `json:"parentSpanId,omitempty"`
// Flags, a bit field.
// Bits 0-7 (8 least significant bits) are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace
// Context specification. To read the 8-bit W3C trace flag, use
// See https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context-2/#trace-flags for the flag definitions.
// Bits 8 and 9 represent the 3 states of whether a span's parent
// is remote. The states are (unknown, is not remote, is remote).
// To read whether the value is known, use `(flags & SPAN_FLAGS_CONTEXT_HAS_IS_REMOTE_MASK) != 0`.
// To read whether the span is remote, use `(flags & SPAN_FLAGS_CONTEXT_IS_REMOTE_MASK) != 0`.
// When creating span messages, if the message is logically forwarded from another source
// with an equivalent flags fields (i.e., usually another OTLP span message), the field SHOULD
// be copied as-is. If creating from a source that does not have an equivalent flags field
// (such as a runtime representation of an OpenTelemetry span), the high 22 bits MUST
// be set to zero.
// Readers MUST NOT assume that bits 10-31 (22 most significant bits) will be zero.
// [Optional].
Flags uint32 `json:"flags,omitempty"`
// A description of the span's operation.
// For example, the name can be a qualified method name or a file name
// and a line number where the operation is called. A best practice is to use
// the same display name at the same call point in an application.
// This makes it easier to correlate spans in different traces.
// This field is semantically required to be set to non-empty string.
// Empty value is equivalent to an unknown span name.
// This field is required.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Distinguishes between spans generated in a particular context. For example,
// two spans with the same name may be distinguished using `CLIENT` (caller)
// and `SERVER` (callee) to identify queueing latency associated with the span.
Kind SpanKind `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// start_time_unix_nano is the start time of the span. On the client side, this is the time
// kept by the local machine where the span execution starts. On the server side, this
// is the time when the server's application handler starts running.
// Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
// This field is semantically required and it is expected that end_time >= start_time.
StartTime time.Time `json:"startTimeUnixNano,omitempty"`
// end_time_unix_nano is the end time of the span. On the client side, this is the time
// kept by the local machine where the span execution ends. On the server side, this
// is the time when the server application handler stops running.
// Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
// This field is semantically required and it is expected that end_time >= start_time.
EndTime time.Time `json:"endTimeUnixNano,omitempty"`
// attributes is a collection of key/value pairs. Note, global attributes
// like server name can be set using the resource API. Examples of attributes:
// "/http/user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36"
// "/http/server_latency": 300
// "example.com/myattribute": true
// "example.com/score": 10.239
// The OpenTelemetry API specification further restricts the allowed value types:
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/common/README.md#attribute
// Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
// attribute with the same key).
Attrs []Attr `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
// dropped_attributes_count is the number of attributes that were discarded. Attributes
// can be discarded because their keys are too long or because there are too many
// attributes. If this value is 0, then no attributes were dropped.
DroppedAttrs uint32 `json:"droppedAttributesCount,omitempty"`
// events is a collection of Event items.
Events []*SpanEvent `json:"events,omitempty"`
// dropped_events_count is the number of dropped events. If the value is 0, then no
// events were dropped.
DroppedEvents uint32 `json:"droppedEventsCount,omitempty"`
// links is a collection of Links, which are references from this span to a span
// in the same or different trace.
Links []*SpanLink `json:"links,omitempty"`
// dropped_links_count is the number of dropped links after the maximum size was
// enforced. If this value is 0, then no links were dropped.
DroppedLinks uint32 `json:"droppedLinksCount,omitempty"`
// An optional final status for this span. Semantically when Status isn't set, it means
// span's status code is unset, i.e. assume STATUS_CODE_UNSET (code = 0).
Status *Status `json:"status,omitempty"`
// MarshalJSON encodes s into OTLP formatted JSON.
func (s Span) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
startT := s.StartTime.UnixNano()
if s.StartTime.IsZero() || startT < 0 {
startT = 0
endT := s.EndTime.UnixNano()
if s.EndTime.IsZero() || endT < 0 {
endT = 0
// Override non-empty default SpanID marshal and omitempty.
var parentSpanId string
if !s.ParentSpanID.IsEmpty() {
b := make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(spanIDSize))
hex.Encode(b, s.ParentSpanID[:])
parentSpanId = string(b)
type Alias Span
return json.Marshal(struct {
ParentSpanID string `json:"parentSpanId,omitempty"`
StartTime uint64 `json:"startTimeUnixNano,omitempty"`
EndTime uint64 `json:"endTimeUnixNano,omitempty"`
Alias: Alias(s),
ParentSpanID: parentSpanId,
StartTime: uint64(startT),
EndTime: uint64(endT),
// UnmarshalJSON decodes the OTLP formatted JSON contained in data into s.
func (s *Span) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
t, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
return err
if t != json.Delim('{') {
return errors.New("invalid Span type")
for decoder.More() {
keyIface, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
// Empty.
return nil
return err
key, ok := keyIface.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Span field: %#v", keyIface)
switch key {
case "traceId", "trace_id":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.TraceID)
case "spanId", "span_id":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.SpanID)
case "traceState", "trace_state":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.TraceState)
case "parentSpanId", "parent_span_id":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.ParentSpanID)
case "flags":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.Flags)
case "name":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.Name)
case "kind":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.Kind)
case "startTimeUnixNano", "start_time_unix_nano":
var val protoUint64
err = decoder.Decode(&val)
s.StartTime = time.Unix(0, int64(val.Uint64()))
case "endTimeUnixNano", "end_time_unix_nano":
var val protoUint64
err = decoder.Decode(&val)
s.EndTime = time.Unix(0, int64(val.Uint64()))
case "attributes":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.Attrs)
case "droppedAttributesCount", "dropped_attributes_count":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.DroppedAttrs)
case "events":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.Events)
case "droppedEventsCount", "dropped_events_count":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.DroppedEvents)
case "links":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.Links)
case "droppedLinksCount", "dropped_links_count":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.DroppedLinks)
case "status":
err = decoder.Decode(&s.Status)
// Skip unknown.
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SpanFlags represents constants used to interpret the
// Span.flags field, which is protobuf 'fixed32' type and is to
// be used as bit-fields. Each non-zero value defined in this enum is
// a bit-mask. To extract the bit-field, for example, use an
// expression like:
// See https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context-2/#trace-flags for the flag definitions.
// Note that Span flags were introduced in version 1.1 of the
// OpenTelemetry protocol. Older Span producers do not set this
// field, consequently consumers should not rely on the absence of a
// particular flag bit to indicate the presence of a particular feature.
type SpanFlags int32
const (
// Bits 0-7 are used for trace flags.
SpanFlagsTraceFlagsMask SpanFlags = 255
// Bits 8 and 9 are used to indicate that the parent span or link span is remote.
// Bit 8 (`HAS_IS_REMOTE`) indicates whether the value is known.
// Bit 9 (`IS_REMOTE`) indicates whether the span or link is remote.
SpanFlagsContextHasIsRemoteMask SpanFlags = 256
// SpanFlagsContextHasIsRemoteMask indicates the Span is remote.
SpanFlagsContextIsRemoteMask SpanFlags = 512
// SpanKind is the type of span. Can be used to specify additional relationships between spans
// in addition to a parent/child relationship.
type SpanKind int32
const (
// Indicates that the span represents an internal operation within an application,
// as opposed to an operation happening at the boundaries. Default value.
SpanKindInternal SpanKind = 1
// Indicates that the span covers server-side handling of an RPC or other
// remote network request.
SpanKindServer SpanKind = 2
// Indicates that the span describes a request to some remote service.
SpanKindClient SpanKind = 3
// Indicates that the span describes a producer sending a message to a broker.
// Unlike CLIENT and SERVER, there is often no direct critical path latency relationship
// between producer and consumer spans. A PRODUCER span ends when the message was accepted
// by the broker while the logical processing of the message might span a much longer time.
SpanKindProducer SpanKind = 4
// Indicates that the span describes consumer receiving a message from a broker.
// Like the PRODUCER kind, there is often no direct critical path latency relationship
// between producer and consumer spans.
SpanKindConsumer SpanKind = 5
// Event is a time-stamped annotation of the span, consisting of user-supplied
// text description and key-value pairs.
type SpanEvent struct {
// time_unix_nano is the time the event occurred.
Time time.Time `json:"timeUnixNano,omitempty"`
// name of the event.
// This field is semantically required to be set to non-empty string.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// attributes is a collection of attribute key/value pairs on the event.
// Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
// attribute with the same key).
Attrs []Attr `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
// dropped_attributes_count is the number of dropped attributes. If the value is 0,
// then no attributes were dropped.
DroppedAttrs uint32 `json:"droppedAttributesCount,omitempty"`
// MarshalJSON encodes e into OTLP formatted JSON.
func (e SpanEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
t := e.Time.UnixNano()
if e.Time.IsZero() || t < 0 {
t = 0
type Alias SpanEvent
return json.Marshal(struct {
Time uint64 `json:"timeUnixNano,omitempty"`
Alias: Alias(e),
Time: uint64(t),
// UnmarshalJSON decodes the OTLP formatted JSON contained in data into se.
func (se *SpanEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
t, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
return err
if t != json.Delim('{') {
return errors.New("invalid SpanEvent type")
for decoder.More() {
keyIface, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
// Empty.
return nil
return err
key, ok := keyIface.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid SpanEvent field: %#v", keyIface)
switch key {
case "timeUnixNano", "time_unix_nano":
var val protoUint64
err = decoder.Decode(&val)
se.Time = time.Unix(0, int64(val.Uint64()))
case "name":
err = decoder.Decode(&se.Name)
case "attributes":
err = decoder.Decode(&se.Attrs)
case "droppedAttributesCount", "dropped_attributes_count":
err = decoder.Decode(&se.DroppedAttrs)
// Skip unknown.
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// A pointer from the current span to another span in the same trace or in a
// different trace. For example, this can be used in batching operations,
// where a single batch handler processes multiple requests from different
// traces or when the handler receives a request from a different project.
type SpanLink struct {
// A unique identifier of a trace that this linked span is part of. The ID is a
// 16-byte array.
TraceID TraceID `json:"traceId,omitempty"`
// A unique identifier for the linked span. The ID is an 8-byte array.
SpanID SpanID `json:"spanId,omitempty"`
// The trace_state associated with the link.
TraceState string `json:"traceState,omitempty"`
// attributes is a collection of attribute key/value pairs on the link.
// Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
// attribute with the same key).
Attrs []Attr `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
// dropped_attributes_count is the number of dropped attributes. If the value is 0,
// then no attributes were dropped.
DroppedAttrs uint32 `json:"droppedAttributesCount,omitempty"`
// Flags, a bit field.
// Bits 0-7 (8 least significant bits) are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace
// Context specification. To read the 8-bit W3C trace flag, use
// See https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context-2/#trace-flags for the flag definitions.
// Bits 8 and 9 represent the 3 states of whether the link is remote.
// The states are (unknown, is not remote, is remote).
// To read whether the value is known, use `(flags & SPAN_FLAGS_CONTEXT_HAS_IS_REMOTE_MASK) != 0`.
// To read whether the link is remote, use `(flags & SPAN_FLAGS_CONTEXT_IS_REMOTE_MASK) != 0`.
// Readers MUST NOT assume that bits 10-31 (22 most significant bits) will be zero.
// When creating new spans, bits 10-31 (most-significant 22-bits) MUST be zero.
// [Optional].
Flags uint32 `json:"flags,omitempty"`
// UnmarshalJSON decodes the OTLP formatted JSON contained in data into sl.
func (sl *SpanLink) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
decoder := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
t, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
return err
if t != json.Delim('{') {
return errors.New("invalid SpanLink type")
for decoder.More() {
keyIface, err := decoder.Token()
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
// Empty.
return nil
return err
key, ok := keyIface.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid SpanLink field: %#v", keyIface)
switch key {
case "traceId", "trace_id":
err = decoder.Decode(&sl.TraceID)
case "spanId", "span_id":
err = decoder.Decode(&sl.SpanID)
case "traceState", "trace_state":
err = decoder.Decode(&sl.TraceState)
case "attributes":
err = decoder.Decode(&sl.Attrs)
case "droppedAttributesCount", "dropped_attributes_count":
err = decoder.Decode(&sl.DroppedAttrs)
case "flags":
err = decoder.Decode(&sl.Flags)
// Skip unknown.
if err != nil {
return err
return nil