Daniele Sluijters acc333c40b
[feature] Inherit resource limits from cgroups (#1336)
When GTS is running in a container runtime which has configured CPU or
memory limits or under an init system that uses cgroups to impose CPU
and memory limits the values the Go runtime sees for GOMAXPROCS and
GOMEMLIMIT are still based on the host resources, not the cgroup.

At least for the throttling middlewares which use GOMAXPROCS to
configure their queue size, this can result in GTS running with values
too big compared to the resources that will actuall be available to it.

This introduces 2 dependencies which can pick up resource contraints
from the current cgroup and tune the Go runtime accordingly. This should
result in the different queues being appropriately sized and in general
more predictable performance. These dependencies are a no-op on
non-Linux systems or if running in a cgroup that doesn't set a limit on
CPU or memory.

The automatic tuning of GOMEMLIMIT can be disabled by either explicitly
setting GOMEMLIMIT yourself or by setting AUTOMEMLIMIT=off. The
automatic tuning of GOMAXPROCS can similarly be counteracted by setting
GOMAXPROCS yourself.
2023-01-17 20:59:04 +00:00

872 lines
18 KiB

package btf
import (
const maxTypeDepth = 32
// TypeID identifies a type in a BTF section.
type TypeID uint32
// ID implements part of the Type interface.
func (tid TypeID) ID() TypeID {
return tid
// Type represents a type described by BTF.
type Type interface {
ID() TypeID
String() string
// Make a copy of the type, without copying Type members.
copy() Type
// Enumerate all nested Types. Repeated calls must visit nested
// types in the same order.
// namedType is a type with a name.
// Most named types simply embed Name.
type namedType interface {
name() string
// Name identifies a type.
// Anonymous types have an empty name.
type Name string
func (n Name) name() string {
return string(n)
// Void is the unit type of BTF.
type Void struct{}
func (v *Void) ID() TypeID { return 0 }
func (v *Void) String() string { return "void#0" }
func (v *Void) size() uint32 { return 0 }
func (v *Void) copy() Type { return (*Void)(nil) }
func (v *Void) walk(*typeDeque) {}
type IntEncoding byte
const (
Signed IntEncoding = 1 << iota
// Int is an integer of a given length.
type Int struct {
// The size of the integer in bytes.
Size uint32
Encoding IntEncoding
// Offset is the starting bit offset. Currently always 0.
// See
Offset uint32
Bits byte
var _ namedType = (*Int)(nil)
func (i *Int) String() string {
var s strings.Builder
switch {
case i.Encoding&Char != 0:
case i.Encoding&Bool != 0:
if i.Encoding&Signed == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&s, "%d", i.Size*8)
fmt.Fprintf(&s, "#%d", i.TypeID)
if i.Bits > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&s, "[bits=%d]", i.Bits)
return s.String()
func (i *Int) size() uint32 { return i.Size }
func (i *Int) walk(*typeDeque) {}
func (i *Int) copy() Type {
cpy := *i
return &cpy
func (i *Int) isBitfield() bool {
return i.Offset > 0
// Pointer is a pointer to another type.
type Pointer struct {
Target Type
func (p *Pointer) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("pointer#%d[target=#%d]", p.TypeID, p.Target.ID())
func (p *Pointer) size() uint32 { return 8 }
func (p *Pointer) walk(tdq *typeDeque) { tdq.push(&p.Target) }
func (p *Pointer) copy() Type {
cpy := *p
return &cpy
// Array is an array with a fixed number of elements.
type Array struct {
Type Type
Nelems uint32
func (arr *Array) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("array#%d[type=#%d n=%d]", arr.TypeID, arr.Type.ID(), arr.Nelems)
func (arr *Array) walk(tdq *typeDeque) { tdq.push(&arr.Type) }
func (arr *Array) copy() Type {
cpy := *arr
return &cpy
// Struct is a compound type of consecutive members.
type Struct struct {
// The size of the struct including padding, in bytes
Size uint32
Members []Member
func (s *Struct) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("struct#%d[%q]", s.TypeID, s.Name)
func (s *Struct) size() uint32 { return s.Size }
func (s *Struct) walk(tdq *typeDeque) {
for i := range s.Members {
func (s *Struct) copy() Type {
cpy := *s
cpy.Members = make([]Member, len(s.Members))
copy(cpy.Members, s.Members)
return &cpy
func (s *Struct) members() []Member {
return s.Members
// Union is a compound type where members occupy the same memory.
type Union struct {
// The size of the union including padding, in bytes.
Size uint32
Members []Member
func (u *Union) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("union#%d[%q]", u.TypeID, u.Name)
func (u *Union) size() uint32 { return u.Size }
func (u *Union) walk(tdq *typeDeque) {
for i := range u.Members {
func (u *Union) copy() Type {
cpy := *u
cpy.Members = make([]Member, len(u.Members))
copy(cpy.Members, u.Members)
return &cpy
func (u *Union) members() []Member {
return u.Members
type composite interface {
members() []Member
var (
_ composite = (*Struct)(nil)
_ composite = (*Union)(nil)
// Member is part of a Struct or Union.
// It is not a valid Type.
type Member struct {
Type Type
// Offset is the bit offset of this member
Offset uint32
BitfieldSize uint32
// Enum lists possible values.
type Enum struct {
Values []EnumValue
func (e *Enum) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("enum#%d[%q]", e.TypeID, e.Name)
// EnumValue is part of an Enum
// Is is not a valid Type
type EnumValue struct {
Value int32
func (e *Enum) size() uint32 { return 4 }
func (e *Enum) walk(*typeDeque) {}
func (e *Enum) copy() Type {
cpy := *e
cpy.Values = make([]EnumValue, len(e.Values))
copy(cpy.Values, e.Values)
return &cpy
// FwdKind is the type of forward declaration.
type FwdKind int
// Valid types of forward declaration.
const (
FwdStruct FwdKind = iota
func (fk FwdKind) String() string {
switch fk {
case FwdStruct:
return "struct"
case FwdUnion:
return "union"
return fmt.Sprintf("%T(%d)", fk, int(fk))
// Fwd is a forward declaration of a Type.
type Fwd struct {
Kind FwdKind
func (f *Fwd) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("fwd#%d[%s %q]", f.TypeID, f.Kind, f.Name)
func (f *Fwd) walk(*typeDeque) {}
func (f *Fwd) copy() Type {
cpy := *f
return &cpy
// Typedef is an alias of a Type.
type Typedef struct {
Type Type
func (td *Typedef) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("typedef#%d[%q #%d]", td.TypeID, td.Name, td.Type.ID())
func (td *Typedef) walk(tdq *typeDeque) { tdq.push(&td.Type) }
func (td *Typedef) copy() Type {
cpy := *td
return &cpy
// Volatile is a qualifier.
type Volatile struct {
Type Type
func (v *Volatile) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("volatile#%d[#%d]", v.TypeID, v.Type.ID())
func (v *Volatile) qualify() Type { return v.Type }
func (v *Volatile) walk(tdq *typeDeque) { tdq.push(&v.Type) }
func (v *Volatile) copy() Type {
cpy := *v
return &cpy
// Const is a qualifier.
type Const struct {
Type Type
func (c *Const) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("const#%d[#%d]", c.TypeID, c.Type.ID())
func (c *Const) qualify() Type { return c.Type }
func (c *Const) walk(tdq *typeDeque) { tdq.push(&c.Type) }
func (c *Const) copy() Type {
cpy := *c
return &cpy
// Restrict is a qualifier.
type Restrict struct {
Type Type
func (r *Restrict) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("restrict#%d[#%d]", r.TypeID, r.Type.ID())
func (r *Restrict) qualify() Type { return r.Type }
func (r *Restrict) walk(tdq *typeDeque) { tdq.push(&r.Type) }
func (r *Restrict) copy() Type {
cpy := *r
return &cpy
// Func is a function definition.
type Func struct {
Type Type
func (f *Func) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("func#%d[%q proto=#%d]", f.TypeID, f.Name, f.Type.ID())
func (f *Func) walk(tdq *typeDeque) { tdq.push(&f.Type) }
func (f *Func) copy() Type {
cpy := *f
return &cpy
// FuncProto is a function declaration.
type FuncProto struct {
Return Type
Params []FuncParam
func (fp *FuncProto) String() string {
var s strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&s, "proto#%d[", fp.TypeID)
for _, param := range fp.Params {
fmt.Fprintf(&s, "%q=#%d, ", param.Name, param.Type.ID())
fmt.Fprintf(&s, "return=#%d]", fp.Return.ID())
return s.String()
func (fp *FuncProto) walk(tdq *typeDeque) {
for i := range fp.Params {
func (fp *FuncProto) copy() Type {
cpy := *fp
cpy.Params = make([]FuncParam, len(fp.Params))
copy(cpy.Params, fp.Params)
return &cpy
type FuncParam struct {
Type Type
// Var is a global variable.
type Var struct {
Type Type
func (v *Var) String() string {
// TODO: Linkage
return fmt.Sprintf("var#%d[%q]", v.TypeID, v.Name)
func (v *Var) walk(tdq *typeDeque) { tdq.push(&v.Type) }
func (v *Var) copy() Type {
cpy := *v
return &cpy
// Datasec is a global program section containing data.
type Datasec struct {
Size uint32
Vars []VarSecinfo
func (ds *Datasec) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("section#%d[%q]", ds.TypeID, ds.Name)
func (ds *Datasec) size() uint32 { return ds.Size }
func (ds *Datasec) walk(tdq *typeDeque) {
for i := range ds.Vars {
func (ds *Datasec) copy() Type {
cpy := *ds
cpy.Vars = make([]VarSecinfo, len(ds.Vars))
copy(cpy.Vars, ds.Vars)
return &cpy
// VarSecinfo describes variable in a Datasec
// It is not a valid Type.
type VarSecinfo struct {
Type Type
Offset uint32
Size uint32
type sizer interface {
size() uint32
var (
_ sizer = (*Int)(nil)
_ sizer = (*Pointer)(nil)
_ sizer = (*Struct)(nil)
_ sizer = (*Union)(nil)
_ sizer = (*Enum)(nil)
_ sizer = (*Datasec)(nil)
type qualifier interface {
qualify() Type
var (
_ qualifier = (*Const)(nil)
_ qualifier = (*Restrict)(nil)
_ qualifier = (*Volatile)(nil)
// Sizeof returns the size of a type in bytes.
// Returns an error if the size can't be computed.
func Sizeof(typ Type) (int, error) {
var (
n = int64(1)
elem int64
for i := 0; i < maxTypeDepth; i++ {
switch v := typ.(type) {
case *Array:
if n > 0 && int64(v.Nelems) > math.MaxInt64/n {
return 0, errors.New("overflow")
// Arrays may be of zero length, which allows
// n to be zero as well.
n *= int64(v.Nelems)
typ = v.Type
case sizer:
elem = int64(v.size())
case *Typedef:
typ = v.Type
case qualifier:
typ = v.qualify()
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type %T", typ)
if n > 0 && elem > math.MaxInt64/n {
return 0, errors.New("overflow")
size := n * elem
if int64(int(size)) != size {
return 0, errors.New("overflow")
return int(size), nil
return 0, errors.New("exceeded type depth")
// copy a Type recursively.
// typ may form a cycle.
func copyType(typ Type) Type {
var (
copies = make(map[Type]Type)
work typeDeque
for t := &typ; t != nil; t = work.pop() {
// *t is the identity of the type.
if cpy := copies[*t]; cpy != nil {
*t = cpy
cpy := (*t).copy()
copies[*t] = cpy
*t = cpy
// Mark any nested types for copying.
return typ
// typeDeque keeps track of pointers to types which still
// need to be visited.
type typeDeque struct {
types []*Type
read, write uint64
mask uint64
// push adds a type to the stack.
func (dq *typeDeque) push(t *Type) {
if < uint64(len(dq.types)) {
dq.types[dq.write&dq.mask] = t
new := len(dq.types) * 2
if new == 0 {
new = 8
types := make([]*Type, new)
pivot := & dq.mask
n := copy(types, dq.types[pivot:])
n += copy(types[n:], dq.types[:pivot])
types[n] = t
dq.types = types
dq.mask = uint64(new) - 1, dq.write = 0, uint64(n+1)
// shift returns the first element or null.
func (dq *typeDeque) shift() *Type {
if == dq.write {
return nil
index := & dq.mask
t := dq.types[index]
dq.types[index] = nil
return t
// pop returns the last element or null.
func (dq *typeDeque) pop() *Type {
if == dq.write {
return nil
index := dq.write & dq.mask
t := dq.types[index]
dq.types[index] = nil
return t
// all returns all elements.
// The deque is empty after calling this method.
func (dq *typeDeque) all() []*Type {
length := dq.write -
types := make([]*Type, 0, length)
for t := dq.shift(); t != nil; t = dq.shift() {
types = append(types, t)
return types
// inflateRawTypes takes a list of raw btf types linked via type IDs, and turns
// it into a graph of Types connected via pointers.
// Returns a map of named types (so, where NameOff is non-zero) and a slice of types
// indexed by TypeID. Since BTF ignores compilation units, multiple types may share
// the same name. A Type may form a cyclic graph by pointing at itself.
func inflateRawTypes(rawTypes []rawType, rawStrings stringTable) (types []Type, namedTypes map[string][]namedType, err error) {
type fixupDef struct {
id TypeID
expectedKind btfKind
typ *Type
var fixups []fixupDef
fixup := func(id TypeID, expectedKind btfKind, typ *Type) {
fixups = append(fixups, fixupDef{id, expectedKind, typ})
convertMembers := func(raw []btfMember, kindFlag bool) ([]Member, error) {
// NB: The fixup below relies on pre-allocating this array to
// work, since otherwise append might re-allocate members.
members := make([]Member, 0, len(raw))
for i, btfMember := range raw {
name, err := rawStrings.LookupName(btfMember.NameOff)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't get name for member %d: %w", i, err)
m := Member{
Name: name,
Offset: btfMember.Offset,
if kindFlag {
m.BitfieldSize = btfMember.Offset >> 24
m.Offset &= 0xffffff
members = append(members, m)
for i := range members {
fixup(raw[i].Type, kindUnknown, &members[i].Type)
return members, nil
types = make([]Type, 0, len(rawTypes))
types = append(types, (*Void)(nil))
namedTypes = make(map[string][]namedType)
for i, raw := range rawTypes {
var (
// Void is defined to always be type ID 0, and is thus
// omitted from BTF.
id = TypeID(i + 1)
typ Type
name, err := rawStrings.LookupName(raw.NameOff)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("get name for type id %d: %w", id, err)
switch raw.Kind() {
case kindInt:
encoding, offset, bits := intEncoding(**uint32))
typ = &Int{id, name, raw.Size(), encoding, offset, bits}
case kindPointer:
ptr := &Pointer{id, nil}
fixup(raw.Type(), kindUnknown, &ptr.Target)
typ = ptr
case kindArray:
btfArr :=*btfArray)
// IndexType is unused according to btf.rst.
// Don't make it available right now.
arr := &Array{id, nil, btfArr.Nelems}
fixup(btfArr.Type, kindUnknown, &arr.Type)
typ = arr
case kindStruct:
members, err := convertMembers([]btfMember), raw.KindFlag())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("struct %s (id %d): %w", name, id, err)
typ = &Struct{id, name, raw.Size(), members}
case kindUnion:
members, err := convertMembers([]btfMember), raw.KindFlag())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("union %s (id %d): %w", name, id, err)
typ = &Union{id, name, raw.Size(), members}
case kindEnum:
rawvals :=[]btfEnum)
vals := make([]EnumValue, 0, len(rawvals))
for i, btfVal := range rawvals {
name, err := rawStrings.LookupName(btfVal.NameOff)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("get name for enum value %d: %s", i, err)
vals = append(vals, EnumValue{
Name: name,
Value: btfVal.Val,
typ = &Enum{id, name, vals}
case kindForward:
if raw.KindFlag() {
typ = &Fwd{id, name, FwdUnion}
} else {
typ = &Fwd{id, name, FwdStruct}
case kindTypedef:
typedef := &Typedef{id, name, nil}
fixup(raw.Type(), kindUnknown, &typedef.Type)
typ = typedef
case kindVolatile:
volatile := &Volatile{id, nil}
fixup(raw.Type(), kindUnknown, &volatile.Type)
typ = volatile
case kindConst:
cnst := &Const{id, nil}
fixup(raw.Type(), kindUnknown, &cnst.Type)
typ = cnst
case kindRestrict:
restrict := &Restrict{id, nil}
fixup(raw.Type(), kindUnknown, &restrict.Type)
typ = restrict
case kindFunc:
fn := &Func{id, name, nil}
fixup(raw.Type(), kindFuncProto, &fn.Type)
typ = fn
case kindFuncProto:
rawparams :=[]btfParam)
params := make([]FuncParam, 0, len(rawparams))
for i, param := range rawparams {
name, err := rawStrings.LookupName(param.NameOff)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("get name for func proto parameter %d: %s", i, err)
params = append(params, FuncParam{
Name: name,
for i := range params {
fixup(rawparams[i].Type, kindUnknown, &params[i].Type)
fp := &FuncProto{id, nil, params}
fixup(raw.Type(), kindUnknown, &fp.Return)
typ = fp
case kindVar:
v := &Var{id, name, nil}
fixup(raw.Type(), kindUnknown, &v.Type)
typ = v
case kindDatasec:
btfVars :=[]btfVarSecinfo)
vars := make([]VarSecinfo, 0, len(btfVars))
for _, btfVar := range btfVars {
vars = append(vars, VarSecinfo{
Offset: btfVar.Offset,
Size: btfVar.Size,
for i := range vars {
fixup(btfVars[i].Type, kindVar, &vars[i].Type)
typ = &Datasec{id, name, raw.SizeType, vars}
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("type id %d: unknown kind: %v", id, raw.Kind())
types = append(types, typ)
if named, ok := typ.(namedType); ok {
if name := essentialName(; name != "" {
namedTypes[name] = append(namedTypes[name], named)
for _, fixup := range fixups {
i := int(
if i >= len(types) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("reference to invalid type id: %d",
// Default void (id 0) to unknown
rawKind := kindUnknown
if i > 0 {
rawKind = rawTypes[i-1].Kind()
if expected := fixup.expectedKind; expected != kindUnknown && rawKind != expected {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("expected type id %d to have kind %s, found %s",, expected, rawKind)
*fixup.typ = types[i]
return types, namedTypes, nil
// essentialName returns name without a ___ suffix.
func essentialName(name string) string {
lastIdx := strings.LastIndex(name, "___")
if lastIdx > 0 {
return name[:lastIdx]
return name