Tobi Smethurst 98263a7de6
Grand test fixup (#138)
* start fixing up tests

* fix up tests + automate with drone

* fiddle with linting

* messing about with drone.yml

* some more fiddling

* hmmm

* add cache

* add vendor directory

* verbose

* ci updates

* update some little things

* update sig
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00

671 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !go1.9 || safe || || appengine
// +build !go1.9 safe appengine
package codec
import (
// "hash/adler32"
// This file has safe variants of some helper functions.
// MARKER: See helper_unsafe.go for the usage documentation.
const safeMode = true
const transientSizeMax = 0
const transientValueHasStringSlice = true
func stringView(v []byte) string {
return string(v)
func bytesView(v string) []byte {
return []byte(v)
func byteSliceSameData(v1 []byte, v2 []byte) bool {
return cap(v1) != 0 && cap(v2) != 0 && &(v1[:1][0]) == &(v2[:1][0])
func okBytes3(b []byte) (v [4]byte) {
copy(v[1:], b)
func okBytes4(b []byte) (v [4]byte) {
copy(v[:], b)
func okBytes8(b []byte) (v [8]byte) {
copy(v[:], b)
func isNil(v interface{}) (rv reflect.Value, isnil bool) {
rv = reflect.ValueOf(v)
if isnilBitset.isset(byte(rv.Kind())) {
isnil = rv.IsNil()
func eq4i(i0, i1 interface{}) bool {
return i0 == i1
func rv4iptr(i interface{}) reflect.Value { return reflect.ValueOf(i) }
func rv4istr(i interface{}) reflect.Value { return reflect.ValueOf(i) }
// func rv4i(i interface{}) reflect.Value { return reflect.ValueOf(i) }
// func rv4iK(i interface{}, kind byte, isref bool) reflect.Value { return reflect.ValueOf(i) }
func rv2i(rv reflect.Value) interface{} {
return rv.Interface()
func rvAddr(rv reflect.Value, ptrType reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
return rv.Addr()
func rvIsNil(rv reflect.Value) bool {
return rv.IsNil()
func rvSetSliceLen(rv reflect.Value, length int) {
func rvZeroAddrK(t reflect.Type, k reflect.Kind) reflect.Value {
return reflect.New(t).Elem()
func rvZeroK(t reflect.Type, k reflect.Kind) reflect.Value {
return reflect.Zero(t)
func rvConvert(v reflect.Value, t reflect.Type) (rv reflect.Value) {
// Note that reflect.Value.Convert(...) will make a copy if it is addressable.
// Since we decode into the passed value, we must try to convert the addressable value..
if v.CanAddr() {
return v.Addr().Convert(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Elem()
return v.Convert(t)
func rt2id(rt reflect.Type) uintptr {
return reflect.ValueOf(rt).Pointer()
func i2rtid(i interface{}) uintptr {
return reflect.ValueOf(reflect.TypeOf(i)).Pointer()
// --------------------------
func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value, tinfos *TypeInfos, recursive bool) bool {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Invalid:
return true
case reflect.Array, reflect.String:
return v.Len() == 0
case reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.Chan:
return v.IsNil() || v.Len() == 0
case reflect.Bool:
return !v.Bool()
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return v.Int() == 0
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return v.Uint() == 0
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
c := v.Complex()
return math.Float64bits(real(c)) == 0 && math.Float64bits(imag(c)) == 0
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return v.Float() == 0
case reflect.Func, reflect.UnsafePointer:
return v.IsNil()
case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
isnil := v.IsNil()
if recursive && !isnil {
return isEmptyValue(v.Elem(), tinfos, recursive)
return isnil
case reflect.Struct:
return isEmptyStruct(v, tinfos, recursive)
return false
// isEmptyStruct is only called from isEmptyValue, and checks if a struct is empty:
// - does it implement IsZero() bool
// - is it comparable, and can i compare directly using ==
// - if checkStruct, then walk through the encodable fields
// and check if they are empty or not.
func isEmptyStruct(v reflect.Value, tinfos *TypeInfos, recursive bool) bool {
// v is a struct kind - no need to check again.
// We only check isZero on a struct kind, to reduce the amount of times
// that we lookup the rtid and typeInfo for each type as we walk the tree.
vt := rvType(v)
rtid := rt2id(vt)
if tinfos == nil {
tinfos = defTypeInfos
ti := tinfos.get(rtid, vt)
if ti.rtid == timeTypId {
return rv2i(v).(time.Time).IsZero()
if ti.flagIsZeroer {
return rv2i(v).(isZeroer).IsZero()
if ti.flagIsZeroerPtr && v.CanAddr() {
return rv2i(v.Addr()).(isZeroer).IsZero()
if ti.flagIsCodecEmptyer {
return rv2i(v).(isCodecEmptyer).IsCodecEmpty()
if ti.flagIsCodecEmptyerPtr && v.CanAddr() {
return rv2i(v.Addr()).(isCodecEmptyer).IsCodecEmpty()
if ti.flagComparable {
return rv2i(v) == rv2i(rvZeroK(vt, reflect.Struct))
if !recursive {
return false
// We only care about what we can encode/decode,
// so that is what we use to check omitEmpty.
for _, si := range ti.sfi.source() {
sfv := si.path.field(v)
if sfv.IsValid() && !isEmptyValue(sfv, tinfos, recursive) {
return false
return true
// --------------------------
type perTypeElem struct {
t reflect.Type
rtid uintptr
zero reflect.Value
addr [2]reflect.Value
func (x *perTypeElem) get(index uint8) (v reflect.Value) {
v = x.addr[index%2]
if v.IsValid() {
} else {
v = reflect.New(x.t).Elem()
x.addr[index%2] = v
type perType struct {
v []perTypeElem
type decPerType struct {
type encPerType struct {
func (x *perType) elem(t reflect.Type) *perTypeElem {
rtid := rt2id(t)
var h, i uint
var j = uint(len(x.v))
if i < j {
h = (i + j) >> 1 // avoid overflow when computing h // h = i + (j-i)/2
if x.v[h].rtid < rtid {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
goto LOOP
if i < uint(len(x.v)) {
if x.v[i].rtid != rtid {
x.v = append(x.v, perTypeElem{})
copy(x.v[i+1:], x.v[i:])
x.v[i] = perTypeElem{t: t, rtid: rtid, zero: reflect.Zero(t)}
} else {
x.v = append(x.v, perTypeElem{t: t, rtid: rtid, zero: reflect.Zero(t)})
return &x.v[i]
func (x *perType) TransientAddrK(t reflect.Type, k reflect.Kind) (rv reflect.Value) {
return x.elem(t).get(0)
func (x *perType) TransientAddr2K(t reflect.Type, k reflect.Kind) (rv reflect.Value) {
return x.elem(t).get(1)
func (x *perType) AddressableRO(v reflect.Value) (rv reflect.Value) {
rv = x.elem(v.Type()).get(0)
rvSetDirect(rv, v)
// --------------------------
type structFieldInfos struct {
c []*structFieldInfo
s []*structFieldInfo
func (x *structFieldInfos) load(source, sorted []*structFieldInfo) {
x.c = source
x.s = sorted
func (x *structFieldInfos) sorted() (v []*structFieldInfo) { return x.s }
func (x *structFieldInfos) source() (v []*structFieldInfo) { return x.c }
type atomicClsErr struct {
v atomic.Value
func (x *atomicClsErr) load() (e clsErr) {
if i := x.v.Load(); i != nil {
e = i.(clsErr)
func (x *atomicClsErr) store(p clsErr) {
// --------------------------
type atomicTypeInfoSlice struct {
v atomic.Value
func (x *atomicTypeInfoSlice) load() (e []rtid2ti) {
if i := x.v.Load(); i != nil {
e = i.([]rtid2ti)
func (x *atomicTypeInfoSlice) store(p []rtid2ti) {
// --------------------------
type atomicRtidFnSlice struct {
v atomic.Value
func (x *atomicRtidFnSlice) load() (e []codecRtidFn) {
if i := x.v.Load(); i != nil {
e = i.([]codecRtidFn)
func (x *atomicRtidFnSlice) store(p []codecRtidFn) {
// --------------------------
func (n *fauxUnion) ru() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(&n.u).Elem()
func (n *fauxUnion) ri() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(&n.i).Elem()
func (n *fauxUnion) rf() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(&n.f).Elem()
func (n *fauxUnion) rl() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(&n.l).Elem()
func (n *fauxUnion) rs() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(&n.s).Elem()
func (n *fauxUnion) rt() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(&n.t).Elem()
func (n *fauxUnion) rb() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(&n.b).Elem()
// --------------------------
func rvSetBytes(rv reflect.Value, v []byte) {
func rvSetString(rv reflect.Value, v string) {
func rvSetBool(rv reflect.Value, v bool) {
func rvSetTime(rv reflect.Value, v time.Time) {
func rvSetFloat32(rv reflect.Value, v float32) {
func rvSetFloat64(rv reflect.Value, v float64) {
func rvSetComplex64(rv reflect.Value, v complex64) {
func rvSetComplex128(rv reflect.Value, v complex128) {
func rvSetInt(rv reflect.Value, v int) {
func rvSetInt8(rv reflect.Value, v int8) {
func rvSetInt16(rv reflect.Value, v int16) {
func rvSetInt32(rv reflect.Value, v int32) {
func rvSetInt64(rv reflect.Value, v int64) {
func rvSetUint(rv reflect.Value, v uint) {
func rvSetUintptr(rv reflect.Value, v uintptr) {
func rvSetUint8(rv reflect.Value, v uint8) {
func rvSetUint16(rv reflect.Value, v uint16) {
func rvSetUint32(rv reflect.Value, v uint32) {
func rvSetUint64(rv reflect.Value, v uint64) {
// ----------------
func rvSetDirect(rv reflect.Value, v reflect.Value) {
func rvSetDirectZero(rv reflect.Value) {
// func rvSet(rv reflect.Value, v reflect.Value) {
// rv.Set(v)
// }
func rvSetIntf(rv reflect.Value, v reflect.Value) {
func rvSetZero(rv reflect.Value) {
func rvSlice(rv reflect.Value, length int) reflect.Value {
return rv.Slice(0, length)
func rvMakeSlice(rv reflect.Value, ti *typeInfo, xlen, xcap int) (v reflect.Value, set bool) {
v = reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, xlen, xcap)
if rv.Len() > 0 {
reflect.Copy(v, rv)
func rvGrowSlice(rv reflect.Value, ti *typeInfo, cap, incr int) (v reflect.Value, newcap int, set bool) {
newcap = int(growCap(uint(cap), uint(ti.elemsize), uint(incr)))
v = reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, newcap, newcap)
if rv.Len() > 0 {
reflect.Copy(v, rv)
// ----------------
func rvSliceIndex(rv reflect.Value, i int, ti *typeInfo) reflect.Value {
return rv.Index(i)
func rvArrayIndex(rv reflect.Value, i int, ti *typeInfo) reflect.Value {
return rv.Index(i)
func rvSliceZeroCap(t reflect.Type) (v reflect.Value) {
return reflect.MakeSlice(t, 0, 0)
func rvLenSlice(rv reflect.Value) int {
return rv.Len()
func rvCapSlice(rv reflect.Value) int {
return rv.Cap()
func rvGetArrayBytes(rv reflect.Value, scratch []byte) (bs []byte) {
l := rv.Len()
if scratch == nil || rv.CanAddr() {
return rv.Slice(0, l).Bytes()
if l <= cap(scratch) {
bs = scratch[:l]
} else {
bs = make([]byte, l)
reflect.Copy(reflect.ValueOf(bs), rv)
func rvGetArray4Slice(rv reflect.Value) (v reflect.Value) {
v = rvZeroAddrK(reflectArrayOf(rvLenSlice(rv), rvType(rv).Elem()), reflect.Array)
reflect.Copy(v, rv)
func rvGetSlice4Array(rv reflect.Value, v interface{}) {
// v is a pointer to a slice to be populated
// rv.Slice fails if address is not addressable, which can occur during encoding.
// Consequently, check if non-addressable, and if so, make new slice and copy into it first.
// MARKER: this *may* cause allocation if non-addressable, unfortunately.
rve := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem()
l := rv.Len()
if rv.CanAddr() {
rve.Set(rv.Slice(0, l))
} else {
rvs := reflect.MakeSlice(rve.Type(), l, l)
reflect.Copy(rvs, rv)
// reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Set(rv.Slice(0, rv.Len()))
func rvCopySlice(dest, src reflect.Value, _ reflect.Type) {
reflect.Copy(dest, src)
// ------------
func rvGetBool(rv reflect.Value) bool {
return rv.Bool()
func rvGetBytes(rv reflect.Value) []byte {
return rv.Bytes()
func rvGetTime(rv reflect.Value) time.Time {
return rv2i(rv).(time.Time)
func rvGetString(rv reflect.Value) string {
return rv.String()
func rvGetFloat64(rv reflect.Value) float64 {
return rv.Float()
func rvGetFloat32(rv reflect.Value) float32 {
return float32(rv.Float())
func rvGetComplex64(rv reflect.Value) complex64 {
return complex64(rv.Complex())
func rvGetComplex128(rv reflect.Value) complex128 {
return rv.Complex()
func rvGetInt(rv reflect.Value) int {
return int(rv.Int())
func rvGetInt8(rv reflect.Value) int8 {
return int8(rv.Int())
func rvGetInt16(rv reflect.Value) int16 {
return int16(rv.Int())
func rvGetInt32(rv reflect.Value) int32 {
return int32(rv.Int())
func rvGetInt64(rv reflect.Value) int64 {
return rv.Int()
func rvGetUint(rv reflect.Value) uint {
return uint(rv.Uint())
func rvGetUint8(rv reflect.Value) uint8 {
return uint8(rv.Uint())
func rvGetUint16(rv reflect.Value) uint16 {
return uint16(rv.Uint())
func rvGetUint32(rv reflect.Value) uint32 {
return uint32(rv.Uint())
func rvGetUint64(rv reflect.Value) uint64 {
return rv.Uint()
func rvGetUintptr(rv reflect.Value) uintptr {
return uintptr(rv.Uint())
func rvLenMap(rv reflect.Value) int {
return rv.Len()
// func rvLenArray(rv reflect.Value) int { return rv.Len() }
// ------------ map range and map indexing ----------
func mapStoresElemIndirect(elemsize uintptr) bool { return false }
func mapSet(m, k, v reflect.Value, keyFastKind mapKeyFastKind, _, _ bool) {
m.SetMapIndex(k, v)
func mapGet(m, k, v reflect.Value, keyFastKind mapKeyFastKind, _, _ bool) (vv reflect.Value) {
return m.MapIndex(k)
// func mapDelete(m, k reflect.Value) {
// m.SetMapIndex(k, reflect.Value{})
// }
func mapAddrLoopvarRV(t reflect.Type, k reflect.Kind) (r reflect.Value) {
return // reflect.New(t).Elem()
// ---------- ENCODER optimized ---------------
func (e *Encoder) jsondriver() *jsonEncDriver {
return e.e.(*jsonEncDriver)
// ---------- DECODER optimized ---------------
func (d *Decoder) checkBreak() bool {
return d.d.CheckBreak()
func (d *Decoder) jsondriver() *jsonDecDriver {
return d.d.(*jsonDecDriver)
func (d *Decoder) stringZC(v []byte) (s string) {
return d.string(v)
func (d *Decoder) mapKeyString(callFnRvk *bool, kstrbs, kstr2bs *[]byte) string {
return d.string(*kstr2bs)
// ---------- structFieldInfo optimized ---------------
func (n *structFieldInfoPathNode) rvField(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
return v.Field(int(n.index))
// ---------- others ---------------