Dominik Süß 9d0df426da
[feature] S3 support (#674)
* feat: vendor minio client

* feat: introduce storage package with s3 support

* feat: serve s3 files directly

this saves a lot of bandwith as the files are fetched from the object
store directly

* fix: use explicit local storage in tests

* feat: integrate s3 storage with the main server

* fix: add s3 config to cli tests

* docs: explicitly set values in example config

also adds license header to the storage package

* fix: use better http status code on s3 redirect

HTTP 302 Found is the best fit, as it signifies that the resource
requested was found but not under its presumed URL

307/TemporaryRedirect would mean that this resource is usually located
here, not in this case

303/SeeOther indicates that the redirection does not link to the
requested resource but to another page

* refactor: use context in storage driver interface
2022-07-03 12:08:30 +02:00

183 lines
6 KiB

// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:generate go run gen.go
// Package publicsuffix provides a public suffix list based on data from
// A public suffix is one under which Internet users can directly register
// names. It is related to, but different from, a TLD (top level domain).
// "com" is a TLD (top level domain). Top level means it has no dots.
// "com" is also a public suffix. Amazon and Google have registered different
// siblings under that domain: "" and "".
// "au" is another TLD, again because it has no dots. But it's not "".
// Instead, it's "".
// "" isn't an actual TLD, because it's not at the top level (it has
// dots). But it is an eTLD (effective TLD), because that's the branching point
// for domain name registrars.
// Another name for "an eTLD" is "a public suffix". Often, what's more of
// interest is the eTLD+1, or one more label than the public suffix. For
// example, browsers partition read/write access to HTTP cookies according to
// the eTLD+1. Web pages served from "" can't read cookies from
// "", but web pages served from "" can share
// cookies from "", so you don't have to sign into Google Maps
// separately from signing into Google Web Search. Note that all four of those
// domains have 3 labels and 2 dots. The first two domains are each an eTLD+1,
// the last two are not (but share the same eTLD+1: "").
// All of these domains have the same eTLD+1:
// - ""
// - ""
// - ""
// Specifically, the eTLD+1 is "", because the eTLD is "".
// There is no closed form algorithm to calculate the eTLD of a domain.
// Instead, the calculation is data driven. This package provides a
// pre-compiled snapshot of Mozilla's PSL (Public Suffix List) data at
package publicsuffix // import ""
// TODO: specify case sensitivity and leading/trailing dot behavior for
// func PublicSuffix and func EffectiveTLDPlusOne.
import (
// List implements the cookiejar.PublicSuffixList interface by calling the
// PublicSuffix function.
var List cookiejar.PublicSuffixList = list{}
type list struct{}
func (list) PublicSuffix(domain string) string {
ps, _ := PublicSuffix(domain)
return ps
func (list) String() string {
return version
// PublicSuffix returns the public suffix of the domain using a copy of the
// database compiled into the library.
// icann is whether the public suffix is managed by the Internet Corporation
// for Assigned Names and Numbers. If not, the public suffix is either a
// privately managed domain (and in practice, not a top level domain) or an
// unmanaged top level domain (and not explicitly mentioned in the
// list). For example, "" and "" are ICANN
// domains, "" and "" are private domains and
// "cromulent" is an unmanaged top level domain.
// Use cases for distinguishing ICANN domains like "" from private
// domains like "" can be found at
func PublicSuffix(domain string) (publicSuffix string, icann bool) {
lo, hi := uint32(0), uint32(numTLD)
s, suffix, icannNode, wildcard := domain, len(domain), false, false
for {
dot := strings.LastIndex(s, ".")
if wildcard {
icann = icannNode
suffix = 1 + dot
if lo == hi {
f := find(s[1+dot:], lo, hi)
if f == notFound {
u := nodes[f] >> (nodesBitsTextOffset + nodesBitsTextLength)
icannNode = u&(1<<nodesBitsICANN-1) != 0
u >>= nodesBitsICANN
u = children[u&(1<<nodesBitsChildren-1)]
lo = u & (1<<childrenBitsLo - 1)
u >>= childrenBitsLo
hi = u & (1<<childrenBitsHi - 1)
u >>= childrenBitsHi
switch u & (1<<childrenBitsNodeType - 1) {
case nodeTypeNormal:
suffix = 1 + dot
case nodeTypeException:
suffix = 1 + len(s)
break loop
u >>= childrenBitsNodeType
wildcard = u&(1<<childrenBitsWildcard-1) != 0
if !wildcard {
icann = icannNode
if dot == -1 {
s = s[:dot]
if suffix == len(domain) {
// If no rules match, the prevailing rule is "*".
return domain[1+strings.LastIndex(domain, "."):], icann
return domain[suffix:], icann
const notFound uint32 = 1<<32 - 1
// find returns the index of the node in the range [lo, hi) whose label equals
// label, or notFound if there is no such node. The range is assumed to be in
// strictly increasing node label order.
func find(label string, lo, hi uint32) uint32 {
for lo < hi {
mid := lo + (hi-lo)/2
s := nodeLabel(mid)
if s < label {
lo = mid + 1
} else if s == label {
return mid
} else {
hi = mid
return notFound
// nodeLabel returns the label for the i'th node.
func nodeLabel(i uint32) string {
x := nodes[i]
length := x & (1<<nodesBitsTextLength - 1)
x >>= nodesBitsTextLength
offset := x & (1<<nodesBitsTextOffset - 1)
return text[offset : offset+length]
// EffectiveTLDPlusOne returns the effective top level domain plus one more
// label. For example, the eTLD+1 for "" is "".
func EffectiveTLDPlusOne(domain string) (string, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(domain, ".") || strings.HasSuffix(domain, ".") || strings.Contains(domain, "..") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: empty label in domain %q", domain)
suffix, _ := PublicSuffix(domain)
if len(domain) <= len(suffix) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: cannot derive eTLD+1 for domain %q", domain)
i := len(domain) - len(suffix) - 1
if domain[i] != '.' {
return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: invalid public suffix %q for domain %q", suffix, domain)
return domain[1+strings.LastIndex(domain[:i], "."):], nil