2024-04-26 10:59:49 +02:00

202 lines
4.9 KiB

package sortref
import (
const (
paths = "paths"
responses = "responses"
parameters = "parameters"
definitions = "definitions"
var (
ignoredKeys map[string]struct{}
validMethods map[string]struct{}
func init() {
ignoredKeys = map[string]struct{}{
"schema": {},
"properties": {},
"not": {},
"anyOf": {},
"oneOf": {},
validMethods = map[string]struct{}{
"GET": {},
"HEAD": {},
"OPTIONS": {},
"PATCH": {},
"POST": {},
"PUT": {},
"DELETE": {},
// Key represent a key item constructed from /-separated segments
type Key struct {
Segments int
Key string
// Keys is a sortable collable collection of Keys
type Keys []Key
func (k Keys) Len() int { return len(k) }
func (k Keys) Swap(i, j int) { k[i], k[j] = k[j], k[i] }
func (k Keys) Less(i, j int) bool {
return k[i].Segments > k[j].Segments || (k[i].Segments == k[j].Segments && k[i].Key < k[j].Key)
// KeyParts construct a SplitKey with all its /-separated segments decomposed. It is sortable.
func KeyParts(key string) SplitKey {
var res []string
for _, part := range strings.Split(key[1:], "/") {
if part != "" {
res = append(res, jsonpointer.Unescape(part))
return res
// SplitKey holds of the parts of a /-separated key, so that their location may be determined.
type SplitKey []string
// IsDefinition is true when the split key is in the #/definitions section of a spec
func (s SplitKey) IsDefinition() bool {
return len(s) > 1 && s[0] == definitions
// DefinitionName yields the name of the definition
func (s SplitKey) DefinitionName() string {
if !s.IsDefinition() {
return ""
return s[1]
func (s SplitKey) isKeyName(i int) bool {
if i <= 0 {
return false
count := 0
for idx := i - 1; idx > 0; idx-- {
if s[idx] != "properties" {
return count%2 != 0
// PartAdder know how to construct the components of a new name
type PartAdder func(string) []string
// BuildName builds a name from segments
func (s SplitKey) BuildName(segments []string, startIndex int, adder PartAdder) string {
for i, part := range s[startIndex:] {
if _, ignored := ignoredKeys[part]; !ignored || s.isKeyName(startIndex+i) {
segments = append(segments, adder(part)...)
return strings.Join(segments, " ")
// IsOperation is true when the split key is in the operations section
func (s SplitKey) IsOperation() bool {
return len(s) > 1 && s[0] == paths
// IsSharedOperationParam is true when the split key is in the parameters section of a path
func (s SplitKey) IsSharedOperationParam() bool {
return len(s) > 2 && s[0] == paths && s[2] == parameters
// IsSharedParam is true when the split key is in the #/parameters section of a spec
func (s SplitKey) IsSharedParam() bool {
return len(s) > 1 && s[0] == parameters
// IsOperationParam is true when the split key is in the parameters section of an operation
func (s SplitKey) IsOperationParam() bool {
return len(s) > 3 && s[0] == paths && s[3] == parameters
// IsOperationResponse is true when the split key is in the responses section of an operation
func (s SplitKey) IsOperationResponse() bool {
return len(s) > 3 && s[0] == paths && s[3] == responses
// IsSharedResponse is true when the split key is in the #/responses section of a spec
func (s SplitKey) IsSharedResponse() bool {
return len(s) > 1 && s[0] == responses
// IsDefaultResponse is true when the split key is the default response for an operation
func (s SplitKey) IsDefaultResponse() bool {
return len(s) > 4 && s[0] == paths && s[3] == responses && s[4] == "default"
// IsStatusCodeResponse is true when the split key is an operation response with a status code
func (s SplitKey) IsStatusCodeResponse() bool {
isInt := func() bool {
_, err := strconv.Atoi(s[4])
return err == nil
return len(s) > 4 && s[0] == paths && s[3] == responses && isInt()
// ResponseName yields either the status code or "Default" for a response
func (s SplitKey) ResponseName() string {
if s.IsStatusCodeResponse() {
code, _ := strconv.Atoi(s[4])
return http.StatusText(code)
if s.IsDefaultResponse() {
return "Default"
return ""
// PathItemRef constructs a $ref object from a split key of the form /{path}/{method}
func (s SplitKey) PathItemRef() spec.Ref {
if len(s) < 3 {
return spec.Ref{}
pth, method := s[1], s[2]
if _, isValidMethod := validMethods[strings.ToUpper(method)]; !isValidMethod && !strings.HasPrefix(method, "x-") {
return spec.Ref{}
return spec.MustCreateRef("#" + path.Join("/", paths, jsonpointer.Escape(pth), strings.ToUpper(method)))
// PathRef constructs a $ref object from a split key of the form /paths/{reference}
func (s SplitKey) PathRef() spec.Ref {
if !s.IsOperation() {
return spec.Ref{}
return spec.MustCreateRef("#" + path.Join("/", paths, jsonpointer.Escape(s[1])))