f0x52 5249294a16
[chore] Bundler restructure (#880)
* re-structure bundler, settings panel files

* add more info logging

* tidy up CSS syntax errors

* split into lib/ files

* livereloading server

* fix factor function for production builds

* remove testing console.log

* default to production env, saves 300kb bundle size
2022-10-03 16:46:38 +02:00

124 lines
3.9 KiB

Copyright (C) 2021-2022 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
"use strict";
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const { OAUTHError, AuthenticationError } = require("../errors");
const oauth = require("../../redux/reducers/oauth").actions;
const temporary = require("../../redux/reducers/temporary").actions;
const admin = require("../../redux/reducers/admin").actions;
module.exports = function oauthAPI({ apiCall, getCurrentUrl }) {
return {
register: function register(scopes = []) {
return function (dispatch, _getState) {
return Promise.try(() => {
return dispatch(apiCall("POST", "/api/v1/apps", {
client_name: "GoToSocial Settings",
scopes: scopes.join(" "),
redirect_uris: getCurrentUrl(),
website: getCurrentUrl()
}).then((json) => {
json.scopes = scopes;
authorize: function authorize() {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
let state = getState();
let reg = state.oauth.registration;
let base = new URL(state.oauth.instance);
base.pathname = "/oauth/authorize";
base.searchParams.set("client_id", reg.client_id);
base.searchParams.set("redirect_uri", getCurrentUrl());
base.searchParams.set("response_type", "code");
base.searchParams.set("scope", reg.scopes.join(" "));
dispatch(temporary.setStatus("Redirecting to instance login..."));
// send user to instance's login flow
tokenize: function tokenize(code) {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
let reg = getState().oauth.registration;
return Promise.try(() => {
if (reg == undefined || reg.client_id == undefined) {
throw new OAUTHError("Callback code present, but no client registration is available from localStorage. \nNote: localStorage is unavailable in Private Browsing.");
return dispatch(apiCall("POST", "/oauth/token", {
client_id: reg.client_id,
client_secret: reg.client_secret,
redirect_uri: getCurrentUrl(),
grant_type: "authorization_code",
code: code
}).then((json) => {
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, window.location.pathname);
return dispatch(oauth.login(json));
checkIfAdmin: function checkIfAdmin() {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
const state = getState();
let stored = state.oauth.isAdmin;
if (stored != undefined) {
return stored;
// newer GoToSocial version will include a `role` in the Account data, check that first
// TODO: check account data for admin status
// no role info, try fetching an admin-only route and see if we get an error
return Promise.try(() => {
return dispatch(apiCall("GET", "/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks"));
}).then((data) => {
return Promise.all([
}).catch(AuthenticationError, () => {
return dispatch(oauth.setAdmin(false));
logout: function logout() {
return function (dispatch, _getState) {
// TODO: GoToSocial does not have a logout API route yet
return dispatch(oauth.remove());