Daniele Sluijters acc333c40b
[feature] Inherit resource limits from cgroups (#1336)
When GTS is running in a container runtime which has configured CPU or
memory limits or under an init system that uses cgroups to impose CPU
and memory limits the values the Go runtime sees for GOMAXPROCS and
GOMEMLIMIT are still based on the host resources, not the cgroup.

At least for the throttling middlewares which use GOMAXPROCS to
configure their queue size, this can result in GTS running with values
too big compared to the resources that will actuall be available to it.

This introduces 2 dependencies which can pick up resource contraints
from the current cgroup and tune the Go runtime accordingly. This should
result in the different queues being appropriately sized and in general
more predictable performance. These dependencies are a no-op on
non-Linux systems or if running in a cgroup that doesn't set a limit on
CPU or memory.

The automatic tuning of GOMEMLIMIT can be disabled by either explicitly
setting GOMEMLIMIT yourself or by setting AUTOMEMLIMIT=off. The
automatic tuning of GOMAXPROCS can similarly be counteracted by setting
GOMAXPROCS yourself.
2023-01-17 20:59:04 +00:00

389 lines
11 KiB

package btf
import (
// Code in this file is derived from libbpf, which is available under a BSD
// 2-Clause license.
// Relocation describes a CO-RE relocation.
type Relocation struct {
Current uint32
New uint32
func (r Relocation) equal(other Relocation) bool {
return r.Current == other.Current && r.New == other.New
// coreReloKind is the type of CO-RE relocation
type coreReloKind uint32
const (
reloFieldByteOffset coreReloKind = iota /* field byte offset */
reloFieldByteSize /* field size in bytes */
reloFieldExists /* field existence in target kernel */
reloFieldSigned /* field signedness (0 - unsigned, 1 - signed) */
reloFieldLShiftU64 /* bitfield-specific left bitshift */
reloFieldRShiftU64 /* bitfield-specific right bitshift */
reloTypeIDLocal /* type ID in local BPF object */
reloTypeIDTarget /* type ID in target kernel */
reloTypeExists /* type existence in target kernel */
reloTypeSize /* type size in bytes */
reloEnumvalExists /* enum value existence in target kernel */
reloEnumvalValue /* enum value integer value */
func (k coreReloKind) String() string {
switch k {
case reloFieldByteOffset:
return "byte_off"
case reloFieldByteSize:
return "byte_sz"
case reloFieldExists:
return "field_exists"
case reloFieldSigned:
return "signed"
case reloFieldLShiftU64:
return "lshift_u64"
case reloFieldRShiftU64:
return "rshift_u64"
case reloTypeIDLocal:
return "local_type_id"
case reloTypeIDTarget:
return "target_type_id"
case reloTypeExists:
return "type_exists"
case reloTypeSize:
return "type_size"
case reloEnumvalExists:
return "enumval_exists"
case reloEnumvalValue:
return "enumval_value"
return "unknown"
func coreRelocate(local, target *Spec, coreRelos bpfCoreRelos) (map[uint64]Relocation, error) {
if target == nil {
var err error
target, err = loadKernelSpec()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if local.byteOrder != target.byteOrder {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't relocate %s against %s", local.byteOrder, target.byteOrder)
relocations := make(map[uint64]Relocation, len(coreRelos))
for _, relo := range coreRelos {
accessorStr, err := local.strings.Lookup(relo.AccessStrOff)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
accessor, err := parseCoreAccessor(accessorStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("accessor %q: %s", accessorStr, err)
if int(relo.TypeID) >= len(local.types) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid type id %d", relo.TypeID)
typ := local.types[relo.TypeID]
if relo.ReloKind == reloTypeIDLocal {
relocations[uint64(relo.InsnOff)] = Relocation{
named, ok := typ.(namedType)
if !ok || == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("relocate anonymous type %s: %w", typ.String(), ErrNotSupported)
name := essentialName(
res, err := coreCalculateRelocation(typ, target.namedTypes[name], relo.ReloKind, accessor)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("relocate %s: %w", name, err)
relocations[uint64(relo.InsnOff)] = res
return relocations, nil
var errAmbiguousRelocation = errors.New("ambiguous relocation")
func coreCalculateRelocation(local Type, targets []namedType, kind coreReloKind, localAccessor coreAccessor) (Relocation, error) {
var relos []Relocation
var matches []Type
for _, target := range targets {
switch kind {
case reloTypeIDTarget:
if localAccessor[0] != 0 {
return Relocation{}, fmt.Errorf("%s: unexpected non-zero accessor", kind)
if compat, err := coreAreTypesCompatible(local, target); err != nil {
return Relocation{}, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", kind, err)
} else if !compat {
relos = append(relos, Relocation{uint32(target.ID()), uint32(target.ID())})
return Relocation{}, fmt.Errorf("relocation %s: %w", kind, ErrNotSupported)
matches = append(matches, target)
if len(relos) == 0 {
// TODO: Add switch for existence checks like reloEnumvalExists here.
// TODO: This might have to be poisoned.
return Relocation{}, fmt.Errorf("no relocation found, tried %v", targets)
relo := relos[0]
for _, altRelo := range relos[1:] {
if !altRelo.equal(relo) {
return Relocation{}, fmt.Errorf("multiple types %v match: %w", matches, errAmbiguousRelocation)
return relo, nil
/* coreAccessor contains a path through a struct. It contains at least one index.
* The interpretation depends on the kind of the relocation. The following is
* taken from struct bpf_core_relo in libbpf_internal.h:
* - for field-based relocations, string encodes an accessed field using
* a sequence of field and array indices, separated by colon (:). It's
* conceptually very close to LLVM's getelementptr ([0]) instruction's
* arguments for identifying offset to a field.
* - for type-based relocations, strings is expected to be just "0";
* - for enum value-based relocations, string contains an index of enum
* value within its enum type;
* Example to provide a better feel.
* struct sample {
* int a;
* struct {
* int b[10];
* };
* };
* struct sample s = ...;
* int x = &s->a; // encoded as "0:0" (a is field #0)
* int y = &s->b[5]; // encoded as "0:1:0:5" (anon struct is field #1,
* // b is field #0 inside anon struct, accessing elem #5)
* int z = &s[10]->b; // encoded as "10:1" (ptr is used as an array)
type coreAccessor []int
func parseCoreAccessor(accessor string) (coreAccessor, error) {
if accessor == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty accessor")
var result coreAccessor
parts := strings.Split(accessor, ":")
for _, part := range parts {
// 31 bits to avoid overflowing int on 32 bit platforms.
index, err := strconv.ParseUint(part, 10, 31)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("accessor index %q: %s", part, err)
result = append(result, int(index))
return result, nil
/* The comment below is from bpf_core_types_are_compat in libbpf.c:
* Check local and target types for compatibility. This check is used for
* type-based CO-RE relocations and follow slightly different rules than
* field-based relocations. This function assumes that root types were already
* checked for name match. Beyond that initial root-level name check, names
* are completely ignored. Compatibility rules are as follows:
* - any two STRUCTs/UNIONs/FWDs/ENUMs/INTs are considered compatible, but
* kind should match for local and target types (i.e., STRUCT is not
* compatible with UNION);
* - for ENUMs, the size is ignored;
* - for INT, size and signedness are ignored;
* - for ARRAY, dimensionality is ignored, element types are checked for
* compatibility recursively;
* - CONST/VOLATILE/RESTRICT modifiers are ignored;
* - TYPEDEFs/PTRs are compatible if types they pointing to are compatible;
* - FUNC_PROTOs are compatible if they have compatible signature: same
* number of input args and compatible return and argument types.
* These rules are not set in stone and probably will be adjusted as we get
* more experience with using BPF CO-RE relocations.
func coreAreTypesCompatible(localType Type, targetType Type) (bool, error) {
var (
localTs, targetTs typeDeque
l, t = &localType, &targetType
depth = 0
for ; l != nil && t != nil; l, t = localTs.shift(), targetTs.shift() {
if depth >= maxTypeDepth {
return false, errors.New("types are nested too deep")
localType = skipQualifierAndTypedef(*l)
targetType = skipQualifierAndTypedef(*t)
if reflect.TypeOf(localType) != reflect.TypeOf(targetType) {
return false, nil
switch lv := (localType).(type) {
case *Void, *Struct, *Union, *Enum, *Fwd:
// Nothing to do here
case *Int:
tv := targetType.(*Int)
if lv.isBitfield() || tv.isBitfield() {
return false, nil
case *Pointer, *Array:
case *FuncProto:
tv := targetType.(*FuncProto)
if len(lv.Params) != len(tv.Params) {
return false, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T", localType)
if l != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("dangling local type %T", *l)
if t != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("dangling target type %T", *t)
return true, nil
/* The comment below is from bpf_core_fields_are_compat in libbpf.c:
* Check two types for compatibility for the purpose of field access
* relocation. const/volatile/restrict and typedefs are skipped to ensure we
* are relocating semantically compatible entities:
* - any two STRUCTs/UNIONs are compatible and can be mixed;
* - any two FWDs are compatible, if their names match (modulo flavor suffix);
* - any two PTRs are always compatible;
* - for ENUMs, names should be the same (ignoring flavor suffix) or at
* least one of enums should be anonymous;
* - for ENUMs, check sizes, names are ignored;
* - for INT, size and signedness are ignored;
* - for ARRAY, dimensionality is ignored, element types are checked for
* compatibility recursively;
* - everything else shouldn't be ever a target of relocation.
* These rules are not set in stone and probably will be adjusted as we get
* more experience with using BPF CO-RE relocations.
func coreAreMembersCompatible(localType Type, targetType Type) (bool, error) {
doNamesMatch := func(a, b string) bool {
if a == "" || b == "" {
// allow anonymous and named type to match
return true
return essentialName(a) == essentialName(b)
for depth := 0; depth <= maxTypeDepth; depth++ {
localType = skipQualifierAndTypedef(localType)
targetType = skipQualifierAndTypedef(targetType)
_, lok := localType.(composite)
_, tok := targetType.(composite)
if lok && tok {
return true, nil
if reflect.TypeOf(localType) != reflect.TypeOf(targetType) {
return false, nil
switch lv := localType.(type) {
case *Pointer:
return true, nil
case *Enum:
tv := targetType.(*Enum)
return doNamesMatch(,, nil
case *Fwd:
tv := targetType.(*Fwd)
return doNamesMatch(,, nil
case *Int:
tv := targetType.(*Int)
return !lv.isBitfield() && !tv.isBitfield(), nil
case *Array:
tv := targetType.(*Array)
localType = lv.Type
targetType = tv.Type
return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %T", localType)
return false, errors.New("types are nested too deep")
func skipQualifierAndTypedef(typ Type) Type {
result := typ
for depth := 0; depth <= maxTypeDepth; depth++ {
switch v := (result).(type) {
case qualifier:
result = v.qualify()
case *Typedef:
result = v.Type
return result
return typ