tobi 2dc9fc1626
Pg to bun (#148)
* start moving to bun

* changing more stuff

* more

* and yet more

* tests passing

* seems stable now

* more big changes

* small fix

* little fixes
2021-08-25 15:34:33 +02:00

941 lines
29 KiB

package pgtype
import (
// PostgreSQL oids for common types
const (
BoolOID = 16
ByteaOID = 17
QCharOID = 18
NameOID = 19
Int8OID = 20
Int2OID = 21
Int4OID = 23
TextOID = 25
PointOID = 600
LsegOID = 601
PathOID = 602
BoxOID = 603
PolygonOID = 604
LineOID = 628
CIDRArrayOID = 651
Float4OID = 700
Float8OID = 701
CircleOID = 718
UnknownOID = 705
MacaddrOID = 829
InetOID = 869
BoolArrayOID = 1000
Int2ArrayOID = 1005
Int4ArrayOID = 1007
TextArrayOID = 1009
ByteaArrayOID = 1001
BPCharArrayOID = 1014
VarcharArrayOID = 1015
Int8ArrayOID = 1016
Float4ArrayOID = 1021
Float8ArrayOID = 1022
ACLItemOID = 1033
ACLItemArrayOID = 1034
InetArrayOID = 1041
BPCharOID = 1042
VarcharOID = 1043
DateOID = 1082
TimeOID = 1083
TimestampOID = 1114
TimestampArrayOID = 1115
DateArrayOID = 1182
TimestamptzOID = 1184
TimestamptzArrayOID = 1185
IntervalOID = 1186
NumericArrayOID = 1231
BitOID = 1560
VarbitOID = 1562
NumericOID = 1700
RecordOID = 2249
UUIDOID = 2950
UUIDArrayOID = 2951
JSONBArrayOID = 3807
DaterangeOID = 3912
Int4rangeOID = 3904
NumrangeOID = 3906
TsrangeOID = 3908
TsrangeArrayOID = 3909
TstzrangeOID = 3910
TstzrangeArrayOID = 3911
Int8rangeOID = 3926
type Status byte
const (
Undefined Status = iota
type InfinityModifier int8
const (
Infinity InfinityModifier = 1
None InfinityModifier = 0
NegativeInfinity InfinityModifier = -Infinity
func (im InfinityModifier) String() string {
switch im {
case None:
return "none"
case Infinity:
return "infinity"
case NegativeInfinity:
return "-infinity"
return "invalid"
// PostgreSQL format codes
const (
TextFormatCode = 0
BinaryFormatCode = 1
// Value translates values to and from an internal canonical representation for the type. To actually be usable a type
// that implements Value should also implement some combination of BinaryDecoder, BinaryEncoder, TextDecoder,
// and TextEncoder.
// Operations that update a Value (e.g. Set, DecodeText, DecodeBinary) should entirely replace the value. e.g. Internal
// slices should be replaced not resized and reused. This allows Get and AssignTo to return a slice directly rather
// than incur a usually unnecessary copy.
type Value interface {
// Set converts and assigns src to itself. Value takes ownership of src.
Set(src interface{}) error
// Get returns the simplest representation of Value. Get may return a pointer to an internal value but it must never
// mutate that value. e.g. If Get returns a []byte Value must never change the contents of the []byte.
Get() interface{}
// AssignTo converts and assigns the Value to dst. AssignTo may a pointer to an internal value but it must never
// mutate that value. e.g. If Get returns a []byte Value must never change the contents of the []byte.
AssignTo(dst interface{}) error
// TypeValue is a Value where instances can represent different PostgreSQL types. This can be useful for
// representing types such as enums, composites, and arrays.
// In general, instances of TypeValue should not be used to directly represent a value. It should only be used as an
// encoder and decoder internal to ConnInfo.
type TypeValue interface {
// NewTypeValue creates a TypeValue including references to internal type information. e.g. the list of members
// in an EnumType.
NewTypeValue() Value
// TypeName returns the PostgreSQL name of this type.
TypeName() string
// ValueTranscoder is a value that implements the text and binary encoding and decoding interfaces.
type ValueTranscoder interface {
// ResultFormatPreferrer allows a type to specify its preferred result format instead of it being inferred from
// whether it is also a BinaryDecoder.
type ResultFormatPreferrer interface {
PreferredResultFormat() int16
// ParamFormatPreferrer allows a type to specify its preferred param format instead of it being inferred from
// whether it is also a BinaryEncoder.
type ParamFormatPreferrer interface {
PreferredParamFormat() int16
type BinaryDecoder interface {
// DecodeBinary decodes src into BinaryDecoder. If src is nil then the
// original SQL value is NULL. BinaryDecoder takes ownership of src. The
// caller MUST not use it again.
DecodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error
type TextDecoder interface {
// DecodeText decodes src into TextDecoder. If src is nil then the original
// SQL value is NULL. TextDecoder takes ownership of src. The caller MUST not
// use it again.
DecodeText(ci *ConnInfo, src []byte) error
// BinaryEncoder is implemented by types that can encode themselves into the
// PostgreSQL binary wire format.
type BinaryEncoder interface {
// EncodeBinary should append the binary format of self to buf. If self is the
// SQL value NULL then append nothing and return (nil, nil). The caller of
// EncodeBinary is responsible for writing the correct NULL value or the
// length of the data written.
EncodeBinary(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error)
// TextEncoder is implemented by types that can encode themselves into the
// PostgreSQL text wire format.
type TextEncoder interface {
// EncodeText should append the text format of self to buf. If self is the
// SQL value NULL then append nothing and return (nil, nil). The caller of
// EncodeText is responsible for writing the correct NULL value or the
// length of the data written.
EncodeText(ci *ConnInfo, buf []byte) (newBuf []byte, err error)
var errUndefined = errors.New("cannot encode status undefined")
var errBadStatus = errors.New("invalid status")
type nullAssignmentError struct {
dst interface{}
func (e *nullAssignmentError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cannot assign NULL to %T", e.dst)
type DataType struct {
Value Value
textDecoder TextDecoder
binaryDecoder BinaryDecoder
Name string
OID uint32
type ConnInfo struct {
oidToDataType map[uint32]*DataType
nameToDataType map[string]*DataType
reflectTypeToName map[reflect.Type]string
oidToParamFormatCode map[uint32]int16
oidToResultFormatCode map[uint32]int16
reflectTypeToDataType map[reflect.Type]*DataType
func newConnInfo() *ConnInfo {
return &ConnInfo{
oidToDataType: make(map[uint32]*DataType),
nameToDataType: make(map[string]*DataType),
reflectTypeToName: make(map[reflect.Type]string),
oidToParamFormatCode: make(map[uint32]int16),
oidToResultFormatCode: make(map[uint32]int16),
func NewConnInfo() *ConnInfo {
ci := newConnInfo()
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &ACLItemArray{}, Name: "_aclitem", OID: ACLItemArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &BoolArray{}, Name: "_bool", OID: BoolArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &BPCharArray{}, Name: "_bpchar", OID: BPCharArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &ByteaArray{}, Name: "_bytea", OID: ByteaArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &CIDRArray{}, Name: "_cidr", OID: CIDRArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &DateArray{}, Name: "_date", OID: DateArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Float4Array{}, Name: "_float4", OID: Float4ArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Float8Array{}, Name: "_float8", OID: Float8ArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &InetArray{}, Name: "_inet", OID: InetArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int2Array{}, Name: "_int2", OID: Int2ArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int4Array{}, Name: "_int4", OID: Int4ArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int8Array{}, Name: "_int8", OID: Int8ArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &NumericArray{}, Name: "_numeric", OID: NumericArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TextArray{}, Name: "_text", OID: TextArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TimestampArray{}, Name: "_timestamp", OID: TimestampArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TimestamptzArray{}, Name: "_timestamptz", OID: TimestamptzArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &UUIDArray{}, Name: "_uuid", OID: UUIDArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &VarcharArray{}, Name: "_varchar", OID: VarcharArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &ACLItem{}, Name: "aclitem", OID: ACLItemOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Bit{}, Name: "bit", OID: BitOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Bool{}, Name: "bool", OID: BoolOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Box{}, Name: "box", OID: BoxOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &BPChar{}, Name: "bpchar", OID: BPCharOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Bytea{}, Name: "bytea", OID: ByteaOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &QChar{}, Name: "char", OID: QCharOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &CID{}, Name: "cid", OID: CIDOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &CIDR{}, Name: "cidr", OID: CIDROID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Circle{}, Name: "circle", OID: CircleOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Date{}, Name: "date", OID: DateOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Daterange{}, Name: "daterange", OID: DaterangeOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Float4{}, Name: "float4", OID: Float4OID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Float8{}, Name: "float8", OID: Float8OID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Inet{}, Name: "inet", OID: InetOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int2{}, Name: "int2", OID: Int2OID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int4{}, Name: "int4", OID: Int4OID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int4range{}, Name: "int4range", OID: Int4rangeOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int8{}, Name: "int8", OID: Int8OID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Int8range{}, Name: "int8range", OID: Int8rangeOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Interval{}, Name: "interval", OID: IntervalOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &JSON{}, Name: "json", OID: JSONOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &JSONB{}, Name: "jsonb", OID: JSONBOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &JSONBArray{}, Name: "_jsonb", OID: JSONBArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Line{}, Name: "line", OID: LineOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Lseg{}, Name: "lseg", OID: LsegOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Macaddr{}, Name: "macaddr", OID: MacaddrOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Name{}, Name: "name", OID: NameOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Numeric{}, Name: "numeric", OID: NumericOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Numrange{}, Name: "numrange", OID: NumrangeOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &OIDValue{}, Name: "oid", OID: OIDOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Path{}, Name: "path", OID: PathOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Point{}, Name: "point", OID: PointOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Polygon{}, Name: "polygon", OID: PolygonOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Record{}, Name: "record", OID: RecordOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Text{}, Name: "text", OID: TextOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TID{}, Name: "tid", OID: TIDOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Time{}, Name: "time", OID: TimeOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Timestamp{}, Name: "timestamp", OID: TimestampOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Timestamptz{}, Name: "timestamptz", OID: TimestamptzOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Tsrange{}, Name: "tsrange", OID: TsrangeOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TsrangeArray{}, Name: "_tsrange", OID: TsrangeArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Tstzrange{}, Name: "tstzrange", OID: TstzrangeOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &TstzrangeArray{}, Name: "_tstzrange", OID: TstzrangeArrayOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Unknown{}, Name: "unknown", OID: UnknownOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &UUID{}, Name: "uuid", OID: UUIDOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Varbit{}, Name: "varbit", OID: VarbitOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &Varchar{}, Name: "varchar", OID: VarcharOID})
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: &XID{}, Name: "xid", OID: XIDOID})
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants := func(name, arrayName string, value interface{}) {
ci.RegisterDefaultPgType(value, name)
valueType := reflect.TypeOf(value)
ci.RegisterDefaultPgType(reflect.New(valueType).Interface(), name)
sliceType := reflect.SliceOf(valueType)
ci.RegisterDefaultPgType(reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, 0, 0).Interface(), arrayName)
ci.RegisterDefaultPgType(reflect.New(sliceType).Interface(), arrayName)
// Integer types that directly map to a PostgreSQL type
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int2", "_int2", int16(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int4", "_int4", int32(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", int64(0))
// Integer types that do not have a direct match to a PostgreSQL type
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", uint16(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", uint32(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", uint64(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", int(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("int8", "_int8", uint(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("float4", "_float4", float32(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("float8", "_float8", float64(0))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("bool", "_bool", false)
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("timestamptz", "_timestamptz", time.Time{})
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("text", "_text", "")
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("bytea", "_bytea", []byte(nil))
registerDefaultPgTypeVariants("inet", "_inet", net.IP{})
ci.RegisterDefaultPgType((*net.IPNet)(nil), "cidr")
ci.RegisterDefaultPgType([]*net.IPNet(nil), "_cidr")
return ci
func (ci *ConnInfo) InitializeDataTypes(nameOIDs map[string]uint32) {
for name, oid := range nameOIDs {
var value Value
if t, ok := nameValues[name]; ok {
value = reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(t).Elem().Type()).Interface().(Value)
} else {
value = &GenericText{}
ci.RegisterDataType(DataType{Value: value, Name: name, OID: oid})
func (ci *ConnInfo) RegisterDataType(t DataType) {
t.Value = NewValue(t.Value)
ci.oidToDataType[t.OID] = &t
ci.nameToDataType[t.Name] = &t
var formatCode int16
if pfp, ok := t.Value.(ParamFormatPreferrer); ok {
formatCode = pfp.PreferredParamFormat()
} else if _, ok := t.Value.(BinaryEncoder); ok {
formatCode = BinaryFormatCode
ci.oidToParamFormatCode[t.OID] = formatCode
var formatCode int16
if rfp, ok := t.Value.(ResultFormatPreferrer); ok {
formatCode = rfp.PreferredResultFormat()
} else if _, ok := t.Value.(BinaryDecoder); ok {
formatCode = BinaryFormatCode
ci.oidToResultFormatCode[t.OID] = formatCode
if d, ok := t.Value.(TextDecoder); ok {
t.textDecoder = d
if d, ok := t.Value.(BinaryDecoder); ok {
t.binaryDecoder = d
ci.reflectTypeToDataType = nil // Invalidated by type registration
// RegisterDefaultPgType registers a mapping of a Go type to a PostgreSQL type name. Typically the data type to be
// encoded or decoded is determined by the PostgreSQL OID. But if the OID of a value to be encoded or decoded is
// unknown, this additional mapping will be used by DataTypeForValue to determine a suitable data type.
func (ci *ConnInfo) RegisterDefaultPgType(value interface{}, name string) {
ci.reflectTypeToName[reflect.TypeOf(value)] = name
ci.reflectTypeToDataType = nil // Invalidated by registering a default type
func (ci *ConnInfo) DataTypeForOID(oid uint32) (*DataType, bool) {
dt, ok := ci.oidToDataType[oid]
return dt, ok
func (ci *ConnInfo) DataTypeForName(name string) (*DataType, bool) {
dt, ok := ci.nameToDataType[name]
return dt, ok
func (ci *ConnInfo) buildReflectTypeToDataType() {
ci.reflectTypeToDataType = make(map[reflect.Type]*DataType)
for _, dt := range ci.oidToDataType {
if _, is := dt.Value.(TypeValue); !is {
ci.reflectTypeToDataType[reflect.ValueOf(dt.Value).Type()] = dt
for reflectType, name := range ci.reflectTypeToName {
if dt, ok := ci.nameToDataType[name]; ok {
ci.reflectTypeToDataType[reflectType] = dt
// DataTypeForValue finds a data type suitable for v. Use RegisterDataType to register types that can encode and decode
// themselves. Use RegisterDefaultPgType to register that can be handled by a registered data type.
func (ci *ConnInfo) DataTypeForValue(v interface{}) (*DataType, bool) {
if ci.reflectTypeToDataType == nil {
if tv, ok := v.(TypeValue); ok {
dt, ok := ci.nameToDataType[tv.TypeName()]
return dt, ok
dt, ok := ci.reflectTypeToDataType[reflect.TypeOf(v)]
return dt, ok
func (ci *ConnInfo) ParamFormatCodeForOID(oid uint32) int16 {
fc, ok := ci.oidToParamFormatCode[oid]
if ok {
return fc
return TextFormatCode
func (ci *ConnInfo) ResultFormatCodeForOID(oid uint32) int16 {
fc, ok := ci.oidToResultFormatCode[oid]
if ok {
return fc
return TextFormatCode
// DeepCopy makes a deep copy of the ConnInfo.
func (ci *ConnInfo) DeepCopy() *ConnInfo {
ci2 := newConnInfo()
for _, dt := range ci.oidToDataType {
Value: NewValue(dt.Value),
Name: dt.Name,
OID: dt.OID,
for t, n := range ci.reflectTypeToName {
ci2.reflectTypeToName[t] = n
return ci2
// ScanPlan is a precompiled plan to scan into a type of destination.
type ScanPlan interface {
// Scan scans src into dst. If the dst type has changed in an incompatible way a ScanPlan should automatically
// replan and scan.
Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error
type scanPlanDstBinaryDecoder struct{}
func (scanPlanDstBinaryDecoder) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if d, ok := (dst).(BinaryDecoder); ok {
return d.DecodeBinary(ci, src)
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanDstTextDecoder struct{}
func (plan scanPlanDstTextDecoder) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if d, ok := (dst).(TextDecoder); ok {
return d.DecodeText(ci, src)
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanDataTypeSQLScanner DataType
func (plan *scanPlanDataTypeSQLScanner) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
scanner, ok := dst.(sql.Scanner)
if !ok {
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
dt := (*DataType)(plan)
var err error
switch formatCode {
case BinaryFormatCode:
err = dt.binaryDecoder.DecodeBinary(ci, src)
case TextFormatCode:
err = dt.textDecoder.DecodeText(ci, src)
if err != nil {
return err
sqlSrc, err := DatabaseSQLValue(ci, dt.Value)
if err != nil {
return err
return scanner.Scan(sqlSrc)
type scanPlanDataTypeAssignTo DataType
func (plan *scanPlanDataTypeAssignTo) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
dt := (*DataType)(plan)
var err error
switch formatCode {
case BinaryFormatCode:
err = dt.binaryDecoder.DecodeBinary(ci, src)
case TextFormatCode:
err = dt.textDecoder.DecodeText(ci, src)
if err != nil {
return err
assignToErr := dt.Value.AssignTo(dst)
if assignToErr == nil {
return nil
if dstPtr, ok := dst.(*interface{}); ok {
*dstPtr = dt.Value.Get()
return nil
// assignToErr might have failed because the type of destination has changed
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
if newPlan, sameType := newPlan.(*scanPlanDataTypeAssignTo); !sameType {
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
return assignToErr
type scanPlanSQLScanner struct{}
func (scanPlanSQLScanner) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
scanner := dst.(sql.Scanner)
if formatCode == BinaryFormatCode {
return scanner.Scan(src)
} else {
return scanner.Scan(string(src))
type scanPlanReflection struct{}
func (scanPlanReflection) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
// We might be given a pointer to something that implements the decoder interface(s),
// even though the pointer itself doesn't.
refVal := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
if refVal.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && refVal.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// If the database returned NULL, then we set dest as nil to indicate that.
if src == nil {
nilPtr := reflect.Zero(refVal.Type().Elem())
return nil
// We need to allocate an element, and set the destination to it
// Then we can retry as that element.
elemPtr := reflect.New(refVal.Type().Elem().Elem())
plan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, elemPtr.Interface())
return plan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, elemPtr.Interface())
return scanUnknownType(oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanBinaryInt16 struct{}
func (scanPlanBinaryInt16) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst)
if len(src) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int2: %v", len(src))
if p, ok := (dst).(*int16); ok {
*p = int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(src))
return nil
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanBinaryInt32 struct{}
func (scanPlanBinaryInt32) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst)
if len(src) != 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int4: %v", len(src))
if p, ok := (dst).(*int32); ok {
*p = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src))
return nil
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanBinaryInt64 struct{}
func (scanPlanBinaryInt64) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst)
if len(src) != 8 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int8: %v", len(src))
if p, ok := (dst).(*int64); ok {
*p = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src))
return nil
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanBinaryFloat32 struct{}
func (scanPlanBinaryFloat32) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst)
if len(src) != 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int4: %v", len(src))
if p, ok := (dst).(*float32); ok {
n := int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(src))
*p = float32(math.Float32frombits(uint32(n)))
return nil
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanBinaryFloat64 struct{}
func (scanPlanBinaryFloat64) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst)
if len(src) != 8 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid length for int8: %v", len(src))
if p, ok := (dst).(*float64); ok {
n := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(src))
*p = float64(math.Float64frombits(uint64(n)))
return nil
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanBinaryBytes struct{}
func (scanPlanBinaryBytes) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if p, ok := (dst).(*[]byte); ok {
*p = src
return nil
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
type scanPlanString struct{}
func (scanPlanString) Scan(ci *ConnInfo, oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot scan null into %T", dst)
if p, ok := (dst).(*string); ok {
*p = string(src)
return nil
newPlan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return newPlan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
// PlanScan prepares a plan to scan a value into dst.
func (ci *ConnInfo) PlanScan(oid uint32, formatCode int16, dst interface{}) ScanPlan {
switch formatCode {
case BinaryFormatCode:
switch dst.(type) {
case *string:
switch oid {
case TextOID, VarcharOID:
return scanPlanString{}
case *int16:
if oid == Int2OID {
return scanPlanBinaryInt16{}
case *int32:
if oid == Int4OID {
return scanPlanBinaryInt32{}
case *int64:
if oid == Int8OID {
return scanPlanBinaryInt64{}
case *float32:
if oid == Float4OID {
return scanPlanBinaryFloat32{}
case *float64:
if oid == Float8OID {
return scanPlanBinaryFloat64{}
case *[]byte:
switch oid {
case ByteaOID, TextOID, VarcharOID, JSONOID:
return scanPlanBinaryBytes{}
case BinaryDecoder:
return scanPlanDstBinaryDecoder{}
case TextFormatCode:
switch dst.(type) {
case *string:
return scanPlanString{}
case *[]byte:
if oid != ByteaOID {
return scanPlanBinaryBytes{}
case TextDecoder:
return scanPlanDstTextDecoder{}
var dt *DataType
if oid == 0 {
if dataType, ok := ci.DataTypeForValue(dst); ok {
dt = dataType
} else {
if dataType, ok := ci.DataTypeForOID(oid); ok {
dt = dataType
if dt != nil {
if _, ok := dst.(sql.Scanner); ok {
return (*scanPlanDataTypeSQLScanner)(dt)
return (*scanPlanDataTypeAssignTo)(dt)
if _, ok := dst.(sql.Scanner); ok {
return scanPlanSQLScanner{}
return scanPlanReflection{}
func (ci *ConnInfo) Scan(oid uint32, formatCode int16, src []byte, dst interface{}) error {
if dst == nil {
return nil
plan := ci.PlanScan(oid, formatCode, dst)
return plan.Scan(ci, oid, formatCode, src, dst)
func scanUnknownType(oid uint32, formatCode int16, buf []byte, dest interface{}) error {
switch dest := dest.(type) {
case *string:
if formatCode == BinaryFormatCode {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown oid %d in binary format cannot be scanned into %T", oid, dest)
*dest = string(buf)
return nil
case *[]byte:
*dest = buf
return nil
if nextDst, retry := GetAssignToDstType(dest); retry {
return scanUnknownType(oid, formatCode, buf, nextDst)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown oid %d cannot be scanned into %T", oid, dest)
// NewValue returns a new instance of the same type as v.
func NewValue(v Value) Value {
if tv, ok := v.(TypeValue); ok {
return tv.NewTypeValue()
} else {
return reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Type()).Interface().(Value)
var nameValues map[string]Value
func init() {
nameValues = map[string]Value{
"_aclitem": &ACLItemArray{},
"_bool": &BoolArray{},
"_bpchar": &BPCharArray{},
"_bytea": &ByteaArray{},
"_cidr": &CIDRArray{},
"_date": &DateArray{},
"_float4": &Float4Array{},
"_float8": &Float8Array{},
"_inet": &InetArray{},
"_int2": &Int2Array{},
"_int4": &Int4Array{},
"_int8": &Int8Array{},
"_numeric": &NumericArray{},
"_text": &TextArray{},
"_timestamp": &TimestampArray{},
"_timestamptz": &TimestamptzArray{},
"_uuid": &UUIDArray{},
"_varchar": &VarcharArray{},
"_jsonb": &JSONBArray{},
"aclitem": &ACLItem{},
"bit": &Bit{},
"bool": &Bool{},
"box": &Box{},
"bpchar": &BPChar{},
"bytea": &Bytea{},
"char": &QChar{},
"cid": &CID{},
"cidr": &CIDR{},
"circle": &Circle{},
"date": &Date{},
"daterange": &Daterange{},
"float4": &Float4{},
"float8": &Float8{},
"hstore": &Hstore{},
"inet": &Inet{},
"int2": &Int2{},
"int4": &Int4{},
"int4range": &Int4range{},
"int8": &Int8{},
"int8range": &Int8range{},
"interval": &Interval{},
"json": &JSON{},
"jsonb": &JSONB{},
"line": &Line{},
"lseg": &Lseg{},
"macaddr": &Macaddr{},
"name": &Name{},
"numeric": &Numeric{},
"numrange": &Numrange{},
"oid": &OIDValue{},
"path": &Path{},
"point": &Point{},
"polygon": &Polygon{},
"record": &Record{},
"text": &Text{},
"tid": &TID{},
"timestamp": &Timestamp{},
"timestamptz": &Timestamptz{},
"tsrange": &Tsrange{},
"_tsrange": &TsrangeArray{},
"tstzrange": &Tstzrange{},
"_tstzrange": &TstzrangeArray{},
"unknown": &Unknown{},
"uuid": &UUID{},
"varbit": &Varbit{},
"varchar": &Varchar{},
"xid": &XID{},