proper mocking tests

This commit is contained in:
tsmethurst 2021-03-27 16:28:39 +01:00
parent cd0a1829d4
commit f9932adcac

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@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ package account
import (
@ -27,62 +30,49 @@ import (
oauthmodels ""
type AccountTestSuite struct {
log *logrus.Logger
testAccountLocal *model.Account
testAccountRemote *model.Account
testUser *model.User
testApplication *model.Application
testToken oauth2.TokenInfo
db db.DB
accountModule *accountModule
config *config.Config
log *logrus.Logger
testAccountLocal *model.Account
testAccountRemote *model.Account
testUser *model.User
testApplication *model.Application
testToken oauth2.TokenInfo
mockOauthServer *oauth.MockServer
db db.DB
accountModule *accountModule
newUserFormHappyPath url.Values
// SetupSuite sets some variables on the suite that we can use as consts (more or less) throughout
func (suite *AccountTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
// some of our subsequent entities need a log so create this here
log := logrus.New()
suite.log = log
c := config.Empty()
c.DBConfig = &config.DBConfig{
Type: "postgres",
Address: "localhost",
Port: 5432,
User: "postgres",
Password: "postgres",
Database: "postgres",
ApplicationName: "gotosocial",
c.AccountsConfig = &config.AccountsConfig{
OpenRegistration: true,
RequireApproval: true,
ReasonRequired: true,
database, err := db.New(context.Background(), c, log)
if err != nil {
suite.db = database
suite.accountModule = &accountModule{
config: c,
db: database,
log: log,
// can use this test application throughout
suite.testApplication = &model.Application{
ID: "weeweeeeeeeeeeeeee",
Name: "a test application",
@ -94,6 +84,7 @@ func (suite *AccountTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
VapidKey: "aaaaaa-aaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaa",
// can use this test token throughout
suite.testToken = &oauthmodels.Token{
ClientID: "a-known-client-id",
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:8080",
@ -103,97 +94,48 @@ func (suite *AccountTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
CodeExpiresIn: time.Duration(10 * time.Minute),
// encryptedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte("password"), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
// if err != nil {
// logrus.Panicf("error encrypting user pass: %s", err)
// }
// Direct config to local postgres instance
c := config.Empty()
c.DBConfig = &config.DBConfig{
Type: "postgres",
Address: "localhost",
Port: 5432,
User: "postgres",
Password: "postgres",
Database: "postgres",
ApplicationName: "gotosocial",
// Default accountsconfig
c.AccountsConfig = &config.AccountsConfig{
OpenRegistration: true,
RequireApproval: true,
ReasonRequired: true,
suite.config = c
// localAvatar, err := url.Parse("https://localhost:8080/media/aaaaaaaaa.png")
// if err != nil {
// logrus.Panicf("error parsing localavatar url: %s", err)
// }
// localHeader, err := url.Parse("https://localhost:8080/media/ffffffffff.png")
// if err != nil {
// logrus.Panicf("error parsing localheader url: %s", err)
// }
// use an actual database for this, because it's just easier than mocking one out
database, err := db.New(context.Background(), c, log)
if err != nil {
suite.db = database
// acctID := uuid.NewString()
// suite.testAccountLocal = &model.Account{
// ID: acctID,
// Username: "local_account_of_some_kind",
// AvatarRemoteURL: localAvatar,
// HeaderRemoteURL: localHeader,
// DisplayName: "michael caine",
// Fields: []model.Field{
// {
// Name: "come and ave a go",
// Value: "if you think you're hard enough",
// },
// {
// Name: "website",
// Value: "",
// VerifiedAt: time.Now(),
// },
// },
// Note: "My name is Michael Caine and i'm a local user.",
// Discoverable: true,
// }
// we need to mock the oauth server because account creation needs it to create a new token
suite.mockOauthServer = &oauth.MockServer{}
suite.mockOauthServer.On("GenerateUserAccessToken", suite.testToken, suite.testApplication.ClientSecret, mock.AnythingOfType("string")).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
l := suite.log.WithField("func", "GenerateUserAccessToken")
token := args.Get(0).(oauth2.TokenInfo)
l.Infof("received token %+v", token)
clientSecret := args.Get(1).(string)
l.Infof("received clientSecret %+v", clientSecret)
userID := args.Get(2).(string)
l.Infof("received userID %+v", userID)
Code: "we're authorized now!",
}, nil)
// avatarURL, err := url.Parse("")
// if err != nil {
// logrus.Panicf("error parsing avatarURL: %s", err)
// }
// headerURL, err := url.Parse("")
// if err != nil {
// logrus.Panicf("error parsing avatarURL: %s", err)
// }
// suite.testAccountRemote = &model.Account{
// ID: uuid.NewString(),
// Username: "neato_bombeato",
// Domain: "",
// AvatarFileName: "avatar.png",
// AvatarContentType: "image/png",
// AvatarFileSize: 1024,
// AvatarUpdatedAt: time.Now(),
// AvatarRemoteURL: avatarURL,
// HeaderFileName: "avatar.png",
// HeaderContentType: "image/png",
// HeaderFileSize: 1024,
// HeaderUpdatedAt: time.Now(),
// HeaderRemoteURL: headerURL,
// DisplayName: "one cool dude 420",
// Fields: []model.Field{
// {
// Name: "pronouns",
// Value: "he/they",
// },
// {
// Name: "website",
// Value: "",
// VerifiedAt: time.Now(),
// },
// },
// Note: "<p>I'm cool as heck!</p>",
// Discoverable: true,
// URI: "",
// URL: "",
// LastWebfingeredAt: time.Now(),
// InboxURL: "",
// OutboxURL: "",
// SharedInboxURL: "",
// FollowersURL: "",
// FeaturedCollectionURL: "",
// }
// suite.testUser = &model.User{
// ID: uuid.NewString(),
// EncryptedPassword: string(encryptedPassword),
// Email: "",
// AccountID: acctID,
// }
// and finally here's the thing we're actually testing!
suite.accountModule = New(suite.config, suite.db, suite.mockOauthServer, suite.log).(*accountModule)
func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TearDownSuite() {
@ -218,6 +160,16 @@ func (suite *AccountTestSuite) SetupTest() {
logrus.Panicf("db connection error: %s", err)
// form to submit for happy path account create requests -- this will be changed inside tests so it's better to set it before each test
suite.newUserFormHappyPath = url.Values{
"reason": []string{"a very good reason that's at least 40 characters i swear"},
"username": []string{"test_user"},
"email": []string{""},
"password": []string{"very-strong-password"},
"agreement": []string{"true"},
"locale": []string{"en"},
// TearDownTest drops tables to make sure there's no data in the db
@ -237,24 +189,86 @@ func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TearDownTest() {
func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestAccountCreatePOSTHandler() {
// TODO: figure out how to test this properly
// TestAccountCreatePOSTHandlerSuccessful checks the happy path for an account creation request: all the fields provided are valid,
// and at the end of it a new user and account should be added into the database.
// This is the handler served at /api/v1/accounts as POST
func (suite *AccountTestSuite) TestAccountCreatePOSTHandlerSuccessful() {
// setup
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
recorder.Header().Set("X-Forwarded-For", "")
recorder.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
ctx, _ := gin.CreateTestContext(recorder)
ctx.Set(oauth.SessionAuthorizedApplication, suite.testApplication)
ctx.Set(oauth.SessionAuthorizedToken, suite.testToken)
ctx.Request = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/accounts", nil)
ctx.Request.Form = url.Values{
"reason": []string{"a very good reason that's at least 40 characters i swear"},
"username": []string{"test_user"},
"email": []string{""},
"password": []string{"very-strong-password"},
"agreement": []string{"true"},
"locale": []string{"en"},
ctx.Request = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:8080/%s", basePath), nil) // the endpoint we're hitting
ctx.Request.Form = suite.newUserFormHappyPath
// check response
// 1. we should have OK from our call to the function
suite.EqualValues(http.StatusOK, recorder.Code)
// 2. we should have a token in the result body
result := recorder.Result()
defer result.Body.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(result.Body)
assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
t := &mastotypes.Token{}
err = json.Unmarshal(b, t)
assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
assert.Equal(suite.T(), "we're authorized now!", t.AccessToken)
// check new account
// 1. we should be able to get the new account from the db
acct := &model.Account{}
err = suite.db.GetWhere("username", "test_user", acct)
assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), acct)
// 2. reason should be set
assert.Equal(suite.T(), suite.newUserFormHappyPath.Get("reason"), acct.Reason)
// 3. display name should be equal to username by default
assert.Equal(suite.T(), suite.newUserFormHappyPath.Get("username"), acct.DisplayName)
// 4. domain should be nil because this is a local account
assert.Nil(suite.T(), nil, acct.Domain)
// 5. id should be set and parseable as a uuid
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), acct.ID)
_, err = uuid.Parse(acct.ID)
assert.Nil(suite.T(), err)
// 6. private and public key should be set
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), acct.PrivateKey)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), acct.PublicKey)
// check new user
// 1. we should be able to get the new user from the db
usr := &model.User{}
err = suite.db.GetWhere("unconfirmed_email", suite.newUserFormHappyPath.Get("email"), usr)
assert.Nil(suite.T(), err)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), usr)
// 2. user should have account id set to account we got above
assert.Equal(suite.T(), acct.ID, usr.AccountID)
// 3. id should be set and parseable as a uuid
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), usr.ID)
_, err = uuid.Parse(usr.ID)
assert.Nil(suite.T(), err)
// 4. locale should be equal to what we requested
assert.Equal(suite.T(), suite.newUserFormHappyPath.Get("locale"), usr.Locale)
// 5. created by application id should be equal to the app id
assert.Equal(suite.T(), suite.testApplication.ID, usr.CreatedByApplicationID)
// 6. password should be matcheable to what we set above
err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(usr.EncryptedPassword), []byte(suite.newUserFormHappyPath.Get("password")))
assert.Nil(suite.T(), err)
func TestAccountTestSuite(t *testing.T) {